128 research outputs found

    Prevalence and patterns of medication use in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Western Cape

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.The Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASD) are a group of neurobiological conditions of growing prevalence for which there is no known cure. International prevalence studies have determined that children and adolescents with ASD are a highly medicated population. This comes to light in the context of a paucity of data around the efficacy of commonly prescribed medications. There is no data around the prevalence of medication use in the ASD population in South Africa. The aim of this study is to determine the prevelance and patterns of medication use in children and adolescents with ASD in the Western Cape and to determine the relationship between demographic variables and behaviours and medication use

    The synthesis of aluminium hydroxide and oxyhydroxide

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    Includes bibliographical references.Beta alumina is a ceramic with the ability to conduct certain ions. It is conventionally formed through the high temperature solid state reaction of α-alumina with soda and lithia, which results in a mixture of β- and β"-alumina phases. To maximise the amount of β"-alumina formed, a second heat treatment step is required. Beta alumina may also be synthesised directly from the various aluminium hydroxide ( Al(OH)₃ ) and aluminium oxyhydroxide (AIOOH) polymorphs. The particular oxygen sublattice of the starting material is critical in determining which phases of beta alumina are formed. Boehmite and bayerite are known to yield pure β"-alumina. In this investigation, the differences in structure and the identification of the polymorphs is discussed. A review of the methods of synthesis and concomitant mechanisms of reaction proposed in the literature are presented. Of these, the synthesis of boehmite and bayerite are investigated experimentally. Attempts to synthesise boehmite at ambient conditions resulted in the formation of pseudoboehmite, and confirmed that boehmite can only be formed by the introduction of a hydrothermal step. However, it was possible to form bayerite at ambient conditions by sμnple chemical reaction. Control of the reaction pH and the removal of inhibiting ions were found to facilitate the formation of well crystallised bayerite. Although the factors governing the successful synthesis of bayerite need further investigation, the possibility of a direct synthesis route for β"-alumina has been demonstrated. Finally, the synthesis of β"-alumina by the solid state reaction of the hydroxide and oxyhydroxide polymorphs was successfully completed

    Correlates of Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Children with Perinatally Acquired HIV in Cape Town South Africa

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    In the antiretroviral era children perinatally infected with HIV (PHIV+) are surviving into adulthood and are at risk for emotional and behavioural problems. Few studies of these problems have been conducted in low and middle income countries (LMIC) and even fewer in sub - Saharan Africa where the burden of the HIV epidemic remains heaviest. The aims of this study were to provide a quantitative description of emotional and behavioural problems in a group of children and adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV in South Africa compared to a group of well - matched HIV - negative controls and to identify demographic, biological, cognitive and contextual correlates of emotional and behavioural problems. A cross-sectional descriptive, analytical study was conducted. Participants were recruited from community and hospital based clinics. Wi thin the HIV - infected group, children were further divided into three subgroups: PHIV+ children who had never been on antiretroviral therapy (ART naïve), PHIV+ children on ART and PHIV+ children on ART with a confirmed diagnosis of HIV - related encephalopathy (HIVE) . Emotional and behavioural problems were assessed using the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). Several measures were used to assess demographic, biological, cognitive and contextual correlates of problem behaviours: socio - demographic questionnaire, clinic records, neuropsychological test battery, Family Resource Scale, Family Support Scale and Center for Epidemiologic Studies - Depression Scale. Children were compared by HIV status on demographic, cognitive and contextual variables as well as the total and subscale scores of the CBCL. Multivariate comparisons of the influence of contextual and cognitive variables on CBCL total problems was performed using a hierarchical step - wise linear regression analytic procedure. The final sample (N=108) for data analysis included 78 PHIV+ children and 30 HIV - negative children. Groups were comparable with respect to demographic and contextual variables. Cognitive performance scores were significantly lower in the PHIV+ children when compared to HIV - negative controls (p<0.001). Rates of caregiver depression were higher in both groups than the lifetime prevalence rates reported in the South African population

    Threats to Security Posed by ISIS in Syria: A Human Security Approach

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    The civil war in Syria coupled with the attacks by ISIS, has resulted in one of the largest humanitarian crises since World War II. Although international efforts have resulted in regaining control of important cities, these military approaches have escalated and inflamed the violence of which innocent civilians bear the consequences. The continuing violence and resulting threats or insecurities negatively affect the lives, freedom, dignity and development of the people to name but a few. For that reason, the aim is to explore the applicability of a human security approach to the conflict in Syria that focuses on, among other aspects, minimising violence, mitigating the effects of the conflict, protecting people, restoring peace and eliminating the grounds that resulted in the development of these conditions in the first place

