47 research outputs found

    Family ENgagement in Intensive Care Environments (FENICE): A quasi-experimental study protocol

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    Even if health care professionals should take into account the active involvement of families in Intensive Care Units (ICUs), little research that investigates family member\u2019s contributions to care and includes its outcomes on both the family itself and the patient care, is available. The aim of this research project is to assess the effects of a family engagement program on family members\u2019 satisfaction and on patients\u2019 well-being and quality of life. A quasiexperimental study with two non-randomized groups (94 per each group) will be performed in two general ICUs of an Academic Italian Hospital. The intervention will be carried out in a single ICU and it consists of family members\u2019 involvement in the care of their loved ones by means of bed physical exercises and simple care tasks. Participants will be evaluated through manifold outcomes: family satisfaction, assessed with the FS-ICU tool within 48 hours after ICU discharge; patients\u2019 sense of well-being, measured with a visual analogue scale within 30 minutes after the time period of a visit; and the quality of life, investigated with the SF- 12 questionnaire within the first 48 hours after admission to ICU, at three and six months after ICU discharge by telephone. From July 2020, 188 subjects are going to be enrolled throughout the year. The latest data will be collected in December 2021 to allow the completion of the follow-ups of all participants. First, this study constitutes a significant step in a research agenda aimed at deepening the nursing sensitive outcomes in ICUs and the quality of hospital care. Secondly, the results of this study might have the potential to provide a better understanding of how families may modify patients\u2019 outcomes and whether family members would benefit from an involvement program

    Nursing care factors influencing patients' outcomes in the intensive care unit: Findings from a rapid review

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    4To examine the nursing care factors investigated regarding their influence on outcomes of critically ill patients.openopenDanielis, Matteo; Destrebecq, Anne Lucia Leona; Terzoni, Stefano; Palese, AlvisaDanielis, Matteo; Destrebecq, Anne Lucia Leona; Terzoni, Stefano; Palese, Alvis

    Nursing students' involvement in shift-to-shift handovers: Findings from a national study

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    Background Effective performance of clinical handovers should be one of the priorities of nursing education to promote efficient communication skills and ensure patient safety. However, to date, no studies have explored to what extent nursing students are involved in handovers. Objective To explore nursing students' handover involvement during their clinical rotations and associated factors. Method This was a secondary analysis of a large national cross-sectional study that involved 9607 undergraduate nursing students in 27 universities across 95 three-year Italian baccalaureate nursing programs. The involvement in the clinical handovers was the end point (from 0, never, to 3, always). A path analysis was performed to identify variables directly and indirectly affecting students' handover involvement. Results Handover involvement was reported as \u2018only a little\u2019, \u2018to some extent\u2019, and \u2018always\u2019 by 1739 (18.1%), 2939 (30.6%), and 4180 (43.5%) students, respectively; only 749 (7.8%) of students reported never being involved. At the path analysis explaining the 19.1% of variance of nursing students' involvement, some variables emerged that directly increased the likelihood of being involved in handovers. These were being female (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f0.115, p\u202f<\u202f0.001); having children (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f0.107, p\u202f=\u202f0.011); being a 3rd-year student (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f0.142, p\u202f<\u202f0.001) and being a 2nd-year student as compared to a 1st-year student (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f0.050, p\u202f=\u202f0.036); and having a longer clinical rotation (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f0.015, p\u202f<\u202f0.001) in units with high \u2018quality of the learning environment\u2019 (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f0.279, p\u202f<\u202f0.001). Moreover, students who were supervised by the nurse teacher (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f 120.279, p\u202f<\u202f0.001), or by a nurse on a daily basis (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f 120.253, p\u202f=\u202f0.004), or by the staff (\u3b2\u202f=\u202f 120.190, p\u202f<\u202f0.001) reported being less involved in handovers as compared to those students supervised by a clinical nurse. Variables with indirect effects also emerged (model of student's supervision adopted at the unit level, and number of previous clinical rotations attended by students). Moreover, handover involvement explained 11.5% of students self-reported degree of competences learned during the clinical experience. Conclusions Limiting students' opportunity to be involved in handover can prevent the development of communication skills and the professional socialization processes. Strategies at different levels are needed to promote handover among undergraduate nursing students

    National plans and awareness campaigns as priorities for achieving global brain health

