10 research outputs found

    Bone marrow morphology during haematopoietic stem cell mobilisation with cyclophosphamide in mice

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    The aim of the study was to examine the morphology of the bone marrow of mice after stimulation with cyclophosphamide (Cy). The experimental mice were given a single intraperitoneal injection with 250 mg/kg bw cyclophosphamide. After 2, 4 and 6 days of experiment the femurs were obtained for morphological study. On the 2nd day after the mobilisation of the mice with Cy destruction of the bone marrow was observed with a decrease in the haematopoietic compartment and an increase in the area occupied by sinusoids filled with erythrocytes. Erythrocytes were located among the haematopoietic cells, which indicated that the endothelial barrier had been disrupted. On the 4th day after treating the mice with Cy, repair processes in the bone marrow were conducted, including macrophages. The cells filled with haemosiderin migrated from the extravascular compartment of the bone marrow into the lumen of the sinusoids. There were proliferating cells among the haematopoietic cells. On the 6th day the morphology of the bone marrow was similar to the morphology of that in the control mice. However, more haematopoietic cells were visible compared to the control bone marrow. The presence of an increased number of leucocytes in the sinusoid lumen in comparison with the control suggested that at that time the migration of haematopoietic cells from the bone marrow had been initiated

    Diagnostyka histopatologiczna guz贸w o艣rodkowego uk艂adu nerwowego

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    W opracowaniu diagnostycznym guz贸w o艣rodkowego uk艂adu nerwowego (OUN) kluczowe znaczenie ma dokonanie w艂a艣ciwego rozpoznania neuropatologicznego. Decyduje ono o formie terapii, a ponadto okre艣la rokowanie dotycz膮ce prze偶ycia chorego. W pracy przedstawiono znaczenie najwa偶niejszych metod s艂u偶膮cych do rozpoznawania guz贸w: klasycznej, w kt贸rej wykorzystuje si臋 barwienie hematoksylin膮 i eozyn膮, immunohistochemicznych, z u偶yciem mikroskopii elektronowej oraz biologii molekularnej, zwracaj膮c jednocze艣nie uwag臋 na wci膮偶 podstawowe znaczenie metody klasycznej. Podkre艣lono, 偶e metody immunohistochemiczne, cho膰 nieodzowne, nale偶y traktowa膰 jako komplementarne wobec metody podstawowej. Wskazano na zalety i wady metod 艣r贸doperacyjnych (cytopatologicznej i opartej na materiale mro偶onym) oraz parafinowych, a tak偶e na najwa偶niejsze przyczyny trudno艣ci w diagnostyce neuropatologicznej guz贸w OUN. Trudno艣ci te wynikaj膮 z wadliwego pobrania materia艂u (spoza nowotworu, zbyt ma艂a ilo艣膰, uszkodzenie fizyczne), z艂ego utrwalenia materia艂u, jego nieprawid艂owego transportu, z艂ego opracowania laboratoryjnego, a tak偶e z powod贸w obiektywnych - bardzo du偶ej heterogenno艣ci nowotwor贸w OUN i zbyt ma艂ego do艣wiadczenia osoby oceniaj膮cej. Podkre艣lono znaczenie danych klinicznych, w tym wynik贸w bada艅 neuroobrazowych i wygl膮du 艣r贸doperacyjnego guza, kt贸rymi powinien dysponowa膰 neuropatolog, zanim postawi ostateczn膮 diagnoz臋. Przeanalizowano algorytm post臋powania diagnostycznego, kt贸rym neuropatolog powinien si臋 pos艂ugiwa膰, by unikn膮膰 pochopnych decyzji

