107 research outputs found

    Report on research activities carried out for determination of mercury neuro-toxicological effects on cetacean brain

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    In this study we analyzed Hg and Se concentrations in dolphin brain tissues of fifteen specimens of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and eight specimens of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) stranded in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas, in order to assess the toxicological risks associated with Hg exposure. High Hg concentrations were found in brain tissues of both analyzed specie (1.86–243mg/kg dw for striped dolphin and 2.1–98.7 mg/kg dw for bottlenose dolphin), exceeding levels associated with marine mammals neurotoxicity. Although the results clearly suggest that the protective effects of Se against Hg toxicity occur in cetaceans’ brain tissues, a molar excess of mercury with respect to selenium was found, particularly in adult specimens of Stenella coeruleoalba. On contrary, negligible neuro-toxicological risks were found for Tursiops truncatus specimens, due to detoxification processes. Data obtained allowed to prove a more marked neuro-toxicological risk for adult specimens of Stenella coeruleoalba in both Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas

    Prognostic indicators of successful endoscopic sclerotherapy for prevention of rebleeding from oesophageal varices in cirrhosis: a long-term cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: Although band ligation is now recommended for prevention of rebleeding from oesophageal varices in cirrhosis, sclerotherapy is still widely used. Patients submitted to chronic sclerotherapy undergo several endoscopies and experience a large number of serious complications. However, long-term outcome is poorly defined. AIMS: To assess the clinical course and prognostic indicators of patients undergoing chronic sclerotherapy for prevention of variceal rebleeding as a basis for future evaluation of long-term band ligation outcome. METHODS: Prospective cohort study; prognostic analysis by the Cox proportional hazards model. RESULTS: A total of 218 consecutive cirrhotic patients (37 Child class A, 154 B, 27 C) were enrolled in the study Varices were obliterated in 139 (64%) patients in a mean of 5 (+/-2.6) sessions and recurred in 58/139 (41.7%) within one year. A total of 132 (60%) patients experienced 283 rebleeding episodes and 73 (33%) died. Bleeding from oesophageal ulcers was the most serious complication causing 14% of all rebleeding episodes. Significant prognostic indicators of sclerotherapy outcome were: Child-Pugh class for variceal obliteration; gastric varices and platelet count for recurrence of varices; failure to obliterate varices, variceal size and gastric varices for rebleeding; blood urea nitrogen and failure to obliterate varices for death. Presence of gastric varices was the only prognostic indicator for death in the 79 patients not achieving variceal obliteration. A mean of 10 endoscopies and of 6 hospital admissions were needed per each patient with an estimated cost of US dollars 7154 per patient during the first two years of therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Sclerotherapy is a very demanding and costly treatment, and is associated with frequent and serious side-effects. The probability of treatment failure is significantly higher in Child C patients with gastric varices. Alternative treatments should be considered for these patients

    Redox and autonomic responses to acute exercise-post recovery following Opuntia ficus-indica juice intake in physically active women

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate if the supplementation with Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) juice may affect plasma redox balance and heart rate variability (HRV) parameters following a maximal effort test, in young physically active women. Methods: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled and crossover study comprising eight women (23.25 ± 2.95 years, 54.13 ± 9.05 kg, 157.75 ± 0.66 cm and BMI of 21.69 ± 0.66 kg/m2) was carried out. A juice containing OFI diluted in water and a Placebo solution were supplied (170 ml; OFI = 50 ml of OFI juice + 120 ml of water; Placebo = 170 ml beverage without Vitamin C and indicaxanthin). Participants consumed the OFI juice or Placebo beverage every day for 3 days, before performing a maximal cycle ergometer test, and for 2 consecutive days after the test. Plasma hydroperoxides and total antioxidant capacity (PAT), Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS) and HRV variables (LF, HF, LF/HF and rMSSD) were recorded at different time points. Results: The OFI group showed significantly lower levels of hydroperoxides compared to the Placebo group in pretest, post-test and 48-h post-test. PAT values of the OFI group significantly increased compared to those of the Placebo group in pre-test and 48-h post-test. SCS did not differ between groups. LF was significantly lower in the OFI group 24-h after the end of the test, whereas rMSSD was significantly higher in the OFI group 48-h post-test. Conclusion: OFI supplementation decreased the oxidative stress induced by intense exercise and improved autonomic balance in physically active women

