9 research outputs found

    Towards Automated Testing of the Internet of Things: Results Obtained with the TESTAR Tool

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    As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a reality, the need of ensuring the security and reliability of massively interconnected devices becomes a pressing necessity. A means of satisfying this need would be automated testing of IoT devices; however, this presents many difficulties, such as the lack of standards, multitude of manufacturers, restricted capabilities (such as power), etc. In this work we present the first results on using TESTAR tool for automating IoT testing of smart home devices. TESTAR is a tool for automated testing at the Graphical User Interface (GUI) level of an application. The tool uses the Accessibility API the obtain information about the GUI and derive actions that can be executed in test sequences.Many IoT systems use the REST API to access the resources that compose the system. Consequently, this paper looks into IoT system testing as a natural field for extending the TESTAR philosophy from GUI (Accesibility) to IoT (REST) APIs. The results show the potential of TESTAR in this new environment

    Pool vs. island based evolutionary algorithms: an initial exploration

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    This paper explores the scalability and performance of pool and island based evolutionary algorithms, both of them using as a mean of interaction an object store; we call this family of algorithms SofEA. This object store allows the different clients to interact asynchronously; the point of the creation of this framework is to build a system for spontaneous and voluntary distributed evolutionary computation. The fact that each client is autonomous leads to a complex behavior that will be examined in the work, so that the design can be validated, rules of thumb can be extracted, and the limits of scalability can be found. In this paper we advance the design of an asynchronous, fault-tolerant and scalable distributed evolutionary algorithm based on the object store CouchDB. We test experimentally the different options and show the trade-offs that pool and island-based solutions offer

    Towards Automated Testing of the Internet of Things: Results Obtained with the TESTAR Tool

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    As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a reality, the need of ensuring the security and reliability of massively interconnected devices becomes a pressing necessity. A means of satisfying this need would be automated testing of IoT devices; however, this presents many difficulties, such as the lack of standards, multitude of manufacturers, restricted capabilities (such as power), etc. In this work we present the first results on using TESTAR tool for automating IoT testing of smart home devices. TESTAR is a tool for automated testing at the Graphical User Interface (GUI) level of an application. The tool uses the Accessibility API the obtain information about the GUI and derive actions that can be executed in test sequences. Many IoT systems use the REST API to access the resources that compose the system. Consequently, this paper looks into IoT system testing as a natural field for extending the TESTAR philosophy from GUI (Accesibility) to IoT (REST) APIs. The results show the potential of TESTAR in this new environment

    Applications of Evolutionary Computation

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    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplications 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in April 2013, colocated with the Evo* 2013 events EuroGP, EvoCOP, EvoBIO, and EvoMUSART. The 65 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 119 submissions. EvoApplications 2013 consisted of the following 12 tracks: EvoCOMNET (nature-inspired techniques for telecommunication networks and other parallel and distributed systems), EvoCOMPLEX (evolutionary algorithms and complex systems), EvoENERGY (evolutionary computation in energy applications), EvoFIN (evolutionary and natural computation in finance and economics), EvoGAMES (bio-inspired algorithms in games), EvoIASP (evolutionary computation in image analysis, signal processing, and pattern recognition), EvoINDUSTRY (nature-inspired techniques in industrial settings), EvoNUM (bio-inspired algorithms for continuous parameter optimization), EvoPAR (parallel implementation of evolutionary algorithms), EvoRISK (computational intelligence for risk management, security and defence applications), EvoROBOT (evolutionary computation in robotics), and EvoSTOC (evolutionary algorithms in stochastic and dynamic environments

    Applications of Evolutionary Computation

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    The application of genetic and evolutionary computation to problems in medicine has increased rapidly over the past five years, but there are specific issues and challenges that distinguish it from other real-world applications. Obtaining reliable and coherent patient data, establishing the clinical need and demonstrating value in the results obtained are all aspects that require careful and detailed consideration. This tutorial is based on research which uses genetic programming (a representation of Cartesian Genetic Programming) in the diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions, as well as in the early detection of breast cancer through automated assessment of mammograms. The work is supported by multiple clinical studies in progress in the UK (Leeds General Infirmary), USA (UCSF), UAE (Dubai Rashid Hospital), Australia (Monash Medical Center) and Singapore (National Neuroscience Institute). The technology is protected through three patent applications and a University spin-out company marketing four medical devices. The tutorial considers the following topics: Introduction to medical applications of genetic and evolutionary computation and how these differ from other real-world applications Overview of past work in the from a medical and evolutionary computation point of view Three case examples of medical applications: i. diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson's disease ii. detection of beast cancer from mammograms iii. cancer screening using Raman spectroscopy Practical advice on how to get started working on medical applications, including existing medical databases and conducting new medical studies, commercialization and protecting intellectual property. Summary, further reading and link