5 research outputs found

    Assessing position of in-car display with Detection Response Task

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    6th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, GOTHENBURG, SUEDE, 15-/10/2018 - 17/10/2018The present study aimed at investigating how visual demand is increased by the display position, using two visual versions of the DRT (Detection Response Task). Three visuo-manual tasks involving different levels of visual demand were compared using a display installed in two positions

    Evaluation of the presence of equine viral herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and equine viral herpesvirus 4 (EHV-4) DNA in stallion semen using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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    International audienceIn the horse, the risk of excretion of two major equine pathogens (equine herpesvirus types 1 (EHV-1) and 4 (EHV-4)) in semen is unknown. The objective of our study was to assess the possible risks for the horizontal transmission of equine rhinopneumonitis herpesviruses via the semen and the effect of the viruses on stallion fertility. Samples of stallion semen (n=390) were gathered from several different sources. Examination of the semen involved the detection of viral DNA using specific PCR. The mean fertility of the stallions whose sperm tested positive for viral DNA and the mean fertility of stallions whose sperm did not contain viral DNA, were compared using the Student's t-test. EHV-4 viral DNA was not detected in any of the semen samples. EHV-1 DNA was identified in 51 of the 390 samples, (13%). One hundred and eighty-two samples came from 6 studs and there was significant difference (p<0.05) among the proportion of stallions whose semen tested positive for viral DNA from 0 to 55% between the studs. There was a significant difference (p<0.014) between the fertility of stallions whose semen tested positive for viral DNA and those whose semen was free from viral DNA. The stallions that excreted the EHV-1 virus in their semen appeared to be more fertile than the non-excretors, but this difference was in fact related to the breeding technique since higher proportion of excretors were found among those whose semen was used fresh rather than preserved by cooling or freezing. In conclusion, this study suggests that the EHV-1 virus may be transmitted via the semen at mating or by artificial insemination as demonstrated with other herpes viruses in other species

    Impact of the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lyon University Hospital Cancer Institute (IC-HCL)

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    This article presents the protective measures put in place at the &ldquo;Institut de Canc&eacute;rologie des Hospices de Lyon&rdquo; (IC-HCL) during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in France (spring 2020) and how they impacted IC-HCL clinical activity. Spring 2020 activities were compared to winter 2019&ndash;2020. Results showed a decrease of activity of 9% for treatment dispensations, 17% for multidisciplinary team meetings, 20% for head and neck and thoracic surgeries, and 58% for new patient enrolment in clinical trials. Characteristics of patients treated for solid cancer and hospitalized for COVID-19 during spring 2020 were collected in a retrospective study. Mortality was attributed to COVID-19 for half of the cases, 82% being patients above 70 and 73% being stage IV. This is in concordance with current findings concluding that the risk of developing severe or critical symptoms of COVID-19 is correlated with factors co-occurring in cancer patients and not to the cancer condition per se. While a number of routines and treatment regimens were changed, there was no major decline in numbers of treatments conducted at the IC-HCL during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit France between March and May 2020, except for clinical trials and some surgery activities

    Partizipative Hochschulkommunikation

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    Der Beitrag stellt den Forschungsstand zu Formen der partizipativen Wissenschafts- und Hochschulkommunikation – z. B. durch Kinderuniversitäten, Tage der offenen Tür, Beteiligungsverfahren usw. – dar. Die Entwicklung derartiger Formate wurde in den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten stark politisch gefordert und gefördert. Die Forschung spiegelt diese Entwicklung der Praxis jedoch nur teilweise wider. Vor allem in der deutschsprachigen Literatur werden partizipative, nicht-massenmediale Formen von Wissenschafts- und Hochschulkommunikation allenfalls als Randphänomen wahrgenommen. International ist die Literaturlage seit einigen Jahren hingegen deutlich ergiebiger. Der Beitrag systematisiert diesen Forschungsstand und unterscheidet dabei formatbezogene Ansätze, kritische Ansätze und akteursbezogene Ansätze