314 research outputs found

    Interkulturalnost kao izazov za pristupačnost?

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    Understanding access to culture for deaf students first of all means understanding the diversity of schooling situations. It is important to question the transmission of knowledge with regard to bilingualism for these students because teaching is based on a conceptualization. There is a lack of empirical data, so we shall try to explore the gap between the needs of students and their teachers and the responses proposed by cultural institutions based on the French case. Two surveys are cross in a secondary analysis process. We want to compare the expectations of special teachers with the proposals of cultural institutions. The key questions and possible answers thus raised, allow for a better knowledge of the specific actions developed to welcome this type of public. First, we will describe the expectations of each of the professionals with regard to their training. We will present the main results that highlight the emergence of new interdisciplinary needs, and question the training of educators in the face of multiple communication difficulties. We will then discuss the answers provided by the Ocelles project based on a multilingual and multimodal collaborative website in Open data. This conceptualization tool, designed from a semiotic triangle, enables participants to construct interculturality in a synchronous and diachronic approach.Razumijevanje pristupa kulturi gluhih učenika ponajprije znači razumijevanje raznolikosti obrazovnih situacija. Važno je preispitati prenošenje znanja s obzirom na dvojezičnost tih učenika, jer se poučavanje temelji na konceptualizaciji. Zbog nedostatka empirijskih istraživanja, usmjerili smo se na istraživanje raskoraka između potreba učenika i njihovih učitelja te odgovora predloženih od strane kulturnih institucija, na primjeru Francuske. Na temelju dva istraživanja uspoređena su očekivanja specijaliziranih učitelja s prijedlozima kulturnih institucija. Ključna postavljena pitanja kao i mogući odgovori omogućuju bolje razumijevanje specifičnih postupaka razvijenih u svrhu prihvatljivosti ove zajednice. Prvo su opisana očekivanja stručnjaka u odnosu na njihove kvalifikacije. Rezultati naglašavaju pojavu novih interdisciplinarnih potreba. Preispitno je obrazovanje učitelja u svjetlu višestrukih komunikacijskih poteškoća. Analizirani su odgovori dobiveni u projektu Ocelles koji je utemeljen na multilingvalnoj i multimodalnoj kolaborativnoj mrežnoj stranici u Open data. Ovaj konceptualni alat, dizajniran iz semiotičkog trokuta, omogućuje sudionicima da konstruiraju interkulturalnost putem sinhronijskog i dijakronijskog pristupa

    Design and assessment of an electrodynamic loudspeaker used in a variable acoustic lining concept

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    The acoustic impedance at the diaphragm of an electroacoustic transducer can be modified using a range of active control strategies, amongst which is “direct impedance control”. This technique employs a combination of feedbacks, one on the acoustic pressure and the other on the diaphragm velocity, to the loudspeaker electric terminals, allowing significant modifications of the acoustic resonator properties of the diaphragm within a specified range. This concept has been specifically developed for a novel concept of active acoustic liners for aircraft engines within the European project OPENAIR. One of the objectives of active acoustic liners is the achievement of real‐time modifications of the acoustic impedance of a 1 degree of freedom resonator. These properties should then match variable target impedances, specified by phases of flight. The paper presents the development of a specific electrodynamic loudspeaker for use as active liners, with an emphasis on integration issues, as well as acoustic performances. The general concept of direct impedance control is first introduced, followed by design considerations on the loudspeakers side, and then experimental assessments of performances are presented

    Design of Acoustic Metamaterials based on the Concept of Dual Transmission Line

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    Within the last years, an increasing number of studies have been carried out in the field of acoustic metamaterials. These artificial composite materials aim at achieving new macroscopic properties, like negative refraction, that are not readily present in nature. In analogy to electromagnetics, where such concepts are more mature, a novel concept of artificial acoustic transmission line has recently been reported, which presents such artificial behavior. In this article, the design of the proposed transmission line is presented and a validation is made with the help of a finite element model. Moreover, these results are compared to a usual circuit description of the problem. One cell and 10-cell long structures are implemented in Comsol Multiphysics® and confirm the good performances of the different models, in terms of dispersion diagram, Bloch impedance, as well as reflection and transmission coefficients

    Optimisation d'un absorbeur électroacoustique par plans d'expériences : approche expérimentale et numérique

