50 research outputs found

    Modifications in the structure of the lichen Cladonia thallus in the aftermath of habitat contamination and implications for its heavy-metal accumulation capacity

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    Phenotypic traits of lichens can be greatly modified by environmental factors. Granulose thalli on soil and podetia, densely covered with granules, referring to common and widespread lichen Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata were found near zinc smelter. The granules are stratified, filled with fungal medulla and heavily encrusted with calcium oxalate weddellite crystals, not observed on regularly developed thalli of the species. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that deformed granulose forms belong to this taxon, showing that the phenotypic plasticity of the lichens of Cladonia can lead to the emergence of features that do not coincide with the taxonomic definition of the species. The heavy-metal accumulation capacity of both granulose and regular form of primary and secondary lichen thallus, in relation to the element content in corresponding substrate, was determined. Granulose-modified thalli accumulate greater amounts of heavy metals than regular ones, meaning that the bioaccumulation property of a given species may be greatly affected by morphological modifications. The granulose forms are also characterised by considerably higher ratios of Cd, Pb and As concentrations in lichen samples in relation to the corresponding substrates than regular ones. This means that collection of variously formed thalli should be avoided in biomonitoring sampling procedures. The results indicate that a substantial part of the element load, in particular zinc, in the examined lichen thalli collected near the smelter originates from atmospheric fallout

    High intraspecific genetic and morphological variation in the pioneer lichen Cladonia rei colonising slag dumps

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    This study investigates the genetic and morphological variability of the lichen Cladonia rei inhabiting strongly contaminated postsmelting slag dumps in southern Poland. Altogether, 27 C. rei samples were analysed, including 17 from a single population in one dump. The phylogenetic analysis includes samples of C. rei, outgroup species, and external sequences of Cladonia section representatives from GenBank. Comparative analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences revealed the presence of 19 C. rei haplotypes overall, including several of the most frequent, of which 11 are represented by single individuals only. As many as 12 haplotypes were recorded within a single population. Three strongly supported monophyletic clades comprised of specimens from different geographical regions were recovered. Morphometric analysis showed great phenotypic variability within particular clades. Apart from a full range of previously known morphological forms of the species, an additional specific morphotype was recognised in the dumps; however, its representatives do not create a monophyletic group. High genetic variability within a single population suggests that C. rei has a great potential for colonising anthropogenic habitats. This attribute emphasises the role of this lichen as an essential pioneer in the early stages of natural regeneration of such sites

    Intraspecific molecular variation of Allium ursinum (Amaryllidaceae) across the border of two subspecies distribution ranges

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    The study investigates the genetic differentiation among two subspecies of Allium ursinumL., namely A. ursinumsubsp. ursinumand subsp. ucrainicumas well as their putative hybrid that is represented by individuals withintermediate morphology. Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) were applied to determine the status of inter-mediate morphotypes in terms of their genetic pattern and to assess the level of genetic variability within andbetween various populations of A. ursinum. The study comprises 144 specimens from nine populations alongthe east-west transect in Poland, which includes localities of both subspecies and their putative hybrid. Amongthe examined populations, 48 bands were amplified, of which 45 were found to be polymorphic. The principalcoordinate analysis (PCoA), the neighbour-net analysis and Mantel test showed a strong correlation betweengenetic variability and geographic distance. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that a greater pro-portion of total genetic variation resided within populations rather than among them. The Structure Bayesianclustering analysis revealed the presence of three distinct genetic groups within studied populations, where 'east-ern' genotypes correspond to A. ursinumsubsp. ucrainicum, and 'western' to subsp. ursinum; whereas the thirdgenetic group has the largest share in the individuals occurring at the border of the distribution ranges of bothsubspecies. The emergence of the third genetic group is probably an effect of hybridization events occurring with-in the secondary contact zone. Typical morphologically intermediate populations occur only in a relatively nar-row geographical zone, but the hybrid zone revealed by molecular markers is actually much wider than it is sug-gested by the morphological pattern of individuals. The current distribution pattern of both subspecies of A. ursinumand their hybrid zone is related to the two main directions of postglacial migration of Fagus syl-vaticato the area of Poland. The hybrid zone arose as an effect of the secondary contact of two divergent line-ages of A. ursinum

