7 research outputs found

    Trypanosomes of ungulates with emphasis on Europe

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    Trypanosomy jsou významní parazité, kteří mohou působit závažná onemocnění lidí a ztráty v chovech hospodářských zvířat. V Evropě se u kopytníků vyskytují zástupci ze dvou podrodů. Bičíkovci podrodu Trypanozoon, Trypanosoma evansi a T. equiperdum, způsobují závažná onemocnění svých hostitelů, která mohou končit až smrtí. Z druhého podrodu Megatrypanum byly u evropských kopytníků zaznamenány druhy Trypanosoma theileri, T. cervi, T. stefanskii, T. melophagium a T. theodori. Na rozdíl od Trypanosoma evansi a T. equiperdum, které se v Evropě vyskytují v současnosti spíše sporadicky, zejména Trypanosoma theileri a T. cervi jsou druhy poměrně běžně rozšířené. Zástupci z podrodu Megatrypanum jsou méně veterinárně a ekonomicky významné, ve většině případů nejsou patogenní a nezpůsobují žádné klinické příznaky. V práci jsou shrnuty dostupné informace o morfologii, fylogenezi, přenašečích, patologii a záznamy o výskytu těchto trypanosom na území Evropy.Trypanosomes are veterinary and medically important parasites causing serious diseases and significant losses in livestock farming. Two subgenuses of trypanosomes were identified from ungulates in Europe. Trypanosoma evansi and T. equiperdum, flagellates of the subgenus Trypanozoon, could cause fatal infections to their hosts. Other Trypanosoma theileri, T. cervi, T. stefanskii, T. melophagium and T. theodori were discovered in European ungulates from the second subgenus Megatrypanum. These trypanosomes are common parasites in Europe, especially Trypanosoma theileri and T. cervi. On the other hand, T. evansi and T. equiperdum are occuring rather sporadically. Trypanosomes of the subgenus Megatrypanum are less significant because their lower medical and economical impact. They are generally apathogenic and so do not cause any clinical signs. Both morphological and phylogenetic informations of European trypanosomes are summarized in this work as well as details about their pathology, vectors and records of evidence in Europe.Katedra parazitologieDepartment of ParasitologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Trypanosomes from the T. theileri group in ungulates in the Czech Republic

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    Skupina Trypanosoma theileri jsou krevní paraziti kopytníků. Potvrzenými vektory těchto protistů jsou ovádi, v případě T. melophagium ovčí kloši, ale detekovány byly tyto trypanosomy taktéž u jeleních klošů, komárů a flebotomů. Na základě předchozích detekcí jsme se v této práci zaměřili na zjištění role komárů v přenosu T. theileri a na zjištění prevalence u komárů na vybraných lokalitách v České republice, kde dosahovala až 6,4 %. Kromě komárů byla prevalence studována i u jeleních (4,0 %) a ovčích klošů (16,7 %). Experimentální infekce měly za cíl ověřit potenciál komárů a flebotomů jako přenašečů T. theileri. Během experimentů bylo využito jednoho druhu flebotoma Phlebotomus perniciosus a tří druhů komárů Culex pipiens molestus, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus a Aedes vexans, ale také izoláty T. theileri či T. melophagium s různým původem. V práci se během těchto experimentů projevila různorodost, jak mezi druhy komárů, tak mezi použitými izoláty. Nejlepších výsledků bylo dosaženo u kombinace Aedes aegypti s izoláty z komárů, kde prevalence dosahovala až 90,8 %. S úspěšnými infekcemi komárů byly následně prováděny experimenty s prediurezí, kdy byla ve vylučované tekutině detekována infekční stádia trypanosom. Fylogenetická analýza získaných sekvencí T. theileri z terénních odchytů hmyzu či...The Trypanosoma theileri group are blood parasites of ungulates. Confirmed vectors of these protists are horseflies or sheep keds for T. melophagium, but these trypanosomes were also detected in deer keds, mosquitoes and phlebotomus. We targeted on the investigation of possibility mosquitoes acting as vectors and additionally we targeted on the prevalence of T. theileri in mosquitoes at selected locations in the Czech Republic due to previous positive detection there. The measured prevalence has reached 6,4 % in mosquitoes, 4 % in deer keds and 16,7 % in sheep keds. The aim of experimental infections was to discover a potential of mosquitoes and phlebotomus acting as vectors of the T. theileri. Phlebotomus perniciosus and three species of mosquitoes Culex pipiens molestus, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and Aedes vexans were used for those experiments. Furthermore, isolates of T. theileri and T. melophagium from different sources were used. The divergence among these isolates and among used species of insect was found. The best results were achieved with Ae. aegypti and isolates from mosquitoes, where prevalence had reached 90,8 %. The infected mosquitoes were used for prediuresis research which had shown infection forms of the trypanosomes in the urine liquid. The phylogenetic analyse of T....Katedra parazitologieDepartment of ParasitologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Trypanosomes of ungulates with emphasis on Europe

