114 research outputs found

    Vad skulle hÀnda om alla höll hastighetsgrÀnsen? : Effekter pÄ antal omkomna

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    SĂ€nkta medelhastigheter och en ökad hastighetsefterlevnad Ă€r mycket viktiga faktorer för att uppnĂ„ en ökad trafiksĂ€kerhet i samhĂ€llet. En minskad hastighet pĂ„verkar antalet olyckor och skadeutfallet pĂ„ flera sĂ€tt, dels minskar reaktionsstrĂ€ckan sĂ„ att man har större möjligheter att undvika en kollision eller krasch, dels minskar krockvĂ„ldet i olyckan vilket gör att skadorna blir lindrigare. Syftet med föreliggande PM Ă€r att studera hur mĂ„nga liv som skulle kunna sparas om alla höll hastighetsgrĂ€nsen pĂ„ det svenska vĂ€gnĂ€tet. Studien bygger pĂ„ en rad antaganden och dĂ€rmed bör resultaten enbart ses som en uppskattning av vilken storleksordning pĂ„ minskat antal omkomna man kan uppnĂ„. Resultaten visar att om man som utgĂ„ngsĂ„r anvĂ€nder ett treĂ„rsmedelvĂ€rde för antalet omkomna under tidsperioden 2018–2020 sĂ„ kan cirka 50 liv sparas och om man enbart utgĂ„r frĂ„n antal omkomna under 2020 sĂ„ kan cirka 40 liv sparas.Reduced speeds and increased speed compliance are very important factors in achieving increased traffic safety. Reducing the speed, affects both the number of crashes and the injury severity in several ways. First, lower speeds reduce the reaction distance so that you have greater opportunities to avoid a collision or crash, second lower speeds reduce the impact force in the crash, which makes the injuries less severe. The aim of this memorandum is to study how many lives that could be saved if everyone complied with the speed limit on the Swedish road network.  The study is based on several assumptions and therefore the results should only be seen as an estimate of the magnitude of the reduced number of fatalities. The results show that based on a three-year average value for the number of fatalities (2018–2020), about 50 lives can be saved and if only one year (2020) serve as the baseline for the number of fatalities, about 40 lives can be saved

    Speed compliance on municipality streets : results 2013

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    Syftet med föreliggande studie Àr dels att utveckla en metod för att följa upp förÀndringar av trafikanternas hastigheter pÄ det kommunala huvudvÀgnÀtet i tÀtort, dels att redovisa resultaten av trafikanternas hastighetsnivÄer och hastighetsefterlevnad efter de tvÄ första Ärens mÀtningar. Resultaten visar att 2013 var den genomsnittliga reshastigheten 49,3 km/tim. För hastighetsgrÀns 40 km/tim Àr reshastigheten 39,2 km/tim, för hastighetsgrÀns 50 km/tim 46,9 km/tim, för hastighetsgrÀns 60 km/tim 54,9 km/tim och pÄ 70 km/tim Àr den genomsnittliga reshastigheten 61,9 km/tim. JÀmför man med 2012 har det inte skett nÄgra signifikanta förÀndringar av reshastigheten. Det Àr en stor spridning mellan hastighetsnivÄerna för de olika punkterna inom varje hastighetsgrÀns, vilket Àr naturligt i tÀtort dÄ det Àr mÄnga andra faktorer sÄsom till exempel korsningstÀthet, vÀgbredd, förekomst av gatuparkering och gÄngbanor, förutom skyltad hastighetsgrÀns som pÄverkar trafikanternas hastighetsval. Vad gÀller andelen övertrÀdelser sÄ Àr det totalt sett 37 procent av den studerade trafiken som kör över gÀllande hastighetsgrÀns Är 2013, det vill sÀga 63 procent hÄller hastighetsgrÀnsen. Hastighetsefterlevnaden Àr sÀmst pÄ gator med hastighetsbegrÀnsning 40 km/tim dÀr 53 procent av trafiken hÄller hastighetsgrÀnsen. PÄ gator med 50 km/tim Àr det 61 procent, pÄ 60 km/tim 69 procent och pÄ 70 km/tim 77 procent som hÄller hastighetsgrÀnsen. Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att för att nÄ mÄlet att 80 procent av trafiken följer gÀllande hastighetsgrÀns Är 2020 Àr det framför allt hastighetsefterlevnaden pÄ gator med lÀgre hastighetsbegrÀnsning som behöver förbÀttras.The purpose of the present study is to develop a method for following up changes in driver speeds on the main municipality streets in urban areas, and to report the results concerning driver speed levels and speed limit compliance after the first two years of measurement. The results show that in 2013 the average speed was 49.3 km/h. When broken down by speed limit, the average travel speed was 39.2 km/h for the 40 km/h speed limit, 46.9 km/h for the 50 km/h speed limit, and 54.9 km/h for the 60 km/h speed limit, and 61.9 km/h for the 70 km/h speed limit. No significant changes in travel speed occurred in comparison with 2012. There was a broad distribution between the speed levels for the various points within each speed limit; this is natural in urban areas, as there are many other factors in addition to the posted speed limit that will affect drivers' speed choices, such as intersection density, road width, and the presence of street parking and pavements. With respect to the proportion of violations, overall a total of 37 per cent of the traffic drove over the speed limit in 2013; that is, 63 per cent of drivers obeyed the speed limit. Speed limit compliance was worst on roads with a speed limit of 40 km/h, where only 53 per cent of the traffic obeyed the speed limit; 61 per cent obeyed the speed limit on 50 km/h roads, 69 per cent on 60 km/h roads, and 77 per cent on 70 km/h roads. Hence it is primarily speed limit compliance on roads with lowe