    Threats to Security Posed by ISIS in Syria: a Human Security Approach

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    The civil war in Syria coupled with the attacks by ISIS, has resulted in one of the largest humanitarian crises since World War II. Although international efforts have resulted in regaining control of important cities, these military approaches have escalated and inflamed the violence of which innocent civilians bear the consequences. The continuing violence and resulting threats or insecurities negatively affect the lives, freedom, dignity and development of the people to name but a few. For that reason, the aim is to explore the applicability of a human security approach to the conflict in Syria that focuses on, among other aspects, minimising violence, mitigating the effects of the conflict, protecting people, restoring peace and eliminating the grounds that resulted in the development of these conditions in the first place

    Evaluation of the phytoestrogenic activity of Cyclopia genistoides (honeybush) methanol extracts and relevant polyphenols

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    The original publication is available at http://pubs.acs.org/Unfermented C. genistoides methanol extracts of different harvestings and selected polyphenols were evaluated for phytoestrogenic activity by comparing binding to both ER subtypes, transactivation of an ERE-containing promoter reporter, proliferation of MCF-7-BUS and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, and binding to SHBG. The extracts from one harvesting of C. genistoides (P104) bound to both ER subtypes. All extracts transactivated ERE-containing promoter reporters via ERβ but not via ERα. All extracts, except P122, caused proliferation of the estrogen-sensitive MCF-7-BUS cells. Proliferation of MCF-7-BUS cells was ER-dependent as ICI 182,780 reversed proliferation. Physiologically more relevant, extracts antagonized E2-induced MCF-7-BUS cell proliferation. Furthermore, all extracts, except P122, induced proliferation of the estrogen-insensitive MDA-MB-231 cells, suggesting that the extracts are able to induce ER-dependent and ER-independent cell proliferation. Binding to SHBG by extracts was also demonstrated. These results clearly show that C. genistoides methanol extracts display phytoestrogenic activity and act predominantly via ERβ. HPLC and LC-MS analysis, however, suggests that the observed phytoestrogenic activity cannot be ascribed to polyphenols known to be present in other Cyclopia species. © 2007 American Chemical Society.Publishers' versio

    Criminological assessment of prison inmates: a constructive mechanism towards offender rehabilitation

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    This study examines offender assessment from a criminological perspective. International and national research findings, as well as the Canadian (Level of Service Inventory - Revised, LSRI-R) and the British (Offender Assessment System, OASys) offender assessment structures, are used as guidelines to illustrate the practice of offender assessment. Offender needs and risk assessment targets are examined and highlighted for general (non-specific) as well as sex and other violent offenders. A qualitative research design, supported by explanatory, descriptive and exploratory goals, directs the methodology of this research project. Important assessment tools, such as interviewing, observation, document analysis and the application of theoretical explanations are used to assess and analyse four selected case studies (adult male offenders). These case studies are representative of the different dimensions of offender assessment, namely classification, intervention, risk management and pre-parole assessment. The offenders are individually assessed, analysed and evaluated to determine among other factors, the origin, onset, contributory factors, triggers, high-risk situations, and intervention indicators that can assist custodial therapists and the prison authorities with a more focused approach to the rehabilitation and management of offenders. Each case study is also supported by a theoretical explanation. This highlights the key role, function and contribution of criminologists in corrections, as well as the importance of a multi-fold perspective in the rehabilitation and correction of criminal behaviour.Criminology and Security ScienceThesis (D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

    'n Viktimologiese ondersoek na vroulike kindersekswerkers met spesifieke verwysing na Gauteng (Afrikaans)

