208 research outputs found

    Empathy Levels in Medical Students: Do They Really Change Over Time?

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    There is conceptual ambiguity in defining empathy, which is further amplified when trying to define clinical empathy. The construct of empathy has been an ongoing debate: sometimes being interpreted as a cognitive attribute, other times as an emotional state of mind. Our preferred definition is moral, emotive, cognitive and behavioural dimensions working in harmony to benefit the patient. Understanding the feelings, attitudes and experiences of a patient is the first step towards a potent and effective interview and, thereby, therapeutic agreement. Thus, clinical empathy may be the most powerful tool for a successful collaboration between the patient and the doctor. This chapter discusses the history of clinical empathy starting with Sir William Osler’s definition of ‘neutral empathy’ where he argues that physicians need to neutralise their emotions so that they can ‘see into’ and, thereby, be able to ‘study’ the patient’s ‘inner life’, to Halpern’s insightful observations about the power of empathy, which ‘lies in its ability to help us cross the divide between clinicians and patients created by their very different circumstances’. This is followed by a summary of the literature deliberating the increasing concern among medical educators and medical professionals regarding the decline in medical students’ empathy during medical school, which brings us to our research question: are there significant changes in empathy levels over time in undergraduate medical education? This body of work reports on a cross-sectional study of all medical students enrolled at an Australian medical school, known for its cultural, social and religious diversity, in 2011. The research instrument used consisted of a survey encompassing questions on demographics in addition to the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Student version (JSPE-S). Empathy levels were compared while controlling for effects of age, gender, marital status, religious belief, ethnicity/cultural background, year of medical training, previous education and level of completion of programmes promoting altruism in an attempt to identify their effect on the levels of empathy. A total of 404 students participated in the study. The scores of the JSPE-S ranged from 34 to 135 with a mean score of 109.07 ± 14.937. This is considered moderate to high when compared to reported scores in previous studies on medical students. Female medical students had significantly higher empathy scores compared to their male counterparts in total and in individual years. Contrary to the literature, there were no significant differences in empathy scores in relation to the stage of medical training. Findings suggest that there is a gender difference in the levels of empathy, favouring female medical students, and that empathy levels may be preserved in medical school despite prior evidence that a decline is pervasive

    Energy dissipation in porous media for equilibrium and nonequilibrium translational motions

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    In the modelling of translational motion, the concepts of frequency-dependent (of the angular fluctuations of the velocity field) self-diffusion and the dispersion tensor are commonly used in its characterisation. Both of these parameters are related to velocity autocorrelation. An alternative means of modelling translational motion is via the equilibrium and nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem in classical statistical mechanics. This alternative approach provides further insight into the molecular level processes occurring in the system. Here both of these theoretical fluctuation-dissipation approaches are employed to determine expressions for energy dissipation in simple equilibrium systems exhibiting asymptotic and preasymptotic diffusion and dispersion phenomena and also in a nonequilibrium preasymptotic system involving dispersion within and beyond the upper limit of heterogeneity of an isotropic porous medium. As an example the permeability of porous media due to diffusion and dispersion are studied and it is shown how a frequency-dependent permeability can be treated as a phasor

    Clinical characteristics and sequelae of intrapartum hypertension : a retrospective cohort study

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    Background: In a significant proportion of pregnant women, elevated blood pressure may first present during the intrapartum period. This phenomenon, intrapartum hypertension, is often overlooked as blood pressure during delivery is attributed to labour pain, analgesic agents and haemodynamic changes. Thus the true prevalence and clinical significance of intrapartum hypertension remains unknown. This study sought to define the prevalence of intrapartum hypertension in previously normotensive women, identify associated clinical characteristics, and its impact on maternal and fetal outcomes. Methods: In this single-center retrospective cohort study, all available partograms were reviewed over a 1-month period at an outer metropolitan hospital in Sydney (Campbelltown Hospital). Women with diagnosed hypertensive disorders of pregnancy during the incident pregnancy were excluded. A total of 229 deliveries were included in the final analysis. Intrapatum hypertension (IH) was defined as two or more systolic blood pressure (SBP)⩾140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure (DBP)⩾90 mmHg during the intrapartum. Demographic data at the time of the first antenatal visit for the incident pregnancy as well as final maternal outcomes (intrapartum and post-partum) and fetal outcomes were collected. Statistical analyses were carried out using SPSSv27 with adjustments for baseline variables. Results: Amongst 229 deliveries, 32 women (14%) had intrapartum hypertension. Older maternal age (p = 0.02), higher body mass index (p < 0.01) and higher diastolic blood pressure at the first antenatal visit (p = 0.03) were associated with intrapartum hypertension. A longer second stage of labour (p = 0.03), intrapartum non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (p < 0.01) and epidural anaesthesia (p = 0.03) were associated with intrapartum hypertension, while IV syntocin for labour induction was not. Women with intrapartum hypertension had a longer inpatient admission following delivery (p < 0.01), and elevated postpartum BP (p = 0.02) with discharge on antihypertensive medications (p < 0.01). Intrapartum hypertension was not associated with poor fetal outcomes, though subgroup analyses showed that women who had at least a single elevated blood pressure reading during the intrapartum experienced poorer fetal outcomes. Conclusion: In previously normotensive women, 14% developed intrapartum hypertension during delivery. This was associated with postpartum hypertension, longer maternal admission and discharge with antihypertensive medications. There was no difference in fetal outcomes