    Speed compliance on streets with speed limit 40 km/h - what differentiates a street with good compliance from one with poor? : results from measurements in 2018

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    Tidigare mÀtningar har visat att det generellt Àr dÄlig efterlevnad pÄ gator med hastighetsbegrÀnsning 40 km/tim. Det finns dÀrmed ett behov av att hitta förhÄllningssÀtt som bidrar till att öka efterlevnaden pÄ gator med hastighetsgrÀns 40 km/tim, dels för att fÄ den effekt man önskar av en sÀnkning av en hastighetsgrÀns, dels för att bibehÄlla acceptansen för hastighetsgrÀnserna. Syftet med studien var att studera hastighetsefterlevnad pÄ gator med 40 km/tim pÄ det kommunala vÀgnÀtet. Genom att utnyttja dels befintliga, dels nya mÀtningar studerades hastighetsefterlevnaden vid olika fysiska utformningar och miljöer dÀr hastighetsbegrÀnsningen Àr 40 km/tim. Totalt studerades hastigheten vid 51 mÀtplatser i 23 olika kommuner.Previous measurements have shown that there is generally poor speed compliance on streets with a speed limit of 40 km/h. There is need to find approaches that increase speed compliance on these streets, both to obtain the effect desired by a speed limit reduction and to maintain the acceptance of the speed limits. The aim of the study was to study speed compliance on streets with speed limit 40 km/h on municipality streets in Sweden. By utilizing both existing and new measurements, speed compliance was studied for different physical designs and locations where the speed limit is 40 km/h. In total, speed was studied at 51 measurement sites in 23 different municipalities

    Computer Based Statistical Treatment in Models with Incidental Parameters Inspired by Car Crash Data

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    in recent years. We study computer intensive methods that can be used in complex situations where it is not possible to express the likelihood estimates or the posterior analytically. The work is inspired by a set of car crash data from real traffic. We formulate and develop a model for car crash data that aims to estimate and compare the relative collision safety among different car models. This model works sufficiently well, although complications arise due to a growing vector of incidental parameters. The bootstrap is shown to be a useful tool for studying uncertainties of the estimates of the structural parameters. This model is further extended to include driver characteristics. In a Poisson model with similar, but simpler structure, estimates of the structural parameter in the presence of incidental parameters are studied. The profile likelihood, bootstrap and the delta method are compared for deterministic and random incidental parameters. The same asymptotic properties, up to first order, are seen for deterministic as well as rando