    Izolowany przerzut raka jasnokom贸rkowego do splotu naczyni贸wkowego

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    Chora w wieku 60 lat, obci膮偶ona nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym, dyslipidemi膮 i oty艂o艣ci膮, przeby艂a nefrektomi臋 lewostronn膮 z powodu jasnokom贸rkowego raka nerki. Sze艣膰 miesi臋cy p贸藕niej, nagle, dosz艂o do pora偶enia po艂owiczego lewostronnego. Na podstawie tomografii komputerowej rozpoznano krwotok 艣r贸dm贸zgowy z przebiciem do uk艂adu komorowego. Badanie to nie dostarczy艂o informacji na temat guza. Po kolejnych 5 miesi膮cach u chorej wyst膮pi艂y b贸le g艂owy i zaburzenia 艣wiadomo艣ci. Tomografia komputerowa m贸zgowia uwidoczni艂a rozleg艂y krwiak 艣r贸dm贸zgowy zlokalizowany w wie艅cu promienistym prawej p贸艂kuli m贸zgu, z efektem masy. Po wykonaniu tomografii rezonansu magnetycznego, ze wzgl臋du na podejrzenie krwawienia do guza, pacjentk臋 poddano zbiegowi neurochirurgicznemu przy u偶yciu techniki neuronawigacji. Na podstawie badania histopatologicznego rozpoznano przerzut raka jasnokom贸rkowego nerki do splotu naczyni贸wkowego prawej komory bocznej

    Morphology of the bone marrow, spleen and liver during hematopoietic cell mobilization with cyclophosphamide in mice.

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    Cyclophosphamide (CY), the agent with cytoreductive activity, is widely exploited in cancer chemotherapy, and can be used alone or in combination with various cytokines and growth factors to stimulate the egress of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) from the BM compartment. The aim of the present study was to exam the morphology and ultrastructure of the bone marrow, spleen and liver of mice injected intraperitoneally with a single dose of cyclophosphamide (200 mg/kg bw) and the localization of cells expressing markers of early hematopoietic cells in studied organs and the peripheral blood. We observed that the CY-induced morphological changes in the BM and spleen were reconstructed on day 4. of experiment, and the spleen was repopulated by HSPC on the 6th day. In this time, the highest number of c-Kit-R-positive cells was determined by flow cytometry in the peripheral blood. The results confirmed, that the egress of HSPC from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood was delayed compared to mice treated with G-CSF or GCS-F plus CY

    JC Virus Seroprevalence and JCVAb Index in Polish Multiple Sclerosis Treatment-Na茂ve Patients

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment with new agents is associated with the risk of the development of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). The seropositivity and a high index of anti-John Cunningham virus (JCV) antibodies are some of the risk factors for PML development. The aim of this study was to assess the seroprevalence of anti-JCVAb and JCVAb index (AI), as well as its correlations with demographic and clinical characteristics in treatment-naïve Polish MS patients. This is a multicenter, prospective, and cross-sectional study involving 665 MS patients. The overall prevalence of anti-JCVAb was 65.3%, while 63.1% of seropositive patients had an index level of >1.5. The seroprevalence was shown to increase along with the patient’s age. Except for age, the prevalence of anti-JCVAb was not associated with demographic or clinical data. No correlations between the index levels and the demographic or clinical data were observed. In Poland, the seroprevalence of anti-JCVAb in treatment-naïve MS patients is one of the highest in Europe. The majority of seropositive patients had an anti-JCV antibody level denoting a high-risk category. This means that we need further studies to be conducted on the individualization of MS treatment in order to provide patients with an appropriate therapeutic safety level

    JC Virus Seroprevalence and JCVAb Index in Polish Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with Immunomodulating or Immunosuppressive Therapies

