68 research outputs found

    Types de qualification et parcours professionnels des diplĂŽmĂ©âˆ™e∙s en sciences du sport. L’exemple des diplĂŽmĂ©âˆ™e∙s (2010‐2014) de la facultĂ© des sciences du sport de Strasbourg

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    Les facultĂ©s des sciences du sport ont progressivement diversifiĂ© leur offre de formations, notamment en introduisant des formations professionnelles. Cette professionnalisation de l’offre de formation facilite-t-elle l’insertion professionnelle dans le secteur des activitĂ©s physiques et sportives ? Suffit-elle Ă  pourvoir les diplĂŽmé·e·s des compĂ©tences requises par les employeurs dans ces secteurs d’activitĂ© ? Cette derniĂšre question se pose particuliĂšrement dans le domaine d’emploi de l’intervention en activitĂ©s physiques et/ou sportives oĂč des qualifications spĂ©cifiques – brevets fĂ©dĂ©raux ou d’état – constituent parfois des prĂ©requis indispensables. À l’inverse, certain·e·s Ă©tudiant·e·s cherchent Ă  consolider leur formation spĂ©cifique en activitĂ©s physiques et sportives avec des qualifications hors du domaine strictement sportif (en management, ressources humaines, commerce de gros et de dĂ©tail, nutrition, kinĂ©sithĂ©rapie, etc.). Les parcours de formation dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur – comme les doubles diplĂŽmes ou les parcours combinant plusieurs types de qualification – facilitent l’accĂšs Ă  l’emploi dans une forme d’adĂ©quation formation-emploi qu'il convient de questionner. Les niveaux et types de diplĂŽmes pĂšsent-ils sur l’insertion professionnelle ? Existe-t-il d’autres facteurs, extra-scolaires, dĂ©terminant une insertion professionnelle satisfaisante ? L’engagement bĂ©nĂ©vole dans l’encadrement des activitĂ©s sportives au sein d’associations par exemple constitue-t-il un facteur favorisant l’insertion professionnelle voire Ă  plus long terme les Ă©volutions de carriĂšre ? C’est Ă  ces questions que nous prĂ©tendons rĂ©pondre Ă  travers une recherche locale menĂ©e en 2016 qui s’appuie sur des enquĂȘtes quantitatives et qualitatives. Les diplĂŽmé·e·s de la facultĂ© des sciences du sport de 2010 Ă  2014, titulaires de diplĂŽme de niveau bac+2 (DEUST ) Ă  bac+5 (master) ont en effet Ă©tĂ© interrogé·e·s. Au final, les rĂ©sultats reposent sur le traitement statistique de 448 questionnaires diplĂŽmé·e·s et sur 103 questionnaires renseignĂ©s par les employeurs de ces Ă©tudiant·e·s diplĂŽmé·e·s. Les rĂ©sultats s’appuient aussi sur l’analyse de contenu thĂ©matique des entretiens semi-directifs tĂ©lĂ©phoniques rĂ©alisĂ©s auprĂšs de 60 diplĂŽmé·e·s. Un complĂ©ment d’enquĂȘte qualitative sera menĂ© au cours du 1er trimestre 2019 pour Ă©toffer les donnĂ©es empiriques concernant les parcours dans l’emploi de ces diplĂŽmé·e·s. En combinant des techniques de recueil de donnĂ©es quantitatives et qualitatives (Mahlaoui, 2015), nous nous attachons non seulement Ă  relever les propriĂ©tĂ©s objectives des diplĂŽmé·e·s (caractĂ©ristiques des diplĂŽmes, situation d’emploi), mais aussi Ă  prendre en compte les subjectivitĂ©s des acteurs·rices, qui permettent d’éclairer les choix – ou les non choix – des orientations de formation et les chemins individuels d’accĂšs aux emplois

    Both active and sham low-frequency rTMS single sessions over the right DLPFC decrease cue-induced cravings among pathological gamblers seeking treatment: A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled crossover trial

