33 research outputs found

    Phytoremediation for heavy metal‐contaminated soils combined with bioenergy production

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    In June 2007, a project started in Flanders (Belgium) in which we will apply phytoremediation to clean soils that are diffusely polluted with heavy metals. Uptake ranges of heavy metals by rape seed, maize and wheat will be enhanced by increasing the bioavailability of these heavy metals by the addition of biodegradable physico‐chemical agents and by stimulating the heavy‐metal uptake capacity of the microbial community in and around the plant. In addition, the harvested biomass crops will be converted into bioenergy by using different energy‐recovery‐techniques. The energy and heavy metal mass balances will be compared for four different energy‐recovery techniques (anaerobic digestion, incineration, gasification and production of biodiesel). The overall information obtained will result in an economic evaluation of the use of phytoremediation combined with bioenergy production for the remediation of sites which are diffusely polluted with heavy metals. In the present review we will first explain the most important research steps investigated in our phytoremediation project. Secondly, an overview of literature discussing the phytoremediation capacity of rape seed to clean soils that are contaminated with heavy metals and the possibilities to produce biodiesel from this (heavy metal polluted) rape seed will be discussed in more detail. Fitoremediacijos taikymas sunkiaisiais metalais užterštame dirvožemyje derinant su bioenergijos gamyba Santrauka. 2007 m. birželį Flandrijoje (Belgija) pradėtas vykdyti projektas, kuriame mes pritaikysime fitoremediaciją siekdami išvalyti sunkiuosius metalus iš dirvožemio. Sunkiųjų metalų patekimas į rapsus, kukurūzus ir kviečius bus suintensyvintas didinant šių sunkiųjų metalų biopriimamumą dėl pridedamų biodegraduojančių fizikinių-cheminių priedų bei stimuliuojant mikrobiologinių bendrijų pajėgumą augale ir aplink jį sugerti sunkiuosius metalus. Be to, nuimta javų biomasė bus perdirbta į bioenergiją, taikant įvairias energijos gavybos technologijas. Energijos ir sunkiųjų metalų masės balansas bus palygintas pagal keturias skirtingas energijos gavybos technologijas (anaerobinis kompostavimas, deginimas, dujofikavimas ir biodyzelio gamyba). Visa gauta informacija leis ekonominiu požiūriu įvertinti fitoremediacijos, derinamos su bioenergijos gamyba, taikymą valant sunkiaisiais metalais nevienodai užterštus plotus. Pateikiamoje apžvalgoje pirma aptarsime svarbiausius fitoremediacijos projekto etapus. Antra, detaliau apžvelgsime literatūrą apie rapsų pajėgumą išvalyti dirvožemį, užterštą sunkiaisiais metalais, ir galimybes gaminti biodyzelį iš (sunkiaisiais metalais užterštų) rapsų sėklų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: fitoremediacija, sunkieji metalai, biomasė, energijos gamyba, rapsai, biodyzelis. Применение фиторемедиации в почве, загрязненной тяжелыми металлами и приспосабливаемой для производства биоэнергии Резюме. В июне 2007 г. во Фландере (Бельгия) была начата работа над проектом по фиторемедиации с целью очищения почвы от тяжелых металлов. Процесс поглощения тяжелых металлов рапсом, кукурузой и пшеницей будет более интенсивным благодаря введению биодеградирующих физико-химических добавок и стимуляции способности микробиологических сообществ в растении и вокруг него впитывать тяжелые металлы. Снятая биомасса зерновых с помощью различных технологий по производству энергии будет конвертирована в биоэнергию. Баланс энергии и массы тяжелых металлов будет сравнен с помощью четырех разных технологий по производству энергии (анаэробического компостирования, сжигания, газофикации, производства биотоплива). Полученная информация позволит с экономической точки зрения оценить применение фиторемедиации как для очищения площадей, в разной степени загрязненных тяжелыми металлами, так и для производства биоэнергии. В статье прежде всего проанализированы важнейшие этапы проекта по фиторемедиации. Затем произведен обзор литературы о способности рапса благодаря фиторемедиации очищать почву, загрязненную тяжелыми металлами, и возможностях производства биотоплива из семян рапса, загрязненных тяжелыми металлами. Ключевые слова: фиторемедиация, тяжелые металлы, биомасса, производство энергии, семена рапса, биотопливо. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    An in vitro investigation of species-dependent intestinal transport of selenium and the impact of this process on selenium bioavailability.

