13 research outputs found

    Patient safety priorities in mental healthcare in Switzerland: a modified Delphi study.

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    OBJECTIVE Identifying patient safety priorities in mental healthcare is an emerging issue. A variety of aspects of patient safety in medical care apply for patient safety in mental care as well. However, specific aspects may be different as a consequence of special characteristics of patients, setting and treatment. The aim of the present study was to combine knowledge from the field and research and bundle existing initiatives and projects to define patient safety priorities in mental healthcare in Switzerland. The present study draws on national expert panels, namely, round-table discussion and modified Delphi consensus method. DESIGN As preparation for the modified Delphi questionnaire, two round-table discussions and one semistructured questionnaire were conducted. Preparative work was conducted between May 2015 and October 2015. The modified Delphi was conducted to gauge experts' opinion on priorities in patient safety in mental healthcare in Switzerland. In two independent rating rounds, experts made private ratings. The modified Delphi was conducted in winter 2015. RESULTS Nine topics were defined along the treatment pathway: diagnostic errors, non-drug treatment errors, medication errors, errors related to coercive measures, errors related to aggression management against self and others, errors in treatment of suicidal patients, communication errors, errors at interfaces of care and structural errors. CONCLUSIONS Patient safety is considered as an important topic of quality in mental healthcare among experts, but it has been seriously neglected up until now. Activities in research and in practice are needed. Structural errors and diagnostics were given highest priority. From the topics identified, some are overlapping with important aspects of patient safety in medical care; however, some core aspects are unique

    Effect of a two-year national quality improvement program on surgical checklist implementation.

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    Use of the surgical checklist in Switzerland is still incomplete and unsatisfactory. A national improvement program was developed and conducted in Switzerland to implement and improve the use of the surgical safety checklists. The aims of the implementation program were to implement comprehensive and correct checklist use in participating hospitals in every patient and in every surgical procedure; and to improve safety climate and teamwork as important cultural context variables. 10 hospitals were selected for participation in the implementation program. A questionnaire assessing use, knowledge, and attitudes towards the checklist and the Safety Climate Survey were conducted at two measurement occasions each in October/November 2013 and January/February 2015. Significant increases emerged for frequency of checklist use (F(1,1001)=340.9, p<0.001), satisfaction (F(1,1232)=25.6, p<0.001), and knowledge(F(1,1294)=184.5, p<0.001). While significant differences in norms (F(1,1284)=17.9, p<0.001) and intentions (F(1,1284)=7.8, p<0.01) were observed, this was not the case for attitudes (F(1,1283)=.8, n.s.) and acceptance (F(1,1284)=0.1, n.s.). Significant differences for safety climate and teamwork emerged in the present study (F(1,3555)=11.8, p<0.001 and F(1,3554)=24.6, p<0.001, respectively). However, although statistical significance was reached, effects are very small and practical relevance is thus questionable. The results of the present study suggest that the quality improvement program conducted by the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation in 10 hospitals led to successful checklist implementation. The strongest effects were seen in aspects concerning behaviour and knowledge specifically related to checklist use. Less impact was achieved on general cultural variables safety climate and teamwork. However, as a trend was observable, these variables may simply need more time in order to change substantially

    Effect of a two-year national quality improvement program on surgical checklist implementation

