28 research outputs found

    A deconvolution method for the separation of specific versus nonspecific interactions in noncovalent protein-ligand complexes analyzed by ESI-FT-ICR mass spectrometry.

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    A method to separate specific and nonspecific noncovalent interactions observed in ESI mass spectra between a protein and its ligands is presented. Assuming noncooperative binding, the specific ligand binding is modeled as a statistical distribution on identical binding sites. For the nonspecific fraction we assume a statistical distribution on a large number of "nonspecific" interacting sites. The model was successfully applied to the noncovalent interaction between the protein creatine kinase (CK) and its ligands adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that both exhibit nonspecific binding in the mass spectrum. The two sequential dissociation constants obtained by applying our method are K(1,diss) = 11.8 +/- 1.5 microM and K(2,diss) = 48 +/- 6 microM for ADP. For ATP, the constants are K(1,diss) = 27 +/- 7 microM and K(2,diss) = 114 +/- 27 microM. All constants are in good correlation with reported literature values. The model should be valuable for systems with a large dissociation constant that require high ligand concentrations and thus have increased potential of forming nonspecific adducts

    CK2β Is a Gatekeeper of Focal Adhesions Regulating Cell Spreading

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    International audienceCK2 is a hetero-tetrameric serine/threonine protein kinase made up of two CK2α/αʹ catalytic subunits and two CK2β regulatory subunits. The free CK2α subunit and the tetrameric holoenzyme have distinct substrate specificity profiles, suggesting that the spatiotemporal organization of the individual CK2 subunits observed in living cells is crucial in the control of the many cellular processes that are governed by this pleiotropic kinase. Indeed, previous studies reported that the unbalanced expression of CK2 subunits is sufficient to drive epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), a process involved in cancer invasion and metastasis. Moreover, sub-stoichiometric expression of CK2β compared to CK2α in a subset of breast cancer tumors was correlated with the induction of EMT markers and increased epithelial cell plasticity in breast carcinoma progression. Phenotypic changes of epithelial cells are often associated with the activation of phosphotyrosine signaling. Herein, using phosphotyrosine enrichment coupled with affinity capture and proteomic analysis, we show that decreased expression of CK2β in MCF10A mammary epithelial cells triggers the phosphorylation of a number of proteins on tyrosine residues and promotes the striking activation of the FAK1-Src-PAX1 signaling pathway. Moreover, morphometric analyses also reveal that CK2β loss increases the number and the spatial distribution of focal adhesion signaling complexes that coordinate the adhesive and migratory processes. Together, our findings allow positioning CK2β as a gatekeeper for cell spreading by restraining focal adhesion formation and invasion of mammary epithelial cells

    Identification in archaea of a novel D-Tyr-tRNATyr deacylase.

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    Most bacteria and eukarya contain an enzyme capable of specifically hydrolyzing D-aminoacyl-tRNA. Here, the archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus is shown to also contain an enzyme activity capable of recycling misaminoacylated D-Tyr-tRNATyr. N-terminal sequencing of this enzyme identifies open reading frame SS02234 (dtd2), the product of which does not present any sequence homology with the known D-Tyr-tRNATyr deacylases of bacteria or eukaryotes. On the other hand, homologs of dtd2 occur in archaea and plants. The Pyrococcus abyssi dtd2 ortholog (PAB2349) was isolated. It rescues the sensitivity to D-tyrosine of a mutant Escherichia coli strain lacking dtd, the gene of its endogeneous D-Tyr-tRNATyr deacylase. Moreover, in vitro, the PAB2349 product, which behaves as a monomer and carries 2 mol of zinc/mol of protein, catalyzes the cleavage of D-Tyr-tRNATyr. The three-dimensional structure of the product of the Archaeoglobus fulgidus dtd2 ortholog has been recently solved by others through a structural genomics approach (Protein Data Bank code 1YQE). This structure does not resemble that of Escherichia coli D-Tyr-tRNATyr deacylase. Instead, it displays homology with that of a bacterial peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. We show, however, that the archaeal PAB2349 enzyme does not act against diacetyl-Lys-tRNALys, a model substrate of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. Based on the Protein Data Bank 1YQE structure, site-directed mutagenesis experiments were undertaken to remove zinc from the PAB2349 enzyme. Several residues involved in zinc binding and supporting the activity of the deacylase were identified. Taken together, these observations suggest evolutionary links between the various hydrolases in charge of the recycling of metabolically inactive tRNAs during translation

    Phosphorylated p40PHOX as a negative regulator of NADPH oxidase.