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    Dans cet article le processus d'optimisation d'absorbeurs électroacoustiques est étudié à l'aide de la méthode des surfaces de réponses. Un absorbeur électroacoustique est un système haut-parleur dont l'impédance acoustique peut être ajustée électriquement, de manière passive ou bien active. Un modèle mathématique est établi par plans d'expériences pour analyser l'effet de certains paramètres de conception sur les performances acoustiques de l'absorbeur. Pour quantifier la sensibilité d'un tel système soumis à différentes contraintes physiques, la méthode de surface de réponse a été choisie pour développer un modèle multivariable. Ces contraintes ont été choisies de manière à représenter les différents mécanismes dissipatifs mis en jeu au sein de l'absorbeur électroacoustique : dissipation par effet résonateur mécanique, dissipation par viscosité de l'air sollicitée par la pénétration des ondes sonores dans un milieu poreux, et dissipation par effet Joule induite par la charge résistive branchée aux bornes du haut-parleur. En vue d'évaluer la contribution de ces différents mécanismes sur les performances d'un absorbeur électroacoustique, notre étude à retenu les quatre paramètres d'entrée suivants : la masse de l'équipage mobile, la compliance induite par le volume de l'enceinte close, le taux de remplissage en matériaux poreux et la résistance électrique de shunt. Une étude préliminaire, réalisée par une double approche expérimentale et numérique, illustre les possibilités du processus d'optimisation développé. Le résultat obtenu est une mise en équation du facteur d'absorption permettant de piloter des réglages et de trouver un optimum en fonction de la fréquence

    Glucose metabolism during bovine preimplantation development: analysis of gene expression in single oocytes and embryos.

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    peer reviewedGlucose metabolism of the bovine embryo is low during the first cleavages and increases sharply after the major resumption of the genome (8-16 cells). The mRNA level for genes involved in glucose metabolism was tested by RT-PCR on individual oocytes and embryos at different stages of development. These genes were: glucose transport GLUT-1, hexokinase (HK), glucose-6-phosphatase-dehydrogenase (G6PDH), and glucose-phosphate-isomerase (GPI); actin was used as a reference transcript. RT-PCR results revealed three types of oocytes or embryos: positive with a PCR signal for each transcript considered, nul with no signal for any transcript, and heterogeneous with a PCR signal for some transcripts and none for others. The number of nul and heterogeneous samples was higher for slow than for fast-cleaving embryos (81% vs. 36%), and the proportion of positive embryos increased significantly at the 16-cell and morula stages (P < 0.002), suggesting a correlation between mRNA content and developmental capacity. In positive embryos, GLUT-1 level was reduced by half during maturation and fertilization. Actin and hexokinase mRNA levels decreased during the first cleavages, but significantly increased at the 16-cell and morula stages, respectively. GPI transcript remained stable throughout development, whereas there was a significant rise for G6PDH at the 4-cell stage, perhaps due to a polyadenylation process. Finally, the absence or decrease in intensity of several transcripts at the blastocyst stage suggests suboptimal culture conditions

    DYRK1A and Activity-Dependent Neuroprotective Protein Comparative Diagnosis Interest in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma in the Context of Alzheimer-Related Cognitive Impairment in Down Syndrome Patients

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    Down syndrome (DS) is a complex genetic condition due to an additional copy of human chromosome 21, which results in the deregulation of many genes. In addition to the intellectual disability associated with DS, adults with DS also have an ultrahigh risk of developing early onset Alzheimer's disease dementia. DYRK1A, a proline-directed serine/threonine kinase, whose gene is located on chromosome 21, has recently emerged as a promising plasma biomarker in patients with sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). The protein DYRK1A is truncated in symptomatic AD, the increased truncated form being associated with a decrease in the level of full-length form. Activity-dependent neuroprotective protein (ADNP), a key protein for the brain development, has been demonstrated to be a useful marker for symptomatic AD and disease progression. In this study, we evaluated DYRK1A and ADNP in CSF and plasma of adults with DS and explored the relationship between these proteins. We used mice models to evaluate the effect of DYRK1A overexpression on ADNP levels and then performed a dual-center cross-sectional human study in adults with DS in Barcelona (Spain) and Paris (France). Both cohorts included adults with DS at different stages of the continuum of AD: asymptomatic AD (aDS), prodromal AD (pDS), and AD dementia (dDS). Non-trisomic controls and patients with sporadic AD dementia were included for comparison. Full-form levels of DYRK1A were decreased in plasma and CSF in adults with DS and symptomatic AD (pDS and dDS) compared to aDS, and in patients with sporadic AD compared to controls. On the contrary, the truncated form of DYRK1A was found to increase both in CSF and plasma in adults with DS and symptomatic AD and in patients with sporadic AD with respect to aDS and controls. ADNP levels showed a more complex structure. ADNP levels increased in aDS groups vs. controls, in agreement with the increase in levels found in the brains of mice overexpressing DYRK1A. However, symptomatic individuals had lower levels than aDS individuals. Our results show that the comparison between full-length and truncated-form levels of DYRK1A coupled with ADNP levels could be used in trials targeting pathophysiological mechanisms of dementia in individuals with DS