190 research outputs found

    Determination of Near-Neighbour Bonding in the Mn-Implanted GaSb Crystals

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    Materials / States of matte

    Petrology and geochemistry of granitoids and their mafic micogranular enclaves (MME) in marginal part of the Małopolska Block (S Poland)

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    Granitic plutons (the Dolina Będkowska valley and Pilica area) were found in a few boreholes in the Małopolska Block (MB). These granitic rocks may represent apical parts (apophyses) of a great magmatic bodies (batholiths) located in deeper level of the Ediacaran/Paleozoic basement. They are described as ‘stitching intrusions’, generated during/after collision in Carboniferous/Permian period (~300 Ma) between the Upper Silesian Block (USB) and the Małopolska Block (MB). These rocks are fresh, unaltered granodiorites that are pale grey in colour. They have holocrystalline, medium- to coarse-grained structure and massive texture. For the first time, several mafic microgranular enclaves (MME), varying in size and colour, were found in the granodioritic host (HG). The occurrence of MME in the host granodioritic rocks is evidence of a mingling process between mafic and felsic magmas. The MME are pale/dark grey in colour, fine-grained rocks with ‘porphyritic’ textures. They consist of large megacrysts/xenocrysts of plagioclase, quartz, alkali feldspars and the fine-grained groundmass of pseudo-doleritic textures (lath-shaped plagioclases, blade-shaped amphiboles/biotites). According to their modal/mineral composition, they represent Q-diorites and tonalites. The MME, similar to the host granodiorites (HG), are I-type rocks, exhibit high Na2O content >3.2 wt%; normative diopside or normative corundum occurs (mainly <1%). They are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous (ASI <1.1) and have calc-alkaline, medium-K to high-K character. They generally belong to magnesian series (#Mg=0.20-0.40) and have low agpaitic index (<0.87). They are low evolved magmatic rocks. The rocks studied are enriched in LREEs (La, Ce, Sm) compared to HREEs. The Eu* negative anomaly and high Sr contents point to varying degrees of plagioclase fractionation connected to the mixing process rather than simple fractional crystallization. Both rocks studied (HG and MME) are characterized by a high content of LILEs (K, Ba, Rb) in normalized patterns and a low HFS/LIL elements ratio (Ta, Nb)/(K, Rb, La). The projection points of the rocks studied plot in different fields of various petrochemical diagrams: mainly in the arc granites that are rare in the pre-collisional granites as well as the syn-subductional to post-collisional granites fields. For the first time, inner textures in rock-forming minerals related to mixing processes are described both in the granodioritic host (HG) and in the MME. Mantled boxy cellular plagioclase megacrysts with ‘old cores’ of labradorite composition, and amphibole aggregates with titanite and opaque minerals, represent peritectic rather than primary residual minerals. The plagioclase, quartz and alkali feldspar megacrysts/xenocrysts were mechanically transferred from the granodioritic host (HG) to MME. The presence of lath-shaped plagioclases, blade-shaped amphiboles/biotites and acicular-shaped apatites in the groundmass of the MME is evidence of undercooling of hot mafic blobs in a relatively cold granodioritic magma chamber. The MME were hybridized by leucocratic melt squeezed from the granodioritic magma in a later stage of the mixing process (quartz and alkali crystals in the interstices in the MME groundmass). In the granodiorites (HG), the spike and spongy cellular zones as well as biotite/amphibole zones in plagioclase megacrysts are connected to the mixing process. Both of the rocks studied are characterized by different amounts of major elements (SiO2, Na2O and K2O), trace elements (Ni, Cr, V, Ti and P), #Mg and modified alkali–lime index (MALI) that is related to their origins from different sources. On the other hand, they have similar chondrite-normalized patterns (for trace elements and REE), LILEs contents (Sr, Ba, Rb), aluminum saturation index (ASI) and isotopic signatures (high 86Sr/87Sr (0.079-0.713) and low 143Nd/144Nd (0.512) values but lower than in continental crust), which are evidence of the strong hybridisation of mafic enclaves by the granodioritic host magma. The parental rocks of both rocks studied have a similar mafic signature but were generated in different sources: the host granodiorites (HG) magma in lower continental crust rocks, and the MME magma in enriched upper mantle. The MME crystallized from strongly hybridized magma of intermediate compositions (Q-diorite, tonalite) rather than from primary mafic magma. The host granodiorites (HG) originated from completely homogenized crustal granodioritic magma which inherited its geochemical signature from ancient arc-rocks in a subduction-related setting

    Exotic orthogneiss pebbles from Paleocene flysch of the Dukla Nappe (Outer Eastern Carpathians, Poland)

