26 research outputs found

    Identification of the Amino Acid Subsets Accounting for the Ligand Binding Specificity of a Glutamate Receptor

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    AbstractIn a situation so far unique among neurotransmitter receptors, glutamate receptors share amino acid sequence similarities with the bacterial periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs). On the basis of the primary structure similarity of two bacterial periplasmic proteins (lysine/arginine/ornithine- and phosphate-binding proteins) with the chick cerebellar kainate-binding protein (KBP), a member of the ionotropic glutamate receptor family, we have generated a three-dimensional model structure of the KBP extracellular domain. By an interplay between homology modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, we have investigated the kainate binding properties of 55 different mutants (corresponding to 43 positions) and studied the interactions of some of these mutants with various glutamatergic ligands. As a result, we present here the subsets of amino acids accounting for the binding free energies and specificities of KBP for kainate, glutamate, and CNQX and propose a three-dimensional model, at the microarchitectural level, of the glutamatergic binding domain

    Venom biotechnology: casting light on nature’s deadliest weapons using synthetic biology

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    Venoms are complex chemical arsenals that have evolved independently many times in the animal kingdom. Venoms have attracted the interest of researchers because they are an important innovation that has contributed greatly to the evolutionary success of many animals, and their medical relevance offers significant potential for drug discovery. During the last decade, venom research has been revolutionized by the application of systems biology, giving rise to a novel field known as venomics. More recently, biotechnology has also made an increasing impact in this field. Its methods provide the means to disentangle and study venom systems across all levels of biological organization and, given their tremendous impact on the life sciences, these pivotal tools greatly facilitate the coherent understanding of venom system organization, development, biochemistry, and therapeutic activity. Even so, we lack a comprehensive overview of major advances achieved by applying biotechnology to venom systems. This review therefore considers the methods, insights, and potential future developments of biotechnological applications in the field of venom research. We follow the levels of biological organization and structure, starting with the methods used to study the genomic blueprint and genetic machinery of venoms, followed gene products and their functional phenotypes. We argue that biotechnology can answer some of the most urgent questions in venom research, particularly when multiple approaches are combined together, and with other venomics technologies

    The Early Royal Society and Visual Culture

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    Recent studies have fruitfully examined the intersection between early modern science and visual culture by elucidating the functions of images in shaping and disseminating scientific knowledge. Given its rich archival sources, it is possible to extend this line of research in the case of the Royal Society to an examination of attitudes towards images as artefacts –manufactured objects worth commissioning, collecting and studying. Drawing on existing scholarship and material from the Royal Society Archives, I discuss Fellows’ interests in prints, drawings, varnishes, colorants, images made out of unusual materials, and methods of identifying the painter from a painting. Knowledge of production processes of images was important to members of the Royal Society, not only as connoisseurs and collectors, but also as those interested in a Baconian mastery of material processes, including a “history of trades”. Their antiquarian interests led to discussion of painters’ styles, and they gradually developed a visual memorial to an institution through portraits and other visual records.AH/M001938/1 (AHRC

    "Men pris och lÀge gÄr före" : Konsumentens vÀrderingar kring hÄllbarhet och dess relation till konsumentens beteende vid hotellbokning