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    International audienceThe leukocyte NADPH oxidase catalyzes the production of O(2)(-) from oxygen at the expense of NADPH. Activation of the enzyme requires interaction of the cytosolic factors p47(PHOX), p67(PHOX), and Rac2 with the membrane-associated cytochrome b(558). Activation of the oxidase in a semirecombinant cell-free system in the absence of an amphiphilic activator can be achieved by phosphorylation of the cytosolic factor p47(PHOX) by protein kinase C. Another cytosolic factor, p40(PHOX), was recently shown to be phosphorylated on serine and threonine residues upon activation of NADPH oxidase, but both stimulatory and inhibitory roles were reported. In the present study, we demonstrate that the addition of phosphorylated p40(PHOX) to the cell-free system inhibits NADPH oxidase activated by protein kinase C-phosphorylated p47(PHOX), an effect not observed with the unphosphorylated p40(PHOX). Moreover phosphorylated p40(PHOX) inhibits the oxidase if added before or after full activation of the enzyme. Direct mutagenesis of protein kinase C consensus sites enables us to conclude that phosphorylation of threonine 154 is required for the inhibitory effect of p40(PHOX) to occur. Although the phosphorylated mutants and nonphosphorylated mutants are still able to interact with both p47(PHOX) and p67(PHOX) in pull-down assays, their proteolysis pattern upon thrombin treatment suggests a difference in conformation between the phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated mutants. We postulate that phosphorylation of p40(PHOX) on threonine 154 leads to an inhibitory conformation that shifts the balance toward an inhibitory role and blocks oxidase activation

    Specificities of β1 integrin signaling in the control of cell adhesion and adhesive strength.

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    International audienceCells exert actomyosin contractility and cytoskeleton-dependent force in response to matrix stiffness cues. Cells dynamically adapt to force by modifying their behavior and remodeling their microenvironment. This adaptation is favored by integrin activation switch and their ability to modulate their clustering and the assembly of an intracellular hub in response to force. Indeed integrins are mechanoreceptors and mediate mechanotransduction by transferring forces to specific adhesion proteins into focal adhesions which are sensitive to tension and activate intracellular signals. α(5)β(1) integrin is considered of major importance for the formation of an elaborate meshwork of fibronectin fibrils and for the extracellular matrix deposition and remodeling. Here we summarize recent progress in the study of mechanisms regulating the activation cycle of β(1) integrin and the specificity of α(5)β(1) integrin in mechanotransduction

    Diversity in prion protein oligomerization pathways results from domain expansion as revealed by hydrogen/deuterium exchange and disulfide linkage

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    The prion protein (PrP) propensity to adopt different structures is a clue to its biological role. PrP oligomers have been previously reported to bear prion infectivity or toxicity and were also found along the pathway of in vitro amyloid formation. In the present report, kinetic and structural analysis of ovine PrP (OvPrP) oligomerization showed that three distinct oligomeric species were formed in parallel, independent kinetic pathways. Only the largest oligomer gave rise to fibrillar structures at high concentration. The refolding of OvPrP into these different oligomers was investigated by analysis of hydrogen/deuterium exchange and introduction of disulfide bonds. These experiments revealed that, before oligomerization, separation of contacts in the globular part (residues 127–234) occurred between the S1–H1–S2 domain (residues 132–167) and the H2–H3 bundle (residues 174–230), implying a conformational change of the S2–H2 loop (residues 168–173). The type of oligomer to be formed depended on the site where the expansion of the OvPrP monomer was initiated. Our data bring a detailed insight into the earlier conformational changes during PrP oligomerization and account for the diversity of oligomeric entities. The kinetic and structural mechanisms proposed here might constitute a physicochemical basis of prion strain genesis