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    A range of Se species has been shown to occur in a variety of different foodstuffs. Depending on its speciation, Se is more or less bioavailable to human subjects. In the present study, the role of speciation as a determinant of Se bioavailability was addressed with an investigation of species-specific mechanisms of transport at the intestinal level. The present work focused on four distinct Se compounds (selenate (Se(VI)), selenite (Se(IV)), selenomethionine (SeMet) and methylselenocysteine (MeSeCys)), whose intestinal transport was mimicked through an in vitro bicameral model of enterocyte-like differentiated Caco-2 cells. Efficiency of Se absorption was shown to be species dependent (SeMet>MeSeCys>Se(VI)>Se(IV)). In the case of SeMet, MeSeCys and Se(VI), the highly polarised passage from the apical to basolateral pole indicated that a substantial fraction of transport was transcellular, whilst results for Se(IV) indicated paracellular diffusion. Passage of the organic Se species (SeMet and MeSeCys) became saturated after 3 h, but no such effect was observed for the inorganic species. In addition, SeMet and MeSeCys transport was significantly inhibited by their respective S analogues methionine and methylcysteine, which suggests a common transport system for both kinds of compounds

    Land revitalisation

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    Phytostabilization of a metal contaminated sandy soil. II: Influence of compost and/or inorganic metal immobilizing soil amendments on metal leaching

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    A lysimeter approach (under natural climatologic conditions) was used to evaluate the effect of four metal immobilizing soil treatments [compost (C), compost + cyclonic ashes (C + CA), compost + cyclonic ashes + steel shots (C + CA + SS)) and cyclonic ashes + steel shots (CA + SS)] on metal leaching through an industrially contaminated soil. All treatments decreased Zn and Cd leaching. Strongest reductions occurred after CA + SS and C + CA + SS treatments (Zn: -99.0% and -99.2% respectively; Cd: -97.2% and -98.3% respectively). Copper and Pb leaching increased after C (17 and > 30 times for Cu and Pb respectively) and C + CA treatment (4.4 and > 3.7 times for Cu and Pb respectively). C + CA + SS or CA + SS addition did not increase Cu leaching; the effect on Pb leaching was not completely clear. Our results demonstrate that attention should be paid to Cu and Pb leaching when organic matter additions are considered for phytostabilization of metal contaminated soil

    Phytostabilization of a metal contaminated sandy soil. I: Influence of compost and/or inorganic metal immobilizing soil amendments on phytotoxicity and plant availability of metals

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    In a lysimeter set-up, compost addition to an industrial contaminated soil slightly reduced phytotoxicity to bean seedlings. The "Phytotoxicity Index" (on a scale from 1 to 4) decreased from 3.5 to 2.8. The same treatment also reduced metal accumulation in grasses: mean Zn, Cd and Pb concentrations decreased respectively from 623 to 135, from 6.2 to 1.3 and from 10.7 to < 6 mg kg(-1) dry weight. When combined with inorganic metal immobilizing amendments, compost had a beneficial effect on plant responses additional to the inorganic amendments alone. Best results were obtained when using compost (C) + cyclonic ashes (CA) + steel shots (SS). The "Phytotoxicity Index" decreased to 1.7, highest diversity of spontaneously colonizing plants occurred, and metal accumulation in grasses reduced to values for uncontaminated soils. Based on the first year evaluation, C + CA + SS showed to be an efficient treatment for amendment assisted phytostabilization of the contaminated Overpelt soi