922 research outputs found
Finite-temperature study of eight-flavor SU(3) gauge theory
We present new lattice investigations of finite-temperature transitions for
SU(3) gauge theory with Nf=8 light flavors. Using nHYP-smeared staggered
fermions we are able to explore renormalized couplings on
lattice volumes as large as . Finite-temperature transitions at
non-zero fermion mass do not persist in the chiral limit, instead running into
a strongly coupled lattice phase as the mass decreases. That is,
finite-temperature studies with this lattice action require even larger to directly confirm spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: Contribution to the Sakata Memorial KMI Workshop on "Origin of Mass
and Strong Coupling Gauge Theories" (SCGT15), 3--6 March 2015, Nagoya
COVID-19 vaccine: factual reporting, dynamic preferences, and gender hesitancy
At different rates in different countries, one can observe the phenomenon of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.
In June 2021, we surveyed 1,068 people in France and Italy to inquire about individual potential
acceptance, focusing on time preferences, in a risk-return framework: getting the jab today, in a month,
and in 3 months; perceived risks of vaccination and COVID-19; and expected benefit of the vaccine. We
conducted a randomized controlled trial to understand the impact of daily stimuli, such as factual news
about vaccines, on audience acceptance of vaccination. In the main experiment, participants were asked
to read two different articles extracted from two Italian newspapers about vaccine-related thrombosis,
one using a more abstract description and language and the other using a more anecdotical description
and concrete language.
We find that individual preferences for vaccination are variable and unstable over time, and individual
choices of accepting, refusing, or delaying may be affected by the way news is written. To understand
these dynamic preferences, we propose a new model based on seven categories of human behaviours
that was validated by a neural network.
We observe a treatment effect: participants who red the articles significantly shifted to vaccine hesitancy
categories. Furthermore, we detect a peculiar gender effect, showing that the type of language that results
in a higher vaccination rate for men is correlated with women’s lower vaccination rate and vice versa. This
outcome should be taken into consideration for an appropriate gender-based communication campaign
to achieve herd immunity
Construal Level Theory of Psychological Distance e rischio per l’ambiente
Nei mercati di capitali perfettamente funzionanti, è il prezzo l’indicatore più attendibile per l’allocazione delle risorse economiche. In mercati dei capitali imperfetti, maggiori e migliori informazioni portano a un livello di incertezza minore e ad allocazioni più efficienti del capitale. Nelle decisioni di allocazione del capitale, la misurazione del rischio ha un ruolo centrale: gli investitori scelgono di allocare il capitale presso opportunità d’investimento che forniscono rendimenti più alti, a parità di livello di rischio. Il rischio dell’investimento si riferisce alla variabilità dei rendimenti attesi dello stesso, che sono determinati dalle aspettative sull’andamento economico dell’attività produttiva sottesa, la quale, a sua volta, è condizionata da una moltitudine di rischi, rubricabili in due categorie principali: finanziari e non finanziari. I rischi non finanziari comprendono fattori politici, operativi, ambientali, sociali e di governance. Ossimoricamente, l’impatto che questi rischi possono avere è di natura finanziaria, potendo essi limitare o addirittura interrompere l’operatività della società . La domanda degli investitori per una maggiore trasparenza include richieste crescenti di disclosure di informazioni non finanziarie, spinte dalla motivazione che la diffusione di tali dati migliora la capacità di valutare e comprendere i rischi di lungo periodo della società . Se si pensa, in particolare, all’informativa sul rischio relativo al cambiamento climatico, appare quanto mai necessario che essa sia efficace ed effettiva, perché altrimenti l’investitore non sarebbe messo nelle condizioni di attribuire “il giusto prezzo” al suo impatto (Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure, 2016). Una delle maggiori criticità che presenta questo tipo di disclosureè, infatti, la genericità del linguaggio che spesso viene utilizzato nell’informativa, alle volte addirittura tale da disinnescare la percezione del rischio ad essa connessa.Il presente lavoro è un tentativo embrionale di proporre un paradigma scientifico alla Corporate RiskDisclosure, sulla scorta degli studi empirici condotti in materia di comunicazione del rischio ambientale tout court, attraverso l’applicazione della Construal Level Theory (Liberman e Trope, 2008). Quest’ultima ci prospetta la conoscenza del fenomeno