6 research outputs found

    Naturalistic stimuli in touch research

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    Neural mechanisms of touch are typically studied in laboratory settings using robotic or other types of well-controlled devices. Such stimuli are very different from highly complex naturalistic human-to-human touch interactions. The lack of scientifically useful naturalistic stimuli hampers progress, particularly in social touch research. Vision science, on the other hand, has benefitted from inventions such as virtual reality systems that have provided researchers with precision control of naturalistic stimuli. In the field of touch research, producing and manipulating stimuli is particularly challenging due to the complexity of skin mechanics. Here we review the history of touch neuroscience focusing on the contrast between strictly controlled and naturalistic stimuli and compare with vision science. We discuss new methods that may overcome the obstacles with precision-controlled tactile stimuli, and recent successes in naturalistic texture production. In social touch research, precise tracking and measurement of naturalistic human-to-human touch interactions offers exciting new possibilities.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, commentary/review paper. Keywords: touch, haptics, sensory systems, naturalistic stimuli, social touc

    Effects of unilateral cortical resection of the visual cortex on bilateral human white matter

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    Children with unilateral resections of ventral occipito-temporal cortex (VOTC) typically do not evince visual perceptual impairments, even when relatively large swathes of VOTC are resected. In search of possible explanations for this behavioral competence, we evaluated white matter microstructure and connectivity in eight pediatric epilepsy patients following unilateral cortical resection and 15 age-matched controls. To uncover both local and broader resection-induced effects, we analyzed tractography data using two complementary approaches. First, the microstructural properties were measured in the inferior longitudinal and the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi, the major VOTC association tracts. Group differences were only evident in the ipsilesional, and not in the contralesional, hemisphere, and single-subject analyses revealed that these differences were limited to the site of the resection. Second, graph theory was used to characterize the connectivity of the contralesional occipito-temporal regions. There were no changes to the network properties in patients with left VOTC resections nor in patients with resections outside the VOTC, but altered network efficiency was observed in two cases with right VOTC resections. These results suggest that, in many, although perhaps not all, cases of unilateral VOTC resections in childhood, the white matter profile in the preserved contralesional hemisphere along with residual neural activity might be sufficient for normal visual perception

    Primary somatosensory cortical processing in tactile communication

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    Touch is an essential form of non-verbal communication. While language and its neural basis are widely studied, tactile communication is less well understood. We used fMRI and multivariate pattern analyses in pairs of emotionally close adults to examine the neural basis of human-to-human tactile communication. In each pair, a participant was designated either as sender or as receiver. The sender was instructed to communicate specific messages by touching only the arm of the receiver, who was inside the scanner. The receiver then identified the message based on the touch expression alone. We designed two multivariate decoder algorithms – one based on the sender’s intent (sender-decoder), and another based on the receiver’s response (receiver-decoder). We identified several brain areas that significantly predicted behavioral accuracy of the receiver. Regarding our a priori region of interest, the receiver’s primary somatosensory cortex (S1), both decoders were able to accurately differentiate the messages based on neural activity patterns here. The receiver-decoder, which relied on the receivers’ interpretations of the touch expressions, outperformed the sender-decoder, which relied on the sender’s intent. Our results identified a network of brain areas involved in human-to-human tactile communication and supported the notion of non-sensory factors being represented in S1