237 research outputs found

    Issues and Remedies of Sewage Treatment and Disposal in Islamabad, Pakistan

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    Like any under developed country, Pakistan also faces serious issues of urbanization and ribbon growth in its population centers like Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. There is a massive trend of social change where people migrate from rural to urban areas at an alarming pace. Due to paucity of funds, the government could not stop this dangerous trend. As a result, the existing sewers and sewerage  schemes in these cities could not sustain and accommodate additional biological loadings due to shift of population. Eventually there is general problem of treatment and disposal residential sewage and human excreta... It is well known fact that sludge production will continue to increase due to urbanization, mass migration and exponential growth in housing sector. Consequently improper disposal of domestic sewage and human excreta has posed serious problems of health, environment and bio degradation in major urban areas and population centers. This research has been under taken to study the efficiency of traditional sewage management systems and evaluate the possibility of using cutting edge technology of Biofilter  Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs). For this propose, questionnaire was designed and disseminated among industry specific respondents. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed out of which 100 valid responses were received. Thus response count comes to 66.67 percent which is healthy rate for carrying out further research. The major findings include; under capacity of existing sewerage system due to urbanism and growth in housing sector, inadequate supply of funds, in adequate knowledge of STPs and their secondary benefits, and environmental issues arising out of poor sludge management. The authors recommended that if measures like national sanitation policy, awareness campaign on efficiency of STPs, sufficient supply of funds and concessions in import of STPs are adopted, then sewage related problems can easily be addressed in a holistic manner across the country. Keywords: Biological Oxygen Demand, Islamabad, Pakistan, STP

    Investigating the Technology Diffusion Problems in a Multi Culture Environment: A Case of Telecom Sector

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    Technology diffusion is an important aspect that is considered as economically important, while offering particularly large benefits to the organizations (Erik.

    Numerical Investigation Of Heat And Mass Transfer In Porous Medium Fixed With Various Geometries

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    Usaha untuk memahami aliran haba dan jisim dalam bahanantara berliang telah meningkat berlipat ganda penydidikam dalam bahanantara berliang telah mengenalpasti beberapa aspek behantara berliang yang menghasilkan banyak penulisan jurnal. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat banyak ruang yang tidak dapat dijawab berkaitan aliran haba dan jisim dalam bahanantara berliang. Kajian ini telah dejalankan untuk menyiasat pemindahan haba dan jisim dalam bahantara berliang dan meninjau ruang yang masih tidak dapat dijawab. Pelbagai fenomena seperiti pemindahan haba, pemindahan haba dan jisim, kesan disipasi likat, ketidakseimbangan keadaan terma antara fasa cecair dan pepejal bahantara berliang dikaji dengan mangambil kira tiga geometri iaitu bahantara berliang di sepanjang plat menegak, bahantara berliang di dalam ruang dan bahantara berliang dalam silinder menegak. Selian itu, kesan perolakan semulajadi dan sinaran juga diambil kira. The effort to understand the heat and fluid flow behavior inside the porous medium has increased to many folds in the recent few decades. The intensified research in porous medium has generally addressed many aspects of porous medium resulting into enormous number of publications. In spite of the endeavoring effort, there are many gaps left unanswered related to the heat and fluid flow behavior inside the porous medium. The present study is undertaken to investigate the heat and mass transfer in a porous medium and thus explore some of those unanswered areas. The different phenomenon such as, heat transfer, heat and mass transfer, viscous dissipation effect, the thermal non-equilibrium condition between fluid and solid phases of the porous medium are investigated with respect to three basic geometries i.e. porous medium adjacent to a vertical plate, porous medium enclosed in a cavity and porous medium filled in vertical ann~lar cylinder. The combined effect of natural convection and the radiation is investigated in all above mentioned phenomenon

    A novel hybrid deep learning model for human activity recognition based on transitional activities

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    In recent years, a plethora of algorithms have been devised for efficient human activity recognition. Most of these algorithms consider basic human activities and neglect postural transitions because of their subsidiary occurrence and short duration. However, postural transitions assume a significant part in the enforcement of an activity recognition framework and cannot be neglected. This work proposes a hybrid multi-model activity recognition approach that employs basic and transition activities by utilizing multiple deep learning models simultaneously. For final classification, a dynamic decision fusion module is introduced. The experiments are performed on the publicly available datasets. The proposed approach achieved a classification accuracy of 96.11% and 98.38% for the transition and basic activities, respectively. The outcomes show that the proposed method is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and precision