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    Crystalline exotic pebbles have been found in the deep-water flysch of the Cisna Beds, in the Dukla Nappe,Polish part of the Outer Western Carpathians. Most of them occur in a layer, which extends over a distance of at least 3 km within the SE limb of the Chryszczata-Wołosañ-Mała Rawka anticline. The dimensions of the pebbles vary be-tween 2 and 18 cm (middle axis). The exotic pebbles consist of three types of granite derived orthogneisses: 1 - medium-grained, medium-banded orthogneiss with alkali feldspar porphyroblasts showing structural features of foliatedgranitic-gneiss, 2 - medium-banded, medium-layered orthogneiss containing small microcline porphyroblasts and showing structural features of foliated granitic-gneiss, and 3 - strongly cataclastic granitic-gneiss with chess-board albiteporphyroblasts showing properties of partly mylonitized granite. The chemical composition of the orthogneisses indi-cates that the protolith was represented by peraluminous, poorly-evolved, S-type granites exhibiting features of orogen-related crustal granites. The discrimination shows that the protolith of the studied rocks evolved in active continentalmargin or continental collision environments. The biostratigraphical data on deep-water agglutinated Foraminifera suggest the position of the exotic-bearing layer in the lowermost part of the Rzehakina fissistomata Zone corresponding tothe lowermost Paleocene. Petrographic affinities between orthogneissic pebbles and mineral/rock fragments grains ofthe Cisna-type sandstones show that they have the same provenance. These deposits were transported from the NEextension of the Marmarosh massif, which had the character of a continental bearing source cordillera, formed mainly byorthogneissic and granitic rocks

    Deformation structures in the gneissic exotic pebbles from the area of Wołosate (Cisna sandstone, Dukla tectonic unit, Outer Carpathians, Poland)

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    Gneissic exotic pebbles from the Cisna beds (Dukla tectonic unit) in the region of Wołosate (Bieszczady Mts., Eastern Carpathians) were investigated. These exotic pebbles are from 9.5 to 13 cm in size. Basing on the structural features, the following groups of exotic pebbles were distinguished: granitic gneisses, laminated gneisses, flaser gneisses and mylonitic gneisses. Granite - granodiorite protolith was deformed in the shear zone; strain partitioning was probably an important process during deformation. The observed structures allow to determine the temperature of metamorphism as 500-550^{\circ}C. The lower limit of pressure was determined basing on phengite geobarometer as 5 kbar. The nature and localization of the source area can be similar to the Bretila sequence from the Romanian Eastern Carpathians

    Stimuli responsive membranes in separation processes- short review

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    The paper discusses some basic issues related to synthesis and properties of stimuli responsive membranes. Two commonly studied forms of these  membranes  are presented, namely pore surface grafted and pore volume functionalized membranes. The critical feature allowing to classify membrane to one of the above category is their grafting yield. The first kind of membranes, known under the name of ‘membrane valves’, can be used in stimuli controlled filtration when membrane cut-off is controlled by means of external stimuli. The second  category, called sometimes ‘gating membranes’, can be used for transport facilitation of some species. The paper is illustrated by description of our attempts in syntheses of both membrane forms  and evaluation of their separation properties. 

    Geology of the Magura Nappe in the Osielec area with emphasis on an Eocene olistostrome with metabasite olistoliths (Outer Carpathians, Poland)

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    The Magura Nappe in the Polish sector of the Outer Carpathians consists of four tectonic subunits characterized by differing development of facies. From the south to the north, they include the Siary, Rača, Bystrica and Krynica subunits. The sedimentary succession in the Rača Subunit in the vicinity of the village of Osielec is composed of Campanian Palaeogene flysch deposited in the Magura Basin. In this succession, the Middle Eocene Pasierbiec Sandstone Fm consists of thick-bedded sandstones and conglomerates with occasional intercalations of thin-bedded shale-sandstone flysch. Within the Pasierbiec Sandstone Fm at Osielec there is an olistostrome, rich in pebbles and cobbles of exotic rocks. In addition, large blocks of Neoproterozoic metabasites and boulders of Palaeogene organogenic limestones were found. The discovery of metabasites raised the possibility that the rocks in question could be evidence of supposed oceanic crust in the basement of the Magura sedimentary basin, because of the suggestion that they represent the Alpine orogenic cycle. This concept was abandoned when investigations of the absolute age of the metabasites gave a date of ca. 600 Ma. In the Osielec area, there are two tectonic thrust sheets in the Rača Subunit, namely the Osielczyk Thrust Sheet in the north and the Bystra Thrust Sheet in the south; they are folded and cut by a transverse system of strike-slip and oblique faults. The Osielczyk Thrust Sheet was overthrust northwards on to the Siary Subunit

