26 research outputs found

    Occupational safety and health considerations of returning to work after cancer

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    Increasing numbers of people undergo a return to work (RTW) after a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Although there is evidence available in relation to managing the RTW process, at the current time, there is limited information available in relation to any safety and health issues associated with this process. Using a systematic review and organisational case studies, this project aimed to understand the health and safety implications of returning to work or staying in work during treatment, to identify what employers can do to facilitate this process for cancer survivors and to develop guidance for IOSH from the work carried out. The systematic review identified that understanding the potential changes in individual capacity (both physical and mental) are essential, as are the role of the line manager, being able to offer flexibility in returning to work, and understanding that the process can be long term. The case studies aimed to identify good practice and found that different aspects can impact on the RTW or continuation to work, including using risk assessments of work tasks rather than job roles, and considering the impact of physical and psychological demands. Different factors need to be considered within the risk assessment, including the impact of fatigue, risks of infection, work planning and breaks in the working day, the inclusion of emergency planning, and flexibility in start times or workplace. The work has also highlighted a number of evidence gaps, including: the lack of an evidence base for safety, health or ergonomic interventions; a lack of information in relation to manual workers and their RTW needs; a lack of information on those who have had to change jobs or on their future employability; and a need for more in-depth, longer-term research. Content for an IOSH OH Toolkit on RTW after cancer was also produced as part of this work

    Biological monitoring of pesticide exposures in residents living near agricultural land

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is currently a lack of reliable information on the exposures of residents and bystanders to pesticides in the UK. Previous research has shown that the methods currently used for assessing pesticide exposure for regulatory purposes are appropriate for farm workers <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>. However, there were indications that the exposures of bystanders may sometimes be underestimated. The previous study did not collect data for residents. Therefore, this study aims to collect measurements to determine if the current methods and tools are appropriate for assessing pesticide exposure for residents living near agricultural fields.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>The study will recruit owners of farms and orchards (hereafter both will be referred to as farms) that spray their agricultural crops with certain specified pesticides, and which have residential areas in close proximity to these fields. Recruited farms will be asked to provide details of their pesticide usage throughout the spray season. Informed consenting residents (adults (18 years and over) and children(aged 4-12 years)) will be asked to provide urine samples and accompanying activity diaries during the spraying season and in additionfor a limited number of weeks before/after the spray season to allow background pesticide metabolite levels to be determined. Selected urine samples will be analysed for the pesticide metabolites of interest. Statistical analysis and mathematical modelling will use the laboratory results, along with the additional data collected from the farmers and residents, to determine systemic exposure levels amongst residents. Surveys will be carried out in selected areas of the United Kingdom over two years (2011 and 2012), covering two spraying seasons and the time between the spraying seasons.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The described study protocol was implemented for the sample and data collection procedures carried out in 2011. Based on experience to date, no major changes to the protocol are anticipated for the 2012 spray season although the pesticides and regional areas for inclusion in 2012 are still to be confirmed.</p

    Occupational dermal exposure to nanoparticles and nano-enabled products:Part I − Factors affecting skin absorption

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    The paper reviews and critically assesses the evidence on the relevance of various skin uptake pathways for engineered nanoparticles, nano-objects, their agglomerates and aggregates (NOAA). It focuses especially in occupational settings, in the context of nanotoxicology, risk assessment, occupational medicine, medical/epidemiological surveillance efforts, and the development of relevant exposure assessment strategies. Skin uptake of nanoparticles is presented in the context of local and systemic health effects, especially contact dermatitis, skin barrier integrity, physico-chemical properties of NOAA, and predisposing risk factors, such as stratum corneum disruption due to occupational co-exposure to chemicals, and the presence of occupational skin diseases. Attention should be given to: (1) Metal NOAA, since the potential release of ions may induce local skin effects (e.g. irritation and contact dermatitis) and absorption of toxic or sensitizing metals; (2) NOAA with metal catalytic residue, since potential release of ions may also induce local skin effects and absorption of toxic metals; (3) rigid NOAA smaller than 45nm that can penetrate and permeate the skin; (4) non rigid or flexible NOAA, where due to their flexibility liposomes and micelles can penetrate and permeate the intact skin; (5) impaired skin condition of exposed workers. Furthermore, we outline possible situations where health surveillance could be appropriate where there is NOAA occupational skin exposures, e.g. when working with nanoparticles made of sensitizer metals, NOAA containing sensitizer impurities, and/or in occupations with a high prevalence of disrupted skin barrier integrity. The paper furthermore recommends a stepwise approach to evaluate risk related to NOAA to be applied in occupational exposure and risk assessment, and discusses implications related to health surveillance, labelling, and risk communication