    Italian Translation and Validation of the Original ABC Taxonomy for Medication Adherence

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    Medication adherence represents a complex and multifaceted process. Standardized terminology is essential to enable a reproducible process in various languages. The study's aim was to translate and adapt the original Ascertaining Barriers for Compliance (ABC) Taxonomy on medication adherence, first proposed in 2012, into Italian language. The study was carried out according to the Preferred Methods for Translation of the ABC Taxonomy for Medication Adherence adopted by the ESPACOMP. Key steps included: (1) a systematic literature review using PubMed and Embase according to the PRISMA Guidelines to identify published Italian terms and definitions, and Italian adherence experts; (2) a forward translation of terms and definitions; (3) panelists' selection; (4) a three-round Delphi survey. From the systematic review, 19 studies allowed detection of 4 terms, 4 definitions and 767 Italian experts. To these, Italian ESPACOMP members and experts though snowball sampling were added. The identified Italian adherence experts received the Delphi questionnaire. The Italian ABC Taxonomy was achieved after three rounds of Delphi survey by reaching at least a moderate consensus on unambiguous naming and definition of medication adherence-related terms. The Taxonomy is intended to be used in research, academic, and professional fields in order to harmonize adherence terminology and avoid confusion in comparing research findings

    Competing risks and prognostic stages of cirrhosis: A 25-year inception cohort study of 494 patients

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    Background Morphological, haemodynamic and clinical stages of cirrhosis have been proposed, although no definite staging system is yet accepted for clinical practice. Aim To investigate whether clinical complications of cirrhosis may define different prognostic disease stages. Methods Analysis of the database from a prospective inception cohort of 494 patients. Decompensation was defined by ascites, bleeding, jaundice or encephalopathy. Explored potential prognostic stages: 1, compensated cirrhosis without oesophago-gastric varices; 2, compensated cirrhosis with varices; 3, bleeding without other complications; 4, first nonbleeding decompensation; 5, any second decompensating event. Patient flow across stages was assessed by a competing risks analysis. Results Major patient characteristics were: 199 females, 295 males, 404 HCV+, 377 compensated, 117 decompensated cirrhosis. The mean follow-up was 145 ± 109 months without dropouts. Major events: 380 deaths, 326 oesophago-gastric varices, 283 ascites, 158 bleeding, 146 encephalopathy, 113 jaundice, 126 hepatocellular carcinoma and 19 liver transplantation. Patients entering each prognostic stage along the disease course were: 202, stage 1; 216, stage 2; 75 stage 3; 206 stage 4; 213 stage 5. Five-year transition rate towards a different stage, for stages 1-4 was 34.5%, 42%, 65% and 78%, respectively (P < 0.0001); 5-year mortality for stages 1-5 was 1.5%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 88% respectively (P < 0.0001). An exploratory analysis showed that this patient stratification may configure a prognostic system independent of the Child-Pugh score, Model for End Stage Liver Disease and comorbidity. Conclusion The development of oesophago-gastric varices and decompensating events in cirrhosis identify five prognostic stages with significantly increasing mortality risks

    Rapporto tecnico sulle attività di campionamento della “Campagna Oceanografica CISAS_1” Augusta-Priolo 19-23 ottobre 2017

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    Le attività di campionamento ed acquisizione dati svolte durante la campagna CISAS_1 si inseriscono in seno al progetto “Centro internazionale di studi avanzati su ambiente ed impatti su ecosistema e salute umana (CISAS)” del CNR. Tra gli obiettivi principali del progetto, lo sviluppo di una complessa e decisa azione di ricerca scientifica volta ad una profonda comprensione dei fenomeni di inquinamento ambientale e dei loro risvolti sull’ecosistema e la salute umana. Le aree di indagine del progetto sono rappresentate dai Siti di Interesse Nazionale di Priolo, Milazzo-Pace del Mela e Crotone che, per specificità e modalità di impatto antropogenico sull’ambiente, l’ecosistema e la salute umana, coprono un ampio spettro di tipologie di interesse