    Antihypertensive methyldopa, labetalol, hydralazine, and clonidine reversed tumour necrosis factor-α inhibited endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression in endothelial-trophoblast cellular networks

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    Medications used to control hypertension in pregnancy also improve trophoblast and endothelial cellular interaction in vitro. Tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) inhibits trophoblast and endothelial cellular interactions and simultaneously decreases endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression. This study investigated whether antihypertensive medications improved these cellular interactions by modulating eNOS and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression. Human uterine myometrial microvascular endothelial cells (UtMVECs) were pre-incubated with (or without) low dose TNF-α (0.5 ng/ml) or TNF-α plus soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) (100 ng/ml). The endothelial cells were cultured on Matrigel. After endothelial cellular networks appeared, trophoblast derived HTR-8/SVneo cells were co-cultured in the presence of clinically relevant doses of methyldopa, labetalol, hydralazine or clonidine for 24 hours. Cells were retrieved from the Matrigel to extract mRNA and eNOS and iNOS expression were examined by quantitative PCR. Methyldopa, labetalol, hydralazine and clonidine reversed the inhibitory effect of TNF-α on eNOS mRNA expression. After pre-incubating endothelial cells with TNF-α and sFlt-1, all the medications except methyldopa lost their effect on eNOS mRNA expression. In the absence of TNF-α, antihypertensive medications did not change eNOS expression. The mRNA expression of iNOS was not affected by TNF-α or any medications. This study shows that selected antihypertensive medications used in the treatment of hypertension in pregnancy increase eNOS expression in vitro when induced by the inflammatory TNF-α. The antiangiogenic molecule sFlt-1 may antagonise the potential benefit of these medications by interfering with the NOS pathway

    Does induction of labour in nulliparous hypertensive women result in vaginal birth? – A descriptive study utilising birth registry data

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    © 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This author accepted manuscript is made available following 12 month embargo from date of publication (January 2018) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyBackground Induction of labour (IOL) is a common procedure yet we have little information on the efficacy of the process for women with a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HDP). Objective To describe the birth type and associated factors in nulliparous HDP women undergoing an induction of labour. Study design Statutorily collected datasets on every birth and hospital admission which occurred in the state of NSW Australia between the years 2000–2011 were analysed. Hypertensive women were compared to normotensive women. Results Of the nulliparous women, 9.9% had a HDP. IOL for HDP women were 56.2% in a cohort of 447 558 women. The AOR for a woman with a HDP undergoing an IOL resulting in a vaginal delivery when compared to a normotensive woman is 0.86 (95% CI 0.83–0.88). Prior to 33 weeks, the lowest perinatal mortality rates (PMR) are seen in women who undergo elective caesarean section (C/S). For women with preeclampsia (PE), lower PMR are seen in women who undergo IOL. Conclusion For women with PE and SPE, IOL resulted in lower rates of vaginal delivery than spontaneous labour when compared to normotensive women who also underwent IOL. Women with PE at ≥33 weeks who underwent IOL had the lowest PMR

