71 research outputs found

    Opinie nauczycieli wczesnoszkolnych o zastosowaniu technologii informacyjnej podczas uczenia się/nauczania muzyki poprzez audiację

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    This article focuses on changing the paradigm in music education that results from the development of audiation. In 2004; at the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz; in the specialization of early school education; students started the course based on the assumptions of the theory of music learning by Edwin E. Gordon. For 15 years of the curriculum implementation in the Innovative Music Education module; the course was evaluated in six problem areas: 1. Mental value of audiation skills; 2. The value of the process of learning music through audiation; 3. The value of the three-step process of learning music; 4. The possibility of optimizing the teaching process; 5. Usefulness of the studied designs; 6. The ability to learn music. As a result of fifteen years of implementing the strategic plan focused on the audiation model of music education; there have been changes in the minds of students; and the requirements for raising technical and practical skills have increased. For this reason; it was recognized that information and communication technology (ICT); which is carefully planned; designed and integrated with good pedagogical practice; can support the motivation to learn music and improve its quality.Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się na zmianie paradygmatu w edukacji muzycznej; który wynika z rozwoju audiacji (myślenia dźwiękami). W 2004 roku w Uniwersytecie Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy na kierunku pedagogika wczesnoszkolna rozpoczęto kształcenie studentów na podstawie założeń teorii uczenia się muzyki Edwina E. ­Gordona. Przez 15 lat realizacji programu nauczania w module innowacyjna edukacja muzyczna poddawano go ewaluacji w sześciu zakresach problemowych: 1) Wartość umysłowa umiejętności ­audiowania; 2) Wartość procesu uczenia się muzyki poprzez audiację; 3) Wartość trzystopniowego procesu uczenia się muzyki; 4) Możliwość optymalizacji procesu dydaktycznego; 5) Przydatność wyaudiowanych wzorów; 6) Zdolność do uczenia się muzyki. W wyniku piętnastoletniej praktyki realizowania planu strategicznego skoncentrowanego na audiacyjnym modelu edukacji muzycznej zaszły zmiany w świadomości studentów; zwiększyły się także wymagania w zakresie podnoszenia umiejętności technicznych i praktycznych. Z tego powodu uznano; że starannie zaplanowana; zaprojektowana i zintegrowana z dobrą praktyką pedagogiczną technologia informacyjno-­komunikacyjna (ICT) może wspierać motywację do uczenia się muzyki i podnosić jej jakość

    Kształcenie nauczycieli wczesnoszkolnych w zakresie muzycznym w obliczu przemian edukacyjnych

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    In pedagogical research, we refer to specific theories that explain the meaning of the formulated problems and hypotheses, justify the selection of methods, techniques and research tools for a specific research subject. The subject of the article concerns the process of learning music through audiation, which takes the form of action research, conceptually understood as inquiries undertaken by practitioners about their own education in order to improve it. The program of studies in the field of Early School Education with a music module, implemented for several years at the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, made it possible to take up in research problems treated as an application of the theory of music learning. This text presents the views of students on the inclusion in the curriculum of methodological content necessary to conduct research in the field of music education. The considerations concerned the audiation model of education, covering the process of developing human musicality from birth to adulthood. The presented opinions testify to a positive attitude to research in music education and make it aware that it is necessary to skillfully analyze the rules that students follow when learning music.W badaniach pedagogicznych odwołujemy się do konkretnych teorii, które wyjaśniają sens sformułowanych problemów oraz hipotez, uzasadniają dobór metod, technik i narzędzi badawczych do określonego przedmiotu badań. Problematyka artykułu dotyczy procesu uczenia się muzyki poprzez audiację, który ma formę badań akcji, koncepcyjnie rozumianych jako dociekania podejmowane przez praktyków nad ich własną edukacją w celu jej usprawnienia. Program studiów na kierunku pedagogika wczesnoszkolna z modułem muzycznym realizowany przez kilkanaście lat w Uniwersytecie Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy umożliwiał podejmowanie w badaniach problemów traktowanych jako zastosowanie teorii uczenia się muzyki. W niniejszym tekście przedstawiono opinie studentów na temat włączenia do programu nauczania treści metodologicznych niezbędnych do prowadzenia badań w zakresie edukacji muzycznej. Rozważania dotyczyły audiacyjnego modelu edukacji, obejmującego proces rozwoju muzykalności człowieka od urodzenia do dorosłości. Zaprezentowane opinie świadczą o pozytywnym nastawieniu do badań z edukacji muzycznej i uświadamiają, że konieczna jest umiejętna analiza reguł, jakimi kierują się uczniowie, kiedy uczą się muzyki

