31 research outputs found

    Structure and Function of the Campylobacter jejuni Chromosome Replication Origin

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    Campylobacter jejuni is the leading bacterial cause of foodborne infections worldwide. However, our understanding of its cell cycle is poor. We identified the probable C. jejuni origin of replication (oriC) – a key element for initiation of chromosome replication, which is also important for chromosome structure, maintenance and dynamics. The herein characterized C. jejuni oriC is monopartite and contains (i) the DnaA box cluster, (ii) the DnaA-dependent DNA unwinding element (DUE) and (iii) binding sites for regulatory proteins. The cluster of five DnaA boxes and the DUE were found in the dnaA-dnaN intergenic region. Binding of DnaA to this cluster of DnaA-boxes enabled unwinding of the DUE in vitro. However, it was not sufficient to sustain replication of minichromosomes, unless the cluster was extended by additional DnaA boxes located in the 3′ end of dnaA. This suggests, that C. jejuni oriC requires these boxes to initiate or to regulate replication of its chromosome. However, further detailed mutagenesis is required to confirm the role of these two boxes in initiation of C. jejuni chromosome replication and thus to confirm partial localization of C. jejuni oriC within a coding region, which has not been reported thus far for any bacterial oriC. In vitro DUE unwinding by DnaA was inhibited by Cj1509, an orphan response regulator and a homolog of HP1021, that has been previously shown to inhibit replication in Helicobacter pylori. Thus, Cj1509 might play a similar role as a regulator of C. jejuni chromosome replication. This is the first systematic analysis of chromosome replication initiation in C. jejuni, and we expect that these studies will provide a basis for future research examining the structure and dynamics of the C. jejuni chromosome, which will be crucial for understanding the pathogens’ life cycle and virulence

    Properties of the HtrA Protease From Bacterium Helicobacter pylori Whose Activity Is Indispensable for Growth Under Stress Conditions

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    The protease high temperature requirement A from the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori (HtrAHp) belongs to the well conserved family of serine proteases. HtrAHp is an important secreted virulence factor involved in the disruption of tight and adherens junctions during infection. Very little is known about the function of HtrAHp in the H. pylori cell physiology due to the lack of htrA knockout strains. Here, using a newly constructed ΔhtrA mutant strain, we found that bacteria deprived of HtrAHp showed increased sensitivity to certain types of stress, including elevated temperature, pH and osmotic shock, as well as treatment with puromycin. These data indicate that HtrAHp plays a protective role in the H. pylori cell, presumably associated with maintenance of important periplasmic and outer membrane proteins. Purified HtrAHp was shown to be very tolerant to a wide range of temperature and pH values. Remarkably, the protein exhibited a very high thermal stability with the melting point (Tm) values of above 85°C. Moreover, HtrAHp showed the capability to regain its active structure following treatment under denaturing conditions. Taken together, our work demonstrates that HtrAHp is well adapted to operate under harsh conditions as an exported virulence factor, but also inside the bacterial cell as an important component of the protein quality control system in the stressed cellular envelope

    The Role of the N-Terminal Domains of Bacterial Initiator DnaA in the Assembly and Regulation of the Bacterial Replication Initiation Complex

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    The primary role of the bacterial protein DnaA is to initiate chromosomal replication. The DnaA protein binds to DNA at the origin of chromosomal replication (oriC) and assembles into a filament that unwinds double-stranded DNA. Through interaction with various other proteins, DnaA also controls the frequency and/or timing of chromosomal replication at the initiation step. Escherichia coli DnaA also recruits DnaB helicase, which is present in unwound single-stranded DNA and in turn recruits other protein machinery for replication. Additionally, DnaA regulates the expression of certain genes in E. coli and a few other species. Acting as a multifunctional factor, DnaA is composed of four domains that have distinct, mutually dependent roles. For example, C-terminal domain IV interacts with double-stranded DnaA boxes. Domain III drives ATP-dependent oligomerization, allowing the protein to form a filament that unwinds DNA and subsequently binds to and stabilizes single-stranded DNA in the initial replication bubble; this domain also interacts with multiple proteins that control oligomerization. Domain II constitutes a flexible linker between C-terminal domains III–IV and N-terminal domain I, which mediates intermolecular interactions between DnaA and binds to other proteins that affect DnaA activity and/or formation of the initiation complex. Of these four domains, the role of the N-terminus (domains I–II) in the assembly of the initiation complex is the least understood and appears to be the most species-dependent region of the protein. Thus, in this review, we focus on the function of the N-terminus of DnaA in orisome formation and the regulation of its activity in the initiation complex in different bacteria