    Cytogenetic and molecular predictors of response in patients with myeloid malignancies without del[5q] treated with lenalidomide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While lenalidomide (LEN) shows high efficacy in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with del[5q], responses can be also seen in patients presenting without del[5q]. We hypothesized that improved detection of chromosomal abnormalities with new karyotyping tools may better predict response to LEN.</p> <p>Design and methods</p> <p>We have studied clinical, molecular and cytogenetic features of 42 patients with MDS, myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), MDS/MPN overlap syndromes and secondary acute myeloid leukemia (sAML) without del[5q] by metaphase cytogenetics (MC) who underwent therapy with LEN.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or single nucleotide polymorphism array (SNP-A)-based karyotyping marginally increased the diagnostic yield over MC, detecting 2/42 (4.8%) additional cases with del[5q], one of whom were responded to LEN. Responses were more often observed in patients with a normal karyotype by MC (60% vs abnormal MC; 17%, <it>p </it>= .08) and those with gain of chromosome 8 material by either of all 3 karyotyping methods (83% vs all other chromosomal abnormalities; 44% <it>p </it>= .11). However, 5 out of those 6 patients received combined LEN/AZA therapy and it may also suggest those with gain of chromosome 8 material respond well to AZA. The addition of FISH or SNP-A did not improve the predictive value of normal cytogenetics by MC. Mutational analysis of <it>TET2, UTX, CBL, EZH2, ASXL1, TP53, RAS, IDH1/2</it>, and <it>DNMT-3A </it>was performed on 21 of 41 patients, and revealed 13 mutations in 11 patients, but did not show any molecular markers of responsiveness to LEN.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Normal karyotype and gain of chromosome 8 material was predictive of response to LEN in non-del[5q] patients with myeloid malignancies.</p

    TBCRC 019: A phase II trial of nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel with or without the anti-death receptor 5 monoclonal antibody tigatuzumab in patients with triple negative breast cancer

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    Purpose: Tigatuzumab (TIG), an agonistic anti-DR5 antibody, triggers apoptosis in DR5+ human tumor cells without crosslinking. TIG has strong in vitro/in vivo activity against basal-like breast cancer cells enhanced by chemotherapy agents. This study evaluates activity of TIG and chemotherapy in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Experimental Design: Randomized 2:1 phase II trial of albumin-bound paclitaxel (nab-PAC) ± TIG in patients with TNBC stratified by prior chemotherapy. Patients received nab-PAC weekly × 3 ± TIG every other week, every 28 days. Primary objective was within-arm objective response rate (ORR). Secondary objectives were safety, progression-free survival (PFS), clinical benefit, and TIG immunogenicity. Metastatic research biopsies were required. Results: Among 64 patients (60 treated; TIG/nab-PAC n = 39 and nab-PAC n = 21), there were 3 complete remissions (CR), 8 partial remissions (PR; 1 almost CR), 11 stable diseases (SD), and 17 progressive diseases (PD) in the TIG/nab-PAC arm (ORR, 28%), and no CRs, 8 PRs, 4 SDs, and 9 PDs in the nab-PAC arm (ORR, 38%). There was a numerical increase in CRs and several patients had prolonged PFS (1,025+, 781, 672, 460, 334) in the TIG/nab-PAC arm. Grade 3 toxicities were 28% and 29%, respectively, with no grade 4–5. Exploratory analysis suggests an association of ROCK1 gene pathway activation with efficacy in the TIG/nab-PAC arm. Conclusions: ORR and PFS were similar in both. Preclinical activity of TIG in basal-like breast cancer and prolonged PFS in few patients in the combination arm support further investigation of anti-DR5 agents. ROCK pathway activation merits further evaluation