    Hypertension in children from a nephrological perspective - are there any differences between younger children and adolescents ?

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    Background. Hypertension (HTN) affects about 5% of children. Renal diseases are the major cause of HTN inpediatric patients, but the incidence of primary HTN is increasing. The aim of the study was to analyze the potentialdifferences between etiology of HTN, type of renal disease leading to HTN, clinical picture, laboratory test resultsor family history, with reference to patients’ age. Material and methods. Medical records of 112 patients (27 children < 11 years and 85 adolescents > 11 years),diagnosed with hypertension in the Department of Pediatric Nephrology, were analyzed. Family history, aetiologyof HTN, clinical course and laboratory results were compared, regarding the patients’ age. Results. HTN secondary to renal disease prevailed over the primary one in younger children. Major causes of renalHTN differed with age. In children under 11 anomalies in the urinary tract were dominant, in teenagers — glomerulopathies. In adolescents, the incidence of primary HTN was higher than in the younger patients and becamecomparable to that of secondary HTN. Patients with primary HTN, irrespective of their age, had higher BMI andmore frequent positive family history of HTN. Clinical symptoms, except for headaches prevalent in adolescents,did not depend on age. Conclusions. In paediatric patients, hypertension secondary to renal diseases is more frequent than the primaryone. The incidence of primary HTN is increasing with age and occurs in adolescents more often than in youngerchildren. The clinical course is usually asymptomatic and may delay the diagnosis, especially in the youngest patients.Introduction: Hypertension (HTN) affects about 5% of children. Renal diseases are the major cause of HTN in pediatric patients, but the incidence of primary HTN is increasing. The aim of study was to analyze the potential differences between etiology of HTN, type of renal disease leading to HTN, clinical picture, laboratory test results or family history, with reference to patients’ age. Material and methods: Medical records of 112 patients (27 children 11 years), diagnosed for hypertension in the Department of Pediatric Nephrology, were analyzed. Family history, etiology of HTN, clinical course and laboratory results were compared, regarding the patients’ age. Results: HTN secondary to renal disease prevailed over the primary one in younger children. Major causes for renal HTN differed with age. In children under 11 anomalies in the urinary tract were dominant, in teenagers – glomerulopathies. In adolescents, the incidence of primary HTN was higher than in the younger patients and became comparable to that of secondary HTN. Patients with primary HTN, irrespective of their age, had higher BMI and more frequent positive family history of HTN. Clinical symptoms, except for headaches prevalent in adolescents, did not depend on age. Conclusions: In pediatric patients, hypertension secondary to renal diseases is more frequent that the primary one. The incidence of primary HTN is increasing with age and occurs in adolescents more often than in younger children. The clinical course is usually asymptomatic and may delay the diagnosis, especially in the youngest patients

