12 research outputs found

    The Multicellular Effects of VDAC1 N-Terminal-Derived Peptide

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    The mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel-1 (VDAC1) protein functions in a variety of mitochondria-linked physiological and pathological processes, including metabolism and cell signaling, as well as in mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. VDAC1 interacts with about 150 proteins to regulate the integration of mitochondrial functions with other cellular activities. Recently, we developed VDAC1-based peptides that have multiple effects on cancer cells and tumors including apoptosis induction. Here, we designed several cell-penetrating VDAC1 N-terminal-derived peptides with the goal of identifying the shortest peptide with improved cellular stability and activity. We identified the D-Δ(1-18)N-Ter-Antp comprising the VDAC1 N-terminal region (19-26 amino acids) fused to the Antp, a cell-penetrating peptide. We demonstrated that this peptide induced apoptosis, autophagy, senescence, cell volume enlargement, and the refusion of divided daughter cells into a single cell, it was responsible for reorganization of actin and tubulin filaments, and increased cell adhesion. In addition, the peptide induced alterations in the expression of proteins associated with cell metabolism, signaling, and division, such as enhancing the expression of nuclear factor kappa B and decreasing the expression of the nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha. These cellular effects may result from the peptide interfering with VDAC1 interaction with its interacting proteins, thereby blocking multiple mitochondrial/VDAC1 pathways associated with cell functions. The results of this study further support the role of VDAC1 as a mitochondrial gatekeeper protein in controlling a variety of cell functions via interaction with associated proteins

    Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 1 As an Emerging Drug Target for Novel Anti-Cancer Therapeutics

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    Cancer cells share several properties, high proliferation potential, reprogramed metabolism, and resistance to apoptotic cues. Acquiring these hallmarks involves changes in key oncogenes and non-oncogenes essential for cancer cell survival and prosperity, and is accompanied by the increased energy requirements of proliferating cells. Mitochondria occupy a central position in cell life and death with mitochondrial bioenergetics, biosynthesis, and signaling are critical for tumorigenesis. Voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) is situated in the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) and serving as a mitochondrial gatekeeper. VDAC1 allowing the transfer of metabolites, fatty acid ions, Ca2+, reactive oxygen species, and cholesterol across the OMM and is a key player in mitochondrial-mediate apoptosis. Moreover, VDAC1 serves as a hub protein, interacting with diverse sets of proteins from the cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria that together regulate metabolic and signaling pathways. The observation that VDAC1 is over-expressed in many cancers suggests that the protein may play a pivotal role in cancer cell survival. However, VDAC1 is also important in mitochondria-mediated apoptosis, mediating release of apoptotic proteins and interacting with anti-apoptotic proteins, such as B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), Bcl-xL, and hexokinase (HK), which are also highly expressed in many cancers. Strategically located in a “bottleneck” position, controlling metabolic homeostasis and apoptosis, VDAC1 thus represents an emerging target for anti-cancer drugs. This review presents an overview on the multi-functional mitochondrial protein VDAC1 performing several functions and interacting with distinct sets of partners to regulate both cell life and death, and highlights the importance of the protein for cancer cell survival. We address recent results related to the mechanisms of VDAC1-mediated apoptosis and the potential of associated proteins to modulate of VDAC1 activity, with the aim of developing VDAC1-based approaches. The first strategy involves modification of cell metabolism using VDAC1-specific small interfering RNA leading to inhibition of cancer cell and tumor growth and reversed oncogenic properties. The second strategy involves activation of cancer cell death using VDAC1-based peptides that prevent cell death induction by anti-apoptotic proteins. Finally, we discuss the potential therapeutic benefits of treatments and drugs leading to enhanced VDAC1 expression or targeting VDAC1 to induce apoptosis

    Mitochondrial VDAC1 Silencing Leads to Metabolic Rewiring and the Reprogramming of Tumour Cells into Advanced Differentiated States

