34 research outputs found

    Playing architecture

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    The very word “game” has a very wide meaning. As a game can be considered a prototype of culture as well as a metaphor, a simulacrum, and a simulation of the real world, the article is a reflection on architecture seen through the prism of three very old games: hide-and-seek, musical chairs and the goose game

    Detaljna analiza istraživanja i prakse pedijatrijske kirurginje u istočnom dijelu Srednje Europe u XX. stoljeću – primjer profesorice Zofije Umiastowske-Sawicke

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    Professor Zofia Umiastowska Sawicka laid the foundations for modern pediatric surgery in Poland, first in Bialystok, and subsequently in Kielce. She was a student of Prof. Jan Kossakowski from Warsaw Medical University to be counted among his most talented and skilled disciples. Professor Umiastowska became the head of the first Department of Pediatric Surgery in Bialystok, which was later incorporated into the Medical Academy of Bialystok. In 1977 she moved to Kielce to run the Department of Pediatric Surgery until her retirement in 1991. In these locations she was the one who trained generations of pediatric surgeons with special emphasis on surgical management of exstrophy of the bladder, vaginal labial adhesion (synechia), injuries of the male urethra, liver and hepatic ligament. During her professional lifetime she focused on congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Meckel’s diverticulum, and some aspects of pediatric oncology as well. Every school she attended enriched her with the best of knowledge and skills that made her a perfect teacher for others. However, the Warsaw Medical University essentially played the main role at the core of her surgical training: here she was taught and she learnt how to be pediatric surgeon for good of public health of the society in concord with the motto of the Warsaw Medical University: Saluti publicae.Profesorica Zofia Umiastowska Sawicka postavila je temelje moderne pedijatrijske kirurgije u Poljskoj, najprije u Bialystoku, potom u Kielceu. Bila je jedna od najsposobnijih i najiskusnijih studentica profesora Jana Kossakowskog s Varšavskoga medicinskog sveučilišta. Profesorica Umiastowska postala je pročelnica prvog Odjela za pedijatrijsku kirurgiju u Bialystoku, koji je poslije pridružen Medicinskoj akademiji Bialystok. Godine 1977. preselila se u Kielce kako bi vodila Odjel pedijatrijske kirurgije sve do svoga umirovljenja 1991. godine. Obučavala je generacije pedijatrijskih kirurga, s posebnim naglaskom na kirurško liječenje ekstrofije mokraćnog mjehura, vaginalne labijalne adhezije (synechia), ozljede uretre u pacijenata muškog spola te jetre i jetrenih ligamenata. U svom se profesionalnom životu usredotočila na kongenitalnu dijafragmatsku herniju, Meckelov divertikul te na neka područja pedijatrijske onkologije. Svaka škola koju je pohađala obogatila ju je najboljim znanjem i vještinama koji su ju učinili savršenim učiteljem. Međutim, Varšavsko medicinsko sveučilište imalo je glavnu ulogu u njezinoj kirurškoj izobrazbi: ovdje je učila i naučila kako biti pedijatrijski kirurg za dobrobit javnog zdravlja društva u skladu s motom Varšavskoga medicinskog sveučilišta: Saluti publicae

    Characterization of mAb6-9-1 monoclonal antibody against hemagglutinin of avian influenza virus H5N1 and its engineered derivative, single-chain variable fragment antibody