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    Use of the surgical checklist in Switzerland is still incomplete and unsatisfactory. A national improvement program was developed and conducted in Switzerland to implement and improve the use of the surgical safety checklists. The aims of the implementation program were to implement comprehensive and correct checklist use in participating hospitals in every patient and in every surgical procedure; and to improve safety climate and teamwork as important cultural context variables. 10 hospitals were selected for participation in the implementation program. A questionnaire assessing use, knowledge, and attitudes towards the checklist and the Safety Climate Survey were conducted at two measurement occasions each in October/November 2013 and January/February 2015. Significant increases emerged for frequency of checklist use (F(1,1001)=340.9, p<0.001), satisfaction (F(1,1232)=25.6, p<0.001), and knowledge(F(1,1294)=184.5, p<0.001). While significant differences in norms (F(1,1284)=17.9, p<0.001) and intentions (F(1,1284)=7.8, p<0.01) were observed, this was not the case for attitudes (F(1,1283)=.8, n.s.) and acceptance (F(1,1284)=0.1, n.s.). Significant differences for safety climate and teamwork emerged in the present study (F(1,3555)=11.8, p<0.001 and F(1,3554)=24.6, p<0.001, respectively). However, although statistical significance was reached, effects are very small and practical relevance is thus questionable. The results of the present study suggest that the quality improvement program conducted by the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation in 10 hospitals led to successful checklist implementation. The strongest effects were seen in aspects concerning behaviour and knowledge specifically related to checklist use. Less impact was achieved on general cultural variables safety climate and teamwork. However, as a trend was observable, these variables may simply need more time in order to change substantially

    Five views of a secret: does cognition change during middle adulthood?

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    This study examined five aspects of change (or stability) in cognitive abilities in middle adulthood across a 12-year period. Data come from the Interdisciplinary Study on Adult Development. The sample consisted of N = 346 adults (43.8 years on average, 48.6% female). In total, 11 cognitive tests were administered to assess fluid and crystallized intelligence, memory, and processing speed. In a first series of analyses, strong measurement invariance was established. Subsequently, structural stability, differential stability, stability of divergence, absolute stability, and the generality of changes were examined. Factor covariances were shown to be equal across time, implying structural stability. Stability coefficients were around .90 for fluid and crystallized intelligence, and speed, indicating high, yet not perfect differential stability. The coefficient for memory was .58. Only in processing speed the variance increased across time, indicating heterogeneity in interindividual development. Significant mean-level changes emerged, with an increase in crystallized intelligence and decline in the other three abilities. A number of correlations among changes in cognitive abilities were significant, implying that cognitive change

    Frequency of use and knowledge of the WHO-surgical checklist in Swiss hospitals: a cross-sectional online survey

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    BACKGROUND The WHO-surgical checklist is strongly recommended as a highly effective yet economically simple intervention to improve patient safety. Its use and potentially influential factors were investigated as little data exist on the current situation in Switzerland. METHODS A cross-sectional online survey with members (N = 1378) of three Swiss professional associations of invasive health care professionals was conducted in German, French, and Italian. The survey assessed use of, knowledge of and satisfaction with the WHO-surgical checklist. T-Tests and ANOVA were conducted to test for differences between professional groups. Bivariate correlations were computed to test for associations between measures of knowledge and satisfaction. RESULTS 1090 (79.1%) reported the use of a surgical checklist. 346 (25.1%) use the WHO-checklist, 532 (38.6%) use the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation recommendations to avoid Wrong Site Surgery, and 212 (15.7%) reported the use of other checklists. Satisfaction with checklist use was generally high (doctors: 71.9% satisfied, nurses: 60.8% satisfied) and knowledge was moderate depending on the use of the WHO-checklist. No association between measures of subjective and objective knowledge was found. CONCLUSIONS Implementation of a surgical checklist remains an important task for health care institutions in Switzerland. Although checklist use is present in Switzerland on a regular basis, a substantial group of health care personnel still do not use a checklist as a routine. Influential factors and the associations among themselves need to be addressed in future studies in more detail

    Surgical checklist use in Switzerland 2015 – where are we today?: a cross-sectional national survey study

