48 research outputs found

    Fundamental Study of Sprays of Different Fluids

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    The demand for petroleum based fuel increases because of growing transportation industry. Besides petroleum fuels, there are alternative fuels, such as ethanol, biodiesel, propane and hydrogen. Alternative fuels need to be developed to meet high demands of fuel, to increase the efficiency and to make transportation more environmental friendly. This report is about fundamental study of alcohol sprays. The concept of alcohol sprays is not well understood and research on this topic needs to be done in order to gain more information and to make this information useful. This concept is applied in the combustion chamber. The purpose of this report is to represent an introduction about the project and state the problem along with the objectives and methodology used to solve the problem. The first chapter makes brief introduction to the project. The report continues with the second chapter, which is literature review. Then it is followed by methodology. Conclusion part summarizes the report content. The objective of the present research is to study characteristics of different fluid sprays which are mean velocities and droplet sizes. It also observes the break up structure of different types of different fluid sprays. The study focuses on two points, which are: characteristics of fluids and the observation of the structure of alcohol and measurement of spray angle at nozzle exit. Spray characteristics of four different fluids (methanol, ethanol, diesel and water) are analyzed by Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA). Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) systems were used to measure droplet velocities of fluid sprays. Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) systems were used to measure the droplet sizes of fluid sprays. These results were compared with other fluids such as diesel, water and oil. All the results are analyzed to further understand the characteristics of four different fluid sprays. Digital camera was used in order to observe the structure of fluids and to measure the spray angles at nozzle exit. Spray angle variations were observed under different pressures for each fluid

    Instability of the rhodium magnetic moment as origin of the metamagnetic phase transition in alpha-FeRh

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    Based on ab initio total energy calculations we show that two magnetic states of rhodium atoms together with competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions are responsible for a temperature induced metamagnetic phase transition, which experimentally is observed for stoichiometric alpha-FeRh. A first-principle spin-based model allows to reproduce this first-order metamagnetic transition by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Further inclusion of spacial variation of exchange parameters leads to a realistic description of the experimental magneto-volume effects in alpha-FeRh.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Actors of the Civil War in Turkmenistan: the truth and fiction about Junaid Khan

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    The article describes about little-known pages in the life of one of the key military and political leaders of the Civil War in Turkmenistan, Junaid Khan — Kurbanmamed serdar (1862–1938). The historiography of the issue is criticized. Based on unpublished sources from the founds of state and departmental archives, the details of the biography of this figure related to his participation in the fratricidal confrontation are clarified. The theoretical basis of the study is a combination of military anthropology, problematic and comparative historical methods. Summing up, the author assesses the personality of Junaid Khan against the backdrop of the controversial era in which this military and political figure lived

    Educational and awareness-rasing activities of Tatar women in Soviet Turkmenistan

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    The article examines the contribution of Tatar women teachers to the education of the Turkmen people and to the training of national teaching staff for the Soviet Socialistic Republic of Turkmenistan in the first years of Soviet regime. The article explores the example of Gulnar Dzhanbekovna Karly, the oldest teacher of the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly. The author analyses the life path, scholarly and pedagogical work of the prominent Tatar woman, who during her half-century of fruitful work took an active part in the training of highly qualified young historian scholars of Turkmenistan and in the development of school textbooks. The article reveals how representatives of the Karly pedagogical dynasty, at least five generations of educators, including mullahs, teachers and lectors, selflessly served their people, the people of Turkmenistan and the profession of a historian scholar

    Anti-Soviet Armed Revolt in Turkmenistan

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    In April - October, 1931 in a steppe part Turkmenistan there was a revolts of the Turkmen nomads. The main reasons of their revolts were violent modernization of cattle breeding economy and Sovietization of the nomadic regions of Turkmenistan. These actions were carried out by means of terror, a rough arbitrariness and violence from the authorities and therefore they caused a sharp protest from inhabitants of sands. Therefore, in various places of Kara Kum steppe the revolt which captured practically all layers of the nomadic population of Turkmenistan broke out. In the same time a part of cattle-farmers of the Western Kazakhstan came to the territory of Turkmenistan and, having united with local nomads, led fight against the Soviet power. Thus, in the beginning 1931, in various places of the Kara Kum steppe the insurgent centers, groups of which systematically made raids on the cities, villages, railway stations and traveling, economical and other objects, and they also committed acts of terrorism against the party and Soviet workers and rural activists. Revolts of the Turkmen and Kazakh nomads were cruelly suppressed by parties and divisions of the Central Asian military district, and also troops of OGPU. Several thousands of people were condemned for participation in the movement, hundreds were shot. The revolt of 1931 is one of the poorly studied subjects of the Soviet and Turkmen history. In this article, on the basis of new archival materials, the attempt is made to reflect in a new way questions of this resonant event.In April - October, 1931 in a steppe part Turkmenistan there was a revolts of the Turkmen nomads. The main reasons of their revolts were violent modernization of cattle breeding economy and Sovietization of the nomadic regions of Turkmenistan. These actions were carried out by means of terror, a rough arbitrariness and violence from the authorities and therefore they caused a sharp protest from inhabitants of sands. Therefore, in various places of Kara Kum steppe the revolt which captured practically all layers of the nomadic population of Turkmenistan broke out. In the same time a part of cattle-farmers of the Western Kazakhstan came to the territory of Turkmenistan and, having united with local nomads, led fight against the Soviet power. Thus, in the beginning 1931, in various places of the Kara Kum steppe the insurgent centers, groups of which systematically made raids on the cities, villages, railway stations and traveling, economical and other objects, and they also committed acts of terrorism against the party and Soviet workers and rural activists. Revolts of the Turkmen and Kazakh nomads were cruelly suppressed by parties and divisions of the Central Asian military district, and also troops of OGPU. Several thousands of people were condemned for participation in the movement, hundreds were shot. The revolt of 1931 is one of the poorly studied subjects of the Soviet and Turkmen history. In this article, on the basis of new archival materials, the attempt is made to reflect in a new way questions of this resonant event

    Phase Transitions in Fe-Rh Alloys Induced by Temperature

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    This research work was aimed to find the composition of equiatomic Fe-Rh alloy and to find the way of preparation of samples with extremely narrow thermal hysteresis and repeatable results. Alloys with content of Fe from 48 up to 52 at.% were examined. Fe-Rh alloys were prepared in forms of bulk piece, plate and wire. The plates of alloys were found to be more perspective for further investigations. The influence of parameters of ingot and samples treatments on antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic transition was studied. The ways of narrowing of temperature hysteresis were established

    Thermal Hysteresis Control in Fe49Rh51 Alloy through Annealing Process

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    We report the results of studies of the magnetic and transport properties of Fe49Rh51 alloy prepared by different sequences of quenching and the annealing process. The temperature dependences of the relative initial magnetic permeability and resistivity are analyzed. An optimal regime consisting of annealing at 1300 K for 440 min and quenching from 1300 K to 275 K is found to observe the desired narrow antiferromagnetic–ferromagnetic transition in Fe49Rh51 alloy under cyclic conditions. This has the potential to increase the efficiency of cooling devices based on the magnetocaloric effect of magnetic materials with a first-order field-induced phase transition