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    VĂ€rlden stĂ„r inför stora utmaningar i framtiden sett till hur vi överanvĂ€nder de resurser som jorden har att erbjuda. Jordens miljö och dess hĂ„llbarhet Ă€r allt vi mĂ€nniskor har och sĂ„ som Bruntlandrapporten beskriver det mĂ„ste vi agera nu för att bevara den för vĂ„ra framtida generationer (WCED, 1987). Samtidigt ökar medvetenheten kring klimatförĂ€ndringarna som vĂ„rt agerande har lett fram till. I och med det stĂ€lls allt större krav dels pĂ„ individer men Ă€ven pĂ„ företag att ta sitt ansvar för klimatet och jorden.  För företagen har det blivit alltmer vanligt att arbeta med CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) som Ă€r ett verktyg för att integrera miljöansvaret, det sociala ansvaret samt det ekonomiska ansvaret i företagets verksamhet. Det privata resandet ökar allt mer och dĂ€rmed Ă€ven behovet av hotellboende. Hotellboendet Ă€r det gĂ€sten konsumerar och dĂ„ detta Ă€r en upplevelse som inte fysiskt gĂ„r att ta med sig hem benĂ€mns hotellbranschen som en del av tjĂ€nsteindustrin. TjĂ€nster Ă€r komplexa och det finns utmaningar som hotellen dĂ€rmed stĂ€lls inför dĂ„ det blir mycket svĂ„rare att förmedla rĂ€tt information till gĂ€sterna innan gĂ€sten anlĂ€nder till hotellet, vad Ă€r egentligen det de köper? Vi vill i denna studie sammanfoga hotellens hĂ„llbarhetsarbete med komplexiteten kring att hotell ingĂ„r i tjĂ€nsteindustrin och fĂ„ en förstĂ„else för vilka vĂ€rderingar konsumenter har kring hĂ„llbarhet generellt och hur dessa vĂ€rderingar relaterar till beteendet gĂ€llande bokning av hotell i synnerhet. Vidare undrar vi vad som skulle kunna motivera gĂ€ster att vĂ€lja mer miljövĂ€nliga boendealternativ och hur, utifrĂ„n gĂ€stens vĂ€rderingar, hotellen bör positionera sig. Detta undersöker vi genom att utföra en kvalitativ studie genom fokusgrupper och med en deduktiv forskningsansats i och med att vi utgĂ„r frĂ„n tidigare forskning och teorier. Deltagarna i vĂ„r studie uppger att det för dem Ă€r ovanligt att relatera hotellbokning med hĂ„llbarhet men att det Ă€r intressant för dem att vĂ€cka dessa tankebanor. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ att de anser att hotellen har ett stort ansvar att vara miljömedvetna och hĂ„llbara men nĂ€r det kommer till dem sjĂ€lva har vissa deltagare svĂ„rt att ta sitt ansvar fullt ut dĂ„ hĂ„llbarhetsdebatten anses för ny för dem medan andra deltagare hĂ€vdar att det Ă€r rĂ€tt att tvingas göra aktiva val som vĂ€cker tankar hos individen om hur en kan pĂ„verka sin omvĂ€rld. Med det sagt sĂ„ tyder resultatet av studien pĂ„ att deltagarna har miljövĂ€nliga vĂ€rderingar men att dessa vĂ€rderingar inte alltid implementeras i beteendet, detta pĂ„ grund av att vĂ„rt agerande baserad pĂ„ vĂ„rt egna behov snarare Ă€n vad som Ă€r bra för hela vĂ€rlden. Deltagarna framhĂ€ver dock att i dagslĂ€get sĂ„ Ă€r det alltid pris och lĂ€ge som kommer först nĂ€r det gĂ€ller viktiga faktorer vid hotellbokning. Vi ser ocksĂ„ tendenser i fokusgruppernas diskussioner som vi tolkar som att för att ett hotells arbete inom hĂ„llbarhet ska fungera behöver fyra faktorer uppfyllas. Arbetet skall vara Givande för gĂ€sten, TrovĂ€rdigt, PĂ„tagligt och Utbildande.The world faces great challenges in the future due to how we overuse the resources of the earth. The environment of the earth and its sustainability is all that we as humans have and as the Bruntland report describes, it is important to act now in order to preserve the earth for future generations (WCED, 1987). At the same time, the awareness of climate change is increasing and with that, the impact that our actions have had so far on the climate. With that being said, a greater demand for responsibility is being called for, both for individuals and corporate businesses. For businesses it has become more normal to work with a tool called CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, which integrates the environmental, social and economic responsibilities for the business and its activities. The private travelling increases more and more and with that also the need for staying at hotels. The stay at the hotel is what the guest consumes and because the stay is an experience that you physically cannot bring home with you, the hotel trade is a part of the service sector. Services are complex and there are challenges for the hotels in conveying the right information to the guest before he or she arrives to the hotel and letting them know what it actually is that they buy and pay for. In this study, we want to merge the hotels sustainability work with the complexity of being a service company. We also want to gain an understanding of which values consumers have regarding sustainability in general and how these values relate to the behavior when booking a hotel particularly. Further on, we wonder what could motivate guests to choose more environmentally friendly hotel options, and from the guest’s values, how hotels should position themselves. We investigate this by performing a qualitative study by using focus groups with a deductive approach, meaning that we base our work on previous studies and theories and uses them to draw conclusions of the result. The participants in our study declare that it is unusual to relate hotel booking with sustainability but at the same time they think that it is interesting to awake this way of thinking. The results also shows that the participants think that the hotels have a great responsibility in being sustainable but when they are to apply this on themselves, some participants struggle a bit more and meaning that the debate of sustainability is too young for them. In the other hand, several other participants think that it is right to be forced into making own decisions that raise awareness about how individuals can influence the world around themselves. With that being said, the result of the study points towards that the participants have environmentally values but that these values not always is being implemented in their behavior, probably because that we base our behavior on our own needs rather than what is good for the whole world. The participants point out that price and location always comes first when booking a hotel. Lastly, we see tendencies in the discussions in the focus groups which we interpret into four factors which hotels need to fulfill in order to conduct functional sustainability actions. The actions should be Awarding for the guest, Trustworthy, Tangible and Educational