    Factors and mechanisms affecting seasonal changes in the prevalence of microbiological indicators of water quality and nutrient concentrations in waters of the Białka river catchment, Southern Poland

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    This 3-year study was aimed to understand the factors and mechanisms that cause the temporal changes in the concentration of microbiological indicators of water quality and nutrient concentration in selected sites of the Białka river catchment (southern Poland) situated in direct vicinity of the largest ski station in the region. The analysis comprised 35 sampling campaigns conducted in five sites. Water temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity were measured during sampling, laboratory analyses included determination of the selected nutrients content (NH4, NO3, NO2, PO4); and the number of mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria, coliforms, fecal coliforms, and Escherichia coli. Based on the cluster analysis, the collected samples were grouped into three to four groups, depending on the most characteristic features. Seasonal variation was evident, showing the predominance of either anthropogenic or natural-environment factors, depending on the considered season. On the other hand, principal component analysis revealed clear effect of various forms of land use in different sites

    The effect of a Sewage Treatment Plant modernization on changes in the microbiological and physicochemical quality of water in the receiver

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    Due to insufficient operation efficiency, the studied treatment plant has undergone modernization. The aim of this study was to assess whether this modernization improved quality of the STP effluent and water quality in the receiver. The research period of fifty months covered time before and after the modernization. Samples were collected in four sites – upstream and downstream of the STP and by the sewage discharge. Electrolytic conductivity, water temperature and pH were measured onsite. Chemical analyzes were based on ion chromatography and determined the concentration of NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, PO43-, TDS. Microbiological analysis comprised serial dilutions to assess the number of mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria and membrane filtration to enumerate E. faecalis, total and fecal coliforms as well as total and fecal E. coli. Values of most analyzed parameters did not improve after the modernization, or improved for a very short period of time (NH4+), while some of them even increased, such as PO43-, total and thermotolerant coliforms and E. coli. The maximum value of thermotolerant E. coli reached nearly 7 million CFU/100 ml and was observed after modernization. Also at the sites situated downstream of the STP some of analyzed parameters increased. The conducted modernization did not improve the quality of treated sewage and even a further deterioration was observed. It could have been a result of rapidly growing number of tourists visiting the studied area, thus generating large amounts of sewage causing STP overload coupled with poor water and wastewater management. Significant percentage of unregistered tourists hinders proper assessment of the STP target efficiency.Z powodu niewystarczającej efektywności, badana oczyszczalnia ścieków została poddana modernizacji, a celem badań była ocena czy modernizacja ta poprawiła jakość ścieków wypływających z oczyszczalni i jakość wody w odbiorniku. Okres badań (50 miesięcy) objął czas przed i po modernizacji. Próbki pobrano w czterech punktach – przed i za oczyszczalnią oraz przy zrzucie ścieków. Przewodnictwo elektrolityczne, temperaturę i pH wody mierzono na miejscu. Analizy chemiczne oparto na chromatografii jonowej i oznaczono stężenia NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, PO43-, TDS. Analizy mikrobiologiczne obejmowały oznaczenie liczby bakterii mezofilnych i psychrofilnych techniką seryjnych rozcieńczeń oraz filtrację membranową w celu oznaczenia liczebności E. faecalis, bakterii grupy coli i E. coli całkowitych i kałowych. Wartości większości badanych parametrów nie uległy poprawie po modernizacji lub poprawiły się na bardzo krótki okres (NH4+), natomiast wartości niektórych wzrosły, np. PO43-, bakterii grupy coli i E. coli. Maksymalną liczebność termotolerancyjnych E. coli – niemal 7 milionów jtk/100 ml – stwierdzono w okresie po modernizacji. Również w punktach położonych za oczyszczalnią nastąpił wzrost niektórych analizowanych parametrów. Przeprowadzona modernizacja nie poprawiła jakości mikrobiologicznej oczyszczanych ścieków, a nawet stwierdzono dalsze jej pogorszenie. Może być to wynikiem gwałtownie rosnącej liczby turystów odwiedzających badany region, generujących ogromne ilości ścieków powodujących przeciążenie oczyszczalni, a także może być spowodowane słabą gospodarką wodno-ściekową. Znaczny odsetek turystów, których pobyt nie jest rejestrowany, utrudnia właściwe zaprojektowanie docelowej skuteczności oczyszczalni ścieków

