22 research outputs found
The morphology and morphometry of the foramina of the greater wing of the human sphenoid bone
The greater wing of the human sphenoid bone is pierced by several foramina,
which contain, as a main element, the venous anastomoses between the interior
of the skull and the extracranial veins. Since data concerning these foramina
are scarce in the literature, studies comprising the frequency of occurrence and
morphology of the foramina of the greater wing of the human sphenoid bone
were undertaken on 100 macerated skulls. We found that the foramen ovale is
divided into 2 or 3 components in 4.5% of cases. Moreover, the borders of the
foramen ovale in some skulls were irregular and rough. This may suggest, on
radiological images, the presence of morbid changes, which might be the sole
anatomical variation. Concurrent with the foramen ovale are accessory foramina.
The foramen of Vesalius and the cavernous foramen were present in 17%
and 33% of cases, respectively. The foramen of Vesalius was always single and
the cavernous foramen also occurred in multiple form. The foramen spinosus
and the foramen rotundum occurred as permanent elements of the skulls studied.
The mean area of the foramina measured, excluding the foramen ovale,
was not considerable, which may suggest that they play a minor role in the
dynamics of blood circulation in the venous system of the head
Sex- and age-related changes of trabecular bone of tibia in growing domestic geese (Anser domesticus)
An analysis of radiological images of the spongious substance of the tibiotarsal bones in domestic goose (120 individuals) was performed for the first time. Based on radiographs obtained from radiological examinations conducted in the region of interest (80 x 90 mm^{2}) of the proximal metaphysis, an analysis of the spongious substance of the tibia was performed with the Trabecula® programme in order to construct a map of trabeculae and identify their number, volume and density. The results were evaluated statistically using two-way ANOVA. Changes in the number, volume and density of radiological trabeculae of the tibiotarsal bone (TB) in geese from 4 to 16 weeks old were observed. The lowest number (6.34 per mm ), volume (1.50 % mm) and density (33.73 %) of radiological trabeculae in the proximal metaphysis of TB was reported in male geese at the age of 6weeks. Similar tendencies were observed in females as well. It should be noted that the volume and density of radiological trabeculae of the tibiotarsal bone achieved a maximum value in males 12 weeks of age, whereas in females at 8 weeks of age. An inverse relationship between body weight and the number of trabeculae in domestic geese (r = - 0.28; P ≤ 0.05) was found. We also found a positive relationship between body weight and the volume of radiological trabeculae in domestic geese (r = 0.43; P ≤ 0.05). During posthatching development, from the 4th week to slaughter maturity, a decrease in relative bone mass was observed. Negative changes in the trabecular structure combined with high weight gain could lead to bone deformities and locomotor problems in the studied geese
E-learning practice at medical universities in Poland in the perspective of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
The epidemiological situation resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic caused the Polish universities to fully switch to distance education in March 2020. Medical e-learning has not yet been broadly implemented into the education process. Therefore, examples of successful e-learning implementations or the organization of the process of medical e-learning offer a valuable source of knowledge today, which is needed immediately. The article presents e-learning practices at the Polish medical universities during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic during the period from March to September 2020, covering seven universities in Poland that offer medical and health studies. The organization and implementation of e-learning classes is presented, including knowledge evaluation practices, providing example decisions issued by university rectors, on which the teaching process was based. A detailed presentation of the schools’ organizational units
or workgroups that played an important role in the process of coordination of measures supporting e-education is also included. The article also presents a description of the software applications, utilities, and services used at the schools in the course of the process of online education. Below are some examples of specific such implementations in selected university courses
The Osteometry of Equine Third Phalanx by the Use of Three-Dimensional Scanning: New Measurement Possibilities
This study consisted in analyzing the asymmetry between bilateral third phalanges (coffin bones) in cold-blood horses based on the angle range of the plantar margin of the bone. The study employed a scanner projecting a hybrid set of images, consisting of sinusoidal stripes preceded by a Gray code sequence. As it turned out, three-dimensional scanning can be used to effectively determine the angle range for a selected portion of the studied bone. This provides broad possibilities for osteometric studies, as it enables the determination of angle distribution in a given fragment. The results obtained indicate a weak correlation between age and bilateral third-phalanx asymmetry in terms of the angle range of the plantar margins and no correlation between body weight and the asymmetry described
Lycopene: total-scale literature landscape analysis of a valuable nutraceutical with numerous potential applications in the promotion of human and animal health
