2 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih rendahnya perkembangan kognitif anak usia 4 – 5 tahun. Untuk meningkatkan perkembangan kognitif anak peneliti mencoba menerapkan pendekatan keterampilan proses sains dalam pembelajaran di Kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat lebih dalam mengenai pencapaian perkembangan kognitif dengan kemampuan keterampilan proses sains yang dimiliki oleh anak. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) model Kemmis dan Mc Taggart. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu; lembar observasi, lembar wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di salah satu TK yang ada di Purwakarta dengan partisipan sebanyak 7 orang dengan rentang usia 4-5 tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan terhadap pencapaian perkembangan kognitif anak. Pada hasil observasi pra siklus kemampuan kognitif anak mendapat rata-rata skor 1,71 yang berarti berada pada kriteria Masih Berkembang (MB). Kemudian pada siklus I diterapkan pendekatan keterampilan proses sains dalam pembelajaran kemampuan kognitif anak meningkat, hal ini dilihat dari perolehan nilai rata-rata skor anak, sejumlah (4) anak yang termasuk pada kriteria Masih Berkembang (MB) dan sejumlah (3) anak berada pada kriteria Berkembang Sesuai Harapan (BSH). Sementara pada siklus II sejumlah (5) anak yang termasuk kriteria Berkembang Sesuai Harapan (BSH) dan sejumlah (2) anak berada pada kriteria Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB); ----- This research is motivated by the low cognitive development of children aged 4-5 years. To improve children's cognitive development, researchers tried to apply the approach of science process skills in classroom learning. This study aims to take a deeper look at cognitive development with science process skills possessed by children. This type of research includes the type of classroom action research (CAR) model Kemmis and Mc Taggart. The instruments used in this research are; observation sheets, interview sheets, and documentation. This research was conducted in one of the kindergartens in Purwakarta with 7 participants with an age range of 4-5 years. The results of this study indicate an increase in the development of children's cognitive development. In the pre-cycle observation results, children's cognitive abilities got an average score of 1.71 which means they are in the Still Developing Criteria (MB). Then in the cycle I applied the science process skills approach in learning children's cognitive skills to increase, this was seen from the acquisition of the average score of children, the number of (4) children included in the Still Developing Criteria (MB) and the number of (3) children in the Developing Criteria. As Expected (BSH). While in cycle II (5) the number of children included in the Very Good Developing Criteria (BSH) and the number (2) children in the Very Good Developing Criteria (BSB)

    Pelatihan Media Powerpoint untuk Mengembangkan Pembelajaran Kreatif di Taman Kanak Kanak

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    Technological developments make education in Indonesia have to accept todays’s technological learning change. However, in technological progress, there are still many educators who are still unfamiliar with technology that can be used for learning media in schools, such as the lack of adewuate technology development training in classroom learning to develop teacher abilities that can be used in learning activities. The pupose of the activity is to develop the ability of teacher to create creative learning media in school using power point. The implementation method is the planning stage, the preparation stage, and the evaluation stage. Based on observation during the training, the teacher showed an entusiastic attitude because this PowerPoint media was a new thing in learning at Kinderganten Plus Tunas Rimba. Teachers got new knowledge about using PowerPoint as an effective technology –based learning media that is interesting and fun for children. This activity is a form of training for teacher in carrying out learning activities and teaching supporting media for children’s online learning