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    Hemagglutinin (HA), as a major surface antigen of influenza virus, is widely used as a target for production of neutralizing antibodies. Monoclonal antibody, mAb6-9-1, directed against HA of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/swan/Poland/305-135V08/2006(H5N1) was purified from mouse hybridoma cells culture and characterized. The antigenic specificity of mAb6-9-1 was verified by testing its cross-reactivity with several variants of HA. The mimotopes recognized by mAb6-9-1 were selected from two types of phage display peptide libraries. The comparative structural model of the HA variant used for antibody generation was developed to further facilitate epitope mapping. Based on the sequences of the affinity- selected polypeptides and the structural model of HA the epitope was located to the region near the receptor binding site (RBS). Such localization of the epitope recognized by mAb6-9-1 is in concordance with its moderate hemagglutination inhibiting activity and its antigenic specificity. Additionally, total RNA isolated from the hybridoma cell line secreting mAb6-9-1 was used for obtaining two variants of cDNA encoding recombinant single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody. To ensure high production level and solubility in bacterial expression system, the scFv fragments were produced as chimeric proteins in fusion with thioredoxin or displayed on a phage surface after cloning into the phagemid vector. Specificity and affinity of the recombinant soluble and phage-bound scFv were assayed by suitable variants of ELISA test. The observed differences in specificity were discussed

    Serum levels of apoptosis-related markers (sFasL, TNF-a, p53 and bcl-2) in COPD patients

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    Introduction: Taking into account important role of apoptosis in COPD pathogenesis, we wanted to asses the serum levels of markers involved in apoptosis regulation, including apoptosis inducers such as TNF-a, sFasL or p53 protein and apoptosis inhibitor bcl-2 and, in addition, to compare these markers with selected COPD parameters. Material and methods: In 181 patients (60 women) with COPD (age was 62.2+ 9.37 years; FEV1% 55.2 + 19.98 %) and in 29 controls (11 women), serum levels of TNF-a, sFasL, p53 and bcl-2 were evaluated by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Results: In COPD patients the mean sFasL level was 0.092 ± 0.077 ng/ml and mean TNF-a level was 2.911 ± 3.239 pg/ml. There were no differences in serum sFasL and TNF-a in COPD patients and control group. TNF-a and sFasL did not correlate with COPD parameters such as FEV1%, BMI, RV% (percentage of predicted value of residual volume) or BODE. Although we tried to evaluate bcl-2 and p53 protein serum levels with two different tests, measurable levels of bcl-2 were only detected in 15 patients and p53 in only 3 patients. Bcl-2 values were from 0.418 to 11.423 ng/ml and p53 from 90.772 to 994.749 pg/ml. Conclusions: We didn’t observe any differences in serum levels of pro- and antiapoptotic markers in COPD patients and the control group or correlations between the markers studied and COPD parameters

    Współistnienie zespołu obturacyjnego bezdechu śródsennego i przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc

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    Wstęp: Zespół obturacyjnego bezdechu śródsennego (OBŚ) i przewlekła obturacyjna choroba płuc (POChP) mogą prowadzić do przewlekłej hipowentylacji pęcherzykowej. Współistnienie zespołu OBŚ i POChP to zespół nakładania. Celem pracy było określenie związku między zaawansowaniem POChP a wystąpieniem przewlekłej hipowentylacji pęcherzykowej u chorych z zespołem OBŚ oraz wpływu przewlekłej hipowentylacji pęcherzykowej u osób z zespołem nakładania na nasilenie zaburzeń oddechowych w czasie snu. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 64 otyłych chorych (BMI 40 &#177; 6,5 kg/m2) z zespołem OBŚ (AHI > 15, średnio 52 &#177; 22) i współistniejącą POChP. Analizowano wyniki badań polisomnograficznych, spirometrycznych i gazometrycznych. Wyniki: Przewlekła hipowentylacja pęcherzykowa występowała u 67% chorych, w tym u 60,5% chorych, u których badanie spirometryczne wskazywało na POChP w stadium umiarkowanym, u 85% pacjentów w stadium ciężkim i u wszystkich osób w stadium bardzo ciężkim. U chorych z przewlekłą hipowentylacją pęcherzykową stwierdzono mniejsze niż u pozostałych badanych FVC (2,7 &#177; 0,8 l v. 3,6 &#177; 0,9 l; p < 0,001) i FEV1 (1,7 &#177; 0,6 l v. 2,2 &#177; 0,5 l; p < 0,001) oraz mniejsze średnie SaO2 w czasie zakończenia śródsennych bezdechów obturacyjnych i okresów spłyconego oddechu (75 &#177; 10% v. 84 &#177; 5%; p < 0,001). Wnioski: Przewlekłą hipowentylację pęcherzykową stwierdza się u większości otyłych chorych z umiarkowaną i ciężką postacią zespołu OBŚ i współistniejącą POChP, w tym także umiarkowanie nasiloną. Wystąpienie przewlekłej hipowentylacji pęcherzykowej u otyłych chorych z zespołem OBŚ i współistniejącą POChP zależy od zmniejszenia FVC i FEV1, ale nie od obniżenia wskaźnika FEV1/FVC. Występowanie przewlekłej hipowentylacji pęcherzykowej u otyłych pacjentów z zespołem OBŚ i współistniejącą POChP wiąże się ze znacznym niedotlenieniem krwi tętniczej w czasie śródsennych bezdechów obturacyjnych i okresów spłyconego oddechu. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 2: 99-108Introduction: Both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may lead to chronic alveolar hypoventilation. The coexistence of OSA syndrome and COPD has been named the overlap syndrome. The aim of the study was to elucidate the relationship between the severity of COPD and the occurrence of chronic alveolar hypoventilation in patients with OSA syndrome. Material and methods: The material of the study consisted of 64 obese (BMI 40 &#177; 5.5 kg/m2) patients with OSA syndrome (AHI >15, mean 52 &#177; 23) and coexisting COPD (FEV1/FVC < 70%). The results of polysomnographic, spirometric and arterial blood gases studies have been evaluated. Results: Chronic alveolar hypoventilation has been found in 67% of the patients: in 60.5% of patients in the spirometric stage II, in 85% of patients in the stage III and in all the patients in the stage IV of COPD. In the patients with chronic alveolar hypoventilation as compared with the remaining patiens there were: lower FVC (2.7 &#177; 0.8 L v. 3.6 &#177; 0.9 L; p < 0.001), FEV1 (1.7 &#177; 0.6 L v. 2.2 &#177; 0.5 L; p < 0.001) and mean SaO2 during obstructive sleep apneas and hypopneas (75 &#177; 10% v. 84 &#177; 5%; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Chronic alveolar hypoventilation occurs in most of the obese patients with moderate and severe OSA syndrome and coexisting COPD, including most of the patients with moderately impaired ventilatory function. The occurrence of chronic alveolar hypoventilation in the course of the overlap syndrome is related to the restrictive ventilatory pattern and the lower mean and minimal SaO2 during obstructive sleep apneas and hypopneas. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 2: 99-10

    Detaljna analiza istraživanja i prakse pedijatrijske kirurginje u istočnom dijelu Srednje Europe u XX. stoljeću – primjer profesorice Zofije Umiastowske-Sawicke

