233 research outputs found

    Foundations in Wisconsin: A Directory [32nd ed. 2013]

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    The 2013 edition of Foundations in Wisconsin marks the 32nd production of the print directory and the 13th year of the online version. The directory is designed as a research tool for grantseekers interested in locating information on private, corporate, and community foundations registered in Wisconsin. Each entry in this new edition has been updated or reviewed to provide the most current information available. Most of the data was drawn from IRS 990-PF tax returns filed by the foundations. Additional information was obtained from surveys, foundation websites, annual reports, and newsletters.https://epublications.marquette.edu/lib_fiw/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Lustig ist das Studentenleben - Suchtverhalten im Studium

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    Die Dissertation untersucht sowohl das Sucht- als auch das damit in Verbindung stehende Studierverhalten von Studierenden. Zwei Befragungsmethoden erbringen Datenmaterial u. a. zu den Substanzkonsumaspekten einer Querschnittsstichprobe von Studierenden an UniversitĂ€ten und Fachhochschulen. DarĂŒber hinaus werden Daten zu den Themenbereichen Studium und psychische Gesundheit erhoben und ausgewertet. Insgesamt bietet die vorliegende Studie einen Überblick, wie Studierende im Vergleich mit der gleichaltrigen, nicht studierenden Bevölkerung Suchtmittel konsumieren und wie sich psychische BeeintrĂ€chtigungen alleine oder in Kombination mit Suchtproblemen auf das Leben und das Studium auswirken. Nach ausfĂŒhrlicher Datenanalyse kann postuliert werden, dass sich die studentischen Konsummuster von denen Nicht-Studierender unterscheiden: Studierende neigen eher zu Rauschtrinken und zu missbrĂ€uchlichem Substanzkonsum, wĂ€hrend Nicht-Studierende hĂ€ufiger rauchen und hĂ€ufiger als alkoholabhĂ€ngig zu bezeichnen sind. Suchtprobleme sind bei Studierenden im Bereich des Substanzmissbrauchs hĂ€ufiger zu finden als bei der vergleichbaren Altersgruppe der Nicht-Studierenden. Komorbide Studierende weisen einen stĂ€rker ausgeprĂ€gten Substanzmissbrauch auf als Studierende mit einer ausschließlich substanzbezogenen Diagnose, komorbide Frauen zeigen eine ausgeprĂ€gtere AlkholabhĂ€ngigkeit als Frauen mit einer ausschließlich alkoholbezogenen Diagnose. Die allgemeine Tendenz zum Substanzmissbrauch, die unabhĂ€ngig von psychischen Störungen bei der Gruppe der Studierenden in höherem Maße entdeckt wird als bei der Gruppe der gleichaltrigen Nicht-Studierenden, spiegelt sich demnach auch bei den zusĂ€tzlich psychisch kranken Studierenden wider. Psychische Probleme und Suchtprobleme, auch eine Kombination dieser beiden, wirken sich negativ auf den Studienverlauf und auch das Studierverhalten aus. Der gesamte Lebenskontext des betroffenen Studierenden ist beeintrĂ€chtigt, was zu einer Leistungseinbuße fĂŒhrt

    Effect of Pretreatment on Interface Stability and Morphology of Ni/Al Hybrid Foams by in situ Microcantilever Fracture Experiment

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    Ni/Al hybrid foams are a new class of innovative cellular composite materials consisting of open-cell aluminium (Al) foams electrochemically coated with nanocrystalline nickel (Ni). They may be used for lightweight construction elements or as crash energy absorbers. The Ni coating strengthens the Al foam achieving an up to ten times higher energy absorption capacities compared to the Al basis foam. Cellular materials such as foams provide a strong structure-property relationship as the macroscopic material properties strongly depend on the strut geometry and the material properties of the individual struts. The interface stability between the coating and the substrate foam is the dominant contribution in the strengthening mechanism of Ni/Al hybrid foams. Hence, micromechanical characterization is an important task for the design of components made of Ni/Al hybrid foams. A strong interface corresponds to a shear-stiff connection between substrate foam and coating, whereas a soft interface allows sliding between the two phases and hence reduces the buckling stiffness of individual foam struts resulting in lower strength and energy absorption capacity of the macroscopic foam. An increased critical energy release rate for interface cracking was revealed by in situ microcantilever bending tests prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) during bending tests in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) after the chemical pretreatment of the base foam

    Ni/Al-Hybrid Cellular Foams: An Interface Study by Combination of 3D-Phase Morphology Imaging, Microbeam Fracture Mechanics and In Situ Synchrotron Stress Analysis

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    Nickel(Ni)/aluminium(Al) hybrid foams are Al base foams coated with Ni by electrodeposition. Hybrid foams offer an enhanced energy absorption capacity. To ensure a good adhering Ni coating, necessary for a shear resistant interface, the influence of a chemical pre-treatment of the base foam was investigated by a combination of an interface morphology analysis by focused ion beam (FIB) tomography and in situ mechanical testing. The critical energy for interfacial decohesion from these microbending fracture tests in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) were contrasted to and the results validated by depth-resolved measurements of the evolving stresses in the Ni coating during three-point bending tests at the energy-dispersive diffraction (EDDI) beamline at the synchrotron BESSY II. Such a multi-method assessment of the interface decohesion resistance with respect to the interface morphology provides a reliable investigation strategy for further improvement of the interface morphology

