246 research outputs found

    The influence of employment uncertainty on childbearing in France: A tempo or quantum effect?

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    This paper investigates whether unemployment and insecure employment periods merely delay fertility or also impact on completed fertility in France. It analyses both the timing of first childbearing and the fertility reached at age 40. Different indicators of declining employment security are used, i.e. current individual employment characteristics, the accumulation of unstable jobs, and aggregate-level indicators of employment uncertainty. Male unemployment has a negative influence on the timing of first childbearing, while periods of insecure employment delay fertility for women. Completed fertility is impacted by unemployment spells only for men who have faced long-term unemployment. Employment uncertainty thus tends to delay first parenthood but has a relatively weak effect on lifetime fertility in France. Generous state support to families associated with a generous unemployment insurance system, and the strong French two-child family norm may explain why economic uncertainty affects fertility less than elsewhere.birth parity, event history analysis, fertility, gender, labor market, short-term employment, unemployment

    The time benefits of young adult home stayers in France and Italy: a new perspective on the transition to adulthood?

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    This article analyses how two co-residing generations contribute to the housework workload in Italy and France during the early 2000s. It studies the intergenerational exchange of time between young adults and their parents by indirectly comparing the level of domestic comfort enjoyed by young people in the two closely neighbouring countries. A focus on the reasons for staying in the parental home provides an explanation for the tendency of young Italian adults to prolong their stay in the family nest. The results of time-use surveys suggest that young Italians (especially young men) may benefit more than their French counterparts in co-residing with their parents. Beyond the compositional or structural effects, they perform fewer domestic tasks than their French counterparts, a result that is related to different cultural practices

    La production domestique dans les modèles collectifs

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    Nous présentons ici des résultats nouveaux dans le cadre des modèles collectifs avec production domestique. Nous montrons que les résultats d’identification de la règle de partage obtenus dans Chiappori, Fortin et Lacroix (2002), à partir d’un modèle standard d’offre de travail, peuvent être étendus à un modèle avec production domestique, ce qui permet une définition plus satisfaisante du loisir. La méthode issue du résultat théorique de l’article nécessite uniquement l’observation des temps de travail domestique et marchand des deux membres adultes du ménage. Les estimations comparatives des modèles avec et sans production domestique, réalisées à partir de données françaises (enquête INSEE « Emplois du temps »), montrent que l’on obtient des résultats un peu différents, et surtout, plus robustes, pour le modèle dans lequel le temps de travail domestique est pris en compte.This paper presents new general results in collective models with household production. We show that the identification of the sharing rule, obtained in Chiappori, Fortin and Lacroix (2002) using a standard labor supply model, can be extended to a model including household production, thus based upon a more satisfactory definition of leisure. The method derived from our theoretical results only implies that both market time and time devoted to household production by both members of the household are observed in the data. Comparing the results obtained with and without domestic time, using French data of the INSEE survey “Emplois du temps”, show that slightly different, and more robust results are obtained when including household production

    Does part-time mothering help get a job? The role of shared custody in women’s employment

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    Though shared custody arrangements after divorce are more and more frequent in many countries, little is known about their economic consequences for parents. By relaxing family time constraints, does shared custody help divorced mothers return to work more easily? This article analyses to what extent the type of child custody arrangement affects mothers’ labour market behaviours after divorce. Using a large sample of divorcees from an exhaustive French administrative income-tax database, and taking advantage of the huge territorial discrepancies observed in the proportion of shared custody, we correct for the possible endogeneity of shared custody. As it turns out, the probability of being employed is 16 percentage points higher for mothers with shared custody arrangements compared to those having sole physical custody, with huge heterogeneous effects: larger positive effects are observed for previously inactive women, for those belonging to the lowest income quintiles before divorce, for those with a young child, and for those who have three or more children. Shared custody is particularly helpful for women who are far removed from the labour market

    The Time Cost of Raising Children in Different Fertility Contexts: Evidence from France and Italy