    Chaperone activity of serine protease HtrA of Helicobacter pylori as a crucial survival factor under stress conditions

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    Background Serine protease HtrA exhibits both proteolytic and chaperone activities, which are involved in cellular protein quality control. Moreover, HtrA is an important virulence factor in many pathogens including Helicobacter pylori, for which the crucial stage of infection is the cleavage of E-cadherin and other cell-to-cell junction proteins. Methods The in vitro study of H. pylori HtrA (HtrAHp) chaperone activity was carried out using light scattering assays and investigation of lysozyme protein aggregates. We produced H. pylori ∆htrA deletion and HtrAHp point mutants without proteolytic activity in strain N6 and investigated the survival of the bacteria under thermal, osmotic, acidic and general stress conditions as well as the presence of puromycin or metronidazole using serial dilution tests and disk diffusion method. The levels of cellular and secreted proteins were examined using biochemical fraction and Western blotting. We also studied the proteolytic activity of secreted HtrAHp using zymography and the enzymatic digestion of β-casein. Finally, the consequences of E-cadherin cleavage were determined by immunofluorescence microscopy. Results We demonstrate that HtrAHp displays chaperone activity that inhibits the aggregation of lysozyme and is stable under various pH and temperature conditions. Next, we could show that N6 expressing only HtrA chaperone activity grow well under thermal, pH and osmotic stress conditions, and in the presence of puromycin or metronidazole. In contrast, in the absence of the entire htrA gene the bacterium was more sensitive to a number of stresses. Analysing the level of cellular and secreted proteins, we noted that H. pylori lacking the proteolytic activity of HtrA display reduced levels of secreted HtrA. Moreover, we compared the amounts of secreted HtrA from several clinical H. pylori strains and digestion of β-casein. We also demonstrated a significant effect of the HtrAHp variants during infection of human epithelial cells and for E-cadherin cleavage. Conclusion Here we identified the chaperone activity of the HtrAHp protein and have proven that this activity is important and sufficient for the survival of H. pylori under multiple stress conditions. We also pinpointed the importance of HtrAHp chaperone activity for E- cadherin degradation and therefore for the virulence of this eminent pathogen

    The structure of a DnaA/HobA complex from Helicobacter pylori provides insight into regulation of DNA replication in bacteria

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    Bacterial DNA replication requires DnaA, an AAA+ ATPase that initiates replication at a specific chromosome region, oriC, and is regulated by species-specific regulators that directly bind DnaA. HobA is a DnaA binding protein, recently identified as an essential regulator of DNA replication in Helicobacter pylori. We report the crystal structure of HobA in complex with domains I and II of DnaA (DnaAI–II) from H. pylori, the first structure of DnaA bound to one of its regulators. Biochemical characterization of the complex formed shows that a tetramer of HobA binds four DnaAI–II molecules, and that DnaAI–II is unable to oligomerize by itself. Mutagenesis and protein–protein interaction studies demonstrate that some of the residues located at the HobA-DnaAI–II interface in the structure are necessary for complex formation. Introduction of selected mutations into H. pylori shows that the disruption of the interaction between HobA and DnaA is lethal for the bacteria. Remarkably, the DnaA binding site of HobA is conserved in DiaA from Escherichia coli, suggesting that the structure of the HobA/DnaA complex represents a model for DnaA regulation in other Gram-negative bacteria. Our data, together with those from other studies, indicate that HobA could play a crucial scaffolding role during the initiation of replication in H. pylori by organizing the first step of DnaA oligomerization and attachment to oriC

    Cluster of DnaA Boxes Involved in Regulation of Streptomyces Chromosome Replication: from In Silico to In Vivo Studies

