16 research outputs found


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    An Analysis of Polish Labor Migration in the EU Region after the EU Accession

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    Modern interregional migration: evidence from Japan and Poland

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    This paper provides data-based analyses of recent interregional migration considering the examples of Japan and Poland. The analyses are conducted against the background of the general demographic and economic situations of both countries, in particular, regional disparities and economic growth. They aim at describing migrants’ behavior in Japan and Poland through a model consistent with the New Economic Geography (NEG) theory. Inspired by the model originally proposed by, the study constructs a migration model coherent with the NEG framework and tests the behavioral hypothesis. Interestingly, in both Japan and Poland, migrant behavior is responsive to stimuli stemming from the two following mechanisms: the relationship between the level of income inequalities and net migration toward capital regions; and similarly, the relationship between income inequalities movement and gross domestic product growth rate

    Dualizm rynku pracy w Japonii w perspektywie resilience

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    W ciągu ostatniej dekady pogłębiała się dychotomia japońskiego rynku pracy między „odporną” formą zatrudnienia regularnego a wysoce elastyczną, ale wrażliwą formą zatrudnienia nieregularnego. Zjawisko to, w połączeniu z wciąż aktualnymi doświadczeniami kryzysu związanego z pandemią COVID-19 oraz nieustannie dokonującą się zmianą otoczenia powodowaną rosnącym postępem technologicznym, nasuwa pytanie o trwałość tradycyjnych japońskich praktyk zatrudnienia na całe życie. W artykule poddano analizie środowisko pracy w Japonii za pomocą modelu „odporności” rynku pracy, rozszerzonego o czynnik kulturowy, który pozwala na pełniejsze zrozumienie japońskiego systemu zatrudnienia. Zdaniem autorki ostatnie koncepcje co do zmiany organizacji zatrudnienia w Japonii oraz coraz głośniej i częściej podnoszona konieczność tych zmian mogą przyczynić się do długo oczekiwanej transformacji

    Surgical denervation of porcine ovaries during the middle luteal phase of the oestrous cycle changes their morphology and steroidogenic activity

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    Changes in both the morphology and the steroidogenic activity of porcine ovaries denervated surgically on day 12 of the oestrous cycle were studied. Neurectomy of the plexus and the superior ovarian nerves caused a dramatic reduction in the number (or even a disappearance) of dopamine-β-hydroxylase- and/or neuropeptide tyrosine-immunoreactive nerve terminals. On day 20 of the subsequent oestrous cycle, the number of small follicles increased (P < 0.01) and that of large follicles decreased (P < 0.05) in the denervated ovaries, as compared to the controls. Neurectomy led to a decrease in the level of progesterone (P4; P < 0.001) and androstenedione (A 4; P < 0.01) in the fluid from small follicles, A 4 (P < 0.001) and testosterone (T; P < 0.05) in the fluid from medium-sized follicles, as well as in the content of all these steroids in the fluid from large-sized follicles (P < 0.001 for P4 and P < 0.05 for A 4 and T). Denervation also caused a decrease in the content of A 4 (P < 0.01) and T (P < 0.001) in the wall of follicles. Neurectomy resulted in a significant increase in the immunoexpression of cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 in the follicles and a decrease of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. After denervation, plasma levels of LH, P4, A 4, T, oestrone and oestradiol-17β were lower (P < 0.05–0.001) on the particular days of the study than in the control group. Our data revealed that the denervation of ovaries during the middle luteal phase of the oestrous cycle in gilts caused distinct changes in both the morphology and the steroidogenic activity of the organ, confirming an important role of the peripheral nervous system in the control of the gonad in this species