35 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Obesity and socioeconomic disadvantage in midlife female public sector employees: a cohort study

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    Odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for associations time variant body weight status and socioeconomic disadvantage at Phases 1–3 among women, repeated measures analysis (GEE), the Helsinki Health Study, Finland, 2000–2012. (DOCX 77 kb

    Additional file 4: Table S4. of Obesity and socioeconomic disadvantage in midlife female public sector employees: a cohort study

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    Response rates at Phases 2 and 3 by baseline body weight status and indicators of socioeconomic disadvantage among women, the Helsinki Health Study, Finland, 2000–2012. (DOCX 65 kb

    Age-standardized incidence rates per 10,000 individuals for hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease in men and women, Finland 1976–2010.

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    <p>Age-standardized incidence rates per 10,000 individuals for hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease in men and women, Finland 1976–2010.</p

    Additional file 6: Table S4. of What do register-based studies tell us about migrant mental health? A scoping review

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    Appraising each included study using the guidelines set out by Bohensky et al. Description of data: Study number corresponds to the number assigned as “Quality Assessment Number” in Additional file 5: Table S3. “1” indicates criterion is fulfilled; “0” indicates criterion is not fulfilled; blank space indicates criterion is not applicable. (XLSX 20 kb

    Additional file 7: Figure S2. of What do register-based studies tell us about migrant mental health? A scoping review

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    Graphing the studies included in the review by their scores against Bohensky’s quality assessment criteria. Study number corresponds to the number assigned as “Quality Assessment Number” in Additional file 5: Table S3. (DOCX 46 kb

    Additional file 4: of The mental health and wellbeing of first generation migrants: a systematic-narrative review of reviews

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    List of excluded studies. Contains the titles and authors of reviews which were excluded along with reasons for exclusion. (DOCX 20 kb

    Age-standardized incidence rates per 10,000 individuals for all-cause hospitalizations in men and women, Finland 1976–2010.

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    <p>Age-standardized incidence rates per 10,000 individuals for all-cause hospitalizations in men and women, Finland 1976–2010.</p

    The total number of hospitalizations by cohort in men and women and the mean age and the mean follow-up time in each cohort, Finland 1976–2010.

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    <p>The total number of hospitalizations by cohort in men and women and the mean age and the mean follow-up time in each cohort, Finland 1976–2010.</p