    The diagnostic potential of oxidative stress biomarkers for preeclampsia : systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Preeclampsia is a multifactorial cardiovascular disorder of pregnancy. If left untreated, it can lead to severe maternal and fetal outcomes. Hence, timely diagnosis and management of preeclampsia are extremely important. Biomarkers of oxidative stress are associated with the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and therefore could be indicative of evolving preeclampsia and utilized for timely diagnosis. In this study, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the most reliable oxidative stress biomarkers in preeclampsia, based on their diagnostic sensitivities and specificities as well as their positive and negative predictive values. Methods: A systematic search using PubMed, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, and PLOS databases (1900 to March 2021) identified nine relevant studies including a total of 343 women with preeclampsia and 354 normotensive controls. Results: Ischemia-modified albumin (IMA), uric acid (UA), and malondialdehyde (MDA) were associated with 3.38 (95% CI 2.23, 4.53), 3.05 (95% CI 2.39, 3.71), and 2.37 (95% CI 1.03, 3.70) odds ratios for preeclampsia diagnosis, respectively. The IMA showed the most promising diagnostic potential with the positive predictive ratio (PPV) of 0.852 (95% CI 0.728, 0.929) and negative predictive ratio (NPV) of 0.811 (95% CI 0.683, 0.890) for preeclampsia. Minor between-study heterogeneity was reported for these biomarkers (Higgins’ I2 = 0–15.879%). Conclusions: This systematic review and meta-analysis identified IMA, UA, and MDA as the most promising oxidative stress biomarkers associated with established preeclampsia. IMA as a biomarker of tissue damage exhibited the best diagnostic test accuracy. Thus, these oxidative stress biomarkers should be further explored in larger cohorts for preeclampsia diagnosis

    Quantification of placental change in mouse models of preeclampsia using magnetic resonance microscopy

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    Abnormal development of the placenta is postulated to be central to the aetiology of preeclampsia. This study investigates changes in placental histopathology in mouse models of preeclampsia compared to the morphology using magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) (11.7 T) of intact ex vivo tissue followed by 3D analysis of the image data. Here, C57BL/6JArc pregnant mice were subject to either normal pregnancy (n=3), or to one of two experimental models of preeclampsia; TNF-α infusion  (n=3) or reduced uterine perfusion pressure(RUPP) (n=3). Placental tissue was collected at gestational day (gd) 17, fixed in formalin and incubated with Magnavist™ contrast agent, and high resolution images (50 μm × 50 μm × 50 μm voxels) obtained by magnetic resonance imaging at 11.74 T. Visual segmentation into placental subregions and three dimensional (3D) reconstruction followed by volume analysis was performed with Amira™ 3D analysis software. The significance of differences between treatment groups in total and regional volumes was assessed. In a single placenta the volumes measure by standard histology were compared. Three placentas from each animal were imaged, segmented into anatomical regions and 3D reconstructions generated. Total placental volume, labyrinth and decidual volume were not significantly different between groups. The junctional zone volume was found to be significantly larger in the RUPP animals (18.5±1.5 mm3) compared to TNF-α infused animals (15.8±1.5) or control animals (15.0±0.7, P<0.01). However, the decidual/junctional zone volume was smaller in the TNF-a compared to control animals (P<0.05). Placental structural change in experimental models of preeclampsia is able to be visualized and quantified using MRM and 3-D analysis. These techniques could prove to be a powerful tool in examining changes in placental morphology

    Measurement of Pulmonary Flow Reserve and Pulmonary Index of Microcirculatory Resistance for Detection of Pulmonary Microvascular Obstruction

