67 research outputs found

    Mammary gland anatomy and the role of mammography and ultrasonography in the early diagnostics of breast cancer. A case report

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    Progress in imaging techniques has brought a solution to the problem of the early diagnosis of breast cancer. An interesting case of breast cancer is presented here, pictures of the malignant tumour are demonstrated and the usefulness of new diagnostic methods analysed. The presentation of this case may contribute to greater effectiveness in early breast cancer detection

    Scenariusz zajęć korekcyjno-kompensacyjnych

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    Effectiveness of soluble CTLA-4-Fc in the inhibition of bone marrow T-cell activation in context of indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase (IDO) and CD4+Foxp3+ Treg induction

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    BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease with systemic inflammation finally resulting in damaged joints. One of the RA development models suggests bone marrow (BM) as a place of inflammation development further leading to disease progression. We aimed to investigate the potential of CTLA-4-Fc molecule in inducing tolerogenic milieu in BM measured as indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) expression, CD4 METHODS: Bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) were stimulated by pro-inflammatory cytokines and CTLA-4-Fc. Next IDO expression, CD4 RESULTS: We found that CTLA-4-Fc and IFN-γ stimulation results in IDO production by BMMC. CTLA-4-Fc induced tryptophan catabolism can inhibit mitogen-induced CD4 CONCLUSION: This study sheds light on some immunosuppression aspects present or induced in BM. The potential of IDO-mediated pathways were confirmed in the periphery, what may represent the promising candidates for therapeutic strategies in RA

    Highlights from the ERS Congress in Barcelona, 18-22 September, 2010 (Part 1)

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    Podczas Kongresu Europejskiego Towarzystwa Płucnego (ERS, European Respiratory Society) zostałam wybrana Delegatem Narodowym Polski na 3-letnią kadencję [...

    Diagnosis and treatment of rhabdomyosarcomas

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a soft tissue sarcoma. The primary tumor is most commonly localized in the head and neck, the urogenital system, or the limbs. Classification by the World Health Organization has distinguished four histopathological RMS subtypes: embryonal, alveolar, pleomorphic, and spindle cell/sclerosing. Differential diagnosis of RMS includes melanoma, malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve sheaths, liposarcoma, and PEComa. Among typical cytogenetic changes in RMS are chromosomal translocations t(2;13)(q35;q14) and t(1;13) (p36;q14). They lead to the formation of fusion genes that have a prognostic value. In the course of RMS, changes may also be present in signaling pathways, including RAS-PI3K, Wnt/b-catenin, receptor tyrosine kinase pathways, and myogenesis regulation. In 30% of patients at the time of diagnosis of RMS, distant metastases are present, most commonly to lungs, lymph nodes, bones, and bone marrow. Treatment of patients with RMS requires a multidisciplinary approach, and steadily perfected diagnostic techniques contribute to the individualization of therapeutic strategies. Optimal treatment of localized RMS is based on surgery combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. If distant metastases are present, the basic therapeutic method is multidrug chemotherapy, most frequently based on vincristine, dactinomycin, ifosfamide/cyclophosphamide, and etoposide. Despite intensive treatment, the 5-year survival index for RMS is not greater than 50%. There are still no unequivocal guidelines concerning the treatment in patients with local or distant recurrences

    Polimorfizm w genie N-acetylotransferazy 2 u chorych na raka płuca. Doniesienie wstępne