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    Oncogenic properties, along with the metabolic reprogramming necessary for tumour growth and motility, are acquired by cancer cells. Thus, tumour metabolism is becoming a target for cancer therapy. Here, cancer cell metabolism was tackled by silencing the expression of voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), a mitochondrial protein that controls cell energy, as well as metabolic and survival pathways and that is often over-expressed in many cancers. We demonstrated that silencing VDAC1 expression using human-specific siRNA (si-hVDAC1) inhibited cancer cell growth, both in vitro and in mouse xenograft models of human glioblastoma (U-87MG), lung cancer (A549), and triple negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231). Importantly, treatment with si-hVDAC1 induced metabolic rewiring of the cancer cells, reversing their oncogenic properties and diverting them towards differentiated-like cells. The si-hVDAC1-treated residual “tumour„ showed reprogrammed metabolism, decreased proliferation, inhibited stemness and altered expression of genes and proteins, leading to cell differentiation toward less malignant lineages. These VDAC1 depletion-mediated effects involved alterations in master transcription factors associated with cancer hallmarks, such as highly increased expression of p53 and decreased expression of HIF-1a and c-Myc that regulate signalling pathways (e.g., AMPK, mTOR). High expression of p53 and the pro-apoptotic proteins cytochrome c and caspases without induction of apoptosis points to functions for these proteins in promoting cell differentiation. These results clearly show that VDAC1 depletion similarly leads to a rewiring of cancer cell metabolism in breast and lung cancer and glioblastoma, regardless of origin or mutational status. This metabolic reprogramming results in cell growth arrest and inhibited tumour growth while encouraging cell differentiation, thus generating cells with decreased proliferation capacity. These results further suggest VDAC1 to be an innovative and markedly potent therapeutic target

    Selective induction of cancer cell death by VDAC1‐based peptides and their potential use in cancer therapy

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    Mitochondrial VDAC1 mediates cross talk between the mitochondria and other parts of the cell by transporting anions, cations, ATP, Ca2+, and metabolites and serves as a key player in apoptosis. As such, VDAC1 is involved in two important hallmarks of cancer development, namely energy and metabolic reprograming and apoptotic cell death evasion. We previously developed cell‐penetrating VDAC1‐derived peptides that interact with hexokinase (HK), Bcl‐2, and Bcl‐xL to prevent the anti‐apoptotic activities of these proteins and induce cancer cell death, with a focus on leukemia and glioblastoma. In this study, we demonstrated the sensitivity of a panel of genetically characterized cancer cell lines, differing in origin and carried mutations, to VDAC1‐based peptide‐induced apoptosis. Noncancerous cell lines were less affected by the peptides. Furthermore, we constructed additional VDAC1‐based peptides with the aim of improving targeting, selectivity, and cellular stability, including R‐Tf‐D‐LP4, containing the transferrin receptor internalization sequence (Tf) that allows targeting of the peptide to cancer cells, known to overexpress the transferrin receptor. The mode of action of the VDAC1‐based peptides involves HK detachment, interfering with the action of anti‐apoptotic proteins, and thus activating multiple routes leading to an impairment of cell energy and metabolism homeostasis and the induction of apoptosis. Finally, in xenograft glioblastoma, lung, and breast cancer mouse models, R‐Tf‐D‐LP4 inhibited tumor growth while inducing massive cancer cell death, including of cancer stem cells. Thus, VDAC1‐based peptides offer an innovative new conceptual framework for cancer therapy

    Overexpression of the mitochondrial anti-viral signaling protein, MAVS, in cancers is associated with cell survival and inflammation

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    Mitochondrial anti-viral signaling protein (MAVS) plays an important role in host defense against viral infection via coordinating the activation of NF-ÎşB and interferon regulatory factors. The mitochondrial-bound form of MAVS is essential for its anti-viral innate immunity. Recently, tumor cells were proposed to mimic a viral infection by activating RNA-sensing pattern recognition receptors. Here, we demonstrate that MAVS is overexpressed in a panel of viral non-infected cancer cell lines and patient-derived tumors, including lung, liver, bladder, and cervical cancers, and we studied its role in cancer. Silencing MAVS expression reduced cell proliferation and the expression and nuclear translocation of proteins associated with transcriptional regulation, inflammation, and immunity. MAVS depletion reduced expression of the inflammasome components and inhibited its activation/assembly. Moreover, MAVS directly interacts with the mitochondrial protein VDAC1, decreasing its conductance, and we identified the VDAC1 binding site in MAVS. Our findings suggest that MAVS depletion, by reducing cancer cell proliferation and inflammation, represents a new target for cancer therapy

    Silencing VDAC1 to Treat Mesothelioma Cancer: Tumor Reprograming and Altering Tumor Hallmarks