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    Background: Craving is a core symptom of addictive disorders, such as pathological gambling for example. Over the last decade, several studies have assessed the efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the addiction field, which triggers the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) to decrease craving. The STIMJEU study investigated whether a single session of low-frequency (LF, i.e., 1 Hz) rTMS applied to the right DLPFC reduced cueinduced gambling craving in a sample of treatment-seeking pathological gamblers. Methods: Thirty patients received both active and sham rTMS in random order and were blinded to the condition in a within-subject crossover design. Outcome measures included self-reported gambling craving (Visual Analog Scale and Gambling Craving Scale) and physiological measures (heart rate and blood pressure). Results: The rTMS sessions were associated with a significant decrease in the gambling urge, regardless of whether the session was active or sham. When controlling cue-induced craving levels, no effects were observed on craving for active rTMS. Overall, rTMS was well-tolerated, and the credibility of the sham procedure was assessed and appeared to be appropriate. Conclusions: We failed to demonstrate the specific efficacy of one session of LF rTMS to decrease cue-induced craving in pathological gamblers. A strong placebo-effect and rTMS parameters may partly explain these results. Yet, we are convinced that rTMS remains a promising therapeutic method. Further studies are required to examine its potential effect

    Sports graduate capabilities and competencies: a comparison of graduate and employer perceptions in six EU countries

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    The graduate employment market faces ever-increasing socio-economic and political pressures. Higher Education Institutions and the sport sector in the EU have an important role in contributing to graduate employment. The aims of the study were: (1) to assess general perceptions of employability, and (2) to assess sports graduates’ and employers’ perceptions of specific capabilities and competencies in order to identify possible improvements for sports graduate employability programmes. A cross-sectional survey of sports graduates and employers was administered in six EU countries including the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Greece and the Czech Republic to assess graduate and employer perceptions. A graduate capabilities and competencies framework was devised to assess personal, interpersonal, cognitive, role-specific and generic skills. Responses were elicited from 1132 sports graduates and 327 employers. There was generally a wide difference of opinion between employers and sports graduates in terms of the importance and possession of a number of capabilities and competencies. There is a need for the Higher Education sector and employers to take responsibility in ensuring that work experience, work placement and volunteering opportunities are embedded in curricula and to ensure the fitness of purpose of what and how graduate capabilities and competencies are assessed

    Construction de l'espace religieux dans les diocÚses de Rennes, Dol et Alet/Saint-Malo (Approches historique et archéologique de la formation des territoires ecclésiastiques (diocÚse, paroisse et cadres intermédiaires) entre le Ve et le XIIIe siÚcle)