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    Professor Zofia Umiastowska Sawicka laid the foundations for modern pediatric surgery in Poland, first in Bialystok, and subsequently in Kielce. She was a student of Prof. Jan Kossakowski from Warsaw Medical University to be counted among his most talented and skilled disciples. Professor Umiastowska became the head of the first Department of Pediatric Surgery in Bialystok, which was later incorporated into the Medical Academy of Bialystok. In 1977 she moved to Kielce to run the Department of Pediatric Surgery until her retirement in 1991. In these locations she was the one who trained generations of pediatric surgeons with special emphasis on surgical management of exstrophy of the bladder, vaginal labial adhesion (synechia), injuries of the male urethra, liver and hepatic ligament. During her professional lifetime she focused on congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Meckel’s diverticulum, and some aspects of pediatric oncology as well. Every school she attended enriched her with the best of knowledge and skills that made her a perfect teacher for others. However, the Warsaw Medical University essentially played the main role at the core of her surgical training: here she was taught and she learnt how to be pediatric surgeon for good of public health of the society in concord with the motto of the Warsaw Medical University: Saluti publicae.Profesorica Zofia Umiastowska Sawicka postavila je temelje moderne pedijatrijske kirurgije u Poljskoj, najprije u Bialystoku, potom u Kielceu. Bila je jedna od najsposobnijih i najiskusnijih studentica profesora Jana Kossakowskog s Varšavskoga medicinskog sveučilišta. Profesorica Umiastowska postala je pročelnica prvog Odjela za pedijatrijsku kirurgiju u Bialystoku, koji je poslije pridružen Medicinskoj akademiji Bialystok. Godine 1977. preselila se u Kielce kako bi vodila Odjel pedijatrijske kirurgije sve do svoga umirovljenja 1991. godine. Obučavala je generacije pedijatrijskih kirurga, s posebnim naglaskom na kirurško liječenje ekstrofije mokraćnog mjehura, vaginalne labijalne adhezije (synechia), ozljede uretre u pacijenata muškog spola te jetre i jetrenih ligamenata. U svom se profesionalnom životu usredotočila na kongenitalnu dijafragmatsku herniju, Meckelov divertikul te na neka područja pedijatrijske onkologije. Svaka škola koju je pohađala obogatila ju je najboljim znanjem i vještinama koji su ju učinili savršenim učiteljem. Međutim, Varšavsko medicinsko sveučilište imalo je glavnu ulogu u njezinoj kirurškoj izobrazbi: ovdje je učila i naučila kako biti pedijatrijski kirurg za dobrobit javnog zdravlja društva u skladu s motom Varšavskoga medicinskog sveučilišta: Saluti publicae

    Poisoning deaths in Poland : types and frequencies reported in Łódź, Kraków, Sosnowiec, Gdańsk, Wrocław and Poznań during 2009-2013

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    Objectives: The aim of this study has been to assess the characteristics of acute poisoning deaths in Poland over a period of time 2009–2013. Material and Methods: The analysis was based on the data obtained from the patient records stored in toxicology departments in 6 cities – Łódź, Kraków, Sosnowiec, Gdańsk, Wrocław and Poznań. Toxicological analyses were routinely performed in blood and/or urine. Major toxic substances were classified to one of the following categories: pharmaceuticals, alcohol group poisonings (ethanol and other alcohols), gases, solvents, drugs of abuse, pesticides, metals, mushrooms, others. Cases were analyzed according to the following criteria: year, age and gender of analyzed patients, toxic substance category and type of poisoning. The recorded fatal poisonings were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases. Results: The record of 261 deaths were retrospectively reviewed. There were 187 males (71.64%) and 74 females (28.36%) and the male to female ratio was 2.52. Alcohol group poisonings were more frequently responsible for deaths in men compared to all poisonings, 91.1% vs. 71.6%, respectively (p < 0.05), and pharmaceutical agents were more frequently responsible for deaths in women, 47.4% vs. 28.4%, (p < 0.05). Methanol was the most common agent in the alcohol group poisonings, accounting for 43.75% (N = 49), followed by ethylene glycol, 39.29% (N = 44), and ethanol, 16.96% (N = 19). Conclusions: Epidemiological profile data from investigation of poisoning deaths in Poland may be very useful for the development of preventive programs. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(6):897–90

    Stężenie markerów związanych z apoptozą (sFasL, TNF-a, p53 i bcl-2) w surowicy chorych na POChP

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    Wstęp: Proces apoptozy może odgrywać ważną rolę w patogenezie przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc (POChP). Autorzy ocenili stężenie markerów związanych z regulacja apoptozy, w tym markerów indukujących apoptozę — TNF-a, sFasL i białka p53 oraz hamujących apoptozę — bcl-2. Ponadto w pracy oceniono związek pomiędzy badanymi markerami a parametrami klinicznymi POChP. Materiał i metody: Do grupy badanej włączono 181 chorych na POChP (60 kobiet, wiek 62,2 ± 9,37 lat, FEV1% 55,2 ± 19,98%), grupa kontrolna złożona była z 29 osób (11 kobiet). Stężenia TNF-a, sFasL, p53 i bcl-2 w surowicy oznaczono metodą ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Wyniki: Średnie stężenie sFasL w surowicy chorych na POChP wynosiło 0,092 ± 0,077 ng/ml, a stężenie TNF-a 2,911 ± 3,239 pg/ml. Stężenia w grupie chorych i grupie kontrolnej nie różniły się, nie stwierdzono również korelacji pomiędzy badanymi markerami a parametrami klinicznymi, takimi jak FEV1%, BMI, RV% (objętość zalegająca w % wartości należnej) oraz wskaźnikiem BODE. Mimo użycia dwóch różnych metod diagnostycznych stężenie bcl-2 przekraczało poziom detekcji u 15 chorych, a stężenie p53 było wyższe od progu detekcji zaledwie u 3 chorych. Stężenia bcl-2 wahały się od 0,418 do 11,423 ng/ml a p53 od 90,772 do 994,749 pg/ml. Wnioski: Nie stwierdzono różnic w stężeniach markerów pro- i anty-apoptotycznych pomiędzy grupą chorych na POChP i grupą kontrolną. Stężenia badanych markerów nie korelowały z parametrami klinicznymi.Wstęp: Proces apoptozy może odgrywać ważną rolę w patogenezie przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc (POChP). Autorzy ocenili stężenie markerów związanych z regulacja apoptozy, w tym markerów indukujących apoptozę — TNF-a, sFasL i białka p53 oraz hamujących apoptozę — bcl-2. Ponadto w pracy oceniono związek pomiędzy badanymi markerami a parametrami klinicznymi POChP. Materiał i metody: Do grupy badanej włączono 181 chorych na POChP (60 kobiet, wiek 62,2 ± 9,37 lat, FEV1% 55,2 ± 19,98%), grupa kontrolna złożona była z 29 osób (11 kobiet). Stężenia TNF-a, sFasL, p53 i bcl-2 w surowicy oznaczono metodą ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Wyniki: Średnie stężenie sFasL w surowicy chorych na POChP wynosiło 0,092 ± 0,077 ng/ml, a stężenie TNF-a 2,911 ± 3,239 pg/ml. Stężenia w grupie chorych i grupie kontrolnej nie różniły się, nie stwierdzono również korelacji pomiędzy badanymi markerami a parametrami klinicznymi, takimi jak FEV1%, BMI, RV% (objętość zalegająca w % wartości należnej) oraz wskaźnikiem BODE. Mimo użycia dwóch różnych metod diagnostycznych stężenie bcl-2 przekraczało poziom detekcji u 15 chorych, a stężenie p53 było wyższe od progu detekcji zaledwie u 3 chorych. Stężenia bcl-2 wahały się od 0,418 do 11,423 ng/ml a p53 od 90,772 do 994,749 pg/ml. Wnioski: Nie stwierdzono różnic w stężeniach markerów pro- i anty-apoptotycznych pomiędzy grupą chorych na POChP i grupą kontrolną. Stężenia badanych markerów nie korelowały z parametrami klinicznymi

    Walkability and Resilience: A Qualitative Approach to Design for Risk Reduction

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    Quality of life and well-being are hardly ever an issue when life itself is at stake. The advantages of high-quality walkable streets and public spaces are underestimated when larger problems need to be addressed first and seemingly more serious solutions need to be applied. Hence, a quantitative approach to evacuation route planning and design prevails over a qualitative one or at least a hybrid one. The scope of the ongoing study partially presented in this paper is to find methods for addressing the complicated present and the disastrous future at the same time. The one applied in the case study reported here&mdash;Susaki City in Kōchi Prefecture, Japan, which is preparing for the next Nankai earthquake and tsunami, expected sometime soon&mdash;was a cycle of active research and international workshops organized in cooperation with the local community and administration. The aim was to understand the challenges that concern the design of dual spaces that are suitable for both everyday life and emergency situations and are connected by walkable spaces. As a result, the paper offers insight into the limits of punctual treatments as well as the relativity of objective and subjective dimensions of urban walkability in the context of risk. Despite the complexity of the issue, a walkable built environment was revealed to be a countermeasure rather than a fad