3,967 research outputs found

    Inclusion on EU Aviation Blacklist Spurs Reform in Central Asia. EUCAM Commentary No. 9, 8 January 2010

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    The EU’s most recent aviation blacklist bars all of Kyrgyzstan’s airlines from entering the Union’s air space, and all but one from Kazakhstan. The blanket ban reflects EU concern at safety deficiencies in the oversight system. Reflecting their Soviet-era legacy, a combination of weak financial resources, outdated legislation and lax regulatory requirements has affected development of the aviation sector in these countries. To meet EU requirements, substantial modernisation of the sector will be required

    Higher Education Academic Salaries in the UK

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    The recent industrial action taken by the Association of University Teachers (AUT) has given the issue of academic pay high prominence in the UK press. There appears to be a remarkable consensus that higher education academic salaries are too low, relative to other groups of workers in the UK, and that this is leading to an academic 'brain drain'. There is concern that this in turn will result in lower quality higher education, as universities fail to attract the 'brightest and the best'. To rise above the rhetoric, there is a pressing need for robust evidence on relative academic salaries. In this paper, we compare the salaries of Higher Education teaching professionals in the United Kingdom with those of other comparable professionals. We offer evidence on relative salaries in HE academia over the last decade or so and we compare academic salaries to a range of different comparator groups, including some specific occupational groupings that one might view as more similar, in terms of unobserved characteristics, to academics. We then consider the extent to which the gap between the earnings of HE academics and that of other occupations is attributable to differences in the characteristics of academics, for example the fact that they are more highly educated on average, or to differences in the price paid for a given set of characteristics. We conclude that HE teaching professionals earn somewhat lower earnings than most public sector graduates and do particularly poorly compared to most other comparable professionals; they also work longer hours than most. In particular, academic earnings compare poorly to those in the legal professions, consultants physicians and dental practitioners (across both the public and private sectors). On the other hand, there are groups of public sector workers that do worse than HE academics, and in particular FE academics earn significantly less.higher educatio

    Good Taste in Dress

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    Successful clothes depend on your knowledge and imagination--not your pocketbook. Good taste is the keynote to being well dressed. Since customs and habits of dress vary in different places, it is never possible to lay down hard and fast rules for correct dress. Local practice and your personal feeling towards clothes influences correctness of dress

    Clothing Project Guide for South Dakota 4-H Club Members

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    Welcome to the 4-H Clothing project! You are about to begin or to continue your interest in a project which we hope you will find helpful and that you will enjoy. By the time you have finished the clothing project cycle you will have learned more about clothing care and wardrobe planning. You will have learned to be a better clothing shopper. Good grooming will become more important to you because you will want to be your own best exhibit. Sewing is part of the project. This will be fun because you will learn to make some article of clothing for yourself or family member to wear. Part of the project is to share with others the things you have learned. This, you will have a chance to do when you give a talk or a demonstration. When you wear a garment you have made or selected for others to see and admire you will be sharing, too. Your interests will be different depending upon your age and experience. This bulletin is divided into four sections. One for you younger girls who are just starting, out in the clothing project; one for those of you who are in the intermediate group with some experience; and one for you more advanced girls who are in the older age group and who are interested in wardrobe planning and perhaps more difficult construction. The last section on Care of Clothing applies to all age groups

    4-H Club: Clothing Project B Plan

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    How the teen-age girl can cover all the necessities of the wardrobe plus the · very special articles of clothing every girl loves might be answered by the slogan sew your own, and select with care. For school the teen-ager needs clothes that are comfortable and easy to wear as well as smart. Most girls agree that Jeans and Sloppy Joes go for picnics but when it comes to school and occasions where she is out among folks; and wants to look her best it is important to be dressed in girl\u27s clothes

    Efficiency in Home Sewing

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    Sewing can be fun and profitable for the family if the activity (home sewing) is kept as a part of the whole family-living picture

    Modern Home Sewing

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    Never before in the history of fabrics has there been such an array of exciting materials to tempt the home sewer to try her skill in clothing construction. Old friends in the textile field are taking on new .finishes and new fibers have ·entered into the fabric picture-all calling for new knowledge in their handling during construction. In addition to this abundance of textile material from which to choose, there is the splendid selection of good patterns, notions, and sewing equipment which is available today. A new style consciousness has swept the country and the modern home sewer is no longer satisfied just to make clothes, but the clothes which she makes must come up to the fashion standards of the best ready-to- wear which she sees in magazines, movies, television, and in store windows. Since she sews to produce a garment which is stylish and smart, the time spent in sewing at home, in spite of the lovely fabric and good pattern, is lost if the goal is not attained. The ultimate in joy of achievement is reached when the question Where in the world did you find such a smart out.fit? takes the place of I see you made it yourself! (It surely looks like it!) This circular will attempt to set forth some of the ways in which this goal may be reached

    4-H Club: Clothing Project A Plan

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    Have you ever been unhappy and probably disagreeable because you couldn\u27t have a certain dress, shoes or hat that you thought you just had to have? Most girls, and sometimes grown people, at one time or another have felt this way. Usually these girls would not have felt unhappy about being unable to have a certain dress if they had made a study of their clothing expenditures and had spent their money wisely

    A Look at Finishes

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    Does it pay to sew at home? This often-asked question is one every homemaker must answer for herself. Although many modern-day families buy the major part of their clothing, many homemakers still find that sewing pays dividends. Time and energy, both nervous and physical, are factors to consider along with the cost of the fabric. The rule of th ree is a good guide to use when estimating the value of a new garment made at home. One-third of a garment\u27s value is the cost of fabric, onethird is the fashion rightness of the style and its becomingness to the wearer, and one-third is the time and skill of workmanship put into it. \u27These are also points to consider when shopping for ready-to-wear. Shopping for ready-to- wear takes time and energy too, and some homemakers find sewing a more enjoyable way to spend it. To sew well takes time and skill. The homemaker who likes the feel of fabric and enjoys the experience of creating a good garm ent finds joy in her achievemen
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