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    The use of a highly-effective treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with a severe risk of developing complications, such as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) caused by the John Cunningham virus (JCV). The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between anti-JCV Ab seroprevalence, anti-JCV AI, demographic and clinical factors as well as the type of therapy used in the Polish MS population. This is a multicentre, prospective and cross-sectional study involving 1405 MS patients. The seroprevalence of anti-JCV Ab and anti-JCV AI levels as well as AI categories were analysed with the use of a second-generation two-step ELISA test (STRATIFY JCV DxSelect). The overall prevalence of anti-JCV Ab was 65.8%. It was shown that seroprevalence increases with the patient鈥檚 age. The seroprevalence was significantly associated with the treatment type, and the highest values (76%) were obtained from immunosuppressant-treated patients. Overall, 63.3% of seropositive patients had an antibody index (AI) level of >1.5. In the seropositive patient group, the mean AI level amounted to 2.09. Similarly to the seroprevalence, AI levels correlated with the patient鈥檚 age; AI level for patients above 40 years old and from subsequent age quintiles plateaued, amounting to at least 1.55. Patients treated with immunosuppressants and immunomodulatory drugs obtained the highest (1.67) and lowest (1.35) AI levels, respectively. Of the immunosuppressants used, the highest mean AI levels were observed in mitoxantrone and cladribine groups, amounting to 1.75 and 1.69, respectively. In patients treated with immunomodulatory drugs, the lowest AI levels were observed in the dimethyl fumarate (DMF) group (1.11). The seroprevalence rate in the Polish MS population is one of the highest in Europe. The majority of seropositive patients had an anti-JCV Ab level qualifying them for a high-risk category. The highest mean AI levels are observed in patients receiving immunosuppressants, especially mitoxantrone and cladribine. Patients receiving immunomodulatory drugs have lower AI levels compared to treatment-na茂ve subjects, especially when treated with DMF. Further studies, especially longitudinal studies, are required to determine the impact of MS drugs on the seroprevalence of anti-JCV Ab and AI levels

    Modified Rio score with platform therapy predicts treatment success with fingolimod and natalizumab in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients

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    Background: Reliable markers of disease outcomes in multiple sclerosis (MS) would help to predict the response to treatment in patients treated with high efficacy drugs. No evidence of disease activity (NEDA) has become a treatment goal whereas the modified Rio score (MRS) predicts future suboptimal responders to treatment. The aim of our study was to identify factors that would predict poor response to treatment with natalizumab and fingolimod. Methods: In the multicenter prospective trial, 336 subjects were enrolled, initiating therapy with natalizumab (n = 135) or fingolimod (n = 201). Data on relapse rate, the expanded disability status scale, and MRI results were collected, and MRS was estimated. Results: NEDA-3 after the first year of therapy was 73.9% for natalizumab and 54.8% for fingolimod (p < 0.0001). Patients with MRS = 0 in the last year on platform therapy had the best NEDA-3 (71%) and patients with MRS = 3 had the worst NEDA-3 (41%) in the first year of treatment with the second-line therapy. Conclusion: We conclude that switching to the second-line therapy should occur earlier to enable better results for patients treated with natalizumab or fingolimod. The outcome on both drugs is better with better neurological conditions and lower MRS of the patient on the platform therapy

    Into Peripheral Blood in Patients After Stroke Clinical Evidence That Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells Are Mobilized Clinical Evidence That Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells Are Mobilized Into Peripheral Blood in Patients After Stroke

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    Background and Purpose-In a murine model of stroke, we identified a population of very small embryonic-like (VSEL) stem cells (SCs) in adult murine bone marrow that could be mobilized into peripheral blood (PB). This raised the question of whether a similar population of cells is mobilized in human stroke patients. Methods-We evaluated a number of cells that corresponded to VSEL SCs in the PB of 44 stroke patients and 22 age-matched controls. After each patient's stroke, PB samples were harvested during the first 24 hours, on day 烯3, and on day 烯7 and then compared with normal controls. The circulating human cells with the phenotype of VSEL SCs were evaluated in PB by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, and direct immunofluorescence staining. In parallel, we also measured the serum concentration of stromal derived factor-1 by ELISA. Results-In stroke patients, we found an increase in the number of circulating cells expressing SC-associated antigens, such as CD133, CD34, and CXCR4. More important, we found an increase in the number of circulating primitive cells expressing the VSEL phenotype (CXCR