14 research outputs found

    Small And Medium Enterprises Training For Survival In A Competitive World

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    This study explored the influence of Total Quality Management practices on performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. Youth Projects in Kajiado County, Kenya were used as the target population. One of the key TQM management practices is training of employees. The study sort to determine the influence of training of employees on performance on SMEs. The study was carried out on 168 youth group projects in Kajiado County.Questionnaires and interviews were used as research instruments. For triangulation purpose, the interview schedule was used to confirm the information captured by the questionnaire. Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The study used mixed method approach in the collection and analysis, to capture both the qualitative and quantitative data.Spearman’s correlation was used to test the relationship between training and performance of SMEs. The analyses indicated a moderately positive relationship between training and performance of SMEs in Kajiado county which was statistically significant rs=0.400, p=0.600.Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, it is recommended that to improve the performance of the youth groups, they should strive to ensure their product in the market is superior. This can only be ensured by equipping their employees with proper skills, knowledge and values through training

    Top management commitment for successful small and medium-enterprises(SMEs): A hoax or a reality?

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    The role of small and medium enterprises in any country’s economic development cannot be under estimated. It is important for all countries especially the developing ones to note that the key to having a sustained development is to improve the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This ensures economic growth is inclusive of all people. The success of these enterprises should be the concern of all governments that are interested in not only alleviating poverty as a major threat to sustainable development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of top management commitment as a Total Quality Management (TQM) practice on performance of small and medium enterprises. The study concentrated on youth group projects in Kajiado north sub county, Kajiado County, Kenya. Youth projects were randomly selected from Kajiado north sub-county, in five wards. The study used mixed method approach in the data collection and analysis, to capture both the qualitative and quantitative data. The design is descriptive. The target population was 210 youth that were involved in youth group projects. Spearman’s correlation was used to test the relationship between the variables. The analyses indicated that there is significant relationship between top management and performance

    Lessons for School Principals from Transformational Leadership Characteristics

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    This study was carried out in selected public secondary schools in Kenya. It is on the realization that the work of the school Principal is not easy and many find themselves in leadership without proper preparation for the hard task. The school principals’ work is a high-stress job especially because he or she has to do virtually everything related to students, teachers, parents, subordinate staff and the community at large. This kind of leader would require extra-ordinary characteristics to be able to be successful. Majority of principals perform decimally in all the areas that spell success in secondary schools especially in discipline and academic performance. The purpose of this study was to find out how principals’ transformational leadership characteristics were correlates to effective school performance. Kouze’s and Posner’s leadership Practices Inventory(LPI)  “self” questionnaire  was used to measure  Principals’ transformational leadership style. LPI “others” was used to triangulate the principals’ response with the teachers. The target population consisted of 72 Principals in public schools and 139 principals in private schools.  There were also 1210 teachers in public secondary schools and 1500 teachers in private secondary schools in Nairobi County. The findings indicated positive correlations between the Principals’ transformational leadership characteristics with effective school performance. Keywords: Secondary schools, transformational leadership, modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, encouraging the heart, enabling others to act. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-12-06 Publication date: April 30th 201


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    Universities continue to develop new methods of teaching in order to reach many people who cannot access education through the conventional methods; and to attain equity and increase access in higher education for development. Education is a key pillar in development. As Kenya works towards the attainment of Vision 2030 a lot has to be done in education to increase equity and access to allow many people to participate in the development. A lot of resources have been committed to development and implementation of DE materials and facilities but adoption of DE continues to be minimal at the Kenyan Public universities. This paper explores the role DE support facilities plays in the participation of university managers in DE activities in Kenya’s Public Universities. To study this role, the following indicators were analysed: computer availability to the managers and staff; access to personal computer; internet availability; number of internet connection points; and availability of ICT help desk. The study sort to establish the extent to which availability of personal computers availability of internet, number of internet connection points, availability of computers for teaching influence managers’ participation in DE; and to assess the availability of ICT help desks. The research employed cross-sectional descriptive survey design; and multi-stage stratified sampling design. The findings indicated that availing necessary support facilities is crucial if adoption of DE is to be increased in the public universities in Kenya. This study recommends that the university management avails the necessary support facilities to ensure participation in distance education activities. The management should work towards identifying strategies that can improve managers’ participation at different levels. The study also recommends training to enhance attitude transformation

    Inspiring a Shared Vision: Getting all the Teachers in the Bandwagon

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    Effective organizations have often been associated with the kind of leadership practice exercised in such organizations. When schools are not performing well, the blame is usually put on the principal who is the leader of the school. This study explored the relationship between secondary school Principals’ transformational leadership practice of inspiring a shared vision and students’ academic performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).  The study was carried out in Nairobi County, Kenya. Stratified sampling process was used to ensure that both public and private schools in Nairobi were captured in the study.  Leadership behaviour was measured using the Leadership Practices Inventory-(“Self” and “others”). Correlational research design was employed in data analysis. Pearson correlations were used to establish if there was a relationship between transformational leadership characteristics and academic performance. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test if a relationship existed between selected demographic characteristics and the interaction of leadership characteristics of principals’ and students’ academic performance. To test relationships between principals’ ratings and teachers’ ratings, ratings of male principals and female principals, t-test was used. Results indicated a positive correlation of “Inspiring a shared vision”. It was recommended that secondary school principals should exhibit transformational leadership of inspiring a shared vision   in order to succeed in today’s changing world of educational leadership. Keywords: Transformational leadership, inspiring a shared vision, secondary school principals, teachers, academic performanc