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    In Streptomyces coelicolor, replication is initiated by the DnaA protein in the centrally located oriC region and proceeds bidirectionally until the replication forks reach the ends of the linear chromosome. We identified three clusters of DnaA boxes (H69, H24, and D78) which are in a relatively short segment of the chromosome centered on the oriC region. Of the clusters analyzed, D78 exhibited the highest affinity for the DnaA protein; the affinity of DnaA for the D78 cluster was about eightfold higher than the affinity for oriC. The high-affinity DnaA boxes appear to be involved in the control of chromosome replication. Deletion of D78 resulted in more frequent chromosome replication (an elevated ratio of origins to chromosome ends was observed) and activated aerial mycelium formation, leading to earlier colony maturation. In contrast, extra copies of D78 (delivered on a plasmid) caused slow colony growth, presumably because of a reduction in the frequency of initiation of chromosome replication. This suggests that the number of high-affinity DnaA boxes is relatively constant in hyphal compartments and that deletion of D78 therefore permits an increased copy number of either the chromosomal origin region or a plasmid harboring the D78 cluster. This system conceivably influences the timing of decisions to initiate aerial mycelial formation and sporulation

    Kinetics of competence development under aerobic conditions.

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    <p><i>H</i>. <i>pylori</i> N6 was grown microaerobically in BB-FBS overnight at t0 before competence development (OD<sub>600</sub>~0.2). Cells were exposed to aerobic conditions at 37°C for 120 min. At the indicated time points the competence fraction of the cells was monitored. Control cells were kept under microaerobic atmosphere. Upper panel, DIC/Cy3 images of bacteria at indicated timepoints, with DNA stained in yellow; lower panel (left), fraction of competent cells; lower panel (right), number of distinct DNA foci per competent cell. Data stem from at least three experiments; error bars, standard deviation.</p

    Phenotype of an oxygen-sensitive mutant <i>sodB</i> lacking superoxide dismutase.

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    <p><i>H</i>. <i>pylori</i> were grown in BB-FBS at reduced oxygen atmosphere (1% O<sub>2</sub>, 10% CO<sub>2</sub>, 89% N<sub>2</sub>) in the absence and presence of 0.5 mM adenine. A and B, overlay images of DIC/Cy3 of <i>sodB</i> after 10 min of DNA uptake with DNA stained in yellow; arrowheads indicate coccoid formation of the <i>sodB</i> mutant in the absence of adenine (A), while cells kept their rod-shaped morphology in the presence of adenine (B). C, log CFU/ml after 18–24 h of growth of <i>sodB</i>, the wild type and the <i>sodB</i>compl. D, competence development occurred with lower OD<sub>600</sub> values in the <i>sodB</i> mutant compared to the wild type; the <i>sodB</i>compl showed an intermediate phenotype. Addition of adenine reduced competence development. Data in C and D stem from at least three independent experiments; datapoints of the respective strain/condition were highlighted in D for better visualization.</p

    Competence development during microaerobic growth.

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    <p>Competence development was monitored by the fraction of cells with active outer membrane DNA uptake at distinct growth phases under microaerobic atmosphere at 37°C (n = 16; large graph, circles, with left y-axis, sigmoidal curve fit using Sigma Plot 11.0). pH was monitored during growth (large graph, triangles). <i>H</i>. <i>pylori</i> N6 was grown overnight in BB-FBS to an OD<sub>600</sub> of 0.19 ± 0.05 (t0) at which only a minor fraction of cells displayed competence (2.2 ± 2.86%). The onset of competence development was defined at t1 at which cells exhibited a mean OD<sub>600</sub> of 0.39 ± 0.05 and 4 ± 2.8% of competent cells (~ t0 + 3–4 hours). At t2 (~ t0 + 6–8 hours) upon switch into competent state (50.6 ± 15.6% of cells with active outer membrane DNA uptake) cells exhibited a mean OD<sub>600</sub> of 0.7 ± 0.11. At t0, either effectors (0.5 mM adenine or 0.5 mM glutamine) were added or the medium was exchanged by fresh BB-FBS medium with our without supplementation of 0.125 μg/ml ciprofloxacin or 0.025 μg/ml mitomycin C or temperature was decreased for 5°C or the cell suspension was exposed to aerobic conditions. Differences in fraction of competent cells at t1 or t2 due to change in incubation conditions are shown in the inserted diagram (at least three experiments for each condition; error bars, standard deviation). For aerobic stress conditions data are depicted from time point 1h after t0.</p