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    Abstract Background Although surgical checklist use is not new in Switzerland, compliance and actual use fall short behind expectations taking scientific recommendation as standard. A national media campaign to raise awareness, inform experts, and change professional norms and standards on national level about checklist use was conducted. The aim of this study was to assess current checklist use in Switzerland following a national media campaign. We further analyse possible group differences between attending physicians, hospital staff, and participants of a quality improvement initiative. Methods A cross-sectional online-survey study was conducted by Swiss Patient Safety Foundation in Switzerland in 2015. The survey sample consisted of members of three Swiss professional associations of invasive health care (N = 1194). The survey assessed use of, knowledge of and attitudes towards the surgical checklist. A MANOVA to test for an overall effect and one-way ANOVAs for each dependent variable were conducted. Results For four out of six variables describing the ease of checklist use, hospital staff and participants of quality improvement initiative were significantly more positive about checklist use than attending physicians. A similar patter emerged for intentions, norms, attitude, acceptance, and perceived behavioural control. On all dimensions, hospital staff and quality improvement participants scored significantly higher than attending physicians. Significant differences especially between attending physicians and hospital staff and attending physicians and participants of the initiative emerged for different variables covering use of, knowledge of and attitudes towards the surgical checklist. However, effect sizes for all variables under study were small. Conclusion The results of the present study suggest that though WHO-surgical checklist use was further established in Switzerland it still needs to be promoted further, especially in outpatient care

    Safety climate in Swiss hospital units: Swiss version of the Safety Climate Survey

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    RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Safety climate measurements are a broadly used element of improvement initiatives. In order to provide a sound and easy-to-administer instrument for the use in Swiss hospitals, we translated the Safety Climate Survey into German and French. METHODS After translating the Safety Climate Survey into French and German, a cross-sectional survey study was conducted with health care professionals (HCPs) in operating room (OR) teams and on OR-related wards in 10 Swiss hospitals. Validity of the instrument was examined by means of Cronbach's alpha and missing rates of the single items. Item-descriptive statistics group differences and percentage of 'problematic responses' (PPR) were calculated. RESULTS 3153 HCPs completed the survey (response rate: 63.4%). 1308 individuals were excluded from the analyses because of a profession other than doctor or nurse or invalid answers (n = 1845; nurses = 1321, doctors = 523). Internal consistency of the translated Safety Climate Survey was good (Cronbach's alpha G erman  = 0.86; Cronbach's alpha F rench  = 0.84). Missing rates at item level were rather low (0.23-4.3%). We found significant group differences in safety climate values regarding profession, managerial function, work area and time spent in direct patient care. At item level, 14 out of 21 items showed a PPR higher than 10%. CONCLUSIONS Results indicate that the French and German translations of the Safety Climate Survey might be a useful measurement instrument for safety climate in Swiss hospital units. Analyses at item level allow for differentiating facets of safety climate into more positive and critical safety climate aspects

    Patient safety climate profiles across time: Strength and level of safety climate associated with a quality improvement program in Switzerland—A cross-sectional survey study

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    <div><p>Safety Climate has been acknowledged as an unspecific factor influencing patient safety. However, studies rarely provide in-depth analysis of climate data. As a helpful approach, the concept of “climate strength” has been proposed. In the present study we tested the hypotheses that even if safety climate remains stable on mean-level across time, differences might be evident in strength or shape. The data of two hospitals participating in a large national quality improvement program were analysed for differences in climate profiles at two measurement occasions. We analysed differences on mean-level, differences in percent problematic response, agreement within groups, and frequency histograms in two large hospitals in Switzerland at two measurement occasions (2013 and 2015) applying the Safety Climate Survey. In total, survey responses of 1193 individuals were included in the analyses. Overall, small but significant differences on mean-level of safety climate emerged for some subgroups. Also, although agreement was strong at both time-points within groups, tendencies of divergence or consensus were present in both hospitals. Depending on subgroup and analyses chosen, differences were more or less pronounced. The present study illustrated that taking several measures into account and describing safety climate from different perspectives is necessary in order to fully understand differences and trends within groups and to develop interventions addressing the needs of different groups more precisely.</p></div

    Means, standard deviations (SD), percent problematic response (PPR), and interrater-agreement (rwg-values) of the safety climate scale for each subgroup at time-point 1 and 2.

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    <p>Means, standard deviations (SD), percent problematic response (PPR), and interrater-agreement (rwg-values) of the safety climate scale for each subgroup at time-point 1 and 2.</p