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    BACKGROUND: The pulmonary microcirculation is the chief regulatory site for resistance in the pulmonary circuit. Despite pulmonary microvascular dysfunction being implicated in the pathogenesis of several pulmonary vascular conditions, there are currently no techniques for the specific assessment of pulmonary microvascular integrity in humans. Peak hyperemic flow assessment using thermodilution-derived mean transit-time (T(mn)) facilitate accurate coronary microcirculatory evaluation, but remain unvalidated in the lung circulation. Using a high primate model, we aimed to explore the use of T(mn) as a surrogate of pulmonary blood flow for the purpose of measuring the novel indices Pulmonary Flow Reserve [PFR = (maximum hyperemic)/(basal flow)] and Pulmonary Index of Microcirculatory Resistance [PIMR = (maximum hyperemic distal pulmonary artery pressure)x(maximum hyperemic T(mn))]. Ultimately, we aimed to investigate the effect of progressive pulmonary microvascular obstruction on PFR and PIMR. METHODS AND RESULTS: Temperature- and pressure-sensor guidewires (TPSG) were placed in segmental pulmonary arteries (SPA) of 13 baboons and intravascular temperature measured. T(mn) and hemodynamics were recorded at rest and following intra-SPA administration of the vasodilator agents adenosine (10-400 microg/kg/min) and papaverine (3-24 mg). Temperature did not vary with intra-SPA sensor position (0.010+/-0.009 v 0.010+/-0.009 degrees C; distal v proximal; p = 0.1), supporting T(mn) use in lung for the purpose of hemodynamic indices derivation. Adenosine (to 200 microg/kg/min) & papaverine (to 24 mg) induced dose-dependent flow augmentations (40+/-7% & 35+/-13% T(mn) reductions v baseline, respectively; p<0.0001). PFR and PIMR were then calculated before and after progressive administration of ceramic microspheres into the SPA. Cumulative microsphere doses progressively reduced PFR (1.41+/-0.06, 1.26+/-0.19, 1.17+/-0.07 & 1.01+/-0.03; for 0, 10(4), 10(5) & 10(6) microspheres; p = 0.009) and increased PIMR (5.7+/-0.6, 6.3+/-1.0, 6.8+/-0.6 & 7.6+/-0.6 mmHg.sec; p = 0.0048). CONCLUSIONS: Thermodilution-derived mean transit time can be accurately and reproducibly measured in the pulmonary circulation using TPSG. Mean transit time-derived PFR and PIMR can be assessed using a TPSG and adenosine or papaverine as hyperemic agents. These novel indices detect progressive pulmonary microvascular obstruction and thus have with a potential role for pulmonary microcirculatory assessment in humans

    Accuracy of hiatal hernia diagnosis in bariatric patients : preoperative endoscopy versus intraoperative reference

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    Background and Aim: Obesity is becoming increasingly prevalent in Asia. Bariatric surgery in the region is growing in popularity to reflect increasing demand. Hiatal hernia (HH) is common among the obese population. There is a lack of evidence comparing preoperative endoscopy against intraoperative findings as a standard of reference for HH diagnosis. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of a bariatric procedure database from a single tertiary teaching hospital and high-volume endoscopy center. Electronic medical records were reviewed. Endoscopy results were compared to intraoperative findings, and subgroup analysis of >2 cm hernias was performed. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios, and global diagnostic test accuracy were calculated. Results: A total of 434 patients were eligible for this study, of which HH was detected in 37 patients (prevalence rate 8.55%). Mean age was 41.51 ± 11.07 years, and body mass index was 39.37 ± 5.67 kg/m2 . Endoscopy sensitivity was 75.68% (95% confidence interval, 58.80–88.23%) and specificity 91.44% (88.24–94.00%). Positive likelihood ratio was 8.53 (6.11–12.79) and negative likelihood ratio 0.27 (0.15–0.47). Positive predictive value was 45.16% (36.27–54.38%) and negative predictive value 97.58% (95.80–98.62%). Accuracy of endoscopy for preoperative HH diagnosis was 90.09% (86.89–92.74%). Conclusion: Endoscopy can have a high diagnostic accuracy of preoperative HH diagnosis in obese Asian patients using intraoperative diagnosis as the reference standard

    Menopausal hormone therapy is associated with having high blood pressure in postmenopausal women : observational cohort study

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    Background: The relationship between menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and cardiovascular risk remains controversial, with a number of studies advocating the use of MHT in reducing risk of cardiovascular diseases, while others have shown it to increase risk. The aim of this study was to determine the association between menopausal hormone therapy and high blood pressure. Methods and Findings: A total of 43,405 postmenopausal women were included in the study. Baseline data for these women were sourced from the 45 and Up Study, Australia, a large scale study of healthy ageing. These women reported being postmenopausal, having an intact uterus, and had not been diagnosed with high blood pressure prior to menopause. Odds ratios for the association between MHT use and having high blood pressure were estimated using logistic regression, stratified by age (<56 years, 56-61 years, 62-70 years and over 71 years) and adjusted for demographic and lifestyle factors. MHT use was associated with higher odds of having high blood pressure: past menopausal hormone therapy use: <56 years (adjusted odds ratio 1.59, 99% confidence interval 1.15 to 2.20); 56-61 years (1.58, 1.31 to 1.90); 62-70 years (1.26, 1.10 to 1.44). Increased duration of hormone use was associated with higher odds of having high blood pressure, with the effect of hormone therapy use diminishing with increasing age. Conclusions: Menopausal hormone therapy use is associated with significantly higher odds of having high blood pressure, and the odds increase with increased duration of use. High blood pressure should be conveyed as a health risk for people considering MHT use
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