22 research outputs found

    Ekphrastic Encounters in Bo Carpelan’s Urwind and “Den skadskjutna Ă€ngeln”

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    Urwindin ja Bahtinin kohtaaminen

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    Brian Kennedy (ed.): Voicing Bo Carpelan: Urwind’s Dialogic Possibilities. Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja, 126. Jyväskylä: Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskus, 2020, 206 s

    Puhetta kuolleelle: Puhuttelu ja kiintymyssuhteen jatkuminen Paavo Haavikon, Aale Tynnin ja Anja Vammelvuon elegioissa

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    Speaking to the Dead: Poetic Address and Continuing Attachment in Elegies by Paavo Haavikko, Aale Tynni, and Anja Vammelvuo This article focuses on the addressment of the deceased in Finnish elegies from the late 1960s and the early 70s written by Paavo Haavikko, Aale Tynni and Anja Vammelvuo to commemorate their spouses. Until recently, the psychoanalytical theory of grief has been in uential among scholars of elegy. This article, however, aims to revise this dominant paradigm by applying a more up-to-date understanding of grief – the continuing bonds model – to the study of elegiac poetry. In contrast to the psychoanalytical theory of grief, the continuing bonds model emphasizes that relationships with the deceased are continued rather than abandoned; people do not recover from experience of loss, rather, the mourner renegotiates his or her relationship to the deceased. In the elegies analysed in this article, addressing the deceased is used to express the mourning speaker’s experiences of presence as well as the absence of the person passed. The differences in coping with and expressing grief are partly connected to gender in the analysed poems; Haavikko’s male speaker is more reluctant to openly grieve than Tynni’s and Vammelvuo’s female speakers, who beg their spouses to come back and who can feel the presence – and in Vammelvuo’s case, even the touch of the deceased. However, in all these cases the speakers try to make sense of their continuing relationship to the dead person in their present life

    Tapaus Kejonen: esimerkki 1960- ja 1970-luvun tunnustuskirjallisuuden ja julkisuuden suhteesta

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    The Case of Kejonen: An Example of the Relation between Confessional Literature and the Public Sphere in the 1960s and 1970s This article examines Pekka Kejonen’s (born 1941) literary works from the 1960s and 1970s in the context of the public sphere and the media culture. The Finnish public sphere and media culture underwent major changes during these two decades, as the breakthrough of television gave rise to intimate person journalism. In addition, a new kind of popular magazines, such as Hymy, notorious for its sensational journalism, had a great impact on the development of the celebrity institution. Kejonen was one of the most famous Finnish literary celebrities in the ‘60s and ‘70s and the popular magazines closely followed his bohemian lifestyle. This article analyses his autobiographical works starting from the poem “HajamietteitĂ€ matkalta Tampereelle” (1979, Scattered thoughts from a journey to the city of Tampere) and examines the interaction between his literary works and his public image. The article asks what concepts should be used to describe the relationship between a writer’s literary works and his/her public image. As an answer the article proposes the concept of performative biografism introduced by Jon Helt Haarder. Haarder uses the concept first and foremost to describe the (auto)biographical literature of the 1990s and the early 21st century. However, the article argues that the concept can be adapted to describe the connections between the confessional literature of the 1960s and 1970s and the media culture and public sphere as well

    Tunnustuksellinen runous salonkikelpoiseksi!

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    Lennokasta tutkimusta suomalaisista linturunoista: Karoliina Lummaa: Kui trittitii! Finnish Avian Poetics. Suomalaisen tiedeakatemian toimituksia (2017)

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    Helsingin Kotimainen kirjallisuus: PerinteitÀ ja uusia haasteita

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    Kotimaisen kirjallisuuden oppiaine Helsingin yliopistossa on saanut alkunsa Werner SöderhjelmiÀ varten vuonna 1913 perustetusta kotimaisen ja yleisen kirjallisuushistorian professorin virasta. Se jaettiin kahtia vuonna 1924, jolloin suomenkielisen professuurin sai Viljo Tarkiainen ja ruotsinkielisen Gunnar Castrén. Kun yleinen kirjallisuus ja kotimainen erkanivat vuonna 1968, syntyi kotimaisen kirjallisuuden laitos, joka ehti toimia itsenÀisenÀ tasan 30 vuotta. NykyÀÀn kotimainen kirjallisuus kuuluu oppiaineena suureen suomen kielen, suomalaisugrilaisten ja pohjoismaisten kielten ja kirjallisuuksien laitokseen, jota leikillisesti myös Norsuksi kutsutaan