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    Mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer with a poor prognosis, is linked to asbestos exposure. However, carbon nanotubes found in materials we are exposed to daily can cause mesothelioma cancer. Cancer cells reprogram their metabolism to support increased biosynthetic and energy demands required for their growth and motility. Here, we examined the effects of silencing the expression of the voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), controlling the metabolic and energetic crosstalk between mitochondria and the rest of the cell. We demonstrate that VDAC1 is overexpressed in mesothelioma patients; its levels increase with disease stage and are associated with low survival rates. Silencing VDAC1 expression using a specific siRNA identifying both mouse and human VDAC1 (si-m/hVDAC1-B) inhibits cell proliferation of mesothelioma cancer cells. Treatment of xenografts of human-derived H226 cells or mouse-derived AB1 cells with si-m/hVDAC1-B inhibited tumor growth and caused metabolism reprogramming, as reflected in the decreased expression of metabolism-related proteins, including glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid (-)cycle enzymes and the ATP-synthesizing enzyme. In addition, tumors depleted of VDAC1 showed altered microenvironments and inflammation, both associated with cancer progression. Finally, tumor VDAC1 silencing also eliminated cancer stem cells and induced cell differentiation to normal-like cells. The results show that silencing VDAC1 expression leads to reprogrammed metabolism and to multiple effects from tumor growth inhibition to modulation of the tumor microenvironment and inflammation, inducing differentiation of malignant cells. Thus, silencing VDAC1 is a potential therapeutic approach to treating mesothelioma

    SMAC/Diablo controls proliferation of cancer cells by regulating phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis

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    SMAC/Diablo, a pro‐apoptotic protein, yet it is overexpressed in several cancer types. We have described a noncanonical function for SMAC/Diablo as a regulator of lipid synthesis during cancer cell proliferation and development. Here, we explore the molecular mechanism through which SMAC/Diablo regulates phospholipid synthesis. We showed that SMAC/Diablo directly interacts with mitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase (PSD) and inhibits its catalytic activity during synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) from phosphatidylserine (PS). Unlike other phospholipids (PLs), PE is synthesized not only in the endoplasmic reticulum but also in mitochondria. As a result, PSD activity and mitochondrial PE levels were increased in the mitochondria of SMAC/Diablo‐deficient cancer cells, with the total amount of cellular PLs and phosphatidylcholine (PC) being lower as compared to SMAC‐expressing cancer cells. Moreover, in the absence of SMAC/Diablo, PSD inhibited cancer cell proliferation by catalysing the overproduction of mitochondrial PE and depleting the cellular levels of PC, PE and PS. Additionally, we demonstrated that both SMAC/Diablo and PSD colocalization in the nucleus resulted in increased levels of nuclear PE, that acts as a signalling molecule in regulating several nuclear activities. By using a peptide array composed of 768‐peptides derived from 11 SMAC‐interacting proteins, we identified six nuclear proteins ARNT, BIRC2, MAML2, NR4A1, BIRC5 and HTRA2 Five of them also interacted with PSD through motifs that are not involved in SMAC binding. Synthetic peptides carrying the PSD‐interacting motifs of these proteins could bind purified PSD and inhibit the PSD catalytic activity. When targeted specifically to the mitochondria or the nucleus, these synthetic peptides inhibited cancer cell proliferation. To our knowledge, these are the first reported inhibitors of PSD acting also as inhibitors of cancer cell proliferation. Altogether, we demonstrated that phospholipid metabolism and PE synthesis regulated by the SMAC‐PSD interaction are essential for cancer cell proliferation and may be potentially targeted for treating cancer

    Targeting the Mitochondrial Protein VDAC1 as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy in ALS