    "Men pris och lÀge gÄr före" : Konsumentens vÀrderingar kring hÄllbarhet och dess relation till konsumentens beteende vid hotellbokning

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    VĂ€rlden stĂ„r inför stora utmaningar i framtiden sett till hur vi överanvĂ€nder de resurser som jorden har att erbjuda. Jordens miljö och dess hĂ„llbarhet Ă€r allt vi mĂ€nniskor har och sĂ„ som Bruntlandrapporten beskriver det mĂ„ste vi agera nu för att bevara den för vĂ„ra framtida generationer (WCED, 1987). Samtidigt ökar medvetenheten kring klimatförĂ€ndringarna som vĂ„rt agerande har lett fram till. I och med det stĂ€lls allt större krav dels pĂ„ individer men Ă€ven pĂ„ företag att ta sitt ansvar för klimatet och jorden.  För företagen har det blivit alltmer vanligt att arbeta med CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) som Ă€r ett verktyg för att integrera miljöansvaret, det sociala ansvaret samt det ekonomiska ansvaret i företagets verksamhet. Det privata resandet ökar allt mer och dĂ€rmed Ă€ven behovet av hotellboende. Hotellboendet Ă€r det gĂ€sten konsumerar och dĂ„ detta Ă€r en upplevelse som inte fysiskt gĂ„r att ta med sig hem benĂ€mns hotellbranschen som en del av tjĂ€nsteindustrin. TjĂ€nster Ă€r komplexa och det finns utmaningar som hotellen dĂ€rmed stĂ€lls inför dĂ„ det blir mycket svĂ„rare att förmedla rĂ€tt information till gĂ€sterna innan gĂ€sten anlĂ€nder till hotellet, vad Ă€r egentligen det de köper? Vi vill i denna studie sammanfoga hotellens hĂ„llbarhetsarbete med komplexiteten kring att hotell ingĂ„r i tjĂ€nsteindustrin och fĂ„ en förstĂ„else för vilka vĂ€rderingar konsumenter har kring hĂ„llbarhet generellt och hur dessa vĂ€rderingar relaterar till beteendet gĂ€llande bokning av hotell i synnerhet. Vidare undrar vi vad som skulle kunna motivera gĂ€ster att vĂ€lja mer miljövĂ€nliga boendealternativ och hur, utifrĂ„n gĂ€stens vĂ€rderingar, hotellen bör positionera sig. Detta undersöker vi genom att utföra en kvalitativ studie genom fokusgrupper och med en deduktiv forskningsansats i och med att vi utgĂ„r frĂ„n tidigare forskning och teorier. Deltagarna i vĂ„r studie uppger att det för dem Ă€r ovanligt att relatera hotellbokning med hĂ„llbarhet men att det Ă€r intressant för dem att vĂ€cka dessa tankebanor. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ att de anser att hotellen har ett stort ansvar att vara miljömedvetna och hĂ„llbara men nĂ€r det kommer till dem sjĂ€lva har vissa deltagare svĂ„rt att ta sitt ansvar fullt ut dĂ„ hĂ„llbarhetsdebatten anses för ny för dem medan andra deltagare hĂ€vdar att det Ă€r rĂ€tt att tvingas göra aktiva val som vĂ€cker tankar hos individen om hur en kan pĂ„verka sin omvĂ€rld. Med det sagt sĂ„ tyder resultatet av studien pĂ„ att deltagarna har miljövĂ€nliga vĂ€rderingar men att dessa vĂ€rderingar inte alltid implementeras i beteendet, detta pĂ„ grund av att vĂ„rt agerande baserad pĂ„ vĂ„rt egna behov snarare Ă€n vad som Ă€r bra för hela vĂ€rlden. Deltagarna framhĂ€ver dock att i dagslĂ€get sĂ„ Ă€r det alltid pris och lĂ€ge som kommer först nĂ€r det gĂ€ller viktiga faktorer vid hotellbokning. Vi ser ocksĂ„ tendenser i fokusgruppernas diskussioner som vi tolkar som att för att ett hotells arbete inom hĂ„llbarhet ska fungera behöver fyra faktorer uppfyllas. Arbetet skall vara Givande för gĂ€sten, TrovĂ€rdigt, PĂ„tagligt och Utbildande.The world faces great challenges in the future due to how we overuse the resources of the earth. The environment of the earth and its sustainability is all that we as humans have and as the Bruntland report describes, it is important to act now in order to preserve the earth for future generations (WCED, 1987). At the same time, the awareness of climate change is increasing and with that, the impact that our actions have had so far on the climate. With that being said, a greater demand for responsibility is being called for, both for individuals and corporate businesses. For businesses it has become more normal to work with a tool called CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, which integrates the environmental, social and economic responsibilities for the business and its activities. The private travelling increases more and more and with that also the need for staying at hotels. The stay at the hotel is what the guest consumes and because the stay is an experience that you physically cannot bring home with you, the hotel trade is a part of the service sector. Services are complex and there are challenges for the hotels in conveying the right information to the guest before he or she arrives to the hotel and letting them know what it actually is that they buy and pay for. In this study, we want to merge the hotels sustainability work with the complexity of being a service company. We also want to gain an understanding of which values consumers have regarding sustainability in general and how these values relate to the behavior when booking a hotel particularly. Further on, we wonder what could motivate guests to choose more environmentally friendly hotel options, and from the guest’s values, how hotels should position themselves. We investigate this by performing a qualitative study by using focus groups with a deductive approach, meaning that we base our work on previous studies and theories and uses them to draw conclusions of the result. The participants in our study declare that it is unusual to relate hotel booking with sustainability but at the same time they think that it is interesting to awake this way of thinking. The results also shows that the participants think that the hotels have a great responsibility in being sustainable but when they are to apply this on themselves, some participants struggle a bit more and meaning that the debate of sustainability is too young for them. In the other hand, several other participants think that it is right to be forced into making own decisions that raise awareness about how individuals can influence the world around themselves. With that being said, the result of the study points towards that the participants have environmentally values but that these values not always is being implemented in their behavior, probably because that we base our behavior on our own needs rather than what is good for the whole world. The participants point out that price and location always comes first when booking a hotel. Lastly, we see tendencies in the discussions in the focus groups which we interpret into four factors which hotels need to fulfill in order to conduct functional sustainability actions. The actions should be Awarding for the guest, Trustworthy, Tangible and Educational

