10 research outputs found

    Preferencje polityczne a gust muzyczny młodych Polaków – raport z badań

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    W niniejszym artykule autorzy prezentują sprawozdanie z ilościowych badań empirycznych poświęconych relacjom zachodzącym pomiędzy gustem muzycznym a preferencjami politycznymi. Proces gromadzenia danych miał miejsce w roku 2019 na próbie 831 studentów w wieku od 18. do 30. roku życia. Respondenci objęci pomiarami pochodzili z blisko 50 ośrodków akademickich z całej Polski. Głównym celem procesu badawczego było udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytania o to: 1. Czy istnieje związek między preferowanymi gatunkami muzycznymi a poziomem akceptacji przekonań charakterystycznych dla osobowości autorytarnej? 2. Czy istnieje związek między preferowanymi gatunkami muzycznymi a przejawianą orientacją polityczną mierzoną na skali przekonań liberalno-socjalnych vs konserwatywno-libertariańskich? 3. Czy określony poziom akceptacji przekonań charakterystycznych dla osobowości autorytarnej determinuje preferencje polityczne mierzone na skali przekonań liberalno-socjalnych vs konserwatywno-libertariańskich i z jakim prawdopodobieństwem wartości obu zmiennych można przewidywać, opierając się na guście muzycznym? Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz na wszystkie trzy zadane pytania uzyskano odpowiedzi twierdzące. W artykule omówiono także szczegółowy zakres otrzymanych zależności

    Wspomnienie o prekursorce psychologii muzyki w Polsce – Profesor Maria Manturzewska

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    Prof. dr hab. Maria Manturzewska zmarła 11 listopada 2020 roku. Była niekwestionowaną pionierką i przez wiele dekad liderką, dynamicznie rozwijającej się w Polsce, w drugiej połowie XX wieku, subdyscypliny psychologii – psychologii muzyki

    Różnice w poziomie osiągnięć muzycznych a psychospołeczne funkcjonowanie młodych instrumentalistów

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    Problematyka psychospołecznego funkcjonowania muzyków wpisuje się w obszar badań z zakresu psychologii muzyki. W badaniach podjęto problem, w jakim stopniu pod względem psychologicznego funkcjonowania różnią się młodzi muzycy instrumentaliści, którzy w procesie muzycznej edukacji zdobywają zróżnicowany poziom osiągnięć. Wychodząc z założenia, że zdolności muzyczne są warunkiem sine qua non determinującym poziom osiągnięć muzycznych, skoncentrowano się na pomiarze wybranych zmiennych o charakterze psychospołecznym, takich jak osobowość, wsparcie społeczne, strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem oraz poziom wrażliwości muzycznej w zakresie estetycznej oceny muzyki. Kluczowym pytaniem badawczym było zweryfikowanie, czy uczniowie/młodzi muzycy instrumentaliści, którzy osiągają sukcesy artystyczne oraz są doceniani na konkursach muzycznych i zdobywają wysokie oceny od ekspertów muzycznych, posiadają inną konstelację cech psychospołecznych niż uczniowie o niskim poziomie osiągnięć muzycznych? W części teoretycznej nawiązano także do problematyki subiektywizmu w ocenianiu muzyki. Wyniki badań wskazały na wstępowanie istotnych zależności między wysokim poziomem osiągnięć muzycznych a wrażliwością w zakresie estetycznej oceny muzyki, pozytywnym myśleniem i nastawieniem do występów publicznych, podwyższoną sumiennością oraz poczuciem wsparcia społecznego (w różnych wymiarach) od wybranych osób z najbliższego otoczenia

    Locus of control and styles of coping with stress in students educated at Polish music and visual art schools – a cross-sectional study

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    The article focuses on identifying differences in the locus of control and styles of coping with stress among young students who are artistically gifted within the fields of music and visual arts. The research group includes Polish students (n = 354) of both music and visual art schools who develop their artistic talents in schools placing particular emphasis on professional training of their artistic abilities and competences within the field of music or visual arts respectively. We make an assumption that different types of difficult situations experienced by youth educated at music and visual art schools may generate differences in dominating personal traits as well as in their sphere of emotions. The results of cross-sectional research in 2013 confirm the assumption regarding differences among music and visual art school students both with regard to the source of the locus of control, understood as the personality variable, and dominating styles of coping with stress. Moreover, a positive correlation between the tendency towards internal locus of control and a task-oriented style of coping with stress in difficult situations has been observed in music school students

    The development of giftedness within the three-level system of music education in Poland and Serbia: Outcomes at different stages

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    The character of this article is theoretical and practice oriented, therefore offering educational implications for music educators and music psychologists. Its main objective is to give an overview of the most important musical and developmental changes of musically talented children and youth, at different stages of the three-level specialized music education. The theoretical background of the article refers to stage theories of development of gifted with the intention to point out correspondence between stages of development and the specificity of music education stages. Theoretical conceptions are used as a framework to synthesize and to interpret empirical data and practice-related professional experiences of psychologists in music schools in Poland and Serbia. Both countries, though culturally distinct in nature and in the character of traditional music, are characterized by a very similar system of specialized/professional music education. Further on, the article presents a review of the wide range of benefits/outcomes experienced by music school students, as a result of the highly simulative, systematic and supportive environment of music learning. The article begins with an introduction to the context of the specialized music education system in Poland and Serbia and then presents how a particular system of education for the gifted contributes to the development in the field of acquiring musical knowledge and skills, as well as to benefits/outcomes of the education system for the personal, social and professional development of the musically gifted, indicating a wide range of positive experiences