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    Neurological conditions are the leading cause of death and disability combined. This public health crisis has become a global priority with the introduction of WHO's Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders 2022–2031 (IGAP). 18 months after this plan was adopted, global neurology stakeholders, including representatives of the OneNeurology Partnership (a consortium uniting global neurology organisations), take stock and advocate for urgent acceleration of IGAP implementation. Drawing on lessons from relevant global health contexts, this Health Policy identifies two priority IGAP targets to expedite national delivery of the entire 10-year plan: namely, to update national policies and plans, and to create awareness campaigns and advocacy programmes for neurological conditions and brain health. To ensure rapid attainment of the identified priority targets, six strategic drivers are proposed: universal community awareness, integrated neurology approaches, intersectoral governance, regionally coordinated IGAP domestication, lived experience-informed policy making, and neurological mainstreaming (advocating to embed brain health into broader policy agendas). Contextualised with globally emerging IGAP-directed efforts and key considerations for intersectoral policy design, this novel framework provides actionable recommendations for policy makers and IGAP implementation partners. Timely, synergistic pursuit of the six drivers might aid WHO member states in cultivating public awareness and policy structures required for successful intersectoral roll-out of IGAP by 2031, paving the way towards brain health for all.</p

    Le symbolisme de la fleur de prunier dans la philosophie, la politique et l'esthétique chinoises des Song à nos jours

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    Destrebecq Marie-Anne. Le symbolisme de la fleur de prunier dans la philosophie, la politique et l'esthétique chinoises des Song à nos jours. In: Études chinoises, vol. 21, n°1-2, Printemps-Automne 2002. pp. 197-209

    Assistenza infermieristica e ospedale interculturale : i risultati di un'indagine conoscitiva presso l'ospedale Filippo Del Ponte di Varese

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    Nel corso degli ultimi anni, e non solo in Italia, l\u2019immigrazione si \ue8 trasformata, mutando da evento contraddistinto da caratteri di emergenza e di provvisoriet\ue0 in fenomeno strutturale e irreversibile. Indipendentemente dalla posizione ideologica di ciascuno, a favore o contro di essa, \ue8 innegabile che si tratti di un fenomeno da analizzare e approfondire per le sue ampie implicazioni sul piano politico, sociale, culturale e sanitario. Il rapporto tra utenti stranieri e operatori sanitari rappresenta il fulcro dell\u2019indagine effettuata, al fine di rilevare gli atteggiamenti e le conoscenze degli operatori sanitari in generale, e degli infermieri in particolare, circa i bisogni di salute della popolazione immigrata che accede alla struttura ospedaliera Filippo Del Ponte, polo monospecialistico varesino per l\u2019area materno infantile. La riflessione sulle identit\ue0 delle persone assistite, sul loro concetto di bisogno e malattia, sulle diverse modalit\ue0 di manifestazioni dei bisogni di assistenza infermieristica si deve necessariamente accompagnare alla riflessione sulle identit\ue0 degli operatori stessi, sulle loro paure e sui loro pregiudizi, ma anche sui punti di forza che permettono di giungere nel processo di cura a una \u2018messa in gioco\u2019 totale. Osservare e registrare gli atteggiamenti e le conoscenze degli operatori sanitari, in tema di rapporto e assistenza agli utenti immigrati, ha portato all\u2019elaborazione di un panorama assai variopinto e in continuo cambiamento. Gli aspetti pi\uf9 salienti rilevabili dai dati raccolti mostrano l\u2019immagine di un operatore parzialmente proteso verso l\u2019accoglienza dell\u2019altro, ma continuamente ancorato alla propria cultura, un soggetto in parte ancora radicato nell\u2019etnocentrismo

    Le personnage conceptuel de la Fleur de Prunier dans la philosophie, la politique et l'esthétique chinoises des Song (960) à nos jours (1995)

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    La @fleur de prunier est ici pour la première fois étudiée sous tous ses aspects : philosophique, historique, esthétique et poétique. Motif symbolique favori des chinois, elle plonge ses racines dans la pensée chinoise antique du Yijing (Classique du Changement). Le texte fondateur de toute l'histoire du prunier, le Huaguang meipu (XIe siècle, époque Song) s'en inspire et nous révèle l'ancrage philosophique d'un engouement sans pareil. Jusqu'à présent, seuls les chapitres esthétiques de ce traité ont mobilisé l'attention des chercheurs. Le chapitre philosophique se voit enfin accorder toute l'attention qu'il mérite...ST DENIS-BU PARIS8 (930662101) / SudocSudocFranceF