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    This article provides an original comparison of the time cost of children for the parental couple and for each parent in two European countries\u2014France and Italy\u2014that differ in terms of structural and normative constraints. Using time-use surveys carried out in 2008\u20132009 in Italy and in 2009\u20132010 in France, it investigates how Italian and French couples\u2019 time use varies quantitatively according to the number and the age of their children. We estimate both the direct and indirect time cost of children and take into account the compression of the parents\u2019 free time. After controlling for numerous covariates, the results corroborate the hypothesis that Italian children have a higher direct cost for couples (especially those with a large family or with preschool children), but also for mothers and fathers separately. Faced with this huge burden of childcare time, Italian women adjust by substituting housework with childcare. The presence of children reduces parents\u2019 free time in both countries, but large families in Italy experience a higher and persistent loss of free time than in France. The gender imbalance in childcare is similar in both countries, but a more pronounced gender gap in time dedicated to domestic work is observed in Italy than in France. The loss of free time is always greater for women than for men in both countries, but in France, women\u2019s free time is only partially affected by the number of children, contrary to Italy

    Concilier, organiser, renoncer : quel genre d'arrangements ?

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    International audienceDieser Artikel zieht eine Bilanz der Entwicklung der Artikulation zwischen Familien- und Berufsleben, der über die feministische Kontroverse hinausgeht. Die Arrangements von Familien- und Berufsleben hängen nach wie vor hauptsächlich von den Frauen ab, insbesondere in Bezug auf die verschiedenen Phasen des Lebens. Die neuen Organisationsformen von Arbeit und die Segmentierung des Arbeitsmarktes führen zu einer Beibehaltung dieser sexuellen Arbeitsteilung. Die Arbeitgeber können zu einer Verringerung der Spannungen zwischen Familien- und Berufsleben beitragen, indem sie eine flexiblere Arbeitsorganisation ermöglichen. Die Situation der Arbeitnehmer einerseits, unabhängig von ihrem Familienstand, und die Unterstützungsmaßnahmen von Seiten des Arbeitsgebers andererseits, variieren jedoch stark je nach Arbeitsmarktbranche und Arbeitnehmerverhältnis.Beyond the scathing debate among feminist circles about the use of the word conciliation, this article assesses the articulation between family and work. Arrangements between family and work continue to mainly weigh upon women, more and more within the life cycle. New work organizations and segmentation of the workplace keep the gendered division going. Employers can contribute to the lowering of the tensions between work and family life, particularly by allowing a more flexible work organization. However, whatever their family status, workers do not all benefit from the same support from their companies: strong inequalities remain accounting to the field of activity and the job category.Más allá del debate virulento en los ámbitos feministas sobre el uso de la palabra conciliación, este artículo hace un balance de la articulación familia-trabajo. Los arreglos entre familia y trabajo siguen basándose mayoritariamente en las mujeres, y cada vez más a lo largo del ciclo de la vida. Las nuevas organizaciones del trabajo y la segmentación del mercado laboral mantienen esta división sexuada. Los empresarios pueden contribuir a limitar las tensiones entre trabajo y vida familiar, especialmente al permitir una organización del trabajo más flexible. Pero, independientemente de sus situaciones familiares, los trabajadores no se benefician del mismo tipo de apoyo por parte de sus empresas: siguen existiendo grandes desigualdades según los sectores y los tipos de puestos de trabajo.Au-delà du débat virulent dans les milieux féministes sur l’utilisation du terme de conciliation, cet article établit un bilan de l’articulation famille-travail. Les arrangements entre famille et travail continuent à reposer majoritairement sur les femmes, de plus en plus au cours du cycle de vie. Les nouvelles organisations du travail et la segmentation du marché du travail entretiennent cette division sexuée. Les employeurs peuvent contribuer à limiter les tensions entre travail et vie familiale, notamment en permettant une organisation du travail plus souple. Mais, quelle que soit leur situation familiale, les travailleurs ne bénéficient pas du même soutien de la part de leurs entreprises : de fortes inégalités selon les secteurs et les types d’emploi persistent

    Unemployment and separation: Evidence from five European countries

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    Since the 1970s, several European countries have experienced high union dissolution risk as well as high unemployment rates. The extent to which adverse economic conditions are associated with union instability is still unknown. This study explores the relationship between both individual and aggregate unemployment and union dissolution risk in five European countries before the recent economic crisis. Using rich longitudinal data from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, and Italy, the empirical analysis, based on discrete-time event history models, shows that male unemployment consistently increases the risk of union dissolution. While a strong association is observed between male unemployment and separation at the micro level, no association is found between male unemployment and union dissolution at the macro level. The results for female unemployment are mixed, and the size of the impact of female unemployment is smaller in magnitude than that of male unemployment. In Germany and Italy, where until very recently work has been less compatible with family life than in other countries, female unemployment is not significantly associated with union dissolution

    Family Life and Work

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    Fathers' time with children at the crossroads of the gender revolution: A comparative analysis in France, Italy, Sweden and the UK.