    Donor-recipient repositories and improvement of blood transfusion safety

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    W pracy omówiono rolę, jaką odegrało bankowanie próbek krwi od dawców krwi i chorych po przetoczeniach krwi w wykrywaniu i opracowaniu testów do diagnostyki zakażenia wirusa hepatitis C. Omówiono przyczyny, dla których w wielu krajach wprowadzono obligatoryjny obowiązek archiwizowania próbek dawców krwi. Scharakteryzowano prowadzone na świecie banki próbek dawców i biorców krwi oraz omówiono ich osiągnięcia. Omówiono także znaczenie monitorowania pojawiania się nowych czynników zakaźnych i rolę, jaką w tych badaniach odgrywają banki archiwalnych próbek. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono charakterystyce projektu Blood and Organ Transmissible Infectious Agents zrealizowanego w ramach VI programu ramowego Unii Europejskiej przez konsorcjum zawiązane przez ośrodki naukowe Belgii, Francji, Hiszpanii, Holandii, Niemiec, Polski i Wielkiej Brytanii. Jednym z celów tego projektu było utworzenie repozytorium próbek dawców i biorców krwi, które mają służyć badaniom znaczenia klinicznego, występowania oraz przenoszenia przez przetoczenie nowo wykrywanych i nowo pojawiających się czynników zakaźnych. J. Transf. Med. 2011; 3: 136–142The study discusses the significance of post-transfusion donor/recipient sample banking for hepatitis C virus identification and development of diagnostic tests. The reasons for donor/ /recipient sample archiving, which is obligatory in some countries, are forwarded together with characteristics and achievements of such repositories worldwide. The importance of emergingpathogen monitoring and the role of donor/recipient repositories in this context was also stressed. Particular attention was paid to the EU “Blood and Organ Transmissible Infectious Agents Project” as example of such repository prepared by a Consortium of scientific research centers from Belgium, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Great Britain. J. Transf. Med. 2011; 3: 136–14

    Relationship of serum leptin with parameters of nutritional status and body composition among patients with stable course of cardiovascular disorders

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    Background: Blood leptin concentration is related to fat mass, adipose cell and leptin receptor function, and comorbidities. The aim of this study is to determine the relationships between blood leptin concentration and nutritional status assessment among inpatients with stable cardiovascular disorders.   Materials and Methods: Blood leptin concentration and nutritional risk and status assessments using clinical, anthropometric and biochemical parameters, as well bioelectrical impedance (BIA), were determined in 160 consecutive inpatients with mild exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases cardiovascular disorders undergoing non-urgent hospitalization.   Results: Patients with lower values of Minimal Nutritional Assessment score had lower blood leptin concentration and lower value of leptin to CRP ratio. Compared to patients with leptin concentration in the upper quartiles, individuals in the lowest quartile had a lower BMI and fat mass, thinner skinfolds, greater skeletal muscle mass and handgrip strength. In comparison with the values for leptin-to-CRP ratio, albumin, albumin-to-CRP ratio and lymphocyte count, leptin explained a greater part of the variance in the majority of parameters of nutritional status and body composition. Contrasting associations of leptin with ideal (negative) and current (positive) body mass were found.   Conclusions: Leptin was associated with parameters of nutritional status assessments more strongly than other biochemical parameters usually used. However, the use of leptin as a biomarker of nutritional status should be approached carefully and needs further evaluation, especially in the context of its strong association with both current and ideal body mass, the importance of receptors’ resistance to leptin, and leptin’s negative relationships with muscle mass and strength

    Economic and social cost of epilepsy in Poland : 5-year analysis

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    Introduction: Epilepsy affects nearly 50 million people around the world. As a common and chronic disease generates a high cost burden for healthcare system and patients. Aim: We aimed to determine the most current direct and indirect costs of epilepsy in Poland from the social perspective for the years 2014–2018, to analyze the changes of expenditures over time, indicate trends and to determine key cost-drivers. Material and Methods: Direct and indirect costs using a top-down approach were estimated based on the public institutions' data for the ICD-10 codes G40 and G41. Direct costs included pharmacotherapy, hospitalizations, outpatient specialist care and rehabilitation. A human capital approach was used to estimate loss of productivity due to sick leaves and long-term inability to work. Results: Annual total direct and indirect costs related to epilepsy accounted for EUR 410 million in 2014 and decreased in subsequent years to EUR 361 million in 2018. The indirect costs were dominant (76–83% of total costs) and in the majority related to the long-term absenteeism (87–92% of total indirect costs). In 2014–2018, patients with epilepsy generated EUR 341 million to EUR 282 million of indirect costs. Annual direct costs for patients with epilepsy were EUR 69 million in 2014 and increased to EUR 80 million in 2018. The biggest expenses were the costs of drugs (> 50%) and hospitalizations (~ 40%). Conclusions: Epilepsy is an expensive disorder in terms of consumption of resources and social costs. Decision-makers should take it under special consideration