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    Idealized behavior is an aspect of transformational leadership which defines the need for change, developing a vision for the future, and mobilizing followers for commitment to achieve results beyond what is expected. This study explored the Influence of Idealized behavior on projects implementation. A case study is that of constituency Development Fund construction projects in public secondary schools in Kisumu County, Kenya. The objective of this study is to examine how idealized behavior influences the implementation of CDF construction projects. The study used Expost facto design and it was anchored on three theories: the transformational leadership theory, contingency theory, and systems theory. Hypotheses was formulated and subsequently tested in the study in order to establish the influence of conflict resolution thereof. In hypothesis H1, (H0: The strength of the relationship between idealized behavior and the implementation of CDF projects does not depend on conflict resolution), it was concluded that the strength of the relationship between idealized behavior and the implementation of CDF projects depends on conflict resolution (P=0.013Ë‚P=0.05)

    Learner Administrative Support Services and Retention of Students in Open Distance Learning Programmes: The Case of Selected Universities in Kenya

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    Across the globe, there is increased demand for Open Distance Learning as a result of advancement in growth of Information Communication and Technology. Open Distance Learning has been seen to be flexible and therefore the learners can study from anywhere, anytime and from the convenience. This has enable learners to juggle between social commitments, work, and still pursue education. However, Kenya faces low retention rates in Open Distance Learning programmes in most of the universities compared to face-to-face mode of learning. This study sough to establish the influence of learner support services and learner interactions on the retention of students in Open Distance Learning programmes at the selected Universities in Kenya. The study was guided by Tinto’s Theory of Student Departure and Kember’s Attrition Model from distance education courses. Pragmatism paradigm and cross-sectional survey design guided the study. The study targeted 1990 learners enrolled in the Bachelor of Education Programmes by distance education in University of Nairobi, Kenyatta University and Mount Kenya University in the year 2021. The study sample size was 322 Open Distance Learning students pursuing Bachelor of Education related degree programmes in the three selected universities using stratified random sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires. Regression analysis was used to test the research hypothesis at 95% confidence interval. The study revealed that program information (t=2.760, P<0.05), health services (t=3.720, p<0.05), financial support (t=2.381, p<0.05) and student records support services (t=3.996, p<0.05) were statistically significant predictors of retention of learners in Open Distance Learning programmes while support from staff was not (t=0.314, p>0.05). The study concluded that learner administrative support services have significant influence on retention of learners in Open Distance Learning programmes at the selected Universities in Kenya. The study recommends universities should make efforts and improve on any shortfalls. The study further recommends intensification of quality assurance activities basically to address administrative responsibilities of the university and staff to the students. Keywords: Open Distance Learning, Learner administrative support services, learner interaction DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-32-06 Publication date: November 30th 202


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    Idealized behavior is an aspect of transformational leadership which defines the need for change, developing a vision for the future, and mobilizing followers for commitment to achieve results beyond what is expected. This study explored the Influence of Idealized behavior on projects implementation. A case study is that of constituency Development Fund construction projects in public secondary schools in Kisumu County, Kenya. The objective of this study is to examine how idealized behavior influences the implementation of CDF construction projects. The study used Expost facto design and it was anchored on three theories: the transformational leadership theory, contingency theory, and systems theory. Hypotheses was formulated and subsequently tested in the study in order to establish the influence of conflict resolution thereof. In hypothesis H1, (H0: The strength of the relationship between idealized behavior and the implementation of CDF projects does not depend on conflict resolution), it was concluded that the strength of the relationship between idealized behavior and the implementation of CDF projects depends on conflict resolution (P=0.013Ë‚P=0.05)

    Pay as You Drink for Sustainability of Community Water Projects

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    The main objective of this study was to investigate how community water projects are influenced by water user fee payment by the stakeholders. This studywas carried out in Kieni Constituency, Nyeri County in Kenya. The research was based on the models of sustainability and theories of capital structure. The study was carried out in all the 73 water projects in Kieni Constituency. The units of analysis were all the chairmen of these projects together with 381 beneficiaries of the water projects. Two district water officers and 9 local bank managers were also included in the study. Structured questionnaires, interview and observation schedules were used as research instruments. Pearson’s Product Moment correlation was used in ascertaining the relationships between the study variables and F statistic was used in testing the hypothesis that: there is no significant relationship between the amount of water user fees and sustainability of community water projects. The analysis showed that there was a correlation coefficient r=0.356 depicting a moderate positive correlation which was significant at 0.10 significant level. This indicated a significant moderate positive relationship between water user fee and sustainability of community water projects. It was therefore concluded that an increase in water user fee moderately improves sustainability of community water projects. From the study findings, it was recommended that there is need to establish a sufficient level of water user fee and also a proper management of the collected water user payment