204 research outputs found

    Anatomy of succulence and CAM in 15 species of Senecio.

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    The ability of some species of the genus Senecio to perform Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in plants growing both under controlled conditions and outdoors and the anatomy of their photosynthesizing organs, leaves, and/or stems were investigated. The studied species differed in leaf morphology and in degrees of leaf and stem succulence. Malate accumulation differed with environmental conditions. The carbon isotope ratio d13C indicated that, in most of the species, the C3 carboxylation pathway was operating, although malate fluctuations indicated that CAM cycling occurred. In some species, carbon isotope ratios ranged between C3 and C4 values, indicating switching of photosynthetic pathways. Only two leafless species that were apparently obligate CAM species had a d13C typical of plants assimilating CO2 through the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase pathway

    High cadmium concentrations in leaves of leafy vegetables

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    Cadmium is a toxic element for all living beings, even at low concentrations, and it is a human carcinogenic according to IARC. Since food is reported as the main source of Cd intake in non-smoking individuals, FAO and WHO set limits for the maximum permitted human intake. Leafy vegetables have a relatively high potential for Cd uptake and translocation, therefore they are often considered Cd accumulators. As they are important salad crops of the Mediterranean diet and are available worldwide, their consumption may represent an effective risk for human health. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and endive (Cichorium endivia), grown on different agricultural soils in Campania region (southern Italy), subjected to different fertilisation treatments (unfertilisation, compost amendment and mineral fertilisation), were analysed to clarify if the highest concentrations found are linked to external (older and inedible) or internal (younger and edible) leaves. All the leafy vegetables analysed showed on average 2-fold higher (α=0.05) Cd concentrations in leaves than in roots. Leaf Cd concentrations in both lettuce and endive significantly differed among fertilisation treatments, with values highest in the plants grown on mineral fertilised soils. Apart from the soil fertilisation treatments, however, Cd leaf concentrations were often higher than maximum levels deduced by the CE 629/2008 Regulation. External leaves of endive plants showed significantly higher (α=0.05) concentrations than internal leaves (in some cases the values were 3-fold higher). This study highlights worrying Cd concentrations in the edible parts of the studied vegetables, with concentrations up to 4-fold higher than the threshold. Moreover, it points out two major drawbacks in the Italian and European regulatory frameworks: 1) metal concentration (as total and/or available fraction) limits in agricultural soils are lacking; 2) metal concentration thresholds reported in the CE 629/2008 Regulation, expressed on the fresh weight basis rather than on the dry weight basis, appear not suitable

    Usefulness of different vascular plant species for passive biomonitoring of Mediterranean rivers

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    Choosing native vascular plants as nutrient and toxic element accumulators for passive biomonitoring of urban river quality is not an easy task in Mediterranean rivers, due to the particular climate determining high variations in river hydrology. To identify potential biomonitors for this area, the roots of seven species (Angelica sylvestris, Apium nodiflorum, Tradescantia fluminensis, Nasturtium officinale, Persicaria lapathifolia, Arctium lappa, Typha latifolia), growing in seven sites along the River Irno (Southern Italy), were collected in July 2010 and analyzed regarding their capability to accumulate Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn through atomic absorption spectrometry. Notwithstanding the expected different accumulation degree among the species, they highlighted similar spatial contamination gradients, and all of them appeared suitable, alone or in combination, for river passive biomonitoring. A. nodiflorum, in particular, appeared the best biomonitor for the River Irno, where severe anthropogenic impacts were detected: high Cu and Cd contamination from vine cultivation in the upper stretch, and Pb, Zn, and Mn contamination in the medium stretch from airborne dusts coming from a cast iron foundry
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