166 research outputs found

    Effect of cerium on growth and antioxidant metabolism of Lemna minor L

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    An increasing input rate of rare earth elements in the environment is expected because of the intense extraction of such elements form their ores to face human technological needs. In this study Lemna minor L. plants were grown under laboratory conditions and treated with increasing concentrations of cerium (Ce) ions to investigate the effects on plant growth and antioxidant systems. The growth increased in plants treated with lower Ce concentrations and reduced in plants treated with higher concentrations, compared to control plants. In plants treated with higher Ce concentrations lower levels of chlorophyll and carotenoid and the appearance of chlorotic symptoms were also detected. Increased levels of hydrogen peroxide, antioxidant metabolites and antioxidant activity confirmed that higher Ce concentrations are toxic to L. minor. Ce concentration in plant tissues was also determined and detectable levels were found only in plants grown on Ce-supplemented media. The use of duckweed plants as a tool for biomonitoring of Ce in freshwater is discussed

    Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of tomato fruits synthesizing different amounts of stilbenes.

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    Resveratrol, a plant phenolic compound, is found in grapes and red wine, but is not widely distributed in other common food sources. The pathway for resveratrol biosynthesis is well characterized. Metabolic engineering of this compound has been achieved in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in order to improve their nutritional value. Tomato plants synthesizing resveratrol were obtained via the heterologous expression of a grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cDNA encoding for the enzyme stilbene synthase (StSy), under the control of the fruit-specific promoter TomLoxB. The resulting LoxS transgenic plants accumulated trans-resveratrol and trans-piceid, in particular in the skin of the mature fruits. Quantitative analyses carried out on LoxS fruits were compared with those of a tomato line constitutively expressing the stsy gene (35SS). The LoxS fruits contained levels of trans-resveratrol that were 20-fold lower than those previously reported for the 35SS line. The total antioxidant capability and ascorbate content in transformed fruits were also evaluated, and a significant increase in both was found in the LoxS and 35SS lines. These results could explain the higher capability of transgenic fruits to counteract the pro-inflammatory effects of phorbol ester in monocyte-macrophages via the inhibition of induced cyclo-oxygenase-2 enzyme

    Phenols and antioxidant activity in vitro and in vivo of aqueous extracts obtained by ultrasound-assisted extraction from artichoke by-products.

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    Artichoke by-products are rich in phenolic compounds although they represent a waste for the food industry. This paper examines the application of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) for obtaining organic solvent-free extracts rich in nutraceuticals from artichoke scraps. Application of ultrasounds for 60 minutes on test samples, using water as a solvent, improved recovery of phenolic substances compared with untreated samples. Among the phenols detected by high performance liquid chromatography, 5- O-caffeoylquinic and 1,5-di- O-caffeoylquinic acids were identified. In vivo treatments of tobacco BY-2 cells with ultrasonic extracts consistently enhanced their antioxidant power, making the cells more resistant to heat stress. UAE applied to artichoke by-products, using water as a solvent, appears to be a powerful eco-friendly technique that can provide extracts rich in nutraceuticals and turn waste products into resources. The extracts could be advantageously utilized in the food industry to produce functional foods

    Glutamine synthetase in durum wheat: Genotypie variation and relationship with grain protein content

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    Grain protein content (GPC), is one of the most important trait in wheat and its characterized by a very complex genetic control. The identification of wheat varieties with high GPC (HGPC), as well as the characterization of central enzymes involved in these processes, are important for more sustainable agricultural practices. In this study, we focused on Glutamine synthetase (GS) as a candidate to study GPC in wheat. We analyzed GS expression and its enzymatic activity in different tissues and phenological stages in 10 durum wheat genotypes with different GPC. Although each genotype performed quite differently from the others, both because their genetic variability and their adaptability to specific environmental conditions, the highest GS activity and expression were found in genotypes with HGPC and vice versa the lowest ones in genotypes with low GPC (LGPC). Moreover, in genotypes contrasting in GPC bred at different nitrogen regimes (0, 60, 140 N Unit/ha) GS behaved differently in diverse organs. Nitrogen supplement increased GS expression and activity in roots of all genotypes, highlighting the key role of this enzyme in nitrogen assimilation and ammonium detoxification in roots. Otherwise, nitrogen treatments decreased GS expression and activity in the leaves of HGPC genotypes and did not affect GS in the leaves of LGPC genotypes. Finally, no changes in GS and soluble protein content occurred at the filling stage in the caryopses of all analyzed genotypes

    Proetex: protective e-textiles to enhance the safety of emergency/disaster operators: current state of the projects' achievements

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    Proetex is a European Integrated Project dedicated to the realization of a micro- and nano-technology-based wearable equipment for emergency operators. During the first 3 years of work, two different and progressively improved versions of a complete “smart” uniform for fire-fighters and emergency rescuers have been realized. These garments aim at monitoring both physiological parameters, position and posture of the operators and the presence of external potential sources of danger and to send these data to a remote coordinating unit. In the following, the main issues of the design and realization will be described and discussed

    Le rite de passage du Ploutos d'Aristophane

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    Le rite de passage du Ploutos d'Aristophane (pp. 249-267) Chrémyle, citoyen athénien pieux et honnête mais pauvre va à Delphes interroger le dieu. Pour changer sa situation, Apollon lui conseille de marcher sur les traces du premier homme rencontré dans la rue. Chrémyle rencontre un aveugle et le suit jusqu'à sa maison. Il s'agit de Ploutos, dieu de la richesse qui, en tant qu'aveugle, ne peut pas être agrégé à demeurer au foyer de Chrémyle, car il ne le voit pas, donc il ne sait pas s'il est honnête ou non. Au préalable, donc, Ploutos doit recouvrer la vue: c'est pour cela que Chrémyle et son ami Blepsidème amènent le dieu au temple d'Asclépios. Ainsi, après avoir recouvré la vue pendant une incubation dans Xadyton du temple, Ploutos peut être agrégé au foyer de Chrémyle à travers l'aspersion des καταχύσματα. A la fin de la comédie, Ploutos est installé dans le temple d'Athéna Poliade sur l'Acropole, où se trouvait le dépôt du Trésor public. Il n'y a pas contradiction entre l'agrégation de Ploutos à un foyer et son installation dans le Trésor public, incarnation du Foyer Commun de la cité.Paradiso Annalisa. Le rite de passage du Ploutos d'Aristophane. In: Mètis. Anthropologie des mondes grecs anciens, vol. 2, n°2, 1987. pp. 249-267

    Erodoto VI.137 e la schiavitù minorile

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    Erodoto, VI, 137e la schiavitu minorile (pp. 21-27) Dans Hérodote VI, 137, 3 ce sont les filles -et non pas les fils- des Athéniens qui allaient puiser l'eau à la source Ennéacrounos, car c'étaient elles que les Pélasges violaient. Te kaî toùspaîdas est donc à rayer, rien que pour des raisons grammaticales, mais pas du tout historiques. Chercher l'eau n'était pas un travail réservé aux femmes: des témoignages iconographiques nous montrent qu'il était pratiqué aussi par des adolescents.Paradiso Annalisa. Erodoto, VI, 137 e la schiavitù minorile. In: Mètis. Anthropologie des mondes grecs anciens, vol. 8, n°1-2, 1993. pp. 21-27

    Xenophilos (767)

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    Agathokles (799)

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