314 research outputs found

    Absolute frequency measurement of 12C16O2 laser lines with a femtosecond laser comb and new determination of the 12C16O2 molecular constants and frequency grid

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    Absolute frequency measurements of a CO2 laser stabilized on saturated absorption resonances of CO2 laser lines are reported. They were performed using a femtosecond-laser frequency comb generator and two laser diodes at 852 nm and 782 nm as intermediate oscillators, with their frequency difference phase-locked to the CO2 laser. 20 12C16O2 laser lines in the P and R bands at 9 µm were measured with a relative uncertainty of a few 10-12 limited by the CO2 frequency reproducibility. A new determination of the CO2 molecular constants was obtained from these data and previous measurements in the 10 µm band. The CO2 frequency grid was also calculated, with an improvement of two orders of magnitude compared to the previous grid of Maki et al [A.G. Maki, C.C. Chou, K. Evenson, L.R. Zink and J.T. Shy, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 167, (1994) 211-224]

    Two-Way Optical Frequency Comparisons Over 100km Telecommunication Network Fibers

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    By using two-way frequency transfer, we demonstrate ultra-high resolution comparison of optical frequencies over a telecommunication fiber link of 100 km operating simultaneously digital data transfer. We first propose and experiment a bi-directional scheme using a single fiber. We show that the relative stability at 1 s integration time is 7 10^18 and scales down to 5 10^21. The same level of performance is reached when an optical link is implemented with an active compensation of the fiber noise. We also implement a real-time two-way frequency comparison over a uni-directional telecommunication network using a pair of parallel fibers. The relative frequency stability is 10^15 at 1 s integration time and reaches 2 10^17 at 40 000 s. The fractional uncertainty of the frequency comparisons was evaluated for the best case to 2 10^20. These results open the way to accurate and high resolution frequency comparison of optical clocks over intercontinental fiber networks

    Probing weak force induced parity violation by high resolution mid-infrared molecular spectroscopy

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    To date no experiment has reached the level of sensitivity required to observe weak nuclear force induced parity violation (PV) energy differences in chiral molecules. In this paper, we present the approach, adopted at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (LPL), to measure frequency differences in the vibrational spectrum of enantiomers. We review different spectroscopic methods developed at LPL leading to the highest resolutions, as well as 20 years of CO2 laser stabilization work enabling such precise measurements. After a first attempt to observe PV vibrational frequency shifts using sub-Doppler saturated absorption spectroscopy in a cell, we are currently aiming at an experiment based on Doppler-free two-photon Ramsey interferometry on a supersonic beam. We report on our latest progress towards observing PV with chiral organo-metallic complexes containing a heavy rhenium atom

    10 um wavefront spatial filtering: first results with chalcogenide fibers

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    Wavefront cleaning by single-mode fibers has proved to be efficient in optical-infrared interferometry to improve calibration quality. For instance, the FLUOR instrument has demonstrated the capability of fluoride glass single-mode fibers in this respect in the K and L bands. New interferometric instruments developped for the mid-infrared require the same capability for the 8-12 um range. We have initiated a program to develop single-mode fibers in the prospect of the VLTI mid-infrared instrument MIDI and of the ESA/DARWIN and NASA/TPF missions that require excellent wavefront quality. In order to characterize the performances of chalcogenide fibers we are developping, we have set up an experiment to measure the far-field pattern radiated at 10 um. In this paper, we report the first and promising results obtained with this new component.Comment: Conference "Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II", SPIE 200

    Mid-IR frequency measurement using an optical frequency comb and a long-distance remote frequency reference

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    We have built a frequency chain which enables to measure the absolute frequency of a laser emitting in the 28-31 THz frequency range and stabilized onto a molecular absorption line. The set-up uses an optical frequency comb and an ultrastable 1.55 μ\mum frequency reference signal, transferred from LNE-SYRTE to LPL through an optical link. We are now progressing towards the stabilization of the mid-IR laser via the frequency comb and the extension of this technique to quantum cascade lasers. Such a development is very challenging for ultrahigh resolution molecular spectroscopy and fundamental tests of physics with molecules

    Determination of the Boltzmann constant by laser spectroscopy as a basis for future measurements of the thermodynamic temperature

