95 research outputs found

    The occurrence of tarsal injuries in male mice of C57BL/6N substrains in multiple international mouse facilities.

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    Dislocation in hindlimb tarsals are being observed at a low, but persistent frequency in group-housed adult male mice from C57BL/6N substrains. Clinical signs included a sudden onset of mild to severe unilateral or bilateral tarsal abduction, swelling, abnormal hindlimb morphology and lameness. Contraction of digits and gait abnormalities were noted in multiple cases. Radiographical and histological examination revealed caudal dislocation of the calcaneus and partial dislocation of the calcaneoquartal (calcaneus-tarsal bone IV) joint. The detection, frequency, and cause of this pathology in five large mouse production and phenotyping centres (MRC Harwell, UK; The Jackson Laboratory, USA; The Centre for Phenogenomics, Canada; German Mouse Clinic, Germany; Baylor College of Medicine, USA) are discussed

    The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC): a functional catalogue of the mammalian genome that informs conservation.

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    The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) is building a catalogue of mammalian gene function by producing and phenotyping a knockout mouse line for every protein-coding gene. To date, the IMPC has generated and characterised 5186 mutant lines. One-third of the lines have been found to be non-viable and over 300 new mouse models of human disease have been identified thus far. While current bioinformatics efforts are focused on translating results to better understand human disease processes, IMPC data also aids understanding genetic function and processes in other species. Here we show, using gorilla genomic data, how genes essential to development in mice can be used to help assess the potentially deleterious impact of gene variants in other species. This type of analyses could be used to select optimal breeders in endangered species to maintain or increase fitness and avoid variants associated to impaired-health phenotypes or loss-of-function mutations in genes of critical importance. We also show, using selected examples from various mammal species, how IMPC data can aid in the identification of candidate genes for studying a condition of interest, deliver information about the mechanisms involved, or support predictions for the function of genes that may play a role in adaptation. With genotyping costs decreasing and the continued improvements of bioinformatics tools, the analyses we demonstrate can be routinely applied

    High-throughput discovery of genetic determinants of circadian misalignment.

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    Circadian systems provide a fitness advantage to organisms by allowing them to adapt to daily changes of environmental cues, such as light/dark cycles. The molecular mechanism underlying the circadian clock has been well characterized. However, how internal circadian clocks are entrained with regular daily light/dark cycles remains unclear. By collecting and analyzing indirect calorimetry (IC) data from more than 2000 wild-type mice available from the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC), we show that the onset time and peak phase of activity and food intake rhythms are reliable parameters for screening defects of circadian misalignment. We developed a machine learning algorithm to quantify these two parameters in our misalignment screen (SyncScreener) with existing datasets and used it to screen 750 mutant mouse lines from five IMPC phenotyping centres. Mutants of five genes (Slc7a11, Rhbdl1, Spop, Ctc1 and Oxtr) were found to be associated with altered patterns of activity or food intake. By further studying the Slc7a11tm1a/tm1a mice, we confirmed its advanced activity phase phenotype in response to a simulated jetlag and skeleton photoperiod stimuli. Disruption of Slc7a11 affected the intercellular communication in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, suggesting a defect in synchronization of clock neurons. Our study has established a systematic phenotype analysis approach that can be used to uncover the mechanism of circadian entrainment in mice