Lycopene intake from tomatoes and other food sources has multiple potential health benefits. This report aimed to evaluate the current research literature on lycopene concerning human and animal health. The electronic Web of Science Core Collection database was searched with (lycopene*) AND (health* OR illness* OR disease* OR medic* OR pharma* OR drug* OR therap*). The resulted 3972 papers were analyzed with the aid of bibliometric software. Besides the United States, the lycopene papers received global contributions, particularly from China, Italy, India, and Spain. Examples of frequently mentioned chemicals/chemical classes were carotenoid, beta carotene, alpha carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, and alpha tocopherol. Examples of frequently mentioned medical conditions were prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Published scientific articles reveal the diverse potential of lycopene in prompting human and animal health, and the knowledge on the bioactivities of this phytoche(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The analysis of densitometric and geometric parameters of bilateral proximal phalanges in horses with the use of peripheral quantitative computed tompgraphy
BACKGROUND: Proximal phalanges in horses are among bones that are most prone to injuries. So far, the detailed analysis of densitometric and geometric parameters of both front legs proximal phalanges in horses has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to compare the densitometric and geometric parameters between proximal phalanges in equine both front legs with the use of peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT). METHODS: The study material comprised isolated both front legs proximal phalanges derived from 22 horses. The structure analysis of the proximal phalanges was conducted with the pQCT. The following bone parameters were determined: bone mineral content, volumetric bone mineral density, total bone area, trabecular area, cortical area, cortical thickness, periosteal circumference, endocortical circumference, Strength Strain Index. Tomographic analysis of proximal phalanges was conducted at three levels: at 15%, 50% and 85% of the bone length. RESULTS: The statistical analysis showed that both the densitometric and geometric parameters of the bone at 50% and 85% of its length, did not present any statistically significant differences for the left or right proximal phalanges of the forelimb. At the same time, all examined parameters measured at 15% of the bone length, in the vicinity of the proximal metaphysis revealed significant statistical differences between both front legs proximal phalanges. CONCLUSIONS: The proximal phalanx parameters in the forelimbs are significantly different for the left and right proximal phalanx at 15% of the length and they indicate higher Strength Strain Index of the left bone in this location. The densitometric and geometric parameters of the bone at 50% and 85% of its length, did not present any statistically significant differences for the left or right proximal phalanges of the left and right forelimbs. The most serious changes caused by asymmetrical load of the thoracic limbs in horses occur near the proximal metaphysis, where the spongious substance is most abundant. This may happen because the metabolism of the spongious bone tissue is eight times faster compared to the compact bone tissue. Thus, any changes, including those caused by asymmetrical strain exerted on the right and left thoracic limbs, are the earliest to be observed
Types of colourants used in tattoo and permanent make‐up techniques, legal regulations, health, and psychological aspects of tattooing
Abstract Background It is estimated that more than 60 million people in Europe, that is, around 12% of the European population, have at least one tattoo. However, there is still little information on the long‐term effects of tattoos. Inks used for tattooing are a mixture of chemicals, with pigments being the main components responsible for the visual effect. The pigments used are not produced specifically as ingredients for tattooing, but mainly/primarily for the needs of industry, where lower purity requirements and quality standards are acceptable. It is therefore necessary to understand the risks associated with tattoos, but also to implement appropriate legal regulations. The aim of this article was to collect and summarise the results of research conducted so far on the type of colourants used in tattoo ink and to analyze the impact of these on human health. In addition, as part of this work, the current legal acts regulating the concentration limits and composition of inks used in tattooing as well as the psychological aspects of tattooing were collected and presented. Methods Scientific reports and articles from renowned journals from 1994 to 2022, relevant review and research publications in PubMed, and Google Scholar were analyzed. To analyze the available research literature, the Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed databases were used. The following keywords were used to search for publications: tattoos, colourants used in tattoos, side effects of tattoos, legal acts, psychological aspects of tattoos. Results The result of the literature analysis indicates a risk to health and side effects associated with tattooing the body. There are still no standardised test methods to analyze tattoo inks and assess their safety. Although the art of tattooing has been known for millennia, European legal authorities have not yet implemented effective regulations. Currently, tattoo products in Europe are covered by the general REACH regulation (Resolution ResAP, 2008; EU regulation 2020/2081, 2020). on product safety. The new amendment in force since January 4, 2022 introduces concentration limits for certain substances used in tattoo and permanent makeup inks. However, these provisions do not sufficiently protect either the consumer or the tattoo industry. Conclusions The results of the research indicate a potentially harmful effect on skin health. A more stringent safety assessment of the colourants used for tattooing is recommended, supported by studies and applicable legislation
Effect of COVID-19 on Pregnancy and Neonate’s Vital Parameters: A Systematic Review
