119 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Regularity in Networks with Stochastically Varying Links

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    In this work we investigate time varying networks with complex dynamics at the nodes. We consider two scenarios of network change in an interval of time: first, we have the case where each link can change with probability pt, i.e. the network changes occur locally and independently at each node. Secondly we consider the case where the entire connectivity matrix changes with probability pt, i.e. the change is global. We show that network changes, occurring both locally and globally, yield an enhanced range of synchronization. When the connections are changed slowly (i.e. pt is low) the nodes display nearly synchronized intervals interrupted by intermittent unsynchronized chaotic bursts. However when the connections are switched quickly (i.e. pt is large), the intermittent behavior quickly settles down to a steady synchronized state. Furthermore we find that the mean time taken to reach synchronization from generic random initial states is significantly reduced when the underlying links change more rapidly. We also analyze the probabilistic dynamics of the system with changing connectivity and the stable synchronized range thus obtained is in broad agreement with those observed numerically.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, Keywords: Complex Networks, Temporal Networks, Synchronization, Coupled Map Lattic

    Sighting of Red-headed Vultures (Sarcogyps calvus) in a group

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    Asian vultures are endangered birds included in Schedule 1 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. From the nine species of vultures found in India, five are reported from the Bundelkhand region in central India. An exhaustive survey was done in the Panna Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, from January to June 2016. Red-headed Vultures (Sarcogyps calvus) are solitary in nature but during the survey we collectively sighted a total of 12 Red-headed Vultures in Panna Tiger Reserve, whilst eight were recorded in the region between Hinauta and Dhudhua Seha in one group. Red-headed Vultures are facing serious threats of habitat loss and lack of food availability along with diclofenac poisoning, and they require various conservation measures to maintain their population


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    Aim: The key motive of this research is to evaluate the frequency of kidney diseases in subjects with type 2 diabetes vs. nondiabetic patients. For the estimation of the similarity between the relation of normoalbuminuria and microalbuminuria with type 2 diabetes and on which point renal diseases different percentage of the patient of type 2 diabetes lies. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 200 cases organized at a tertiary care center in Bihar, India. 100 patients with type 2 diabetes and 100 nondiabetic patients of the same age and gender were included. The study was performed for 24 months, and all the patients were 20-80 years of age. Results: It was evaluated that the incidence of kidney diseases in subjects with diabetes was higher in contrast to non-diabetic subjects. No gender-wise variation was found. The majority of the patients had a period of diabetes between 5 and 10 years. Hypertension was common in both the groups that are type 2 diabetic and nondiabetic. Conclusion: Chronic kidney diseases are highly frequent in diabetic patients. There is a need to deal with hypertension, increased BMI, and weight. Recommendation: An antihypertensive regimen that includes an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) is recommended for Type 2 diabetic patients

    Cor-pulmonale: a rare presentation in a case of middle lobe syndrome

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    Brock’s syndrome or middle lobe syndrome (MLS) is chronic or recurrent collapse of right middle lobe due to causes which may be obstructive or non obstructive. The pathogenesis is not completely understood. An expert committee of the world health organization defined cor pulmonale as hypertrophy of the right ventricle resulting from diseases affecting the function and/or structure of the lungs.” Cor pulmonale is a common heart disease and a leading cause of disability and death. We are reporting this association in a 65y old female who presented to the emergency with acute exacerbation of COPD with SpO2=64% room air. Chest X-ray and HRCT thorax showed features suggesting MLS and ECG shows features suggesting P pulmonale /right atrial enlargement. BNP too was elevated. Patient was resuscitated and put on mechanical ventilation after ABG showed respiratory acidosis. Appropriate treatment with bronchodilators and antibiotics was given

    Communal roosting of Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus in Uttar Pradesh, India

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    The behaviour of birds to settle or rest at a place at specific times of day and night is called roosting. Some birds prefer solitary roosting while others roost communally. The Communal roosting behaviour of Egyptian vulture was studied in five districts (Sambhal, Lakhimpur Kheri, Aligarh, Bareilly and Faizabad) of Uttar Pradesh, India from January 2014- December 2017. Total count was conducted at roosting sites in all the seasons (summer, winter and monsoon). The maximum number of individuals counted at the roost site was in Sambhal followed by Lakhimpur Kheri, Aligarh, Bareilly, Faizabad. Four different roost substrates were identified: Ground, tree, building, and electric pylon. A maximum (63%) of Egyptian vultures were observed roosting on the ground, followed by electric pylon (19%), tree (10%) and minimum on building (8%). The present study confirmed that Egyptian vultures are communal roosters and a number of roosting individuals most probably depended on the availability of food of the area. Egyptian vultures are globally endangered species and so far no work has been done on their roosting behaviour in India; therefore the present study will prove beneficial to plan for their conservation strategies