9 research outputs found

    Emotional Wellness of Current Musculoskeletal Radiology Fellows

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    Rationale and Objectives Burnout is a psychological syndrome composed of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and sense of lack of personal accomplishment, as a result of prolonged occupational stress. The purpose of our study was to determine the prevalence of burnout among current musculoskeletal radiology fellows and to explore causes of emotional stress. Materials and Methods A 24-item survey was constructed on SurveyMonkey using the Maslach Burnout Inventory. We identified 82 musculoskeletal radiology fellowship programs. We recruited subjects indirectly through the program director or equivalent. Results Fifty-eight respondents (48 male, 10 female) identified themselves as current musculoskeletal radiology fellows and completed the survey. Comparison of the weighted subscale means in our data to the Maslach normative subscale thresholds for medical occupations indicates that musculoskeletal radiology fellows report relatively high levels of burnout with regard to lack of personal accomplishment and depersonalization, whereas emotional exhaustion levels in our sample are within the average range reported by Maslach. Although male musculoskeletal radiology fellows experience relatively high levels in two of the three dimensions of burnout (depersonalization and personal accomplishment), female musculoskeletal radiology fellows experience relatively high burnout across all three dimensions. Job market-related stress and the effort required providing care for dependents significantly affect personal accomplishment. Conversely, imbalances in the work-life relationship and feelings of powerlessness are significantly associated with depersonalization and emotional exhaustion. Conclusions Musculoskeletal radiology fellows report relatively high levels of burnout. Because the consequences of burnout can be severe, early identification and appropriate intervention should be a priority

    Individual, interpersonal, and organisational factors of healthcare conflict: A scoping review

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    <p>Unresolved conflicts among healthcare professionals can lead to difficult patient care consequences. This scoping review examines the current healthcare literature that reported sources and consequences of conflict associated with individual, interpersonal, and organisational factors. We identified 99 articles published between 2001 and 2015 from PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Excerpta Medical Database. Most reviewed studies relied on healthcare professionals’ perceptions and beliefs associated with conflict sources and consequences, with few studies reporting behavioural or organisational change outcomes. Individual conflict sources included personal traits, such as self-focus, self-esteem, or worldview, as well as individuals’ conflict management styles. These conflicts posed threats to one’s physical, mental, and emotional health and to one’s ability to perform at work. Interpersonal dynamics were hampered by colleagues’ uncivil behaviours, such as low degree of support, to more destructive behaviours including bullying or humiliation. Perceptions of disrespectful working environment and weakened team collaboration were the main interpersonal conflict consequences. Organisational conflict sources included ambiguity in professional roles, scope of practice, reporting structure, or workflows, negatively affecting healthcare professionals’ job satisfactions and intent to stay. Future inquiries into healthcare conflict research may target the following: shifting from research involving single professions to multiple professions; dissemination of studies via journals that promote interprofessional research; inquiries into the roles of unconscious or implicit bias, or psychological capital (i.e., resilience) in healthcare conflict; and diversification of data sources to include hospital or clinic data with implications for conflict sources.</p