9 research outputs found

    Building Relations with Generation Z as a Challenge for Social Customer Relationship Management Faced by Modern Enterprises - A Case of Generation Z Students

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    The Internet and access to numerous modern technological tools make it easier for modern enterprises to operate on the market, yet create ever more difficult conditions for being competitive. Competition is increasing very fast - it is currently at a mouse-click; the amount of time taken to make decisions is dramatically shrinking, enterprises' advertising and promotional campaigns are less and less effective, and the costs of attracting and retaining customers are rising. As customers' loyalty is decreasing and their awareness and expectations are increasing fast, it seems that the right solution for enterprises is to focus on building long-term relations with their customers. Such a possibility is offered by the concept of Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM), which enables companies to develop two-way communication with customers through social media. In order to develop communication, enterprises need to find out as much as possible about their current/future interlocutor, i.e. their potential customer. There is extensive knowledge about the expectations and characteristics of social media activity of representatives of Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y/Millennials. In contrast, Generation Z, i.e. people born in 1995 or later, who are currently entering the labour market, is the least explored generation. This group differs significantly from the representatives of the previous generations, which may be due to the fact that its representatives were born into the digital world and do not know other reality. The aim of the paper is to indicate the characteristics of social media activity of representatives of generation Z as a basis for building relations and gaining advantages by enterprises. This aim has been achieved by presenting part of the findings of a study conducted among students of the Management Faculty of the Czestochowa University of Technology in the third quarter of 2018

    Generation Z Consumers as a Challenge for a Community Manager

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    Social media - especially for young generation Z - have become an essential tool for establishing private, professional and consumer relations. People from generation Z constitute an increasingly demanding group of customers. They do not know the era when the Internet or smartphones have not existed. In fact, they have been using these technologies from their earliest years, hence they are often called digital natives. The possibility of using social media commercially for marketing purposes gave rise to a new profession - community manager. It refers to a professional who deals with day-to-day communication with fans and interacts with the recipients of published content. He or she answers questions from fans, responds to emails, and often conducts long discussions to keep fans engaged, strengthen the brand's contact with its potential customers and build a positive image of the company. The aim of this paper is to identify challenges/tasks for community managers resulting from special characteristics of generation Z members and their behaviour on social media. As well as literature review, a survey was conducted among 233 students - representatives of generation Z. Analysis of the gathered empirical data gave basis for verifying the formulated research hypotheses and concluding that people from generation Z are not loyal customers, meaning that they usually do not get attached to the brand/company, product/service, and that generation Z customers are not willing to defend a company's reputation on social media. Additionally, the strength of relationships between the analysed variables and a respondent's sex and place of residence was verified

    Social Media in Building Relationships Between Companies and Representatives of Generation Z in the CRM Concept

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    Building social media relationships with Generation Z members is a huge challenge for today’s enterprises, not only because they are the least studied generation, but also because they represent different values than those of the previous generations. It is important that both sides of the relationship – the customer and the entrepreneur – are on social media at the same time and in the same place. This would enable communication and relationship building. The aim of the paper was to identify social networking portals, which are most often used by the representatives of Generation Z as an element of building relationships with companies. The study of Generation Z attitudes towards brands on social media is part of broader research conducted by the authors among students in Poland and Great Britain in 2020. The method used in the study was a survey, as part of which the CATI surveying technique was used. For analysis of the study material, descriptive statistics measures were used. Analysis of the collected empirical data provided the basis for verifying the research hypotheses. The findings show which social networking portals are most often used by respondents of Generation Z in customer-company relationships. Additionally, the strength of the relationships between the analysed variables and the respondent's gender and place of residence was verified

    Risk Factors for Poland to Achieve the European Commission’s Recycling and Landfill Targets and Their Effects on Waste-to-Energy Conversion: A Review

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    Poland is highly likely, as per a European Commission report, to fall short of meeting the 2025 targets related to the preparation for re-use and recycling of municipal waste and packaging waste. The risk of not meeting the municipal waste recycling targets stands at 27%, while for packaging waste, it is estimated at 30%. Recycling rates play a pivotal role in gauging the efficiency of waste management systems, as well as in monitoring progress toward a circular economy. Taking into account the considerable likelihood of Poland not achieving the recycling targets, the authors of the paper found it imperative to identify the risk factors associated with Poland’s failure to meet the European Commission’s recycling and landfill targets within the waste-to-energy context. Additionally, they sought to evaluate the potential for the development of the waste-to-energy concept in Poland. The research objectives were fulfilled through the literature review method. By employing the classification of factors outlined in a SWOT analysis, the authors highlighted which of the identified risk factors could or should be considered strengths or weaknesses, opportunities or threats to the Polish recycling process. Mapping out future courses of action will enable decision-makers in Poland to address the weaknesses in recycling, capitalize on opportunities arising from the socio-economic situation in Poland, and formulate plans to mitigate the identified threats. Undertaking such initiatives has the potential to enhance recycling rates in Poland and facilitate the broader application of waste-to-energy practices