    Samoocena obciążenia układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego pielęgniarek zatrudnionych w oddziałach zachowawczych i zabiegowych

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    Introduction. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) all over the world are a frequent cause of illness affecting people working especially in the health sector. In the medical professions, nursing staff experiences negative impact of work on the motor system to the highest degree.Aim. The aim of the work is to assess the extent of disability of nursing staff exposed to excessive strain on the spine as measured by the Oswestry Disability Index.Material and Methods. The study involved 50 nurses employed in surgical (32%) and conservative (68%) departments. The study used the method of a diagnostic survey, and the Oswestry Disability Index questionnaire was the research tool. The collected material was subjected to statistical analysis.Results. Women accounted for nearly 98% of the respondents. The average age of the respondents was over 46 years (46 years and 3 months). The results of the study showed that the occurrence of pain in the spine adversely affects the functional performance, in particular the social life (p=0.0004) and lifting (p=0.036). The average disability score at the Oswestry scale was 25.88%, which indicates a moderate disability of the respondents.Conclusions. Pain in the spine significantly affects the functional capacity of the subjects. This problem is particularly common among nursing staff. (JNNN 2018;7(4):155–159)Wstęp. Na całym świecie dolegliwości mięśniowo-szkieletowe związane z pracą (WMSDs) są częstą przyczyną zachorowań dotykającą osoby pracujące zwłaszcza w sektorze służby zdrowia. Wśród zawodów medycznych to personel pielęgniarski jest najbardziej narażony na negatywne oddziaływanie pracy zawodowej na układ ruchu.Cel. Celem pracy jest ocena zakresu niepełnosprawności personelu pielęgniarskiego narażonego na nadmierne obciążenia kręgosłupa mierzona za pomocą narzędzia Oswestry Disability Index.Materiał i metody. W badaniu uczestniczyło 50 pielęgniarek zatrudnionych w oddziałach zabiegowych (32%) oraz zachowawczych (68%). W badaniach zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, a narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz Oswestry Disability Index. Zebrany materiał poddano analizie statystycznej.Wyniki. Blisko 98% ankietowanych stanowiły kobiety. Średnia wieku badanych wyniosła ponad 46 lat (46 lat i 3 miesiące). Wyniki badań wykazały, iż występowanie dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa w sposób negatywny wpływa na wydolność funkcjonalną, a w szczególności na prowadzenie życia towarzyskiego (p=0,0004) oraz dźwiganie (p=0,036). Średni wynik niepełnosprawności w skali Oswestry wyniósł 25,88%, co świadczy o umiarkowanej niesprawności respondentów.Wnioski. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa w sposób znaczący wpływają na wydolność czynnościową badanych. Problem ten jest szczególnie powszechny wśród personelu pielęgniarskiego. (PNN 2018;7(4):155–159

    Successive stages of calcitization and silicification of Cenomanian spicule-bearing turbidites based on microfacies analysis, Polish Outer Carpathians

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    Mid-Cretaceous turbidites with large proportions of sponge spicules are widely distributed in the Silesian Nappe of the Outer Carpathians, giving rise to diversified types of sediments, from spiculites to spicule-bearing siliciclastics and calcarenites. Part of this succession, Middle–Late Cenomanian in age, was transformed into cherts. A microfacies study showed that these turbidite sediments underwent several stages of calcitization and silicification, which took place during Mid-Cretaceous times in different sedimentary environments, i.e., on a northern shelf bordering the Silesian Basin and on a deep sea floor. The first diagenetic changes were related to changes to the biotic components of the turbidite layers, dominated by siliceous sponge spicules. This process, which took place in the spiculitic carbonate mud on the shelves, was related to the calcitization of sponge spicules. Calcareous clasts and calcified skeletal elements also were corroded by bacteria. After transportation down the slope, the biogenic and siliciclastic particles were deposited below the carbonate compensation depth. Taphonomic processes on the basin floor and alternating phases of carbonate and silica cementations, recrystallization and dissolution occurred in these sediments and were related to the diversification in composition of successive turbidite layers. Silicification was related to the formation of quartz precipitates as fibrous chalcedony or microcrystalline quartz, which were derived from the earlier dissolution of amorphous silica, originating mostly from siliceous sponge spicules and radiolarian skeletons. However, a source of silica from hydrothermal vents was also possible. The initial silica precipitation could have taken place in a slightly acidic environment, where calcite was simultaneously dissolved. A number of silicification stages, visible as different forms of silica precipitate inside moulds after bioclasts, occur in the particular turbidite layers. They were related to changes in various elements of the pore-water profile after descending turbidity-current flows. A very low sedimentation rate during the Middle–Late Cenomanian in the Silesian Basin may have favoured the sequence of initial calcitization and silicification stages of the turbidite sediments

    Czy sartany zmniejszają ryzyko rozwoju upośledzenia zdolności poznawczych w przebiegu nadciśnienia tętniczego?