    “I expect to get free shipping”

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    Online shopping is today a very popular way of purchasing goods in Sweden, and two out of three Swedes are actively shopping online. When purchasing goods from a web shop, one important part of the process involves the delivery and potential return. There are in many cases delivery and return fees, also called shipping & handling costs, which the consumer sometimes must pay. These costs effect the consumers shopping behaviour in a way that they either can increase the amount of goods in the shopping cart or make the consumer reconsider the purchase. The aim of this paper is to get a deeper understanding of how the shipping & handling costs may affect the consumer’s decision when shopping online. The research was conducted through a mixed-method, combining both interviews and surveys. Our findings imply that shipping and handling costs do affect the consumers decision making online, and that the cost per see can determine whether or not they will go through with a purchase. Surprisingly, almost none of the consumers are interested in returning goods that they are unsatisfied with and especially not if there is a return fee. The majority of the consumers are aware of how it is possible to act sustainable, however, this is something that they almost never act upon when shopping online.MSc in Marketing & Consumptio

    Long-term exposure to nicotine modulates the level and activity of acetylcholine receptors in white blood cells of smokers and model mice.

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    International audienceLong-term consumption of tobacco by smokers causes addiction and increases the level of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the brain, a phenomenon known as up-regulation. Here, we show that up-regulation of specific nAChR subunits takes place in white blood cells (WBCs) of smokers and mice subjected to long-term administration of nicotine. The basal level of alpha-bungarotoxin binding site, which corresponds to the homomeric alpha7 nAChR subtype, was not affected in WBCs of both smokers and mice administered nicotine. In contrast, epibatidine (EB) binding sites, which correspond to heteromeric nAChR subtypes, were detected in WBCs of smokers but not in WBCs of nonsmokers. The number of EB binding sites significantly decreased after incubation of the smokers' WBCs for 3 days in nicotine-free culture medium. In WBCs of wild-type mice, basal level of EB binding sites was detected before nicotine administration. This basal level is reduced by approximately 60% in knockout mice lacking the genes encoding either the beta2 or the alpha4 receptor subunits. Additional analysis of knockout mice revealed that the remaining approximately 40% do not undergo up-regulation, indicating that the alpha4/beta2 subunits comprise the up-regulated nAChRs. We further found that upregulation in mouse WBCs is accompanied by a significant decrease in the capacity of the up-regulated receptor channels to convey calcium ions. The phenomenon of nAChR up-regulation in WBCs provides a simple tool to evaluate and study tobacco addiction