    Outstanding Business Reference Sources: The 2010 Selection of Recent Titles

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    Each year at the ALA Annual Conference, the Business Reference Sources Committee of RUSA’s Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) meets to select the outstanding business reference sources published since May of the previous year. With all due respect to the familiar and longstanding column title, committee members have come to think of our charge more broadly as finding the most outstanding business information sources, the better to reflect the evolving nature of the formats and means of accessing business information to meet reference needs. For 2010, the committee weeded titles proposed during 2009–10 down to fifteen that made the final review. Among those, the committee selected three as outstanding business information titles and an additional six as noteworthy titles. The works reviewed below cover such areas as economics, the music industry, corporate sustainability, retailing, brand valuation, the current and historical U.S. role in international trade, and an innovative new vehicle for affordable (or free) online access to premier instructional resources in business and economics

    Determinants of patient-reported functional mobility in people with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: Information on determinants of patient-reported functional mobility is lacking but would inform the planning of healthcare, resources and strategies to promote functional mobility in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). RESEARCH QUESTION: To identify the determinants of patient-reported functional mobility of people with PD. METHODS: Eligible: Randomized Controlled Trials, cohort, case-control, or cross-sectional analyses in people PD without date or setting restrictions, published in English, German, or French. Excluded: instruments with under 50 % of items measuring mobility. On August 9th 2023 we last searched Medline, CINAHL and PsychInfo. We assessed risk of bias using the mixed-methods appraisal tool. Results were synthesized by tabulating the determinants by outcomes and study designs. RESULTS: Eleven studies published 2012-2023 were included (most in Swedish outpatient settings). Samples ranged from 9 to 255 participants. Follow-up varied from 1.5 to 36 months with attrition of 15-42 %. Heterogenic study designs complicated results synthesis. However, determinants related to environment seem to associate the strongest with patient-reported functional mobility, although determinants related to body structures and functions were most investigated. We identified disease duration, the ability to drive, caregiving, sex, age, cognitive impairment, postural instability and social participation as determinants of patient-reported functional mobility. DISCUSSION: Methodological quality of the studies was limited. No study reported an a priori power calculation. Three studies controlled for confounders. The included studies lack representativeness of the population of people living with PD. Standardized sets of outcomes could enable more systematic research synthesis. CONCLUSIONS: Future research should focus on activities, participation and environmental factors and improve methodological quality

    Not to Miss: Intronic Variants, Treatment, and Review of the Phenotypic Spectrum in VPS13D-Related Disorder

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    VPS13D is one of four human homologs of the vacuolar sorting protein 13 gene (VPS13). Biallelic pathogenic variants in the gene are associated with spastic ataxia or spastic paraplegia. Here, we report two patients with intronic pathogenic variants: one patient with early onset severe spastic ataxia and debilitating tremor, which is compound-heterozygous for a canonical (NM_018156.4: c.2237−1G > A) and a non-canonical (NM_018156.4: c.941+3G>A) splice site variant. The second patient carries the same non-canonical splice site variant in the homozygous state and is affected by late-onset spastic paraplegia. We confirmed altered splicing as a result of the intronic variants and demonstrated disturbed mitochondrial integrity. Notably, tremor in the first patient improved significantly by bilateral deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the ventralis intermedius (VIM) nucleus of the thalamus. We also conducted a literature review and summarized the phenotypical spectrum of reported VPS13D-related disorders. Our study underscores that looking for mutations outside the canonical splice sites is important not to miss a genetic diagnosis, especially in disorders with a highly heterogeneous presentation without specific red flags

    Sodium Iodate-Induced Degeneration Results in Local Complement Changes and Inflammatory Processes in Murine Retina

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide, causes personal suffering and high socioeconomic costs. While there has been progress in the treatments for the neovascular form of AMD, no therapy is yet available for the more common dry form, also known as geographic atrophy. We analysed the retinal tissue in a mouse model of retinal degeneration caused by sodium iodate (NaIO3)-induced retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy to understand the underlying pathology. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), qRT-PCR, Western blot, immunohistochemistry of the retinas and multiplex ELISA of the mouse serum were applied to find the pathways involved in the degeneration. NaIO3 caused patchy RPE loss and thinning of the photoreceptor layer. This was accompanied by the increased retinal expression of complement components c1s, c3, c4, cfb and cfh. C1s, C3, CFH and CFB were complement proteins, with enhanced deposition at day 3. C4 was upregulated in retinal degeneration at day 10. Consistently, the transcript levels of proinflammatory ccl-2, -3, -5, il-1ÎČ, il-33 and tgf-ÎČ were increased in the retinas of NaIO3 mice, but vegf-a mRNA was reduced. Macrophages, microglia and gliotic MĂŒller cells could be a cellular source for local retinal inflammatory changes in the NaIO3 retina. Systemic complement and cytokines/chemokines remained unaltered in this model of NaIO3-dependent retinal degeneration. In conclusion, systemically administered NaIO3 promotes degenerative and inflammatory processes in the retina, which can mimic the hallmarks of geographic atrophy