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    Impaired mitochondrial function has been proposed as a causative factor in neurodegenerative diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), caused by motor neuron degeneration. Mutations in superoxide dismutase (SOD1) cause ALS and SOD1 mutants were shown to interact with the voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), affecting its normal function. VDAC1 is a multi-functional channel located at the outer mitochondrial membrane that serves as a mitochondrial gatekeeper controlling metabolic and energetic crosstalk between mitochondria and the rest of the cell and it is a key player in mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. Previously, we showed that VDAC1 interacts with SOD1 and that the VDAC1-N-terminal-derived peptide prevented mutant SOD1 cytotoxic effects. In this study, using a peptide array, we identified the SOD1 sequence that interacts with VDAC1. Synthetic peptides generated from the identified VDAC1-binding sequences in SOD1 directly interacted with purified VDAC1. We also show that VDAC1 oligomerization increased in spinal cord mitochondria isolated from mutant SOD1G93A mice and rats. Thus, we used the novel VDAC1-specific small molecules, VBIT-4 and VBIT-12, inhibiting VDAC1 oligomerization and subsequently apoptosis and associated processes such as ROS production, and increased cytosolic Ca2+. VBIT-12 was able to rescue cell death induced by mutant SOD1 in neuronal cultures. Finally, although survival was not affected, VBIT-12 administration significantly improved muscle endurance in mutant SOD1G93A mice. Therefore, VBIT-12 may represent an attractive therapy for maintaining muscle function during the progression of ALS

    A VDAC1-Derived N-Terminal Peptide Inhibits Mutant SOD1-VDAC1 Interactions and Toxicity in the SOD1 Model of ALS

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    Mutations in superoxide dismutase (SOD1) are the second most common cause of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a fatal neurodegenerative disease caused by the death of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. SOD1 neurotoxicity has been attributed to aberrant accumulation of misfolded SOD1, which in its soluble form binds to intracellular organelles, such as mitochondria and ER, disrupting their functions. Here, we demonstrate that mutant SOD1 binds specifically to the N-terminal domain of the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC1), an outer mitochondrial membrane protein controlling cell energy, metabolic and survival pathways. Mutant SOD1(G93A) and SOD1(G85R), but not wild type SOD1, directly interact with VDAC1 and reduce its channel conductance. No such interaction with N-terminal-truncated VDAC1 occurs. Moreover, a VDAC1-derived N-terminal peptide inhibited mutant SOD1-induced toxicity. Incubation of motor neuron-like NSC-34 cells expressing mutant SOD1 or mouse embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons with different VDAC1 N-terminal peptides resulted in enhanced cell survival. Taken together, our results establish a direct link between mutant SOD1 toxicity and the VDAC1 N-terminal domain and suggest that VDAC1 N-terminal peptides targeting mutant SOD1 provide potential new therapeutic strategies for ALS

    Targeting the overexpressed mitochondrial protein VDAC1 in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease protects against mitochondrial dysfunction and mitigates brain pathology

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    Abstract Background Alzheimer's disease (AD) exhibits mitochondrial dysfunctions associated with dysregulated metabolism, brain inflammation, synaptic loss, and neuronal cell death. As a key protein serving as the mitochondrial gatekeeper, the voltage-dependent anion channel-1 (VDAC1) that controls metabolism and Ca2+ homeostasis is positioned at a convergence point for various cell survival and death signals. Here, we targeted VDAC1 with VBIT-4, a newly developed inhibitor of VDAC1 that prevents its pro-apoptotic activity, and mitochondria dysfunction. Methods To address the multiple pathways involved in AD, neuronal cultures and a 5 × FAD mouse model of AD were treated with VBIT-4. We addressed multiple topics related to the disease and its molecular mechanisms using immunoblotting, immunofluorescence, q-RT-PCR, 3-D structural analysis and several behavioral tests. Results In neuronal cultures, amyloid-beta (Aβ)-induced VDAC1 and p53 overexpression and apoptotic cell death were prevented by VBIT-4. Using an AD-like 5 × FAD mouse model, we showed that VDAC1 was overexpressed in neurons surrounding Aβ plaques, but not in astrocytes and microglia, and this was associated with neuronal cell death. VBIT-4 prevented the associated pathophysiological changes including neuronal cell death, neuroinflammation, and neuro-metabolic dysfunctions. VBIT-4 also switched astrocytes and microglia from being pro-inflammatory/neurotoxic to neuroprotective phenotype. Moreover, VBIT-4 prevented cognitive decline in the 5 × FAD mice as evaluated using several behavioral assessments of cognitive function. Interestingly, VBIT-4 protected against AD pathology, with no significant change in phosphorylated Tau and only a slight decrease in Aβ-plaque load. Conclusions The study suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction with its gatekeeper VDAC1 is a promising target for AD therapeutic intervention, and VBIT-4 is a promising drug candidate for AD treatment