145 research outputs found

    A feedback-enhanced learning approach for routing in WSN

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    Much research in sensor networks focuses on optimizing traffic originating at multiple sources destined for a single, base station sink. Our work reverses this assumption, targeting scenarios where individual sensor data is sent to multiple destinations. In this case, the data path that produces the least network cost is unlikely to overlap completely with any of the optimal routes between the individual pairs of source/destination nodes. If the entire topology is known, an offline approach can likely find this minimum path. However this is an unrealistic assumption. Instead, our approach uses only local information and converges toward optimal. The novelty of our approach is a technique for actively exploring alternate data routes, sharing feedback regarding route fitness, and learning better routes. While non-optimal choices are made during the discovery phase, the resulting, learned path has lower cost than the initial path. Further, our protocol identifies multiple paths with equal cost, providing additional opportunities for saving energy by switching among alternate routes throughout the lifetime of the application. This paper describes our feedbackbased protocol, shows simulation results demonstrating its benefits and explores the future opportunities of the learning technique presented

    Regulatory Justification of the Fundamental Concepts of Ergonomics in Wheeled Agricultural Machinery

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    A single-seated man-machine system (MMS) is formed when a person starts controlling a technical device or unit, while undergoing production processes. Production tasks for MMS are developed by the senior system and contain output work parameters, which are determined by the properties of the human operator and the technical subsystem. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the process of ensuring the working conditions of a single-seated MMS, the difficulties that arise upon performing tasks, including the content of regulatory acts, which are the technical foundation for the formation of the quality of operation of a single-seated MMS. Study results indicate external and internal restrictions that influence the efficient work of the human operator and are not provided for in regulatory standards, including ways to solve existing restrictions

    Arginine-rich cross-linking peptides with different SV40 nuclear localization signal content as vectors for intranuclear DNA delivery

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    The major barriers for intracellular DNA transportation by cationic polymers are their toxicity, poor endosomal escape and inefficient nuclear uptake. Therefore, we designed novel modular peptide-based carriers modified with SV40 nuclear localization signal (NLS). Core peptide consists of arginine, histidine and cysteine residues for DNA condensation, endosomal escape promotion and interpeptide cross-linking, respectively. We investigated three polyplexes with different NLS content (10 mol%, 50 mol% and 90 mol% of SV40 NLS) as vectors for intranuclear DNA delivery. All carriers tested were able to condense DNA, to protect it from DNAase I and were not toxic to the cells. We observed that cell cycle arrest by hydroxyurea did not affect transfection efficacy of NLS-modified carriers which we confirmed using quantitative confocal microscopy analysis. Overall, peptide carrier modified with 90 mol% of SV40 NLS provided efficient transfection and nuclear uptake in non-dividing cells. Thus, incorporation of NLS into arginine-rich cross-linking peptides is an adequate approach to the development of efficient intranuclear gene delivery vehicles. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Animal Models

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a complex and severe orphan disease. It develops when the organism lacks the expression of dystrophin - a large structural protein. Dystrophin is transcribed from the largest gene in the human genome. At the moment, there is no cure available. Dozens of groups all over the world search for cure. Animal models are an important component of both the fundamental research and therapy development. Many animal models reproducing the features of disease were created and actively used since the late 80’s until present. The species diversity spans from invertebrates to primates and the genetic diversity of these models spans from single mutations to full gene deletions. The models are often non-interchangeable; while one model may be used for particular drug design it may be useless for another. Here we describe existing models, discuss their advantages and disadvantages and potential applications for research and therapy development