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    BACKGROUND According to recent literature the increasing women's labour market participation is only the first part of the so called gender revolution, while a second part is now unfolding, with an increased participation of men in family life with special attention to childcare. OBJECTIVE The aim of this paper is to explore fathers' involvement in parenting tasks within different contexts in terms of gender regimes, family policies, and workplace culture. The idea is to evidence individual factors that may enable/challenge the capability of fathers to stay with children and care for them, and to suggest opportune father-friendly policies. METHODS Time with children is compared among a sample of fathers in Time Use survey in France (2009-2010), Italy (2008-09), Sweden (2000-2001) and the UK (2000). Three different measures of father involvement are examined: the total time father spend with their children, the time they spend alone with them, and their engagement in childcare activities. RESULTS Results show that distinct micro-level factors contribute in determining the three levels of father's commitment analysed. Few cross-countries differences emerge. Fathers' involvement is mainly determined by their work-related features, by their children characteristics, and by their partner's working schedules. Weekday and weekend differences are observed. The quantum of father engagement strongly depends on the countries' institutional context: it is the highest in Sweden and the lowest in Italy. CONTRIBUTION This comparative study shows the methodological importance of considering different measures of father involvement to understand how micro-level factors influence the time fathers spend with their children in different institutional context

    Faut-il tourner la PAJE ? : l’impact de la Prestation d’Accueil du Jeune Enfant sur le parcours professionnel des mères

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    L’arrivée des enfants entraine souvent un retrait du marché du travail des femmes, favorisé par l’existence d’allocations de remplacement. Ce retrait, souvent temporaire, peut toutefois avoir des répercussions professionnelles. À partir de l’enquête du Céreq à dix ans auprès de la Génération 98, l’article évalue les conséquences professionnelles, pour les mères, de la réforme de la PAJE (Prestation d’Accueil du Jeune Enfant) qui, en 2004, a étendu la compensation financière de l'arrêt aux premières naissances. Depuis, davantage de mères d’un premier enfant interrompent totalement ou partiellement leur activité, pour une courte durée. Un impact négatif sur leur salaire est visible jusqu’à deux ans après la naissance. Childbirth often means that women withdraw from the labour market, with incentive provided by replacement benefits. Such a withdrawal, while it is usually temporary, may nonetheless have repercussions on a woman’s career. Based on the Céreq Génération 98 survey, this paper assesses how far mothers’ careers are affected by the reform of the early childhood benefit, PAJE (Prestation d’Accueil du Jeune Enfant), which, in 2004, extended financial benefits provided under the Order to the birth of the first child. Since then, increasing numbers of first-time mothers have taken a total or partial break from work for a short period. It has been found that this can have a negative impact on their salaries for up to two years following the birth.In diesem Artikel soll die Entwicklung der geschlechterspezifischen beruflichen Segregation in den ersten zehn Berufsjahren und deren Zusammenhang mit Entlohnungsunterschieden beleuchtet werden. Nach zehn Jahren hat die Segregation nur wenig zugenommen, der Anteil der Berufe, bei denen die Segregation schulischen Ursprungs ist, hat ab- und der Entlohnungsunterschied im Schnitt zugenommen. Die Untersuchung stützt sich auf einige emblematische Berufe und zeigt, dass sich die Entlohnungssituation der Frauen verschlechtert. Jedoch ist der Zusammenhang zwischen beruflicher Segregation und Lohndiskriminierung nicht eindeutig.La llegada de los hijos a menudo lleva a un retiro del mercado de trabajo de las mujeres, favorecido por la existencia de asignación de reemplazo. Este retiro, a menudo temporal, puede sin embargo tener repercusiones profesionales. A partir de la encuesta del Cereq a la Generación 98, el artículo evalúa las consecuencias profesionales, para las madres, de la reforma de la PAJE (Prestation d’Accueil du Jeune Enfant - Prestación de recepción del niño) que en 2004 extendió la compensación financiera de la interrupción por los primeros nacimientos. Desde entonces, más madres de un primer hijo interrumpen total o parcialmente su actividad, por un corto tiempo. Un impacto negativo sobre su salario es visible hasta dos años después del nacimiento