    Speed compliance on municipality streets : Results 2023

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    I februari 2020 fattade Riksdagen beslut om ett nytt halveringsmĂ„l inom trafiksĂ€kerhet. MĂ„let för 2030 Ă€r att antalet omkomna i vĂ€gtrafiken ska halveras och antalet allvarligt skadade minska med 25 procent. För att följa utvecklingen mot mĂ„let 2030 studeras utvecklingen av antalet dödade och allvarligt skadade samt ett antal utpekade indikatorer. En av indikatorerna Ă€r: hastighetsefterlevnad pĂ„ det kommunala vĂ€gnĂ€tet dĂ€r mĂ„let Ă€r att minst 80 procent ska hĂ„lla hastighetsgrĂ€nsen. Syftet med föreliggande studie Ă€r att följa upp förĂ€ndringar av trafikanternas hastighetsval och hastighetsefterlevnad pĂ„ det kommunala huvudvĂ€gnĂ€tet i tĂ€tort i relation till detta mĂ„l. MĂ€tningarna genomfördes under september mĂ„nad 2023 pĂ„ 23 olika orter i Sverige och omfattar det kommunala huvudvĂ€gnĂ€tet med hastighetsgrĂ€nser 40–70 km/tim. Resultaten visar att för alla fordon Ă„r 2023 var den genomsnittliga reshastigheten pĂ„ det studerade vĂ€gnĂ€tet 46,7 km/tim. För hastighetsgrĂ€ns 40 km/tim var reshastigheten 38,6 km/tim, för 50 km/tim var den 47,0 km/tim, för 60 km/tim var den 53,9 km/tim och för gator med 70 km/tim var den 62,5 km/tim. JĂ€mför man med den senaste mĂ€tningen 2021 har det inte skett nĂ„gra signifikanta förĂ€ndringar av reshastigheten. Vad gĂ€ller efterlevnaden av hastighetsgrĂ€nserna var det totalt sett 63 procent av den studerade trafiken som höll hastighetsgrĂ€nsen Ă„r 2023.  Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att bristande hastighetsefterlevnad fortfarande Ă€r ett problem i tĂ€tort, framför allt pĂ„ gator med hastighetsbegrĂ€nsning 40 km/tim. För att nĂ„ mĂ„let att 80 procent av trafiken ska följa gĂ€llande hastighetsgrĂ€ns Ă„r 2030 Ă€r det framför allt hastighetsefterlevnaden pĂ„ gator med lĂ„g hastighetsbegrĂ€nsning som behöver förbĂ€ttras.In 2020, the Swedish Parliament passed a resolution stating that between 2020 and 2030 the number of fatalities and seriously injured from road traffic crashes should be reduced by 50 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively. To monitor progress toward this goal, national follow-up studies are conducted to examine trends in the numbers of people killed and seriously injured, in conjunction with several other indicators. One of these indicators is speed limit compliance on municipality streets; the milestone here is to have at least 80 per cent of all traffic travelling within the speed limit. The aim of the present study is to report mean speeds and speed limit compliance for 2023 on the main municipality streets in Sweden. The measurements were carried out during the month of September 2021 in 23 different locations in Sweden and include the main municipality streets with speed limits of 40–70 km/h.  The results show that in 2023 the space-mean-speed for all vehicles on the studied main municipality roads was 46.7 km/h. When categorized by speed limit, the space-mean-speed was 38.6 km/h for the 40 km/h speed limit, 47.0 km/h for 50 km/h, 53.9 km/h for 60 km/h, and 62.5 km/h for the 70 km/h speed limit. With respect to speed violations, overall, 63 per cent of drivers obeyed the speed limit.  In conclusion, the lack of speed compliance remains a problem, especially on streets with speed limit 40 km/h. Primarily, the speed limit compliance on roads with lower speed limits must be improved to reach the goal of 80 per cent compliance by 2030