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    In order to determine the frequency and nature of sonographic changes in abdominal organs in children with tuberculosis infection, 192 patients at the age of 6 months -14 years were examined on the basis of the tuberculosis department of City Children’s Infectious Hospital №3 for the period 2019-2021. 3 groups of patients were identified: group 1 - 92 children with active respiratory tuberculosis; group 2 – 52 children with residual post-tuberculosis changes; group 3 – 48 children with latent tuberculosis infection at risk of tuberculosis. Sonographic liver changes (reactive and/or intrahepatic cholestasis and/or hepatomegaly) were observed in children with active tuberculosis in 40.2±5.1% of cases, in children of group 3 - in 35.4±6.9% of cases and less often in children of group 2 - in 17.3±5.3% of cases (p<0.05). Changes of the gallbladder (violations of bile outflow and/or shape changes) were visualized in children with active tuberculosis in 73.9±4.6% of cases, in children of group 3 (60.4±7.1% of cases), less often in children of group 2 (55.8±6.7% of cases, p<0.05 for group 1). Changes of the pancreas were reactive and were more often observed in children of group 1 - in 14.1± 3.5% of cases than in children of group 2 (5.8±3.2% of cases, p<0.05) and group 3 (4.2± 2.9% of cases). Also, ultrasound changes of the spleen were more often detected in children with active tuberculosis - in 17.4±4.0% of cases than in children of group 2 (5.8±3.2% of cases, p<0.05) and group 3 (2.1±2.1% of cases, p<0.05).Pentru a determina frecvența și natura modificărilor ecografice în organele abdominale la copiii cu infecție tuberculoasă, au fost examinați 192 de pacienți cu vârsta cuprinsă între 6 luni - 14 ani din secția de tuberculoză a Spitalul Municipal de infecții pentru copii Nr. 3 pentru perioada 2019-2021. Au fost identificate 3 loturi de pacienţi: lotul 1 - 92 copii cu tuberculoză activă a organelor respiratorii; grupa 2 - 52 copii cu sechele post-tuberculoase; grupa 3 - 48 de copii cu infecție tuberculoasă latentă din grupele cu risc de tuberculoză. Modificări ecografice la nivelul ficatului (colestază reactivă și/sau intrahepatică și/sau hepatomegalie) au fost observate la copiii cu tuberculoză activă în 40,2 ± 5,1% din cazuri, la copiii din grupa a 3-a - în 35,4 ± 6,9% din cazuri și mai rar în copiii din grupa a 2-a – în 17,3±5,3% din cazuri (p<0,05). Modificări ale vezicii biliare (afectarea fluxului biliar și/sau modificări ale formei) la copiii cu tuberculoză ac- tivă au fost vizualizate în 73,9 ± 4,6% din cazuri, la copiii din grupa a 3-a (60,4 ± 7,1% din cazuri), mai rar la copiii dun grupul 2 (55,8±6,7% din cazuri, p<0,05 pentru grupul 1). Modificările pancreasului au fost reactive și s-au observat mai des la copiii din grupa 1 - în 14,1±3,5% din cazuri decât la copiii din grupul 2 (5,8±3,2% din cazuri, p<0,05) și grupul 3 (4,2±2,9% din cazuri). De asemenea, modificări ale splinei au fost depistate mai des la copiii cu tuberculoză activă - în 17,4±4,0% din cazuri decât la copiii din loturile 2 (5,8±3,2% din cazuri, p<0,05) și 3 loturi (2,1±2,1% din cazuri, p<0,05).С целью определения частоты и характера сонографических изменений органов брюшной полости у детей с туберкулезной инфекцией обследованы 192 пациента в возрасте 6 месяцев -14 лет туберкулезного отделения СПГБУЗ ДИБ№3 за период 2019-2021гг. Выделено 3 группы пациентов: 1 группа - 92 ребенка с активным ту- беркулезом органов дыхания; 2 группа – 52 ребенка с остаточными посттуберкулезными изменениями; 3 группа – 48 детей с латентной туберкулезной инфекцией из групп риска по туберкулезу. Сонографические изменения печени (реактивные и/или внутрипеченочный холестаз и/или гепатомегалия) наблюдались у детей с активным туберкулезом в 40,2±5,1% случаев, у детей 3 группы - в 35,4±6,9% случаев и реже у детей 2 группы - в 17,3±5,3% случаев (р<0,05). Изменения желчного пузыря (нарушения оттока желчи и/или изменения формы) у детей с ак- тивным туберкулезом визуализировались в 73,9±4,6% случаев, у детей 3 группы (60,4±7,1% случаев), реже у детей 2 группы (55,8±6,7% случаев, р<0,05 для 1 группы). Изменения поджелудочной железы были реактивными и чаще наблюдались у детей 1 группы - в 14,1±3,5% случаев, чем у детей 2 группы (5,8±3,2% случаев, р<0,05) и 3 группы (4,2±2,9% случаев). Также изменения селезенки чаще определялись у детей с активным туберкулезом  в 17,4±4,0% случаев, чем у детей 2 группы (5,8±3,2% случаев, р<0,05) и 3 группы (2,1±2,1% случаев, р<0,05)