    Comparison of local and systemic inflammatory markers in patients with community-acquired pneumonia and pneumonia coexisting with lung cancer

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    Background: The aim of the study was to compare the local and systemic markers of inflammatory processes in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and in those with pneumonia coexisting with lung cancer. Material and methods: Seventeen patients with community-acquired pneumonia (group I), 14 patients with pneumonia and lung cancer (group II), and 24 patients with lung cancer (group III) were enrolled into the study. Sixteen healthy smokers served as a control group (group IV). Concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-&#945;) were measured in exhaled breath condensate (EBC). The levels of VEGF and TNF-&#945; were also measured in serum. Results: The concentrations of VEGF (317.83 &#177; 77.78) and TNF-&#945; (1.98 &#177; 0.13) in EBC were significantly higher in patients with pneumonia and lung cancer as compared to patients with community-acquired pneumonia (VEGF 30.20 &#177; 6.56; TNF-&#945; 0.31 &#177; 0.05). Also the level of H2O2 (0.96 &#177; 0.16) in EBC in patients with pneumonia and lung cancer was elevated in comparison to patients with CAP (0.66 &#177; 0.09), however the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The serum concentrations of both studied cytokines were significantly higher in patients with pneumonia (VEGF 1112.62 &#177; &#177; 244.38 and TNF-&#945; 2.6 &#177; 0.48) than in those with pneumonia and lung cancer (VEGF 392.9 &#177; 78.2; TNF-&#945; 1.6 &#177; 0.2). Conclusions: Patients with pneumonia and lung cancer exhibited higher levels of oxidative stress and local inflammatory reactions than those with pneumonia. However, inflammatory markers in serum were significantly lower in patients with pneumonia and lung cancer as compared to those with CAP. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 2: 90-98Wstęp: Celem pracy było porównanie markerów lokalnych i systemowych procesów zapalnych u chorych na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc (CAP) oraz zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono u 17 chorych na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc (I grupa), 14 chorych na zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca (II grupa), 24 chorych na raka płuca (III grupa) oraz u 16 osób zdrowych (IV grupa - kontrolna). Oceniano stężenie nadtlenku wodoru (H2O2), naczyniowo-śródbłonkowego czynnika wzrostu (VEGF) i czynnika martwicy nowotworów &#945; (TNF-&#945;) w kondensacie powietrza wydechowego (EBC) oraz stężenie VEGF i TNF-&#945; w surowicy. Wyniki: U chorych na zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca stwierdzono znamiennie wyższe stężenie VEGF (317,83 &#177; 77,78) i TNF-&#945; (1,98 &#177; 0,13) w kondensacie powietrza wydechowego w porównaniu z chorymi na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc (VEGF 30,20 &#177; 6,56; TNF-&#945; 0,31 &#177; 0,05). Choć stężenie H2O2 (0,96 &#177; 0,16) w EBC u chorych na zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca było wyższe niż stężenie występujące u chorych na CAP (0,66 &#177; 0,09), to jednak różnica nie osiągnęła istotności statystycznej (p < 0,05). Natomiast u chorych na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc obserwowano istotnie wyższe stężenie obu badanych cytokin w surowicy krwi (VEGF 1112,62 &#177; 244,38 i TNF-&#945; 2,6 &#177; 0,48) w porównaniu z chorymi na zapalenie płuc ze współistniejącym rakiem płuca (VEGF 392,9 &#177; 78,2; TNF-&#945; 1,6 &#177; 0,2). Wnioski: Chorych na zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca charakteryzuje wyraźna tendencja do nasilonego miejscowego stresu oksydacyjnego oraz znamiennie wzmożona lokalna reakcja zapalna w porównaniu z chorymi na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc. Natomiast systemowa reakcja zapalna u chorych na zapalenie płuc wraz ze współistniejącym rakiem płuca jest wyraźnie zmniejszona w stosunku do chorych na CAP. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 2: 90-9