    Species composition and molecular assessment of the toxigenic potential in the population of <i>Fusarium</i> spp. isolated from ears of winter wheat in southern Poland

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    The aim of this study was to identify the species composition and to evaluate the prevalence of genes involved in the synthesis of the following mycotoxins: deoxynivalenol, nivalenol and fumonisins in the population of Fusarium spp. isolated from ears of winter wheat in southern Poland. All fungal isolates were identified by the species-specific PCR or sequencing of the translation elongation factor. Significant differences were observed in both abundance and species composition of the collected strains between two years of studies. A total of 304 ear samples were processed and 107 Fusarium strains belonging to 10 species: F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. sporotrichioides, F. poae, F. avenaceum, F. oxysporum, F. verticillioides, F. equiseti, F. tricinctum and F. cerealis were isolated in 2012 and 2013. Numerous presence of mycotoxin-biosynthesis pathway genes was detected in the examined material, which evidences the potential toxicity of the analyzed Fusarium fungi

    Conservation of Primula farinosa in Poland with respect to the genetic structure of populations

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    The bird’s-eye primrose (Primula farinosa L.) is an endangered species in Poland. The sole remaining, and critically endangered, population of approximately 300 flowering plants is located in the Beskid Sądecki Mountains (Jaworki, Poland). The genetic investigation was performed using highly variable microsatellite markers on a total of four populations: the Polish population and its three nearest known Slovak counterparts. We hypothesize that the Polish population is a relic of the previously much wider Central European mountain/lowland range and is thus genetically distinct from the rest of the Slovak stock. Clarification of this issue is needed before active protection interventions such as artificial supplementation can be carried out. Our results, particularly those from STRUCTURE Bayesian clustering, showed clear population structure within the dataset: all three Slovak populations were dominated by one genetic group, while the Polish population comprised mostly individuals dominated by the second genetic group. Only limited gene flow was observed between the Polish and Slovak populations. This demonstrates the distinct genetic makeup of the Jaworki population, which is probably the result of prolonged isolation from the rest of the P. farinosa range and admixture of genes from various lineages. Their origin could be determined by including plant material from the rest of the P. farinosa range, i.e., Scandinavian, Baltic, and Alpine/Carpathian locations, in a future study. The immediate practical application of our results is the recommendation that all supplementation interventions to the Jaworki population must be limited to plants produced from locally collected seeds

    Diurnal variation in the selected indicators of water contamination in the Białka river affected by a sewage treatment plant discharge

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    This study was aimed to assess the diurnal variability in the number of microbial indicators of water quality and the content of the selected main ions at 3 sites located on Białka river, Podhale. The examined sites included the stream being a receiver of sewage from the treatment plant, before the treatment plant and few kilometers downstream of the sewage discharge - at the water intake for artificial snowing of the largest ski station in the region. Twelve series of samples were collected over 36 hours period. Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen were measured onsite, microbiological analyses included the numbers of mesophilic bacteria, fecal Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, chemical analyses determined the concentration of main ions. E. faecalis was not detected in this study, while the concentration of mesophilic bacteria and E. coli varied largely between sites and hours of sampling. The smallest content of microorganisms was observed before the treatment plant and significantly increased at the sewage discharge. It was found that the cycle of the sewage treatment plant operation affects microbial contamination of water both in the stream which receives effluent from the treatment plant and in the downstream part of the river