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    AFRIKAANS: Kinderprostitusie is 'n sosiale probleem wat wêreldwyd voorkom. Kinders wat nog nie puberteit betree het nie asook adolessente word deur souteneurs en hulle ouers of voogde by kindersekswerk betrek. Hierdie kinders wat dikwels die enigste broodwinners van die gesin is, word aan vernederende en in sommige gevalle gedwonge seksuele aktiwiteite, geweld, intimidasie en dwelms blootgestel. Die aard, omvang, werkswyse asook die emosionele, psigiese en fisieke gevolge van prostitusie op die kind is aan die hand van 'n verkennende, kwalitatiewe ondersoek (Gauteng - spesifiek Johannesburg en Pretoria) bestudeer. Die ondersoek word teoreties gerig deur onder andere die sosiale struktuur- en prosesteorieë. Verder is verskeie risikofaktore ten opsigte van kindersekswerk geïdentifiseer. Die moontlike dekriminalisering van prostitusie asook die effek wat dekriminalisering van prostitusie op kindersekswerk sal hê, is onder die loep geneem. Verskeie aanbevelings in verband met verdere navorsing rakende kindersekswerk is gemaak en moontlike oorkomingstrategieë ten opsigte van kindersekswerk is ook geïdentifiseer. ENGLISH: Child prostitution is a social phenomenon that occurs worldwide. Children, prior to reaching puberty, and adolescent's, are drawn into child sexwork by pimps, their parents or guardians. These children, often the only breadwinners of their families, become exposed to humiliation and in numerous situations coercion, violence, intimidation and drugs. The nature, extent, working environment and the emotional, psychological and physical effects of child prostitution on the child are explored through an explorative and a qualitative study (Gauteng - specifically Johannesburg and Pretoria). The study is theoretically driven through, inter alia, the social process and structural theories. Several risk factors regarding child sex work are identified. The possible decriminalization of prostitution and the effect thereof on child sex workers was considered. Several recommendations for further research on child sex work were made and possible prevention strategies were also identified.Dissertation (MA (Criminology))--University of Pretoria, 2006.Social Work and Criminologyunrestricte

    Establishing the Learned Effect of Repeated Wingate Anaerobic Tests

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    The Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) is a recognized and well established tool used to measure power output, muscular endurance and fatigue. Changes within the aforementioned variables attributable to a learning effect could reduce the reliability of these measures. The purpose of this study was to establish the number of WAnT trials needed to produce a learned effect and reliability of that effect. Ten apparently healthy college-aged males participated in five trials of 30-second cycle ergometer sprints separated by a minimum of 72 hours. Resistance for trials was calculated at 7.5% of each respective subjects’ weight. This study tracked the changes in Peak Power (PP), Mean Power (MP) over time. Paired samples t-test using 2 tails revealed PP increased on all trials (2-5) when compared to trial 1 (+57W, +69W, +68W, +48W) (p=0.02, p=0.03, p=0.04, p=0.14) respectively, and indicated peak wattage at trial 3. MP also increased on all trials (2-5) when compared to trial 1 (+32W, +49W, +39W, +32W) (p=0.01, p=0.01, p=0.02, p=0.05) respectively, demonstrating mean peak wattage at trial 3. These results suggest that a learning effect is present within PP and MP until the third trial of the WAnT. All but 30% subjects elicited peak PP and MP during trial 3. Thereby, suggesting that when performing WAnT, utilizing less than 3 practice trials might elicit significant power increase due to this learned effect. Further research should be conducted in order to support the findings from the present investigation

    Novel role for receptor dimerization in post-translational processing and turnover of the GRα

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    CITATION: Wilkinson, L., Verhoog, N. & Louw, A. 2018. Novel role for receptor dimerization in post-translational processing and turnover of the GRα. Scientific Reports, 8:14266, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-32440-z.The original publication is available at https://www.nature.comGlucocorticoids (GCs), acting via the glucocorticoid receptor (GRα), remain the mainstay therapeutic choice for the treatment of inflammation. However, chronic GC use, aside from generating undesirable side-effects, results in GRα down-regulation, often coupled to a decrease in GC-responsiveness, which may culminate in acquired GC resistance. The current study presents evidence for a novel role of the dimerization state of the GRα in mediating GC-mediated GRα turnover. Through comparing the effects of dimerization promoting GCs on down-regulation of a transfected human wild type GRα (hGRwt) or a dimerization deficient GRα mutant (hGRdim), we established that a loss of receptor dimerization restricts GRα turnover, which was supported by the use of the dimerization abrogating Compound A (CpdA), in cells containing endogenous GRα. Moreover, we showed that the dimerization state of the GRα influenced the post-translational processing of the receptor, specifically hyper-phosphorylation at Ser404, which influenced the interaction of GRα with the E3 ligase, FBXW7α, thus hampering receptor turnover via the proteasome. Lastly, the restorative effects of CpdA on the GRα pool, in the presence of Dex, were demonstrated in a combinatorial treatment protocol. These results expand our understanding of factors that contribute to GC-resistance and may be exploited clinically.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-32440-zPublisher's versio