3 research outputs found

    Social Interactions and Biofilm Formation in Bacillus subtilis

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    Me膽ustani膷na je komunikacija (engl. quorum sensing, QS) oblik kooperativnog socijalnog pona拧anja bakterija 拧to se oslanja na prepoznavanje izvanstani膷nih signalnih molekula. Signalna se molekula ve啪e na receptor i inducira promjenu transkripcije gena, odgovornih za stvaranje biofilma, proizvodnju izvanstani膷nih enzima i druge kooperativne zna膷ajke populacije. Svrha je ovoga rada bila dati pregled objavljenih znanstvenih radova koji se bave kooperativnim socijalnim pona拧anjem bakterije Bacillus subtilis, a naro膷ito doprinosom komunikacijskog sustava ComQXPA. Sustav QS obuhva膰a 膷etiri komponente koje su u me膽usobnoj interakciji: izoprenil transferazu ComQ 拧to procesira i modificira signal, peptid ComX koji ima ulogu signala, receptor ComP i transkripcijski regulator ComA. Fosforilirani ComA kontrolira transkripciju brojnih gena, uklju膷uju膰i i one odgovorne za proizvodnju surfaktina te izvanstani膷nog matriksa, va啪nog za nastajanje biofilma. Sustav ComQXPA QS ima visok stupanj geneti膷kog polimorfizma, 拧to je vidljivo iz 膷injenice da se sojevi Bacillus subtilis mogu podijeliti u 膷etiri skupine. Sojevi jedne skupine (ferotipa) mogu razmjenjivati signale i informacije, dok to nije mogu膰e izme膽u razli膷itih ferotipova. Nedavno smo pokazali da je ovaj fenomen djelomi膷no posljedica ekolo拧ke raznolikosti sojeva, ali su mogu膰e i alternativne hipoteze, koje daju prednost socijalnoj evoluciji. Izme膽u ostalog, sustav ComQXPA kontrolira i proizvodnju izvanstani膷nog matriksa, koji se sastoji od polisaharida, proteina i nukleinskih kiselina. U ovom je radu dan pregled trenutnih spoznaja o regulaciji, strukturi, kemijskom sastavu i funkciji izvanstani膷nog matriksa. Usprkos mnogim va啪nim nedavnim otkri膰ima u podru膷ju regulacije formiranja biofilma B. subtilis, molekularne interakcije me膽u komponentama matriksa i njihov utjecaj na QS i stabilnost biofilma nisu jo拧 dobro poznati, pa se u ovom radu razmatraju i mogu膰a rje拧enja ovih zanimljivih pitanja.Quorum sensing (QS) is a form of cooperative social behaviour which relies on extracellular signalling molecules that elicit the QS response across many cells and controls the development of many cooperative traits including biofilm formation. The main aim of this work is to review the published work on cooperative social behaviour of Bacillus subtilis and especially its QS system ComQXPA. This QS system involves four interacting components: the signal-processing enzyme ComQ, the ComX signal, the ComP receptor and the ComA transcriptional regulator. Phosphorylated ComA controls the transcription of many genes including those responsible for the production of surfactin and extracellular matrix, essential for biofilm formation. The ComQXPA QS shows a high degree of genetic polymorphism, which manifests itself in the separation of Bacillus subtilis strains into four different communication groups (pherotypes). The information exchange is possible between members of the same pherotype but not across pherotypes. We have recently suggested that this phenomenon is at least in part driven by the ecological divergence of strains, but may also be induced by frequency-dependent selection. The ComQXPA QS system controls the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) components: polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids. We will address the present understanding of the ECM structure-function relationships in B. subtilis biofilms and review published results on regulation, composition and distribution of ECM components. Despite many important recent discoveries on regulation of B. subtilis biofilm development, we know little about the molecular interactions in the ECM and the role they play in the QS and stability of the biofilm. Future research needs to address these questions better

    Exploring ComQXPA quorum-sensing diversity and biocontrol potential of Bacillus spp. isolates from tomato rhizoplane

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    Bacillus subtilis is a widespread and diverse bacterium t exhibits a remarkable intraspecific diversity of the ComQXPA quorum-sensing (QS) system. This manifests in the existence of distinct communication groups (pherotypes) that can efficiently communicate within a group, but not between groups. Similar QS diversity was also found in other bacterial species, and its ecological and evolutionary meaning is still being explored. Here we further address the ComQXPA QS diversity among isolates from the tomato rhizoplane, a natural habitat of B.鈥塻ubtilis, where these bacteria likely exist in their vegetative form. Because this QS system regulates production of anti-pathogenic and biofilm-inducing substances such as surfactins, knowledge on cell鈥揷ell communication of this bacterium within rhizoplane is also important from the biocontrol perspective. We confirm the presence of pherotype diversity within B.鈥塻ubtilis strains isolated from a rhizoplane of a single plant. We also show that B.鈥塻ubtilis rhizoplane isolates show a remarkable diversity of surfactin production and potential plant growth promoting traits. Finally, we discover that effects of surfactin deletion on biofilm formation can be strain specific and unexpected in the light of current knowledge on its role it this process

    Classification and intracellular signaling transduction of metabotropic biogenic amine receptors

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    Biogenic amines are very important biologically high- active compounds. Biological effect requires their cooperation with membrane receptors, belonging mainly to metabotropic receptors. These receptors activate specific type of G proteins, which subsequently take part in intracellular signaling pathways and therefore lead to activation of metabolic and biological processes such as: glycolysis, glyconeogenesis, transcription, translation, contraction of smooth muscle of blood vessels. Knowledge of intracellular signaling and its regulation may be helpful in preparing specific therapeutic solutions to pathologies, where biogenic amines play a significant role.Aminy biogenne stanowi膮 niezwykle wa偶n膮 grup臋 zwi膮zk贸w o wysokiej aktywno艣ci biologicznej. Wywo艂anie efektu biologicznego wymaga wsp贸艂dzia艂ania amin z b艂onowymi receptorami, w wi臋kszo艣ci nale偶膮cymi do receptor贸w metabotropowych. Receptory te uaktywniaj膮 okre艣lony rodzaj bia艂ek G, kt贸re z kolei uczestnicz膮 w wewn膮trzkom贸rkowej sygnalizacji prowadz膮c do pobudzenia zr贸偶nicowanych proces贸w metabolicznych i biologicznych, m. in: glikolizy, glikogenolizy, transkrypcji, translacji, skurczu mi臋艣ni g艂adkich naczy艅 krwiono艣nych. Znajomo艣膰 sygnalizacji wewn膮trzkom贸rkowej oraz jej regulacji mo偶e by膰 pomocna w opracowaniu specyficznych rozwi膮za艅 terapeutycznych patologii, w kt贸rych znacz膮cy jest udzia艂 amin biogennych