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    In this paper, we present the latest results on the measurement of the Boltzmann constant kB, by laser spectroscopy of ammonia at 10 ?m. The Doppler absorption profile of a ro-vibrational line of an NH3 gas sample at thermal and pressure equilibrium is measured as accurately as possible. The absorption cell is placed inside a large 1m3 thermostat filled with an ice-water mixture, which sets the temperature very close to 273.15 K. Analysing this profile, which is related to the Maxwell-Boltzmann molecular speed distribution, leads to a determination of the Boltzmann constant via a measurement of the Doppler width (proportional tosqrt(kBT)). A spectroscopic determination of the Boltzmann constant with an uncertainty as low as 37 ppm is obtained. Recent improvements with a new passive thermostat lead to a temperature accuracy, stability and homogeneity of the absorption cell better than 1 ppm over a day

    Absolute frequency measurement of the iodine-stabilized Ar+ laser at 514.6 nm using a femtosecond optical frequency comb.

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    The frequency of 127I2 hyperfine component a3 of the P(13) 43-0 transition at 514.6 nm has been measured with an optical clockwork based on a femtosecond laser frequency comb generator. The measured frequency at an iodine pressure of 0.12 Pa is 67.3(0.75) kHz higher than the value of 582490603.38(15) MHz, adopted by the CIPM in 2003 [T.J. Quinn, Metrologia 40, 103 (2003)] but is in a good agreement with the value measured by R.J. Jones et al [Appl. Phys. B74, 597 (2002)]. In our experiment we used H-maser reference frequency located at BNM-SYRTE Observatoire de Paris and transported to our laboratory by a 43 km optical fibre link

    Ultra-stable long distance optical frequency distribution using the Internet fiber network

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    We report an optical link of 540 km for ultrastable frequency distribution over the Internet fiber network. The stable frequency optical signal is processed enabling uninterrupted propagation on both directions. The robustness and the performance of the link are enhanced by a cost effective fully automated optoelectronic station. This device is able to coherently regenerate the return optical signal with a heterodyne optical phase locking of a low noise laser diode. Moreover the incoming signal polarization variation are tracked and processed in order to maintain beat note amplitudes within the operation range. Stable fibered optical interferometer enables optical detection of the link round trip phase signal. The phase-noise compensated link shows a fractional frequency instability in 10 Hz bandwidth of 5x10-15 at one second measurement time and 2x10-19 at 30 000 s. This work is a significant step towards a sustainable wide area ultrastable optical frequency distribution and comparison network

    Measurement of the Boltzmann constant by the Doppler broadening technique at a 3,8x10-5 accuracy level

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    In this paper, we describe an experiment performed at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers and dedicated to an optical measurement of the Boltzmann constant. With the proposed innovative technique, determining comes down to an ordinary frequency measurement. The method consists in measuring as accurately as possible the Doppler absorption profile of a rovibrational line of ammonia in thermal equilibrium. This profile is related to the Maxwell-Boltzmann molecular velocity distribution along the laser beam. A fit of the absorption line shape leads to a determination of the Doppler width proportional to sqrt(kT) and thus to a determination of the Boltzmann constant. The laser source is an ultra-stable CO2 laser with a wavelength . The absorption cell is placed in a thermostat keeping the temperature at 273.15 K within 1.4 mK. We were able to measure with a relative uncertainty as small as 3.8x10-5, which represents an improvement of an order of magnitude for an integration time comparable to our previous measurement published in 2007 [1

    A widely tunable 10-μ\mum quantum cascade laser phase-locked to a state-of-the-art mid-infrared reference for precision molecular spectroscopy

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    We report the coherent phase-locking of a quantum cascade laser (QCL) at 10-μ\mum to the secondary frequency standard of this spectral region, a CO2 laser stabilized on a saturated absorption line of OsO4. The stability and accuracy of the standard are transferred to the QCL resulting in a line width of the order of 10 Hz, and leading to our knowledge to the narrowest QCL to date. The locked QCL is then used to perform absorption spectroscopy spanning 6 GHz of NH3 and methyltrioxorhenium, two species of interest for applications in precision measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure