36 research outputs found

    Drawings of spores found in air.

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    <p>Some are common targets of research on asthma (<i>Alternaria alternata</i>), while many are not (<i>Laccaria laccata</i>, <i>Epicoccum nigrum</i>). A drawing of a very small “dust” seed (<i>Orchis masculata</i>) is provided for comparison. A = ascospore, B = basidiospore, M = mitospore. Figure adapted from <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1003371#ppat.1003371-Ingold1" target="_blank">[30]</a>.</p

    Experimental demonstration of the loss of cellulolytic saprotrophic capabilities by ectomycorrhizal <i>Amanita</i> species.

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    <p>Fourteen species, including saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal <i>Amanita</i> and two saprotrophic <i>Volvariella</i> species, were grown on sterile grass litter to test for the use of litter as a sole carbon source. Enzyme activities of endoglucanase (E), cellobiohydrolase (C) and beta-glucosidase (ß) were also measured. The same species were grown on media with a protein (casein hydrolysate) as sole nitrogen source. Colony diameter as well as clearing of milk agar was measured to indicate growth on protein and protease activity, respectively. Values of cellulolytic and proteolytic growth and activity are expressed as relative to the maximum value (from 0 to 1) for each parameter across the species. The difference in growth between ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic species on litter is highly significant, according to phylogenetically independent contrasts (F<sub>1,11</sub> = 7.84, <i>p</i> = 0.017). Contrasts for all other data were not significant.</p

    A sampling of the diversity of color and form within the genus <i>Amanita</i>.

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    <p>Clockwise, from top left, <i>Amanita muscaria</i> subsp. <i>flavivolvata</i>, <i>Amanita frostiana</i>, <i>Amanita jacksonii</i>, an undescribed <i>Amanita</i> species, the saprotrophic <i>Amanita manicata</i>, and <i>Amanita phalloides</i>.</p

    Images of crosses for perithecia counting

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    This zip file contains images of all crosses along with the imageJ .xml files corresponding to each cross in which perithecia are marked for counting

    Mitochondrial genome variant and non variant calls

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    This is a .vcf file of all variant and non-variant sites called across 10 or more of the 21 N. crassa strains

    Figure2 R Script

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    R script to produce figure 2 from data in the SPREAD_Rdata.zip file. To run script, working directory should be the directory containing the unzipped data files

    Figure4 R Script

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    R script to produce figure 4 from data in the SPREAD_Rdata.zip file. To run script, working directory should be the directory containing the unzipped data files

    Mating Types of Strains

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    This file contains the mating type information for all the Neurospora crassa strains used to test the SPREAD algorithm. The column labelled "FGSC" lists the Fungal Genetics Stock Center strain IDs and the column labelled "mat" lists the mating type. "AA" = mating type "A", "a" = mating type "a"