7 research outputs found

    Endogenous factors in Latvian regional development

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    The aim of this paper is to explore what endogenous factors dominate in the regional development of Latvia. To achieve the aim, the following tasks were established: to examine the theoretical background of regional development; to analyze the endogenous factors of regional development in Latvia; to evaluate the significance of the endogenous development factors of regions by using expert evaluation method. The following research methodology was used: literature review, graphical method, expert evaluation method and logically constructive approach – for data evaluation and result analysis; synthesis method – to combine the elements in a unified system; social research methods – to obtain the primary information and to carry out its verification. For expert evaluation data processing the statistical and data analysis methods were used, including the data parametric grouping and correlation calculations, and the average calculations of the factors corresponding to each group. The analysis of the statistical data and the independent expert evaluation results allow concluding that the most important factors influencing regional development are the government decisions and the existing infrastructure, as well as the influence of migration, the distance from the centre and the availability of investment. These findings on regional development apply particularly to a small country where geographically and historically has formed a single highly-developed economic and political centre – the capital, and where does not exist a secondary centre. The research findings confirm the thesis that the endogenous development factors are the primary in the regional developmen

    Partnership strategy model for small and medium enterprises

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    The Latvian economy mainly consists of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). There are two important moments in the enhancement of their successful development and competitiveness: competition and collaboration. In the modern world collaboration or partnership is starting to play an ever increasing role as is shown by the research carried out. This research analyzes the partnership model which consists of three components: partnership context component, external partner network component, and internal environment component.The following research methodology was used: monographic method based also on literature review; logically constructive method – to formulate conclusions, analyze the results and establish correlations; analytical method – to divide whole into parts and analyze the parts during the research; synthesis method – unification of elements into a system to research their correlations; social research methods – to obtain primary information and to verify it; graphic method – to depict factor interactions

    Sustainable Development Perspectives for Latvian Regions

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    Regional economies is a relatively young branch of economics, whose theoretical aspects started  to develop in the 20s and 30s of the previous century, but gained vivid manifestation in the EU Regional policy. Since the Rome Treaty (1957), the need for a coordinated community solution to regional problems and the correction of regional imbalances was also recognised in EU political documents. The end of the twentieth century was the beginning of important international political processes marked by the start of a new way of thinking. This new way was sustainable development. Sustainable development is a concept that has to combine economic growth with such a use of natural resources that benefits the society as a whole. The long-term development has three dimensions: environmental, economic and social. In this paper, the attention will be devoted to the influence of these dimensions on the regional development.The aim of this paper is to provide a new viewpoint, as it may seem, related to well-known things that include such economic concepts as regional development and sustainable development and to evaluate sustainable development in Latvian regions. To achieve the aim, the following tasks were selected: to evaluate the theoretical background of regional economy, to examine the main indicators of regional development, and to prepare a regional development forecast. The following research methodology was used: literature review, graphical method, focus group discussions and logically constructive approach – for making judgements and result analysis; synthesis method – to combine the elements in a unified system; social research methods – to obtain the primary information and to carry out its verification. Conclusions: the main reasons for misbalanced regional development are the differences in employment, levels of income and investment. The research proposes solutions to promote balanced regional development.

    The Complexity of Relationships within Business and the Importance of Common Ground

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    In today’s rapidly evolving digital and social media dominated world, traditional marketing approaches are becoming obsolete. Companies are trying to alter the workplace into a vibrant one that enhances the talent of the people and to manage complex relationships inside and outside the organization. The following paper illustrates the complexity of relationships that companies have to handle. It is argued that the embeddedness of relationships plays a crucial role, notably in the business-to-business (B2B) relationship and that finding common ground is pivotal. The nature of the research methodology adopted for this study is primarily quantitative. All analyses are based on secondary data obtained through books, articles, and publications. The findings of the research indicate that the B2B relationship is a complex and multi-layered subject. Furthermore, for conflict resolution, taking into consideration the cultural differences in the decision-making process is fundamental. The presented study is exploratory in nature and therefore cannot be generalized for the general public. The findings are important for managers and entrepreneurs who need to be aware of the complexity of the business-to-business context. Although the nature of the study is exploratory, the study is original because it highlights some vital aspects upon which managers can reflect and dwell on

    The Role of Quality Improvement in the Innovation practices in SMEs in Latvia

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    The hasty pace of globalization depicted by fundamental changes in the production technologies is utterly altering international trade. Furthermore, the rapid technological transformation requires organizations to refer to quality improvement while introducing innovative services and products. The following study scrutinizes the role of quality improvement in the innovation within the SMEs operating throughout Latvia. The nature of the study is quantitative and the views of SMEs representatives were captured via an online survey. SMEs operating in the field of manufacturing and retail in Latvia were selected for the participation in the study. As the research results reveal, quality improvement is considered as an important factor upon which innovative activities are implemented. Besides, in the rapidly changing consumer needs, product quality improvement is seen as a process of modifying and redesigning the products and services to satisfy well swiftly fluctuating demands for SMEs. In addition, our research discloses that the major sectors in Latvia within which quality management systems certification was requested were: construction, transportation, communication, wholesale and retail trade. Furthermore, research findings show that financing of productive capacity is central to any development strategy, but access to finances still remains a major obstacle for SMEs

    Challenges to Managing Virtual Teams in Georgian SMEs

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    The novel coronavirus pandemic has brought about an unprecedented economic and social crisis. The work methods have seen a significant change, and telework has experienced swift growth. The practical application of teleworking needs technology, social and organizational support. Employees who are less tech-savvy require digital training. There is limited data on this topic. Therefore, this research will contribute to a deeper understanding of the issue related to managing virtual teams. An objective of this study is to examine how virtual teams are developed and to identify the challenges to managing virtual reams in selected Georgian SMEs. This study seeks to obtain data that will help to analyze and review issues that arise in the process of managing diverse and geographically dispersed virtual teams. This research is constructed on a brief literature review, survey and focus group discussions among the representatives of SMEs operating in the financial and IT sector in Georgia. According to study findings, companies that pursue successful eleadership consider teleworking as an opportunity. The most interesting finding is that timely availability of necessary information, effective communication and well-defined tasks influence the collaboration between virtual team members and is pivotal whilst managing a virtual team

    Vide un ekonomika

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    Grāmata Vide un ekonomika ir neatsverams izziņas avots ar vidi, vides eko-nomiku, dabas resursu ekonomiku saistītu studiju kursu apgusanā Latvijas skolās un augstskolās. Daudzas tēmas ir saistošas arī vides, ekonomikas un vadības speciālistiem