    Speed compliance on municipality streets : results 2021

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    I februari 2020 fattade Riksdagen beslut om ett nytt halveringsmĂ„l inom trafiksĂ€kerhet. MĂ„let för 2030 Ă€r att antalet omkomna i vĂ€gtrafiken ska halveras och antalet allvarligt skadade minska med 25 procent. För att följa utvecklingen mot mĂ„let 2030 studeras utvecklingen av antalet dödade och allvarligt skadade samt ett antal utpekade indikatorer. En av indikatorerna Ă€r: hastighetsefterlevnad pĂ„ det kommunala vĂ€gnĂ€tet dĂ€r delmĂ„let Ă€r att minst 80 procent ska hĂ„lla hastighetsgrĂ€nsen. Syftet med föreliggande studie Ă€r att följa upp förĂ€ndringar av trafikanternas hastighetsval och hastighetsefterlevnad pĂ„ det kommunala huvudvĂ€gnĂ€tet i tĂ€tort i relation till detta mĂ„l. MĂ€tningarna genomfördes av NTF1 under september mĂ„nad 2021 pĂ„ 23 olika orter i Sverige och omfattar det kommunala huvudvĂ€gnĂ€tet med hastighetsgrĂ€nser 40–70 km/tim.  Resultaten visar att för alla fordon Ă„r 2021 var den genomsnittliga reshastigheten pĂ„ det studerade vĂ€gnĂ€tet 47 km/tim. För hastighetsgrĂ€ns 40 km/tim var reshastigheten 40 km/tim, för 50 km/tim var den 46 km/tim, för 60 km/tim var den 53 km/tim och för gator med 70 km/tim var den 63 km/tim. JĂ€mför man med 2020 har det inte skett nĂ„gra signifikanta förĂ€ndringar av reshastigheten. Vad gĂ€ller efterlevnaden av hastighetsgrĂ€nserna var det totalt sett 64 procent av den studerade trafiken som höll hastighetsgrĂ€nsen Ă„r 2021. Hastighetsefterlevnaden var sĂ€mst pĂ„ gator med hastighetsbegrĂ€nsning 40 km/tim dĂ€r endast 49 procent av trafiken höll hastighetsgrĂ€nsen. PĂ„ gator med 50 km/tim var det 67 procent, pĂ„ gator med 60 km/tim var det 74 procent och pĂ„ gator med 70 km/tim var det 78 procent som höll hastighetsgrĂ€nsen.  Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att bristande hastighetsefterlevnad fortfarande Ă€r ett problem i tĂ€tort, framför allt pĂ„ gator med hastighetsbegrĂ€nsning 40 km/tim. För att nĂ„ mĂ„let att 80 procent av trafiken ska följa gĂ€llande hastighetsgrĂ€ns Ă„r 2030 Ă€r det framför allt hastighetsefterlevnaden pĂ„ gator med lĂ„g hastighetsbegrĂ€nsning som behöver förbĂ€ttras.In 2020, the Swedish Parliament passed a resolution stating that between 2020 and 2030 the number of fatalities and seriously injured from road traffic crashes should be reduced by 50 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively. To monitor progress toward this goal, national follow-up studies are conducted to examine trends in the numbers of people killed and seriously injured, in conjunction with several other indicators. One of these indicators is speed limit compliance on municipality streets; the milestone here is to have at least 80 per cent of all traffic travelling within the speed limit. The aim of the present study is to report mean speeds and speed limit compliance for 2021 on the main municipality streets in Sweden. The measurements were carried out during the month of September 2021 in 23 different locations in Sweden and include the main municipality streets with speed limits of 40–70 km/h.  The results show that in 2021 the space-mean-speed for all vehicles on the studied main municipality roads was 47 km/h. When categorized by speed limit, the space-mean-speed was 40 km/h for the 40 km/h speed limit, 46 km/h for 50 km/h, 53 km/h for 60 km/h, and 63 km/h for the 70 km/h speed limit. With respect to speed violations, overall, 64 per cent of drivers obeyed the speed limit. The lowest speed limit compliance was found on roads with a speed limit of 40 km/h, where only 49 per cent of the traffic obeyed the speed limit. Furthermore, 67 per cent obeyed the speed limit on 50 km/h roads, and 74 per cent on 60 km/h roads and 78 per cent on 70 km/h roads.  In conclusion, the lack of speed compliance remains a problem, especially on streets with speed limit 40 km/h. Primarily, the speed limit compliance on roads with lower speed limits must be improved in order to reach the goal of 80 per cent compliance by 2030

    How many lives could be saved if everyone complied with the speed limit? : A case study from Sweden

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    Increased speed compliance and reduced speeds are important factors in achieving increased traffic safety since it affects both the number of crashes and the injury severity. Lower speeds reduce the reaction distance leading to greater opportunities to avoid a crash, to reduced impact forces and to less severe injuries in the crash. The aim of this study is to investigate how many lives that could be saved if all drivers complied with the speed limit on the Swedish road network. The study is based on results from extensive speed measurements done on the rural and urban road network in Sweden and crash statistics from the crash data base Strada (Swedish Traffic Data Acquisition). To estimate the traffic safety effects the Exponential model is used. The results show that if everyone kept the speed limit in Sweden, about 50 lives could be saved yearly representing 25 % of all fatalities

    Effectiveness and acceptability of milled rumble strips on rural two-lane roads in Sweden

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    Purpose The study sought to estimate the effects of centreline milled rumble strips on rural two-lane roads in Sweden in a wide perspective. Traffic safety effects (i.e., fewer crashes and injuries), driver experience, and driver opinions of centreline milled rumble strip usage on rural roads are investigated. Methods To evaluate the traffic safety effects, an Empirical Bayes study comparing the outcome before and-after the introduction of rumble strips was conducted. This study is based on data from 2003-2012 from the Swedish national traffic accident database, STRADA. To capture driver experience and opinions about milled centreline rumble strips, focus groups and road-side interviews were performed. Results The results indicate a significant decrease in all types of severe injury crashes, a 20% (+/- 13%) reduction in the number of fatalities and seriously injured people (all crash types) and a 27% (+/- 18%) reduction in the number of fatalities and severely injured people in single-vehicle crashes. Participants in focus groups and road-side interviews generally favoured centreline rumble strips on rural roads, and up to 90% of the interviewed motorcyclists and commuters stated that the rumble strips would help improve traffic safety. Conclusions Rumble strips in the centre of two-lane rural roads are a countermeasure to help drivers who are unintentionally about to leave the lane, for example, due to sleepiness or inattention. Based on the results of this study, installing centreline milled rumble strips on two-lane rural roads 8-10 meters wide is a measure to consider to increase safety.Funding Agencies|Swedish Transport Administration</p