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    La recherche proposĂ©e envisage les modalitĂ©s de formation des territoires ecclĂ©siastiques entre le Ve et le XIIIe siĂšcledans les diocĂšses de Rennes, Dol et Alet/Saint-Malo. Le choix centrĂ© sur trois diocĂšses de haute Bretagne se justifie enraison de leur localisation Ă  la rencontre de deux systĂšmes thĂ©orisĂ©s d organisation ecclĂ©siastique entre, d une part, l Ă©vĂȘchĂ© de Rennes de tradition gallo-franque et, d autre part, les Ă©vĂȘchĂ©s d Alet/Saint-Malo et de Dol, lesquels auraient Ă©voluĂ© sous l influence de l Église dite celtique jusqu au IXe siĂšcle, dans le cadre de l Ă©migration bretonne Ă  l ouest de la Vilaine. Dans le premier modĂšle, les structures ecclĂ©siastiques hĂ©riteraient des circonscriptions civiles antiques, tandis que dans l espace breton, l Église se dĂ©finirait davantage en termes communautaires que territoriaux. En se fondant sur les donnĂ©es textuelles et l archĂ©ologie, en particulier des sites funĂ©raires et du bĂąti religieux, l objet de l Ă©tude est de montrer que l Église n a pas toujours entretenu le mĂȘme rapport Ă  l espace, tant en zone bretonne que franque. Ce futseulement au tournant des XIe-XIIe siĂšcles, dans le contexte de la RĂ©forme grĂ©gorienne, que l Église s imposa comme une institution trĂšs temporelle, ayant vocation Ă  prendre en charge le siĂšcle. La crĂ©ation des paroisses, du diocĂšse et des cadres intermĂ©diaires (archidiaconĂ©s et doyennĂ©s) s inscrit alors dans une dynamique unitaire : celle de l affirmation de l Ă©vĂȘque comme pouvoir autonome, qui, en tant que seul dispensateur du sacrĂ© sur terre, exerçait une autoritĂ© spirituelle supĂ©rieure sur les Ă©glises et les clercs relevant de sa juridictionOur work aimed to understand the formation of ecclesiastical territories of Rennes, Dol and Alet/Saint-Malo dioceses between the fifth and thirteenth centuries. Our focus on these three dioceses of Haute Bretagne is justified by thecrossroads between two theorised systems of ecclesiastical organisation. On the one hand, the Episcopal see of Rennes originated from gallo-frankish tradition and, on the other hand, Episcopal sees of Alet/Saint-Malo and Dol which evolved until ninth century due to the Celtic Church, in the framework of Breton emigration west of the Vilaine. In the first model, ecclesiastical structures were inherited from antique civil districts, contrary to the second model where the Church wasestablished following criteria that were more based on community than territory. Based on textual analysis and archaeology, especially from funeral sites and religious buildings, we intend to show that Church, in the Breton zone as in the Frankish zone, did not always have the same relationship to space. It was only between the eleventh and twelfth centuries, in the context of Gregorian Reform that Church emerged as a temporal institution, dedicated to taking charge of population. The creation of parishes, diocese, archdeaconries and deaneries followed the same dynamics: the affirmation of bishop as an autonomous power, who, as holder of sacredness, have exerted a spiritual authority beyond that exerted by churches or clerics dependents on his jurisdictionRENNES2-Doc.Ă©lectronique (352389902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Local-scale diversity and adaptation along elevational gradients assessed by reciprocal transplant experiments: lack of local adaptation in silver fir populations

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    Key message Silver fir transplantations along elevational gradients revealed a high diversity but no local adaptation. Populations displayed similar abilities to adapt to new environments including those due to climate change. Context The sustainability of forest stands depends on the ability of species and communities to adapt by combining plasticity and genetic evolution. Although well-documented at the scale of species distributions, the variability and adaptation of forest tree genetic resources are less understood at the short-distance scale. Aims We analysed the effects of genetic and environmental factors on the local-scale phenotypic diversity of traits related to adaptation in Abies alba. We also sought to highlight local adaptation, revealing past selection. Methods Six adaptive traits related to growth, phenology and survival were measured on seedlings from 57 half-sib families collected from 15 provenances and planted in a nine-site reciprocal transplant experiment distributed along three elevational gradients. Results Most part of the phenotypic variability was attributed to the environmental factors. Provenances and families had also significant effects on seedling performances, but the genetic variability was mostly attributed to the families. No pattern of local adaptation was observed, except in the presence of lateral branches in the driest garden. Conclusion The absence of local adaptation suggests a similar ability of all silver fir populations to develop in the various environments. This result provides favourable conditions for coping with the ongoing climate change without exotic resources enrichment

    L’insertion professionnelle au prisme des relations entre parcours de formation et emploi. Le cas des diplĂŽmé·e·s de la facultĂ© des sciences du sport de Strasbourg (2010-2014)