    Pyrolysis-Based Municipal Solid Waste Management in Poland—SWOT Analysis

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    Poland’s management of municipal waste, which amounts to over 13 million tons/year, is not efficient—about 60% of the waste is subjected to recovery processes, about 20% of all municipal waste is converted into energy, and almost 40% is landfilled. The authors of this article recognize the potential of pyrolysis as a method of the thermal processing of waste allowing the potential of the energy contained in the waste to be utilized. Pyrolysis is an economically attractive alternative to incineration, with a significantly lower environmental impact, allowing efficient waste management and the use of pyrolysis by-products in the energy sector (pyrolysis gas), or in the building materials sector (biochar). Despite so many advantages, this method is not employed in Poland. The aim of the paper is to indicate a recommended strategy for the application of pyrolysis in Poland as a method of the thermal processing of municipal solid waste. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis was used as a research method. In the first step, on the basis of the literature review, the factors which may affect the use of pyrolysis in Poland were identified. In the second step, five experts evaluated the weights of those factors and the interactions between them. The products of the weights and interactions allowed, in accordance with SWOT analysis methodology, the most desirable strategy of pyrolysis application in Poland to be determined, which turned out to be an aggressive one. This means that pyrolysis as a thermal waste processing method should be implemented on a large scale in Poland to improve the indicators of municipal waste management

    Kluczowe czynniki sukcesu jako element osiągania przewagi konkurencyjnej w działalności przedsiębiorstwa na przykładzie Polskiego Koncernu Naftowego S. A.

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    В любой хозяйственной системе действуют предприятия, которые достигают успех и получают прибыль, а также такие, которые с трудностями удерживаются на рынке либо фактически являются банкротами. Конкурентная позиция понимается как достижение соответствующей высокой доли рынка. Она может основываться на ценовых преимуществах, удержания марки, финансового могущества либо овладения новыми технологиями. Конкурентная позиция может меняться, так как рынок имеет динамичный характер и вследствие этого стабильность позиции можно достигнуть посредством длительного процесса построения конкурентных преимуществ. Предприятия осуществляют свою деятельность до достижения успеха и получения соответствующей прибыли посредством достижения и удержания высокого уровня конкурентоспособности. Последний может быть определен посредством анализа ключевых факторов успеха, которые влияют на конкурентные преимущества субъектов хозяйствования на рынке. В статье представлен анализ данных факторов на примере АО "Polski Koncern Naftowy S. A."

    Ocena ryzyka inwestycyjnego w pozyskiwaniu rynkow zagranicznych przez małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa

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    В настоящее время в мире прослеживается тенденция к глобализации и интернационализации производства, валюты и экономики в целом. Существует стремление к объединению рынков многих государств в общий – международный. Крупным предприятиям будет довольно нетрудно приспособиться к таким изменениям, благодаря наличию многих предпосылок – капитала, значительного количества занятых и др. В то же время для малых и средних предприятий это будет вызовом. При завоевании новых внешних рынков, а это является одним из элементов глобализации – они должны точно определить и оценить риск, присущий этим процессам. Чем точнее будут определены угрозы, тем лучше они будут подготовлены к противостоянию им посредством соответствующих методов и инструментов. Исследование инвестиционного риска должно, по мнению авторов, предварять любой процесс рыночной экспансии и стать постоянным элементом маркетинговых исследований. Состояние и перспективы развития малых и средних предприятий, как и других участников хозяйственного процесса, зависят прежде всего от макроэкономических условий. Поэтому основным условием долговременного развития малых и средних предприятий является стабильная макроэкономическая политика государства, обеспечивающая долгосрочное экономическое равновесие, ведя, при этом к постепенному снижению налогового бремени и ставок процента. Развитие сектора малых и средних предприятий в значительной мере зависит также от величины капитала развития, который самофинансируется и притекает из внешних источников. Способность данного сектора к финансированию своего развития из всех источников является существенной при наличии желания увеличения его конкурентных возможностей на внутреннем и внешних рынках. Таким образом, процесс глобализации деятельности предприятий, характерный для мирового хозяйства, подталкивает малые и средние предприятия к принятию решений, касающихся иностранного инвестирования. Желая занять и удержать конкурентную позицию, они вынуждены искать для своей деятельности новые рынки сбыта. Планирование заграничной экспансии требует, по мнению авторов, умения распознавать множество форм риска, присущих международным рынкам