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    Trypanosomes are veterinary and medically important parasites causing serious diseases and significant losses in livestock farming. Two subgenuses of trypanosomes were identified from ungulates in Europe. Trypanosoma evansi and T. equiperdum, flagellates of the subgenus Trypanozoon, could cause fatal infections to their hosts. Other Trypanosoma theileri, T. cervi, T. stefanskii, T. melophagium and T. theodori were discovered in European ungulates from the second subgenus Megatrypanum. These trypanosomes are common parasites in Europe, especially Trypanosoma theileri and T. cervi. On the other hand, T. evansi and T. equiperdum are occuring rather sporadically. Trypanosomes of the subgenus Megatrypanum are less significant because their lower medical and economical impact. They are generally apathogenic and so do not cause any clinical signs. Both morphological and phylogenetic informations of European trypanosomes are summarized in this work as well as details about their pathology, vectors and records of evidence in Europe

    Trypanosomes from the T. theileri group in ungulates in the Czech Republic

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    The Trypanosoma theileri group are blood parasites of ungulates. Confirmed vectors of these protists are horseflies or sheep keds for T. melophagium, but these trypanosomes were also detected in deer keds, mosquitoes and phlebotomus. We targeted on the investigation of possibility mosquitoes acting as vectors and additionally we targeted on the prevalence of T. theileri in mosquitoes at selected locations in the Czech Republic due to previous positive detection there. The measured prevalence has reached 6,4 % in mosquitoes, 4 % in deer keds and 16,7 % in sheep keds. The aim of experimental infections was to discover a potential of mosquitoes and phlebotomus acting as vectors of the T. theileri. Phlebotomus perniciosus and three species of mosquitoes Culex pipiens molestus, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and Aedes vexans were used for those experiments. Furthermore, isolates of T. theileri and T. melophagium from different sources were used. The divergence among these isolates and among used species of insect was found. The best results were achieved with Ae. aegypti and isolates from mosquitoes, where prevalence had reached 90,8 %. The infected mosquitoes were used for prediuresis research which had shown infection forms of the trypanosomes in the urine liquid. The phylogenetic analyse of T...

    Trypanosomes from the T. theileri group in ungulates in the Czech Republic

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    The Trypanosoma theileri group are blood parasites of ungulates. Confirmed vectors of these protists are horseflies or sheep keds for T. melophagium, but these trypanosomes were also detected in deer keds, mosquitoes and phlebotomus. We targeted on the investigation of possibility mosquitoes acting as vectors and additionally we targeted on the prevalence of T. theileri in mosquitoes at selected locations in the Czech Republic due to previous positive detection there. The measured prevalence has reached 6,4 % in mosquitoes, 4 % in deer keds and 16,7 % in sheep keds. The aim of experimental infections was to discover a potential of mosquitoes and phlebotomus acting as vectors of the T. theileri. Phlebotomus perniciosus and three species of mosquitoes Culex pipiens molestus, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and Aedes vexans were used for those experiments. Furthermore, isolates of T. theileri and T. melophagium from different sources were used. The divergence among these isolates and among used species of insect was found. The best results were achieved with Ae. aegypti and isolates from mosquitoes, where prevalence had reached 90,8 %. The infected mosquitoes were used for prediuresis research which had shown infection forms of the trypanosomes in the urine liquid. The phylogenetic analyse of T...

    Scenography of a musical theatre. Opera, composed by B. Martinu and G. Neveux, "Julietta" - a complex scenographic project

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    The goal of this thesis is to comparatively analyse, on theoretical level, Bohuslav Martinu?s manner of viewing musical work in connection with his scenical theatre pieces. Major focus is on composer?s notes and ponderings on then-common opera arrangements, and on the meaning of opera itself. The paper compares his style with contemporaneous tendencies of surrealistic avantgarde in scenography. Moreover, it addresses the portability of surrealistic principles onto stage, their dramatical potential, and different approach of leading czech representatives of surreal avantgarde towards this issue. Second part of this thesis discusses and interprets opera Julietta (Snář / Dream Book), and investigates possibilities of its scenographic and costume arrangement

    Trypanosomes of the Trypanosoma theileri Group: Phylogeny and New Potential Vectors

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    Trypanosomes belonging to Trypanosoma theileri group are mammalian blood parasites with keds and horse fly vectors. Our aim is to study to vector specificity of T. theileri trypanosomes. During our bloodsucking Diptera survey, we found a surprisingly high prevalence of T. theileri trypanosomes in mosquitoes (154/4051). Using PCR and gut dissections, we detected trypanosomes of T. theileri group mainly in Aedes mosquitoes, with the highest prevalence in Ae. excrucians (22%), Ae. punctor (21%), and Ae. cantans/annulipes (10%). Moreover, T. theileri group were found in keds and blackflies, which were reported as potential vectors for the first time. The vectorial capacity was confirmed by experimental infections of Ae. aegypti using our isolates from mosquitoes; sand fly Phlebotomus perniciosus supported the development of trypanosomes as well. Infection rates were high in both vectors (47–91% in mosquitoes, 65% in sandflies). Furthermore, metacyclic stages of T. theileri trypanosomes were observed in the gut of infected vectors; these putative infectious forms were found in the urine of Ae. aegypti after a second bloodmeal. On the contrary, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus was refractory to experimental infections. According to a phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rRNA gene, our trypanosomes belong into three lineages, TthI, ThII, and a lineage referred to as here a putative lineage TthIII. The TthI lineage is transmitted by Brachycera, while TthII and ThIII include trypanosomes from Nematocera. In conclusion, we show that T. theileri trypanosomes have a wide range of potential dipteran vectors, and mosquitoes and, possibly, sandflies serve as important vectors