    "Global change, sostenibilitĂ  ambientale e BiodiversitĂ ": il PCTO delle classi III D e III E, indirizzo (Scienze Applicate) del Liceo Scientifico "Pietro Ruggeri" di Marsala presso l'IAS - CNR Sede Secondaria di Capo Granitola

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    Con la partecipazione ad Esperienza InSegna 2020 (https://www.esperienzainsegna.it/) - Cambiamento climatico e sostenibilità ambientale - organizzata dall'Associazione PALERMOSCIENZA, da martedì 18 a domenica 23 febbraio 2020 presso l'Università degli Studi di Palermo (Edificio 19 - Viale delle Scienze) - l'IAS – CNR porta a termine un'esperienza formativa di successo rivolta a 54 allievi delle classi III D e III E, indirizzo Scienze Applicate, del Liceo Scientifico "Pietro Ruggeri" di Marsala (TP) presso l'IAS – CNR – S. S. di Capo Granitola nell'ambito del Percorso per le competenze trasversali e per l'orientamento (PCTO ex ASL), e regolamentata dalla convenzione Prot. IAS n° 0000030 del 08/01/2020. Il Direttore f.f. di IAS – CNR il Dottor Mario Sprovieri e il Responsabile dell'IAS – CNR Sede Secondaria di Capo Granitola, il Dottor Giorgio Tranchida, hanno promosso e supportato le attività del PCTO, anche quest'anno come negli anni passati, accogliendole come una irrinunciabile occasione per i tecnici, i tecnologi e i ricercatori di perseguire la " terza missione" degli Enti di Ricerca, attraverso l'applicazione diretta, la valorizzazione e l'impiego della conoscenza per contribuire allo sviluppo sociale, culturale ed economico della società. Sono state 25 le unità di personale (8 ricercatori, 2 tecnologi, 11 tecnici e 4 assegnisti di ricerca) dell'IAS – CNR, Sedi Secondarie di Capo Granitola e di Palermo, che hanno lavorato in sinergia e con entusiasmo, presso la S. S. di Capo Granitola, permettendo di elaborare una proposta formativa ricca di contenuti scientifici da trasferire agli alunni delle classi III D e III E del Liceo Scientifico "P. Ruggeri". Il personale scientifico, grazie all'esperienza acquisita negli anni, è ben consapevole del fatto che le pratiche attive, come l'apprendimento collaborativo ed i piccoli gruppi di lavoro, risultano altamente produttive permettendo all'alunno di non acquisire solo conoscenze, ma soprattutto abilità e competenze. Al fine di accrescere le opportunità di conoscenza e accendere l'interesse negli studenti, il PCTO, dal titolo "Global change, sostenibilità ambientale e Biodiversità", è stato programmato e realizzato attraverso una prima parte seminariale, un'esperienza teorico-pratica su campo (per prelevare campioni da analizzare) e una parte laboratoriale. Successivamente: i) una parte relativa a seminari teorico-pratici riguardante l'analisi statistica dei dati scientifici; ii) un gioco di ruolo finalizzato all'apprendimento collaborativo relativo dei concetti scientifici acquisiti ed, infine iii) una visita presso l'Osservatorio Regionale della Biodiversità Siciliano (ORBS) che è ospitato presso la struttura di Capo Granitola. Il personale scientifico ha rivestito un ruolo importante, delicato, di grossa responsabilità nell'accompagnare gli alunni in questo percorso di orientamento (PCTO) e affinché tutti gli alunni "imparassero ad imparare" nel modo per loro più corretto, hanno concordato nell'utilizzare diverse metodologie didattiche efficaci quali: interdisciplinarietà, utilizzo di parole chiavi, cooperative learning, didattica laboratoriale, peer education, problem solving, role playing, studio di caso, discussione, project work. Le metodologie didattiche utilizzate hanno consentito di valorizzare il potenziale di apprendimento
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