    Disease-related social situation in family of children with chronic kidney disease - parents' assessment : a multicentre study

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    Introduction and Objective. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children burdens life of patients and their families. Little is known about parents` assessment of families’ social situation. However, the knowledge of the details of a patient’s and his family’s life standards might influence modification and optimization of applied therapy. Therefore, the main goal of the present study was to explore the selected elements of life situation of patients suffering with CKD as well as their parents, depending on the CKD stage and appropriate treatment. Materials and Methods. Cross-sectional national study was conducted. A total of 203 children with CKD and 388 their parent-proxies (196 women and 192 men) were enrolled into this study. Patient data and questionnaires filled by both parents, concerning social-demographic parameters and assessment of changes in families after CKD diagnosis in the child, were analysed. Results. CKD children are being brought up in proper families whose financial situation is not good. Children need help in process of education. Perception of current situation differed between both parents in the change of the income source, taking care of CKD child, change in social relations and evaluating relations with medical staff. Parents do not obtain proper support from social workers. Conclusion. Families of CKD children require support in area of financial and educational help for school children. The discrepancies in evaluation of family situation between mothers and fathers of ill children might be the source of conflicts possibly resulting in worsening the outcome for CKD children

    Anxiety in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease - multicenter national study results

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    Background/Aims: Chronic medical illness is a significant risk factor for the development of psychiatric disorders. The aims of the study were: to investigate the level of anxiety in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and to identify factors associated with the presence of that emotional problem. Methods: CKD children on hemodialysis (HD, n=22), peritoneal dialysis (PD, n=20,) and on conservative treatment (CT, n=95) were enrolled in the study. We used State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) for adolescents and STAI-C for children. Socio-demographic and physical factors were assessed. Results: There was a significantly higher level of anxiety-state among HD children (8-12 years) compared with other groups of participants of the same age and Polish population norms. The level of anxiety among adolescents (13-18 years), both anxiety-state and anxiety-trait, was significantly higher in the HD group compared with other groups, which did not differ among themselves. In the HD adolescents, there was a correlation between the anxiety-state and the duration of the disease as well as with the number of hospitalizations. PD adolescents in the mainstream education had higher levels of anxiety-state and anxiety-trait compared with home schooled patients. Conclusions: Even though children and adolescents with CKD are at risk of developing a variety of emotional disorders, the level of anxiety among the researched group, with the exception of HD patients, was not significantly different than the level of anxiety among healthy subjects. Adolescents on HD who present a high level of anxiety should undergo long-term psychological treatment

    Perception of health-related quality of life in children with chronic kidney disease by the patients and their caregivers : multicentre national study results

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    Objective The aim of the study was to analyse the healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL) in Polish children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) dependant on the CKD stage, treatment modality and selected social life elements in families of the patients. Furthermore, potential differences between self-report and parent/proxy reports and the factors influencing them were assessed. Methods A total of 203 CKD children (on haemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD) and conservative treatment (CT)) and their 388 parent/proxies were enrolled into a cross-sectional national study. The demographic and social data were evaluated. We used the Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 Generic Core Scales to assess the HRQoL in children. Results Health-related quality of life scores for all CKD groups were significantly lower in all domains compared with population norms, the lowest one being in the HD group. In CT children, HRQoL did not depend on the CKD stage. Both parents assessed the HRQoL of their children differently depending on their involvement in the care. There are differences between the HRQoL scores of the children and their parents