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    Introduction: Individual’s risk of developing lung cancer depends not only on exposure to tobacco smoke, but also on the activity of enzymes involved in the activation or deactivation of carcinogens. Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (EC is an enzyme involved in biotransformation of xenobiotics, mainly aromatic and heterocyclic amines and hydrazines. The different acetylation phenotypes within a population are derived from mutations in the NAT 2 gene. These mutations influence the activity (specifically resulting in high or low activity) of the NAT enzyme. Some authors have demonstrated lung cancer predisposing role of slow acetylator phenotype, whereas other reported increased lung cancer risk for fast acetylators or neutral effect of the NAT2 polymorphism. The aim of this preliminary report was to determine the NAT2 gene polymorphism in patients with lung cancer. Material and methods: 39 patients with inoperable lung cancer (29 — NSCLC and 10 — SCLC), median age 59 years (42– –72) entered the study. Acetylation genotype was determined in the genomic DNA using an allele-specific polymerase chain reaction. We investigated four genetic mutations, C481T, G590A, A803G i G857A, of the gene NAT2. Results: There were 10 different NAT2 genotypes among the 39 patients. Fourteen patients with a NAT2*2 4/4, *4/5, *4/6 and *4/7 were classified as fast acetylators; and 25 patients with a NAT2*5/5, *5/6, *5/7, *6/6, *6/7 or *7/7 genotype were classified as slow acetylators. Among the 10 patients with SCLC — 4 were fast acetylators, and among 29 patients with NSCLC dominated slow acetylation type found in 19 patients (genotypes NAT2 *5/5 and NAT2 *5/6). Conclusions: Among patients with small cell lung cancer, there was no predominance of genotype of acetylation, whereas among patients with non-small cell lung cancer predominated NAT2*5/5 and NAT2*5/6 genotypes (slow acetylators).Wstęp: Indywidualne ryzyko zachorowania na raka płuca zależy nie tylko od ekspozycji na dym tytoniowy, ale również od aktywności enzymów biorących udział w aktywacji lub deaktywacji substancji rakotwórczych. Arylamino N-acetylotransferazy (EC są enzymami biorącymi udział w biotransformacji ksenobiotyków, amin aromatycznych i heterocyklicznych oraz hydrazyn. Zaobserwowane różnice w aktywności enzymu i szybkości metabolizowania substancji zależnych od N-acetylotransferazy 2 (NAT2) powiązano z polimorfizmem genu kodującego ten enzym. Niektórzy autorzy wskazują na wolny typ acetylacji, jako predysponujący do wystąpienia raka płuca, podczas gdy inni wykazują brak wpływu polimorfizmu NAT2 lub większe ryzyko raka płuca wśród szybkich acetylatorów. Celem pilotażowego badania była ocena polimorfizmu genu NAT2 umożliwiającego określenie typu acetylacji u chorych na raka płuca. Materiały i metody: Badaną grupę stanowiło 39 chorych na nieoperacyjnego raka płuca (29 — rak niedrobnokomórkowy, 10 — rak drobnokomórkowy), mediana wieku wynosiła 59 lat (42–72 lata). Do badania pobierano 5 ml krwi. Genotyp NAT2 został określony na podstawie identyfikacji czterech mutacji, C481T, G590A, A803G i G857A. Wyniki: W przebadanej grupie 39 chorych zidentyfikowano występowanie 10 różnych genotypów NAT2. Czternastu chorych z genotypami NAT2 *4/4, *4/5, *4/6 i *4/7 zostało sklasyfikowanych jako szybcy acetylatorzy a 25 z genotypami NAT2 *5/ 5, *5/6, *5/7, *6/6, *6/7 lub *7/7 jako wolni acetylatorzy. Wśród 10 chorych na DRP — 4 chorych to szybcy acetylatorzy, zaś wśród 29 chorych na NDRP dominował wolny typ acetylacji stwierdzony u 19 chorych (genotypy NAT2*5/5 i NAT2*5/6). Wnioski: Wśród chorych na drobnokomórkowego raka płuca nie stwierdzono dominacji określonego genotypu acetylacji, natomiast wśród chorych na niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuca przeważali pacjenci z genotypami NAT2*5/5 i NAT2*5/6 (wolni acetylatorzy)

    Lattice–based relation algebras II ⋆

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    Abstract. We present classes of algebras which may be viewed as weak relation algebras, where a Boolean part is replaced by a not necessarily distributive lattice. For each of the classes considered in the paper we prove a relational representation theorem.

    A Very Unusual Case of Physical Disability after Spinal Epidural Hematoma in the Course of Sport-Related Head Injury

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    Spinal epidural hematoma (SEH) is blood accumulation between the dura mater of the spinal canal and the bone of the vertebrae. It is estimated to be an extremely rare incidence, affecting approximately 0.1 of 100,000 patients. When the suspected cause is a sport-related injury in the majority of cases it affects the trauma region. The aim of this case report was to outline the case of a 60-year-old man who was admitted to the Emergency Department due to acute, severe pain in the lumbar region which lasted 30 min. It occurred that 54 h prior to the admission, he suffered a head injury due to sport-related trauma during recreational skiing. When waiting for the laboratory and imaging test results the patient developed bilateral paralysis of the lower limbs. The MR examination results showed SEH at the level Th9-L1; therefore, immediate neurosurgical laminectomy was performed. After 36 months of rehabilitation, the patient can walk independently. In summary, SEH without immediate and appropriate treatment is linked with very poor clinical outcome. Moreover, a high mortality rate of 7% and the fact that more than half of patients do not return to full physical health incentives its inclusion in differential diagnosis every time when symptoms of spinal cord involvement are found. Furthermore, delayed aftermath in the form of paresis of the lower limbs requires long-term and intensive physical rehabilitation