6 research outputs found

    Wenn Kinder Verantwortung tragen: Haus- und Sorgearbeit von Kindern in Familie und Gemeinschaft

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    'Der Beitrag fragt, inwiefern die von Kindern geleistete Haus- und Sorgearbeit dazu beitragen kann, den Status von Kindern in der Familie und?/ oder Nachbarschaft zu verändern und ihren Zugang zu gesellschaftlichen Ressourcen zu verbessern. Verantwortungsübernahme von Kindern wird vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozesse diskutiert, die auch darauf verweisen, dass Erwachsene und Kinder in ihren Beziehungen aufeinander angewiesen sind. Um die Haus- und Sorgearbeit als Arbeit von Kindern analysieren zu können, wird eine Erweiterung des Arbeitsbegriffs vorgeschlagen, die explizit auch Sorgearbeit berücksichtigt. Im Zuge einer Auswertung qualitativer Interviews mit 9- bis 15-jährigen Kindern in Berlin wird die Bedeutung von Arbeit für Kinder diskutiert. Als wichtigstes Ergebnis gilt, dass sie nützliche und sinnvolle Arbeit leisten, die sie als Familien- und Gemeinschaftsmitglieder ausweist.' (Autorenreferat)House and care work of children are analysed with regard to their impact on the social status of children in their families and?/ or social communities such as neighbourhoods. We ask how this work contributes to an improving of the access of children to societal resources. Referring to social transformation processes, the article argues that relationships between adults and children should be seen as being interdependent, with the children bearing responsibility not only for themselves but also for others. The article is based on an explorative project on the meaning of work for children in Germany in the age cohort of 9- 15 years. For that purpose a concept of work was developed that also includes non-paid care work by children. Put in summary, the article concludes that house and care work conducted by children represents an important and useful contribution to the family or community, which allows children to identify themselves as members of these.

    Paths To Participatory Autonomy: The meanings of work for children in Germany

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.This article examines the experiences of working children aged between 9 and 14 years in a German city, and the meanings the children ascribe to their work. This qualitative study is based upon a broad concept of work, which includes both unpaid and paid work. As far as work is concerned, the most important thing for children is being able to act independently and find approval for their work. They prefer to receive adequate payment as a form of recognition, but money is not a necessary motive nor the only motive for working. Children's attitude towards their work differs according to a number of factors: whether it offers the opportunity to perform their skills; the concrete use it has for others, and how far that work is appreciated by adults in their social environment. Work is not regarded as being in competition with school, but is seen as an additional opportunity for children to gain new experiences and expand their scope of activities. Work experience can become an important element in children's participative autonomy. Thus it can potentially strengthen their social status and encourage girls and boys to play an active role in society

    ¿Caminando hacia la autonomía? Significados del trabajo de los niños en Alemania

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    El presente artículo refleja los resultados de un proyecto de investigación cualitativa que estudia las experiencias e interpretaciones propias de niños de 9 a 15 años de edad en una gran ciudad alemana. El estudio se basa en un concepto abierto del concepto «trabajo», incluyendo tanto el trabajo remunerado como el no remunerado. Lo más importante para los niños es que su trabajo les permita actuar de manera autónoma y que les brinde reconocimiento. La forma preferida —pero no la única posible— de este reconocimiento es, para ellos, una remuneración adecuada. Cuanto más les permita aplicar sus propias competencias, cuanto más visible sea el beneficio concreto de su trabajo para los demás y cuanto mayor sea su reconocimiento por parte de los adultos en su entorno social, mayor es la seriedad con la que los niños se dedican a su trabajo. Los niños no consideran que su trabajo esté en oposición a la escuela, sino que constituye una posibilidad más para adquirir nuevas experiencias y para ampliar su propio espacio de actuación. La experiencia propia del trabajo puede convertirse en un elemento importante de la autonomía participativa de los niños y contribuir a fortalecer su estatus social y a fomentar su participación activa en la sociedad.The contribution deals with the experiences of working children aged 9-14 years of a German city and the meanings they ascribe to their work. The qualitative study is based upon an open concept of work which includes unpaid work as well as paid work. What matters most for children concerning their work is being able to act independently and finding approval for it. They prefer an adequate payment as a form of recognition, but money is not a necessary or the only motive for working. Children attitude towards their work differs according to the chance it offers to perform their skills, to the concrete use it has to others and to the appreciation of adults in their social environment. Work is not regarded as competing with school, but as an additional chance for gaining new experiences and expanding their scope of activities. Work experience can become an important element of the children’s participative autonomy. Thus it can potentially strengthen their social status and encourage girls and boys to play an active role in society

    Arbeitende Kinder. Partisanen in der Erwachsenenwelt?

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    Kinderarbeit wird als Phänomen dargestellt, das weltweit anzutreffen ist. Die Motivation von Kindern im Süden, eine Arbeit aufzunehmen, unterscheidet sich von jener der im Norden arbeitenden weniger, als der erste Blick vermuten lässt. In allen Teilen der Welt wird Arbeit von Kindern genutzt, um an gesellschaftlichen Bereichen teilzuhaben, die ihnen nach dem vorherrschenden Kindheitsbild verschlossen sind. (DIPF/ Orig.