217 research outputs found

    Quantifying the relationship between pollen sedimentation in lakes and land cover using historical maps

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    Pollen records from lake sediments have a great potential for providing information on the quantitative composition of past vegetation and land cover in the surrounding landscape. This can contribute to a better understanding of the development of the cultural landscape and interactions between human impact on the landscape and natural conditions like soil and climate. A good understanding of the history of cultural landscapes is necessary for choosing appropriate management strategies for areas dependent on cultural impact, such as heaths, meadows and dry pastures. It is also important for archaeological research concerning utilisation of the landscape in earlier periods. Furthermore, quantitative reconstructions are relevant for climate research. Here they can be used to test climate models, since model predictions of past climate can be translated into past vegetation, which can then be compared to pollen-based reconstructions. Past vegetation cover is also a necessary input to climate models, as it influences albedo, evapotranspiration and carbon storage and cycling. Quantifying vegetation from fossil pollen samples requires a detailed understanding of the way vegetation is reflected in pollen assemblages, including the approximate size of the area of vegetation represented. The relationship between pollen and vegetation is complicated by the fact that different plant species produce different amounts of pollen, and that pollen types are dispersed differently in the atmosphere, depending on their size, shape and weight. These pressing challenges in pollen analysis have attracted much attention in recent years. Models have been developed to describe and simulate species specific pollen dispersal, to quantitatively relate pollen proportions to plant abundance, as well as estimate pollen productivity and to quantify the pollen source area of different types of basins (Parsons & Prentice 1981; Prentice & Parsons 1983; Prentice 1985; Sugita 1993, 1994; Sugita et al. 1997, 1999; Broström 2002; Bunting et al. 2004). The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) has in recent years contributed to the development and validation of such models through the project AGRAR 2000 (Odgaard 1999; Nielsen 2003), where quantitative estimates of past land cover in different regions of Denmark were one of the main objectives, and through participation in the international research network POLLANDCAL (POLlen LANdscape CALibration), funded by NORDFORSK (Nordic Research Board), which focuses on further model development, validation and application

    Evaluating the effect of flowering age and forest structure on pollen productivity estimates

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    Pollen productivity estimates (PPEs) are indispensable prerequisites for quantitative vegetation reconstructions. Estimates from different European regions show a large variability and it is uncertain whether this reflects regional differences in climate and soil or is brought about by different assessments of vegetation abundance. Forests represent a particular problem as they consist of several layers of vegetation and many tree species only start producing pollen after they have attained ages of several decades. Here we used detailed forest inventory data from north-eastern Germany to investigate the effect of flowering age and understory trees on PPEs. Pollen counts were obtained from 49 small to medium sized lakes chosen to represent the different forest types in the region. Surface samples from lakes within a closed forest of Fagus yielded disproportionate amounts of Fagus pollen, increasing its PPE and the variability of all other estimates. These samples were removed from further analysis but indicate a high trunk-space component that is not considered in the Prentice–Sugita pollen dispersal and deposition model. Results of the restricted dataset show important differences in PPEs based on the consideration of flowering age and understory position. The effect is largest for slow growing and/or late flowering trees like Fagus and Carpinus while it is minimal for species that flower early in their development like Betula and Alnus. The large relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) of 7 km obtained in this study is consistent with the landscape structure of the region

    Rekonstruktion av paleomiljön för området kring den Mesolitiska stenåldersboplatsen vid Sammakko, Norrbotten

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    A large number of quartz fragments from knapping andburnt bone, discovered during reconnaissance (NorrbottensMuseum) of forest-cleared areas north of the villageSammakko, c. 40 km SE of Gällivare, have been interpretedto indicate a short-term used dwelling site. Th esite, located c. 100 meters north of the Linaälven Riverand at the edge of an almost overgrown pond, underwentarchaeological preliminary investigation in the summerof 2019. Collected material of burnt bone and charcoalshows that the settlement was used c. 8800 - 8900 yearsago by Mesolithic hunters. Th e present report includesa landscape analysis and vegetation reconstruction, thelatter carried out through pollen analysis of sedimentarylayers from two nearby lake basins, of the area into whichthese early Holocene hunters migrated. Th e settlement islocated in a so-called Veikimorain area, a landscape withhigh and broad plateaus with depressions in between.Th is landscape was formed during the fi nal phase of aprevious glaciation, a landscape morphology that wasonly very slightly aff ected by the most recent glaciationDating of the lowest sediment layers in the lake basins(silt, clay) shows that current lake basins became completelyice-free c. 9200 years ago while surrounding higher-situated areas became ice-free at least 600 years earlier- stagnant ice residues lingered in the terrain lows whilethe gradually ice-free landscape in higher locations wasoccupied by a vegetation of the Arctic heathland type.When the hunter-gatherer settlement at Sammakko wasutilized, the landscape had been completely ice-free forc. 300–400 years and it constituted an inland settlementat c. 20 km distance from the coastline of the LittorinaSea further east. From the pollen analyzes we can see thateven a little earlier the vegetation had changed from arcticheath to an open birch forest (Betula) with elements ofpine (Pinus) and in more humid locations there was alder(Alnus). Dwarf shrubs, including dwarf birch (Betulanana), willow (Salix) and juniper (Juniperus) were commonand so were various herbs, grasses and sedges in thesemi-open fi elds. Only after c. 8500 BP does the forestbecome a more closed birch-pine forest