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    Long term, particularly uncontrolled hypertension causescognitive impairment. The results of recent meta-analyzeson the effects of antihypertensive drug therapy on the inhibitionof cognitive impairment are different. In some ofthem there was a small, but significant reduction in the riskof developing dementia, other did not confirm the beneficialeffect of these drugs. In 2004, Fournier hypothesizedthat some antihypertensive drugs have properties inhibitthe growth of cognitive impairment in patients with hypertension.These include calcium channel blockers, particularlysartans, that work by AT2 and AT4 receptors located inthe brain tissue. Our study discusses the number of experimentalresearches in animals and in vitro studies, whichindirectly confirm a significant positive influence sartans toreduce the risk of dementia in patients with hypertension.These drugs improve the cerebral blood flow, reduced inpatients with impaired cognitive ability, have anti-inflammatoryeffect and reduce oxidative stress in brain tissue,and may also inhibit the deposition of beta-amyloid inthe central nervous system. Clinical studies on this issueare still few. However, both epidemiological observationsand relatively small observational studies indicate to thebenefits of sartans in order to reduce the risk of dementiain patients with hypertension. This year was published meta-analysis of Marpillat et al, which showed that in patientswith uncomplicated hypertension only sartans (and up to40%) reduce the risk of developing cognitive impairment.The current observations support the original hypothesisof Fournier and now sartans therapy gives hopes fora more effective prevention of dementia in patients withhypertension.Długotrwałe, a zwłaszcza źle kontrolowane nadciśnienietętnicze prowadzi do upośledzenia zdolnościpoznawczych. Wyniki dotychczasowych metaanalizdotyczących wpływu terapii lekami hipotensyjnymina zahamowanie upośledzenia zdolności poznawczychsą rozbieżne. W niektórych z nich obserwowanoniewielkie, lecz istotne, zmniejszenie ryzykarozwoju otępienia, inne metaanalizy nie potwierdziłykorzystnego efektu tych leków. W 2004 r. Fournierwysunął hipotezę, że tylko niektóre leki hipotensyjnemają własności zahamowania rozwoju upośledzeniazdolności poznawczych u chorych z nadciśnieniemtętniczym. Należą do nich między innymi antagoniściwapnia, a zwłaszcza sartany, które działają przezreceptory AT2 i AT4 zlokalizowane w tkance mózgowej.W pracy przytoczono wiele badań eksperymentalnychna zwierzętach i badań in vitro, które pośredniopotwierdzają istotny, korzystny wpływ sartanówna zmniejszenie ryzyka rozwoju otępienia u chorychz nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Leki te wywołują poprawęprzepływu mózgowego, zmniejszonego u chorychz upośledzeniem zdolności poznawczych, działająprzeciwzapalnie i zmniejszają stres oksydacyjnyw tkance mózgowej, a być może również hamująodkładanie się beta-amyloidu w ośrodkowym układzienerwowym (OUN). Badania kliniczne dotyczącetego zagadnienia są ciągle nieliczne. Niemniejzarówno obserwacje epidemiologiczne, jak i stosunkowoniewielkie prace obserwacyjne wskazują nakorzyści wynikające ze stosowania sartanów w celuzmniejszenia ryzyka wystąpienia otępienia u chorychz nadciśnieniem tętniczym. W tym roku ukazałasię metaanaliza Marpillat i wsp., która wykazała, żeu chorych z niepowikłanym nadciśnieniem tętniczymjedynie sartany (i to aż o 40%) zmniejszają ryzykorozwoju upośledzenia zdolności poznawczych.Dotychczasowe obserwacje potwierdzają więc oryginalnąhipotezę Fourniera i obecnie terapia sartanamibudzi duże nadzieje na skuteczniejsze zapobieganieotępieniu u chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym

    Metastasis of breast cancer to the bone

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    Spinal metastases are a complex but common manifestation of primary cancer. The most common use of spinal metastases is breast, lung and prostate cancer. Management of patients suffering from spinal metastases, which take into account the characteristics of cancer and various methods of treatment consisting of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Metastatic spine cancer surgery is used with a low risk of complications because it results in significant relief of pain and long-term survival burdens. Pain relief, prevention of bone complications and maintenance of quality of life are included in the recommendations in metastatic bone disease. Knowledge related to the pathophysiology of painful metastases is changing quite quickly. However, for analyzing the pathophysiology of painful bone metastases may be the key to analgesic effects with minimal side effects