come un costrutto mentale che si sviluppa, in modo astratto o concreto, a seconda della distanza determinatasi tra il soggetto ed il fenomeno su quattro dimensioni (temporale spaziale, probabilistica e sociale). Studi empirici hanno dimostrato che, manipolando le informazioni relative all’evento dannoso su una di queste quattro dimensioni, avvicinando l’evento al destinatario del messaggio, si rende più concreta, e dunque si aumenta, la percezione del rischio, evitando che quest’ultimo venga sottostimato dall’investitore e che all’impatto venga attribuito un minor prezzo, al momento della scelta d’investimento.Nella prima parte viene descritto lo stato dell’arte della CRD ambientale in alcune legislazioni, nazionali e sovranazionali, e si propone una rassegna teorica della letteratura sui limiti della CRD ambientale; nella seconda parte si presenta la CLT nelle sue linee generali, nonché le sue applicazioni sperimentali specifiche in tema di comunicazione del rischio ambientale; ed, infine, vengono offerte alcune considerazioni conclusive in merito agli effetti potenziali che la CLT applicata alla CRD sul rischio climatico potrebbe spiegare nella percezione del rischio del lettore e, dunque, nelle scelte dell’investitore
Effects of cadmium chloride on some mitochondria-related activity and gene expression of human MDA-MB231 breast tumor cells
It was reported that cadmium is able to exert a cytotoxic effect on tumor MDA-MB231 cells, which shows signs of "non-classical" apoptosis and is characterized by drastic changes in gene expression pattern. In this study, we have extended our knowledge of metal-breast cancer cell interactions by analyzing some mitochondria-related aspects of the stress response to CdCl(2) at either 5 or 50 microM 24- or 96-h exposure, by cytochemical, conventional PCR and Northern/Western blot techniques. We demonstrated that (i) no modification of the mitochondrial mass was detectable due to CdCl(2) exposure; (ii) the respiration activity appeared to be increased after 96-h exposures, while the production of reactive oxygen species was significantly induced, as well; (iii) hsp60, hsp70, COXII and COXIV expressions were dependent on the duration of Cd exposure; (iv) a different hsp60 protein distribution was observed in mitochondrial and post-mitochondrial extracts and (v) 96-h exposure induced the over-expression of hsc/hsp70 proteins and, conversely, the down-regulation of cytochrome oxidase subunits II and IV. These observations, in addition to providing more information on the cellular and molecular aspects of the interaction between CdCl(2) and MDA-MB231 breast tumor cells, contribute to the comprehension of the intracellular molecular mechanisms implicated in the regulation of some mitochondrial proteins
Efisiensi Produksi Kakao Fermentasi Pada Perkebunan Rakyat Di Bali Dengan Pendekatan Stochastic Frontier
Kabupaten Tabanan adalah sentra produksi kakao di Bali yang sebagian besar adalah perkebunan rakyat dengan produktivitas kakaoyang dihasilkan semakin rendah. Daerah ini juga pernah menerapkan proses fermentasi biji kakao dengan harapan dapat meningkatkanpendapatannya, tetapi teknologi tersebut mulai ditinggalkan oleh petani. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) menganalisis faktorfaktoryang mempengaruhi produksi biji kakao di Bali, (2) menganalisis efisiensi produksi biji kakao yang dihasilkan petani di Balidengan menerapkan teknologi fermentasi, dan (3) menganalisis pendapatan USAhatani kakao dengan menerapkan teknologi fermentasipada perkebunan rakyat di Bali. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer yang diperoleh dengan metode survei menggunakankuesioner. Responden dalam kajian ini sebanyak 100 orang petani kakao yang terbagi menjadi 40 orang petani kakao yang tidakmelakukan fermentasi dan 60 orang yang melakukan fermentasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan pendekatan stochastic frontiermenggunakan alat analisis front 4.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatanproduksi kakao adalah tenaga kerja, pestisida dan luas lahan, sedangkan faktor yang berpengaruh negatif adalah umur tanaman.Produksi kakao di tingkat perkebunan rakyat telah efisien dilakukan, tetapi proses pengolahan biji kakao dengan teknologi fermentasimemiliki tingkat efisiensi yang lebih kecil dibandingkan tidak difermentasi. Tingkat pendapatan USAhatani kakao per hektar per tahundengan menerapkan teknologi fermentasi Rp. 5.014.877,44 lebih besar dibandingkan tidak menerapkan teknologi fermentasi, yaituRp. 4.654.809,24. Penerapan teknologi fermentasi pada proses pengolahan biji kakao dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani.Kata Kunci: Kakao, efisiensi produksi, stochastic frontier, teknologi fermentasiTabanan District is a cocoa production center in Bali by which the crops are mostly grown in small-scale and low in productivity as well. In this areafarmers had implemented fermentation process of cocoa beans to increase their income, although the technology was left. The objectives of this studywere: (1) to analyze the factors affecting the production of cocoa beans in Bali, and (2) to analyze efficiency of cocoa production by farmers in Bali,and (3) to analyze cocoa farm income for the farmers having implemented the fermentation technology. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 100cocoa farmers consisting of 60 farmers having implemented the fermentation technology and 40 farmers did not. Front 4.1 analysis was employed inorder to estimate the stochastic frontier production. The results showed that factors like labor, pesticides and land area had positive correlation inincreasing of cocoa production. In contrast, plant age had the negative correlation. In general small-scale cocoa farmers were efficient. In addition,the farmers who implemented the fermentation technology seemed to be less efficient compared to farmers who did not implement the technology.However, the farmers who implemented the fermentation technology seemed to have higher income of Rp. 5.014.877,44 being high compared tothose who did not implement the technology of Rp 4.654.809,24. The implementation of fermentation technology in cocoa beans could increasefarmers' income
this paper focuses on the archaeobotanical study of two Roman small farmhouses, san Martino and poggio dell’amore, located near cinigiano, in the province of grosseto-tuscany. the sites were probably occupied during seasonal agricultural works, a peculiar typology of site that has not been usually identified in Roman sites of central italy. the integrated analyses of pollen, non pollen palynomorphs, charcoal particles and seeds/fruits help to obtain interesting details on the site function, land use and palaeoenvironment of these archaeological contexts. the archaeobotanical reconstruction shows that the landscape was fairly treeless. pastures surrounded the small buildings while cereal fields were probably less extended or further away than legume fields cultivated to forage. shrubs and some fruit trees might mark boundaries of fields, while the woods, including oak woods, were distributed far from the sites. anthropogenic pollen indicators, spores of coprophilous fungi and parasite eggs point to the presence of excrements in the sites suggesting that the small buildings were used as small barns for domestic animals, or a temporary shed
Exploring Faculty and Staff PA Barriers at a Large University
Introduction: Physical inactivity is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Worksites provide an ideal environment for physical activity (PA) interventions. The aim was to use the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) to examine university employees’ perceptions of worksite PA barriers and benefits. Methods: A focus group using the NGT and the Health Belief Model was conducted to assess employees’ perceived susceptibility of physical inactivity, perceptions of barriers and benefits to PA, and cues to action. Results: Findings showed university employees experienced similar barriers to PA as employees in other sectors, including lack of time and knowledge. Participants reported unique benefits to being physical active, notably being physically active allowed them to maintain demanding professional and personal lifestyles. Discussion: Results imply university employees experienced benefits to PA consistent with other worksite populations; the surprising benefits of PA for this population are strong motivators and would provide an excellent basis for interventions. Results also indicate although university employees face similar barriers to PA as other worksites, the unique barriers for this worksite should be the focus for worksite programs for this population. Similarly to the benefits, the unique barriers of this population should influence development of interventions to promote PA on campuses
Inverting sediment bedforms for evaluating the hazard of dilute pyroclastic density currents in the field
Pyroclastic density currents are ground hugging gas-particle flows associated to explosive volcanic eruptions and moving down a volcano's slope, causing devastation and deaths. Because of the hostile nature they cannot be analyzed directly and most of their fluid dynamic behavior is reconstructed by the deposits left in the geological record, which frequently show peculiar structures such as ripples and dune bedforms. Here, a set of equations is simplified to link flow behavior to particle motion and deposition. This allows to construct a phase diagram by which impact parameters of dilute pyroclastic density currents, representing important factors of hazard, can be calculated by inverting bedforms wavelength and grain size, without the need of more complex models that require extensive work in the laboratory
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