    The peer effect on pain tolerance

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    Accepted manuscript version, licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Published version available at https://doi.org/10.1515/sjpain-2018-0060 .Background and aims: Twin studies have found that approximately half of the variance in pain tolerance can be explained by genetic factors, while shared family environment has a negligible effect. Hence, a large proportion of the variance in pain tolerance is explained by the (non-shared) unique environment. The social environment beyond the family is a potential candidate for explaining some of the variance in pain tolerance. Numerous individual traits have previously shown to be associated with friendship ties. In this study, we investigate whether pain tolerance is associated with friendship ties. Methods: We study the friendship effect on pain tolerance by considering data from the Tromsø Study: Fit Futures I, which contains pain tolerance measurements and social network information for adolescents attending first year of upper secondary school in the Tromsø area in Northern Norway. Pain tolerance was measured with the cold-pressor test (primary outcome), contact heat and pressure algometry. We analyse the data by using statistical methods from social network analysis. Specifically, we compute pairwise correlations in pain tolerance among friends. We also fit network autocorrelation models to the data, where the pain tolerance of an individual is explained by (among other factors) the average pain tolerance of the individual’s friends. Results: We find a significant and positive relationship between the pain tolerance of an individual and the pain tolerance of their friends. The estimated effect is that for every 1 s increase in friends’ average cold-pressor tolerance time, the expected cold-pressor pain tolerance of the individual increases by 0.21 s (p-value: 0.0049, sample size n=997). This estimated effect is controlled for sex. The friendship effect remains significant when controlling for potential confounders such as lifestyle factors and test sequence among the students. Further investigating the role of sex on this friendship effect, we only find a significant peer effect of male friends on males, while there is no significant effect of friends’ average pain tolerance on females in stratified analyses. Similar, but somewhat lower estimates were obtained for the other pain modalities. Conclusions: We find a positive and significant peer effect in pain tolerance. Hence, there is a significant tendency for students to be friends with others with similar pain tolerance. Sex-stratified analyses show that the only significant effect is the effect of male friends on males. Implications: Two different processes can explain the friendship effect in pain tolerance, selection and social transmission. Individuals might select friends directly due to similarity in pain tolerance, or indirectly through similarity in other confounding variables that affect pain tolerance. Alternatively, there is an influence effect among friends either directly in pain tolerance, or indirectly through other variables that affect pain tolerance. If there is indeed a social influence effect in pain tolerance, then the social environment can account for some of the unique environmental variance in pain tolerance. If so, it is possible to therapeutically affect pain tolerance through alteration of the social environment

    Mid-Holocene European climate revisited: New high-resolution regional climate model simulations using pollen-based land-cover

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    Land-cover changes have a clear impact on local climates via biophysical effects. European land cover has been affected by human activities for at least 6000 years, but possibly longer. It is thus highly probable that humans altered climate before the industrial revolution (AD1750-1850). In this study, climate and vegetation 6000 years (6 ka) ago is investigated using one global climate model, two regional climate models, one dynamical vegetation model, pollen-based reconstruction of past vegetation cover using a model of the pollen-vegetation relationship and a statistical model for spatial interpolation of the reconstructed land cover. This approach enables us to study 6 ka climate with potential natural and reconstructed land cover, and to determine how differences in land cover impact upon simulated climate. The use of two regional climate models enables us to discuss the robustness of the results. This is the first experiment with two regional climate models of simulated palaeo-climate based on regional climate models.Different estimates of 6 ka vegetation are constructed: simulated potential vegetation and reconstructed vegetation. Potential vegetation is the natural climate-induced vegetation as simulated by a dynamical vegetation model driven by climate conditions from a climate model. Bayesian spatial model interpolated point estimates of pollen-based plant abundances combined with estimates of climate-induced potential un-vegetated land cover were used for reconstructed vegetation. The simulated potential vegetation is heavily dominated by forests: evergreen coniferous forests dominate in northern and eastern Europe, while deciduous broadleaved forests dominate central and western Europe. In contrast, the reconstructed vegetation cover has a large component of open land in most of Europe.The simulated 6 ka climate using reconstructed vegetation was 0-5 degrees C warmer than the pre-industrial (PI) climate, depending on season and region. The largest differences are seen in north-eastern Europe in winter with about 4-6 degrees C, and the smallest differences (close to zero) in southwestern Europe in winter. The simulated 6 ka climate had 10-20% more precipitation than PI climate in northern Europe and 10-20% less precipitation in southern Europe in summer. The results are in reasonable agreement with proxy-based climate reconstructions and previous similar climate modelling studies. As expected, the global model and regional models indicate relatively similar climates albeit with regional differences indicating that, models response to land-cover changes differently.The results indicate that the anthropogenic land-cover changes, as given by the reconstructed vegetation, in this study are large enough to have a significant impact on climate. It is likely that anthropogenic impact on European climate via land-use change was already taking place at 6 ka. Our results suggest that anthropogenic land-cover changes at 6 ka lead to around 0.5 degrees C warmer in southern Europe in summer due to biogeophysical forcing. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd
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