Background. COVID-19 is a new pandemic, which was declared by the World Health Organization in 2019 as a threat to public health. According to numerous reports, it can have negative consequences for pregnant women, labour, and neonates born to infected mothers. The aim of this paper was to gather the evidence and to present a summary of the results of studies concerning COVID-19 in pregnant women and their neonates. Methods. Articles from prestigious journals covering the period from 2020 to February 2023, relevant review papers, and original research articles from PubMed were analysed. In order to analyse the available research literature, the Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed databases were used, in which the search for articles was conducted using terms (“pregnancy,” “coronavirus,” “SARS-CoV-2,” and “newborn”) and using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systemic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines for clinical trials. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews (2022–2023) on symptoms, neonatal course, and risk of COVID-19 infection have been summarized. Summary of meta-analyses and systematic reviews (2022–2023) on the effect and adverse reaction of the COVID-19 vaccination is presented. Results. As a result of the research conducted, it was confirmed that in most pregnant women, no serious signs of the infection were observed, although isolated cases of death related to COVID-19 in pregnant women were reported. Several authors called attention to the more severe course of the infection in pregnant women with obesity. It seemed that no vertical transmission from mother to child was occurring. Nevertheless, the information was not clinching. The condition of the neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 was in most cases described as normal; however, some papers reported deaths of infected neonates. Conclusions. Due to insufficient data, further research is necessary. Further studies and follow-up are recommended, which would make possible an assessment of remote effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy and vital parameters of the newborn
Analgezja pacjentów urazowych na poziomie zespołu ratownictwa medycznego
INTRODUCTION: A pain response is an inevitable symptom in trauma patients and requires to undertake a medical intervention in pre-hospital conditions. In the Polish system of medical rescue, there are teams including a doctor or without one where a paramedic is the main person to make decisions. Due to lack of standard procedures and a pain rating scale attached to the documents of medical rescue teams, the authors of the research attempted to analyse the administration of analgesics in trauma patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research was conducted on 266 trauma patients selected from 2307 interventions of Emergency Medical Service in Łęczyca in 2016. ANOVA, one-way analysis of variance, and T-tests for unpaired samples were applied. All the results were found significant at p < 0,05. RESULTS: The study was carried out on 150 males and 100 females. The average age of the the trauma patients was 77 (SD ± 38). Rescue teams were sent to trauma patients at 71-80 and 51-60 age groups. In 64,7 % (n=172) of the cases, help was provided in rural areas, whereas in 35,3 % (n=94) cases - urban areas. Most frequently, the patients were injured as a result of traffic accidents, activities while carrying out farm work as well as cut wounds and self-mutilation. Anaesthesia was applied in 120 cases (45,11%), mostly in patients between the age of 81 and 90 and most rarely in children. A total number of painkiller administration was higher in basic Emergency Medical Services (BEMS) than in specialized ones (S-EMS) (84 vs. 55). No statistically significant relation between the choice of the medicine and the injury type was discovered (Kruskal-Wallis; p=0,82). The drug used most often was Ketoprofenum (n=87) and Fentanylum (n=35). There was significant difference in the administration of analgesic drugs between BEMS and S-EMS teams (χ2; p=0,042). CONCLUSIONS: Over half of the trauma patients was not secured by administering analgesic drugs in pre-hospital conditions. The number of analgesic drugs used in B-EMS and S-EMS teams was diverse. Patients were given nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) more often than opioids.WSTĘP: Reakacja bólowa jest nieodłącznym objawem u pacjentów urazowych i wymaga podjęcia interwencji medycznej już w warunkach przedszpitalnych. W polskim systemie ratownictwa medycznego funkcjonują zarówno zespoły z lekarzem, jak i bez lekarza, gdzie kierownikiem jest najczęściej ratownik medyczny. W obliczu braku standardów postępowania, ani skal oceny bólu dołączonych do dokumentacji pogotowia ratunkowego, autorzy badania podjęli próbę analizy zastosowań leków analgetycznych u pacjentów urazowych. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniem objęto 2307 interwencji pogotowia ratunkowego w Łęczycy w roku 2016, z czego wyselekcjonowano 266 wezwań do pacjentów urazowych. Zastosowano jednoczynnikową analizę wariancji ANOVA oraz T-testy dla zmiennych niepowiązanych. Wszystkie wyniki uznano za istotne przy wartości p < 0,05. WYNIKI: Badaniem objęło 150 mężczyzn i 110 kobiet. Średnia wieku poszkodowanych urazowych wyniosła 77 lat (SD ± 38). Zespoły najczęściej były dysponowane do pacjentów urazowych w przedziale wiekowym 71-80 lat oraz 51-60 lat. W 64,7 % (n=172) przypadków udzielano pomocy na terenach wiejskich, zaś w 35,3 % (n=94) były to tereny miejskie. Pacjenci ulegali najczęściej urazom w wyniku wypadku komunikacyjnego, czynności wykonywanych podczas prac rolniczych, a także ran i samookaleczeń. Znieczulenie zastosowano w 120 przypadkach (45,11%), najczęściej u pecjentów w wieku 81-90 lat (n=18), a najrzadziej u dzieci. Łączna liczba zastosowań leków przeciwbólowych jest wyższa w zespołach podstawowych niż specjalistycznych (84 vs. 55). Nie wykazano istotnej statystycznie zależności doboru leku w stosunku do rodzaju urazu (Kruskal-Wallis; p=0,82). Najczęściej stosowanym lekiem był Ketonal (n=87) oraz Fentanyl (n=35). Wykazano istotną statystycznie zależność w liczbie zastosowań anelgetyków pomiędzy grupami "B-EMS" i "S-EMS" (χ2; p=0,042). WNIOSKI: Ponad połowa pacjentów urazowych nie jest zabezpieczana przez podanie środków anelgetycznych w warunkach przedszpitalnych. Ilość stosowanych analgetyków w zespołach podstawowych i specjalistycznych jest zróżnicowana. Najczęściej podawano leki z grupy NLPZ