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    S’appuyant sur une enquĂȘte quantitative et sur des entretiens semi-directifs rĂ©alisĂ©s avec des diplĂŽmé·e·s en sciences du sport (2010 Ă  2014) possĂ©dant un niveau de qualification bac+2 Ă  bac+5, la recherche se focalise sur les liens entre parcours de formation, insertion professionnelle et emploi occupĂ©. Le parcours de formation et ses variations, d’un point de vue objectif et subjectif, sont questionnĂ©s comme Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© de l’insertion professionnelle des diplĂŽmé·e·s, et en particulier de l’accĂšs au premier emploi. Notre recherche met en Ă©vidence des situations d’emploi contrastĂ©es selon les niveaux de diplĂŽme et les spĂ©cialitĂ©s de formation, mais aussi « bricolĂ©es », du fait de parcours de formation rarement linĂ©aires mĂȘlant diplĂŽmes et expĂ©riences de prĂ©professionnalisation.Based on a quantitative survey and on semi-directive interviews conducted with graduates in sports sciences (2010 to 2014) with a level of qualification from 2 until 5 years after the bachelor, the research focuses on the links between training, professional integration and employment. The training path and its variations, from an objective and subjective point of view, are questioned as a key element of the professional integration of graduates, and in particular of the access to the first job. Our research highlights contrasted employment situations according to degree levels and training specialities, but also “tinkered” situations, due to rarely linear training pathways mixing diplomas and pre-professionalization experiences

    Variability of the climate-radial growth relationship among Abies alba trees and populations along altitudinal gradients

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    Variability of the climate-radial growth relationship among Abies alba trees and populations along altitudinal gradient

    Cognitive Component of Psychomotor Retardation in Unipolar and Bipolar Depression: Is Verbal Fluency a Relevant Marker? Impact of Repetitive Transcranial Stimulation

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    International audienceAIMS: In the literature, psychomotor retardation (PMR) is increasingly highlighted as a relevant marker for depression. Currently, we chose to focus on the fluency capacities as an evaluation of the frontal lobes functioning to reach a better understanding of cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms involved in PMR in depression. The aims of this study were: (i) to explore the cognitive component of PMR through the analysis of verbal fluency (VF) performance in unipolar and bipolar depression; and (ii) to examine whether a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment could improve concomitantly the PMR and VF capacities, as a relevant marker characteristic of the cognitive component of PMR. METHODS: Fifteen unipolar and 15 bipolar patients were compared to 15 healthy adults. Before treatment, the results showed VF deficits, particularly marked in the bipolar group. The investigation of the interplay between PMR, VF performance, Montgomery-Å sberg Depression Rating Scale scores, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores showed that the deficits in these various dimensions were not homogeneous. RESULTS: The absence of correlation between the psychomotor retardation scale (the French Retardation Rating Scale for Depression) and VF, and the correlation with MoCA raise the hypothesis of a more global cognitive impairment associated with PMR in the BD group. The repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment had a positive impact on depression, PMR, and fluency scores. CONCLUSION: Correlations between the Retardation Rating Scale for Depression and VF performances appeared after treatment, showing the cognitive role of psychomotor functioning in depression. Further analyses, including other cognitive measures in an objective evaluation of PMR, are required for a better understanding of these complex relationships

    Posture-Cognitive Dual-Tasking: A Relevant Marker of Depression-Related Psychomotor Retardation. An Illustration of the Positive Impact of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

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    International audienceThis study examined whether postural control variables, particularly the center-of-pressure (COP) velocity-based parameters, could be a relevant hallmark of depression-related psychomotor retardation (PMR). We first aimed at investigating the interplay between the PMR scores and the COP performance in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), as compared to age-matched healthy controls; secondly, we focused on the impact of a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatment on depression, PMR scores and postural performance. 16 MDD patients, and a control group of 16 healthy adults, were asked to maintain quiet standing balance during two trials with or without vision, and while backward counting (dual task). All the position and velocity-based COP variables were computed. Before and after the rTMS session (n eligible MDD~=~10), we assessed the depression level with the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), the PMR scores with the French Retardation Rating Scale for Depression (ERD), and postural performance. Before the treatment, significant positive partial correlations were found between the pre-ERD scores and the velocity-based COP variables, especially in the dual-task conditions (p~<~0.05). In contrast, there was no significant correlation between the post-ERD scores and any postural parameter after the treatment. The MADRS and ERD scores showed a significant decrease between before and after the rTMS intervention. For the first time, the findings clearly validated the view that the assessment of postural performance - easy to envisage in clinical settings-constitutes a reliable and objective marker of PMR in MDD patients