    Social support as a mediator for musical achievement

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    This article focuses on the issue of social support received by students of music schools in the context of their musical achievements. The theoretical part of this article contains the characteristics of factors related to the musical achievements of students; the support they receive from their environment is essential for their success in the process of musical education and their subsequent artistic career, in addition to their musical abilities and traits of personality. The research part is devoted to detailed analysis of the support level received by music school students and its correlation to their level of musical achievement. Social support is analysed with a view to its structure, distinguishing the following kinds of support: emotional, evaluative, informative and instrumental received from people who are significant to the music school student and indicates the essential presence of support in the process of musical achievement. Moreover, as part of the presentation of the study, the authors introduce their original tool for measuring social support tailored to the realities of music schools - the Scale of Social Support of the Students of Music Schools (Gluska, 2011). This tool may be applied in the work of educational psychologists and teachers in music schools

    Cechy osobowości uczniów szkół muzycznych a poziom otrzymywanego wsparcia społecznego

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    Article focuses on issues related to the selected dimensions of the psychosocial functioning of music school students. Directly concerns the relation between personality traits of musically talented youth and perceived level of receiving social support. The research presented in this article was conducted among students of Polish music schools in different regions of the country. As part of this study used authoring tool for (1) measuring social support for music school students, the content of which specific questions adapted to the specific school of music and (2) Paul Costa and Robert McCrae Personality Inventory NEO-FFI. The results of the research allowed to indicate the strength of the association between the level of personality traits of music school students and the types of social support (emotional support, instrumental, informational and evaluative) received from various social groups (parents, teacher of the main subject, other teachers, colleagues from the music school, colleagues outside music school). In the dimension of social support studies were innovative and in terms of personality traits allowed polemics to previous studies carried out in the population of Polish students of music schools and abroad research

    Differences in the stress coping styles and social skills between classical and jazz musicians

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    The musical milieu raises a number of challenges for artists. Coping with these depends not only on the level of musical abilities but also on a number of personal skills. The diverse styles of music education and the expectations set for musicians performing various music genres have inspired research exploring the differences between classical and jazz musicians. Of the psychological areas important for functioning effectively as a musician, stress management styles and social skills have been examined in this study. It was assumed that the genre of publicly performed music, and thus the different modes of music education in the field of classical and jazz music performance, can cause significant differences in the psychological functioning of musicians. Of the 73 musicians who participated in the study, 38 were classical musicians and 35 were jazz musicians. The jazz musicians revealed a significantly higher level of social competence in terms of social exposure compared to the classical musicians. There were no differences in the style of coping with stress between the two groups. The results of the study might inspire psychologists working with musicians to plan therapeutic programs aimed at psychological preparation for public performances, with the specificity of musical genres taken into account. Future research may investigate the extent temperament and personality of musicians representing different specialties influence their stress coping strategies and social skills

    Social support as a mediator for musical achievement

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    This article focuses on the issue of social support received by students of music schools in the context of their musical achievements. The theoretical part of this article contains the characteristics of factors related to the musical achievements of students; the support they receive from their environment is essential for their success in the process of musical education and their subsequent artistic career, in addition to their musical abilities and traits of personality. The research part is devoted to detailed analysis of the support level received by music school students and its correlation to their level of musical achievement. Social support is analysed with a view to its structure, distinguishing the following kinds of support: emotional, evaluative, informative and instrumental received from people who are significant to the music school student and indicates the essential presence of support in the process of musical achievement. Moreover, as part of the presentation of the study, the authors introduce their original tool for measuring social support tailored to the realities of music schools - the Scale of Social Support of the Students of Music Schools (Gluska, 2011). This tool may be applied in the work of educational psychologists and teachers in music schools

    Locus of control and styles of coping with stress in students educated at Polish music and visual art schools – a cross-sectional study

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    The article focuses on identifying differences in the locus of control and styles of coping with stress among young students who are artistically gifted within the fields of music and visual arts. The research group includes Polish students (n = 354) of both music and visual art schools who develop their artistic talents in schools placing particular emphasis on professional training of their artistic abilities and competences within the field of music or visual arts respectively. We make an assumption that different types of difficult situations experienced by youth educated at music and visual art schools may generate differences in dominating personal traits as well as in their sphere of emotions. The results of crosssectional research in 2013 confirm the assumption regarding differences among music and visual art school students both with regard to the source of the locus of control, understood as the personality variable, and dominating styles of coping with stress. Moreover, a positive correlation between the tendency towards internal locus of control and a task-oriented style of coping with stress in difficult situations has been observed in music school students